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      • KCI등재

        다석 류영모의 ‘회심’

        박정환(Jung Hwan Park) 한국종교학회 2014 宗敎硏究 Vol.74 No.2

        This article is about Dasuk Ryu Youngmos conversion. Conversion is a crucial religious category for human being called homo religiosus. Dasuk devoted his whole life to the Christian God in his lifetime. But he had a faith experience full of ups and downs and always underwent the transformation. For this reason, this article paid attention to the conversion which happened four times in his life. Especially analyzing Dasuks four times conversion, this study used William James conversion theory as the framework of analysis. According to William James, our consciousness circulates between the center and the surrounding and he regards it as a conversion when the circulation is religious. In this respect the stream of consciousness of Dasuk was examined in the process of each conversion. This article concluded that Dasuk have experienced conversion four times. Accordingly based on such fact I looked through characteristic aspect of each conversion. In the first conversion Dasuk became a Christian for the first time, which was defined and examined as an adolescence conversion. In the second conversion, Dasuk moved from orthodox Christianity to unorthodox Christianity, which was explained from the James perspective. In the third conversion, Dasuk was reborn in the bosom of his God, which was traced thoroughly in his inner side and its process. In the last conversion Dasuk went through a mystery experience, which was applied to the feature of James mystery experience to get a scholarly approach and legitimacy. This article tried to understand Dasuks inner world, his life, and his thought merely. At each stage Dasuk transformed himself fiercely and through the process he seemed to reach the ultimate stage. Conclusively, each conversion was an inevitable process for him to reach the ultimate stage.

      • KCI등재

        The Conversion Narrative of a Teenager in His Cultural Context and Crisis

        류원렬 한국실천신학회 2012 신학과 실천 Vol.0 No.33

        The purpose of this paper is both to fulfill my personal interest in conversion and to explore a part of my identity and the root of the Christian faith of our family. In doing so, the story of a teenager is introduced as an example of conversion, and the teenager is my father who has become a model of the Christian life to the members of our family. Since my father has a unique and special conversion experience, I hope that the story of his conversion will naturally reveal its historical, sociological, and psychological components in the phenomenon of conversion. The paper has a limited concept of conversion. It will basically deal with the Christian conversion, that is, the conversion to Jesus Christ. For the method of the paper, the researcher attempted to follow the method of a sequential stage model of Lewis Rambo. According to Rambo, a stage model is appropriate in that conversion is a process of change over time, generally exhibiting a sequence of processes, although there is sometimes a spiraling effect-a going back and forth between stages. Rambo theorized that religious conversion consists of a process involving seven stages or dimensions such as context, crisis, quest, encounter, interaction, commitment, and consequences. In this paper, the researcher will chiefly focus on the dimensions of context and crisis, which are the significant elements in the conversion narrative of my father. Conversion is always a complicated phenomenon that can be approached in various ways. In order to understand the genuine reason behind conversion, it needs to be seriously considered in light of culture, psychology, history, and the whole context in which a convert is living. It can be a dramatic and radical event. It can be an ongoing process of change in need of lifetime involvement. It is true that the conversion is created totally by the action of God in the case of my father's narrative, but it is also regarded to be created totally by the action of humans in the special cultural context in which a convert lives, thinks, questions, and decides.

      • KCI등재

        법과 자기 검열 치안유지법과 전향소설

        김동환 한국현대문학회 2014 한국현대문학연구 Vol.0 No.43

        This thesis aimed to reveal the influence of conversion system as a direct producing mechanism for conversion novels on the inner form of novel. This article is different from the former articles in that deals with the conversion novels at the point of operational form of legal mechanism instead of focus on the intellectual history of conversion and conversion novels. Former articles about conversion novels claimed that the writers of conversion novels actually converted based on the fact that they were sentenced to probation. But in this article it was not accepted. I made the point that the conversion novels of KAPF writers were not the result of expressing conversion. That writers produced the conversion novels for post-factum expression for conversion. It means that the mechanism of conversion system decided the inner form of conversion novels. 이 논문은 전향소설의 직접적 생산기제였던 전향 제도가 작품의 내적 형식에 어떤 영향을 미쳤는가를 밝혀보는데 일차적인 목표를 두었다. 기존의 논의들이 전향과 전향 문학의 정신사적 측면에 중점을 두고 논의를 진행해 온 것과는 달리 법적 제도의 작동 방식에 초점을 두고자 하였다. 기왕의 논의들에서는 의심할 여지없이 전향소설의 작가들이 전향을 했으며 재판 과정에서 집행유예를 받았다는 사실 자체를 명백한 근거로 보았다. 그러나 이 논의에서는 관련 자료들을 다시 면밀히 검토하는 과정에서 집행유예를 받았다는 사실이 전향의 표명을 의미하는 것은 아니었음을 밝히고자 하였다. 따라서 전향자를 다룬, 카프 소속 문인들의 출옥 후 소설들을 ‘전향을 한 결과’로 나타난 전향 소설로 보는데 동의하지 않게 되었다. 법적 처리 과정 중 어느 단계에서 출옥을 했는가도 전향의 양상을 살피는데 중요한 변수가 된다. 논의의 결과 카프 소속 작가들은 집행유예라는 법적 장치가 요구하는 조건인 ‘전향의 사후 표명’을 위해 소설을 썼으며 그에 따라 일련의 내적 형식들이 나타나게 된 것으로 판단했다.

      • 영어 품사전환의 인지문법적 분석

        민현석(Min Hyun-Suk) 한양대학교 수행인문학연구소 2011 수행인문학 Vol.41 No.1

        Conversion is a well known word-formation process in which new words are created by simply changing the category of an already existing word. However, the study of conversion has been focused on its functional shift. This resulted in overlooking the importance of semantic closeness in word pairs. As a consequence of this, no agreement has been reached, so far, regarding the classification of types of conversion. One noteworthy issue of this classification is whether shifts within a major class (e.g. eggCOUNT → eggNON-COUNT) should be included in conversion or not. Some scholars like Kennedy (1935), Bauer (1983) and Quirk et al. (1985) have analyzed the shifts so-called, “change of secondary word class” as a type of conversion. Unlike this view, Balteiro(2007) argues that these shifts should not be regarded as conversion since there is no word creation and change of the major part of speech. The purpose of this paper is to find explicit criteria for recognition of actual cases of conversion by analyzing the semantic relatedness of word pairs undergoing conversion under the framework of Cognitive Grammar. In this paper, I propose conversion should be viewed as conceptual shift, rather than functional shift in that all types of conversion such as total conversion, partial conversion, and change of secondary word class undergo semantic extension. This analysis enables us to explain the semantic closeness and differences between word pairs by means of the different shifts in profiling within the same image schema base. For example, kick has essentially the same meaning in He kicked the ball and John aimed a kick at the ball. The semantic closeness of such pairs can be recognized in that they share the same image schema profiling the situation of “hitting something with foot”. Furthermore, the difference in the meaning between them can be captured by the different shifts in profiling, i.e. kickV designates a process while kickN is construed as a thing profiling the whole event process. Moreover, such a semantic extension applies to the conceptual shift of count noun to non-count noun. Two uses of the word egg in I had an egg for breakfast and You’ve got some egg on your mouth are referred to as a type of change of secondary word class. The count noun e gg in the first sentence designates a region that is bounded within the scope of predication in its primary domain. After undergoing semantic extension, it is converted to the non-count noun in the latter, which designates a region that is not specifically bounded in its primary domain. Therefore, this unified account provides a clear-cut way of what features count as standard in classification of types of conversion including why change of secondary word class should be included in conversion even though it does not involve a change of the major parr of speech.

      • KCI등재후보

        회심의 경험 ―종교심리학적 조명

        박종석 서울신학대학교 기독교신학연구소 2011 神學과 宣敎 Vol.39 No.-

        Conversion in Christian education is important because it is a base and starting point of education. Because the conversion is considered as a psychological event, this article takes religious psychological approach to conversion. Conversion is not restricted to any particular period. In general, conversion experience is possible in any time of adolescence. Radical conversion is high probability for the relatively low level intellectual, other people were most likely in a gradual conversion. Especially, a lot of people who grew up in the atmosphere of religious freedom, was shown in gradual conversion. Through these facts on the conversion, It is known that conversion and human development are closely related. The gradual conversion in stability and order is more desirable rather than the sudden enthusiastic conversion experience in terms of education for religious maturity. Though conversion and education have different dimensions and can not be parallel in general recognition, both establish contact in terms of dealing transcendent dimension. So Christian Education let the rapid conversion to happen for the radical conversion, conversion must be supported by faith community for gradual conversion. 기독교교육에서 회심은 교육의 출발점이며 바탕이기 때문에 중요하다. 회심은 아무래도 심리적인 사건이라 여겨지는 까닭에 이 논문은 회심에 대해 종교심리학적으로 접근한다. 회심은 어느 특정 시기에 국한되지 않고 일반적으로 청소년기 이후 어느 시기에도 가능한 경험임을 알 수 있었다. 그러나 비교적 지적인 수준이 낮고 감정적인 사람들에게 급격한 회심의 가능성이 높고, 그렇지 않은 사람들은 점진적 회심의 가능성이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 특히 자유로운 종교적 분위기에서 성장한 사람들에게 점진적 회심이 많이 나타남을 알 수 있었다. 이런 사실들을 통해 회심은 인간발달과 밀접한 관계가 있음을 알 수 있다. 교육적인 면에서는 열광적이고 급격한 회심 경험보다는 안정되고 질서 있는 점진적 회심이 종교적 성숙의 관점에서 볼 때 더 바람직하다. 전통적으로 회심과 교육은 차원이 다르고 병행을 할 수 없다는 인식이 있지만, 회심과 기독교교육이 둘 다 초월적인 차원을 다룬다는 면에서 접촉점이 마련된다. 그래서 기독교교육은 급격한 회심에 대해서는 회심이 일어나도록, 점진적 회심에 대해서는 회심을 지원해야 하며 그와 같은 일은 신앙공동체 안에서 일어나야 한다

      • KCI등재

        The Conversion Narrative of a Teenager in His Cultural Context and Crisis

        Lyu, Won-Yuol 한국실천신학회 2012 신학과 실천 Vol.0 No.33

        The purpose of this paper is both to fulfill my personal interest in conversion and to explore a part of my identity and the root of the Christian faith of our family. In doing so, the story of a teenager is introduced as an example of conversion, and the teenager is my father who has become a model of the Christian life to the members of our family. Since my father has a unique and special conversion experience, I hope that the story of his conversion will naturally reveal its historical, sociological, and psychological components in the phenomenon of conversion. The paper has a limited concept of conversion. It will basically deal with the Christian conversion, that is, the conversion to Jesus Christ. For the method of the paper, the researcher attempted to follow the method of a sequential stage model of Lewis Rambo. According to Rambo, a stage model is appropriate in that conversion is a process of change over time, generally exhibiting a sequence of processes, although there is sometimes a spiraling effect-a going back and forth between stages. Rambo theorized that religious conversion consists of a process involving seven stages or dimensions such as context, crisis, quest, encounter, interaction, commitment, and consequences. In this paper, the researcher will chiefly focus on the dimensions of context and crisis, which are the significant elements in the conversion narrative of my father. Conversion is always a complicated phenomenon that can be approached in various ways. In order to understand the genuine reason behind conversion, it needs to be seriously considered in light of culture, psychology, history, and the whole context in which a convert is living. It can be a dramatic and radical event. It can be an ongoing process of change in need of lifetime involvement. It is true that the conversion is created totally by the action of God in the case of my father's narrative, but it is also regarded to be created totally by the action of humans in the special cultural context in which a convert lives, thinks, questions, and decides.

      • KCI등재

        Biblical Paradigms of Christian Conversion: Encounter and Process Conversion

        남성혁 장로회신학대학교 세계선교연구원 2019 선교와 신학 Vol.48 No.-

        The dominant case used in the Christian community to discuss an understanding of conversion is the case of Paul's. Rather than pondering the diversity of conversion appearing in the Bible, the dramatic and immediate Pauline conversion has the greatest influence on Christians' understanding of conversion. The study of conversion in human science can not fully explain Christian conversion in that it is both a mystical event and beyond our understanding. Therefore, this study seeks to explore models of biblical conversion. What scholars have in common is that while conversion is an instantaneous event as in the case of Paul, it was a process for the majority of Jesus' disciples. After all, the conversion should not be explained by only one model, and in the Bible, there is an instant event as well as process conversion. In the meantime, churches have had just no immediate conversion based on the case of Paul's Damascus Road experience, which has had much influence in determining evangelistic and pastoral activities. Richard Peace's study suggests that biblical conversion should be illuminated not only in the case of Paul but rather in the case of the Twelve. Because the Twelve's conversion, as a process, provides a new understanding of the church's evangelical activities. The study finds that actual church evangelism is dominated by an understanding of instantaneous conversion. Furthermore, through the forgotten piece of process conversion, we can build up relationships with the unchurched and the dechurched and remove the misunderstanding of Christian evangelical activities that have been regarded as judgmental and coercive. It also makes people realize that conversion, which used to be regarded as individual realm, extends the community's territory, and which were constrained by activities only for outsiders in the church, is further connected with the church's inner circle for continuing discipleship. In conclusion, the process conversion allows churches to overcome the limitations of their preaching activities with the understanding of the event conversion and helps restore the balance of biblical conversion to contribute to the expansion of the kingdom of God.

      • KCI등재

        전향과 귀향의 변증법: 한설야와 나카노 시게하루(中野重治)의 전향 소설 비교 연구

        정홍섭 한국비교문학회 2010 比較文學 Vol.0 No.50

        The characteristics of Korean conversion novels which involve the 'conversion of non-conversion' as the essential moment can be more obviously revealed in contrast to the Japanese conversion novels, especially the 'genuine' conversion novels which groped for the break of the Japanese situation of conversion. Han Seol-ya and Nakano Sigeharu who represent the Korean and the Japanese left writers show the contrasting method of novel despite the common topic of the problem of patriarchal system demonstrating the difference of the situations of conversion in the two regions. In the scrutiny of the problem of the tenno system which determine not only the modern Japanese politics but also the fundamental character of the total Japanese modern era, Nakano Sigeharu re-approaches the root of the problem by dealing with closely the stories of his father and family and the neighbors of whom he met newly through homecoming. In contrast to this, though Han Seol-ya mobilized the homecoming as an important motive of his conversion novel like Nakano Sigeharu, he does not treat the problem of the patriarchal system elaborately. The characteristic of han Seol-ya's conversion novels in the Korean situation of conversion does not appear as the digging into the patriarchal system but as the consistent maintenance of the socialistic class consciousness.

      • KCI등재후보

        한·중 품사전성 대비 고찰 -영변화 파생어와 겸류현상을 중심으로-

        박흥수,김영희 한국중국언어문화연구회 2009 한중언어문화연구 Vol.- No.20

        In this paper, we investigate conversion words in Korean and Chinese. Conversion words are those that have two or more grammatical functions depending on their context while retaining a related meaning. In Korean, which is an agglutinative language, the majority of words have only one grammatical function and their word class can only be changed by adding particular suffixes. However few words have more than one word class or have different grammatical functions in the different sentences, this small group is called "zero-derived conversion". On the other hand, in Chinese, which is an isolating language, one word often holds two or more classes at the same time and the word class is defined by the word order of a particular sentience. In chapter 2 we address the definition of conversion words and introduce an approach for determining the difference between homophones and conversion words. Conversion words don't change form or pronunciation when they are used as a different word class and their meaning does not change significantly. If the meaning is not related it is a homophone, not a conversion word. In chapter 3 we analyse some examples of conversion words in Korean and Chinese and compare them based on part of speech classifications; noun, verb, adjective and adverb.

      • KCI등재

        회심과 변혁

        백충현(Chung Hyun Baik) 장로회신학대학교 세계선교연구원 2016 선교와 신학 Vol.40 No.-

        회심(conversion)이라는 용어는 라틴어로 콘베르시오(conversio)이며 그리스어로 에피스트로페(ἐπιστροφή)로서 마음을 돌리는 것 또는 마음이 바뀌는 것을 의미한다. 본 논문은 한국에서 회심에 관하여 기존에 발표된 논문들을 모아서 정리하고자 한다. 이를 위하여 본 논문은 기존의 논문들을 연도별로 또는 연구 주제별, 연구 방법별로 분류하고자 한다. 그럼으로써 회심에 관하여 어떻게 이해되고 연구되었는지를 살펴보고자 한다. 특히 한국에서 진행된 회심 연구에서 1998년 이후로 주된 흐름을 형성하는 기존의 심리학적-상담학적 접근의 특징들을 몇 가지로 정리하고자 한다. 더 나아가서 본 논문은 장 칼뱅(John Calvin), 칼 바르트(Karl Barth), 다니엘 밀리오리(Daniel L. Migliore)를 중심으로 회심에 관한 조직신학적인 접근에서의 논의들을 살펴보면서 그 특징들을 정리하고자 한다. 이러한 작업을 통하여 본 논문은 심리학적-상담학적 접근과 조직신학적 접근 사이의 공통점과 차이점을 간략하게 정리할 것이다. 각 접근에서 회심이 변화 또는 변혁을 함의하고 있음과 회심의 범위가 삶에서 다차원적이고 전인격적이며 평생 동안 총체적으로 이루어진다는 점이 공통적이다. 반면에 두 접근은 각각의 연구 초점과 분석 방법에서 차이가 난다. 즉 심리학적-상담학적 연구에서는 회심이 지니는 경험적, 심리적, 의식적, 자기초월적 측면들에 초점을 두면서 회심 주체의 의식과 심리의 변화와 과정에 대한 현상적인 분석에 더 많은 관심을 가진다. 반면에 조직신학적 접근에서는 회심의 방향과 목적에 초점을 두면서, 회심의 궁극적인 주체와 근원적인 기초에 대한 신학적인 분석에 더 많은 관심을 가진다. 마지막으로 본 논문은 이러한 비교분석의 고찰을 통하여 회심에 대한 연구에서 심리학적-상담학적 접근과 조직신학적 접근이 함께 사용된다면 회심에 대한 이해를 더욱 다차원적으로 풍성하게 해 줄 것이며, 회심에서 일어나는 변화 또는 변혁을 더욱 효과적으로 분석하게 해 줄 것이라고 제안하고 기대한다. Conversion which is conversio in Latin and evpistrofh in Greek, refers to “turning or changing mind.” This paper makes an attempt to examine previous studies on conversion in Korea according to their chronological order or their research theme and method. In so doing, this paper inquires into how conversion has been understood and studied. Especially, this paper pays attention to a psychological-pastoral approach, which has been forming a main stream in studying conversion in Korea since 1998, and enumerates its specific characteristics. And then, this paper examines a systematic theological approach, centering on John Calvin, Karl Barth, and Daniel L. Migliore, and enumerates its specific characteristics. These examinations lead to showing some commonalities and differences between a psychological-pastoral approach to conversion and a systematic theological approach to conversion. Both are common in affirming that conversion implies change or transformation and that conversion is multidimensional, whole-personal, and lifelong in its scope. On the other hand, both are different from each other in research focus and method. The former focuses on experiential, psychological, conscious, self-transcendental aspects of conversion, with a method of phenomenal analysis of the psychological change and process of conversion, while the latter focuses on direction and goal of conversion, with a method of theological analysis of the ultimate subject and fundamental basis of conversion. Finally, this paper ends with an expectation that both approaches could contribute to a more multidimensional and multifarious understanding of conversion together and also would facilitate a more effective analysis of change or transformation.

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