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        Design of a Robust Analog-to-Digital Converter Based on Complementary SET/CMOS Hybrid Amplifier

        Choong Hyun Lee,Se Woon Kim,Jang Uk Lee,Seung Hwan Seo,Gu-Cheol Kang,Kang Sup Roh,Kwan Young Kim,Soon Young Lee,Dong Myong Kim,Dae Hwan Kim IEEE 2007 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NANOTECHNOLOGY Vol.6 No.6

        <P>As a solution to the high speed, ultralow power, and extremely compact ADC circuit block, a complementary single-electron transistor (SET)/CMOS hybrid amplifier-based analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is proposed. It is implemented with a physics-based SPICE model including nonideal effects in real Si-based SET<SUB>s</SUB> such as the tunnel barrier lowering effect, parasitic MOSFET<SUB>s</SUB> operation, and the phase shift of Coulomb oscillation by the bias of a gate other than a main control gate. Its core scheme is the combination of both the amplification of SET current by MOSFET<SUB>s</SUB> and the suppression of a Coulomb blockade oscillation valley current by the differential amplification. In addition, the transient operation of SET/CMOS hybrid circuit-based ADC<SUB>s</SUB> fully accounting for nonideal effects of real SET<SUB>s</SUB> is successfully demonstrated for the first time. Compared with the previous SET-based ADC<SUB>s</SUB>, our ADC makes features of the immunity to nonideal effects, large voltage swing of the output signal, and high load drivability.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Influence of Guide Vane Setting in Pump Mode on Performance Characteristics of a Pump-Turbine

        Deyou Li,Hongjie Wang,Torbjørn K. Nielsen,Ruzhi Gong,Xianzhu Wei,Daqing Qin 한국유체기계학회 2017 International journal of fluid machinery and syste Vol.10 No.2

        Performance characteristics in pump mode of pump-turbines are vital for the safe and effective operation of pumped storage power plants. However, the head characteristics are different under different guide vane openings. In this paper, 3-D steady simulations were performed under 13mm, 19mm and 25mm guide vane openings. Three groups of operating points under the three GVOs were chosen based on experimental validation to investigate the influence of guide vane setting on flow patterns upstream and downstream. The results reveal that, the guide vane setting will obviously change the flow pattern downstream, which in turn influences the flow upstream. It shows a strong effect on hydraulic loss (power dissipation) in the guide and stay vanes. It is also found that the hydraulic loss mainly comes from the flow separation and vortices. In addition, in some operating conditions, the change of guide vane opening will change the flow angle at the runner inlet and outlet, which will change the Euler momentum (power input). The joint action of Euler momentum and hydraulic loss results in the change of the head characteristics.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Influence of Guide Vane Setting in Pump Mode on Performance Characteristics of a Pump-Turbine

        Li, Deyou,Wang, Hongjie,Nielsen, Torbjorn K.,Gong, Ruzhi,Wei, Xianzhu,Qin, Daqing Korean Society for Fluid machinery 2017 International journal of fluid machinery and syste Vol.10 No.2

        Performance characteristics in pump mode of pump-turbines are vital for the safe and effective operation of pumped storage power plants. However, the head characteristics are different under different guide vane openings. In this paper, 3-D steady simulations were performed under 13mm, 19mm and 25mm guide vane openings. Three groups of operating points under the three GVOs were chosen based on experimental validation to investigate the influence of guide vane setting on flow patterns upstream and downstream. The results reveal that, the guide vane setting will obviously change the flow pattern downstream, which in turn influences the flow upstream. It shows a strong effect on hydraulic loss (power dissipation) in the guide and stay vanes. It is also found that the hydraulic loss mainly comes from the flow separation and vortices. In addition, in some operating conditions, the change of guide vane opening will change the flow angle at the runner inlet and outlet, which will change the Euler momentum (power input). The joint action of Euler momentum and hydraulic loss results in the change of the head characteristics.

      • KCI등재

        태평양 수역 우리나라 다랑어선망어업의 조업 특성 및 해양환경에 따른 어장 변동

        이미경 ( Mi Kyung Lee ),이성일 ( Sung Il Lee ),이춘우 ( Chun Woo Lee ),김장근 ( Zang Geun Kim ),구정은 ( Jeong Eun Ku ) 한국어업기술학회 2016 수산해양기술연구 Vol.52 No.2

        Fishing characteristics of Korean tuna purse seine fishery in the Pacific Ocean were investigated using logbook data compiled from captain onboard and the statistical data from 1980 to 2014. Changes in fishing ground and correlation between marine environmental factors and fishing patterns were investigated using Oceanographic index. The proportion of unassociated set was higher than that of associated set. The catch proportion of yellowfin was higher in the unassociated set, while that of skipjack and bigeye was higher in the associated set. Due to vessels, fishing gears and Korean captains’ high-level of skills in fishing technology optimized for the unassociated set and preference of large fishes, especially large yellowfin tuna, it showed unique fishing characteristics focusing on the unassociated set. As for fishing distributions of Korean tuna purse seine fishery and impacts of oceanographic conditions on the fishery, the main fishing ground was concentrated on the area of 5°N~10°S, 140°E~180° through the decades. When stronger El-nino occurred, the range of fishing ground tended to expand and main fishing ground moved to the eastern part of western and central Pacific Ocean. During this season, yellowfin tuna had high CPUE and catch proportion of yellowfin tuna in the eastern part also increased. As for the proportion of fishing effort by set type, proportion of log associated set was high during El-nino season while that of FAD associated set was high during La-nina season.

      • KCI등재후보

        Statistical Method of Ranking Candidate Genes for the Biomarker

        Kim, Byung-Soo,Kim, In-Young,Lee, Sun-Ho,Rha, Sun-Young The Korean Statistical Society 2007 Communications for statistical applications and me Vol.14 No.1

        Receive operating characteristic (ROC) approach can be employed to rank candidate genes from a microarray experiment, in particular, for the biomarker development with the purpose of population screening of a cancer. In the cancer microarray experiment based on n patients the researcher often wants to compare the tumor tissue with the normal tissue within the same individual using a common reference RNA. Ideally, this experiment produces n pairs of microarray data. However, it is often the case that there are missing values either in the normal or tumor tissue data. Practically, we have $n_1$ pairs of complete observations, $n_2$ "normal only" and $n_3$ "tumor only" data for the microarray. We refer to this data set as a mixed data set. We develop a ROC approach on the mixed data set to rank candidate genes for the biomarker development for the colorectal cancer screening. It turns out that the correlation between two ranks in terms of ROC and t statistics based on the top 50 genes of ROC rank is less than 0.6. This result indicates that employing a right approach of ranking candidate genes for the biomarker development is important for the allocation of resources.

      • 영특성을 갖는 흐름

        구기식 대전대학교 기초과학연구소 2013 自然科學 Vol.24 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to study zero characteristic properties in dynamical system theory. Here, we investigate the equivalent conditions that a real flow is to have positive zero characteristic concept. Also we show that a point has positive zero characteristic concept if and only if its positive limit set is equal to its positive prolongational limit set.

      • KCI등재


        최동일(Cui Dongri)(崔东,日),오동호(Wu Donggao)(吴,,,) 원광대학교 법학연구소 2018 圓光法學 Vol.34 No.1

        중국은 지역이 넓고 인구가 많으며 여러 민족이 공존하는 복잡한 상황을 가진 국가인만큼 중앙과 지방과의 관계는 국가통치에 있어서 매우 중요한 과제의 하나로 주장되고 있다. 중국은 체계적이고 권위성과 효률성을 강조한 중앙정권을 수립하였을 뿐만아니라 종류가 다양한 다수량의 일반적인 지방정권을 설치하고 있다. 특히 소수민족의 다양한 정치적인 욕구를 해소하기 위해 民族區域自治라는 특수한 지방정권모델을 확립하고 있다. 그럼 현단계에 있어서의 중국 중앙정권과 지방정권간의 관계는 어떠한가? 지방정권은 어떠한 방식으로 설립되였는가? 총체적인 지방정권 설치구도에서 볼 경우 민족자치지방은 어떠한 포지션에 처해있는가? 본 논문은 이러한 문제점에 초점을 두고 헌법학적 시각에서 중국의 지방제도의 현황을 검토하였다. 논문은 중국헌법과 민족구역자치법의 관련 조문에 대한 분석과 최근의 지방제도에 관한 분석자료를 토대로 다음과 같은 관점을 제기하였다. 첫째, 큰 틀에서 볼 경우 중앙과 지방간의 관계에 있어서 중앙정권은 최고의 권위를 가지고 있으며 지방정권은 중앙정권에 지시에 복종하여야 한다. 그러나 구체적인 제도적 측면에서 볼 경우 양자간의 관계는 단순히 명령-복종관계에 그치지 않는다. 지방정권은 人民代表大會를 중심으로 자아운행이 가능한 상대적으로 독립된 정권체계를 형성하고 있으면(이른바 一府兩院체제) 뚜렷한 지방적특색을 나타내고 있다. 다시말하면 비록 지방정부, 지방법원과 지방검찰원은 중앙의 지도와 감독을 받고 있으나 제도상 지방화의 경향을 가지고 있으며 특히 경제발전을 둘러싸고 지방간의 경쟁이 날로 치렬해 지고 있는 오늘 날, 각 지방은 명확한 지방이익을 형성하고 있고 지방정권은 실제상 지방이익의 대변인, 보호자 역할을 하고 있다. 이러한 시각에서 볼 경우 지방정권의 상대적 독립지위는 날로 강화되고 있다고 볼 수 있다. 둘째, 중국은 “점차적 층별 구분방법” “layer upon layer division method”을 통하여 전반 국토를 복합적인 다단계 등급의 지역으로 구분하고 있다. 즉 먼저 전반 국토를 31개의 省級 지방으로 구분하고 그 다음으로 매개 省級지방을 약 10개의 市級지방으로 다시 분할하고 있다 (현재 총 334개의 市級지방정권이 존재하고 있다). 그리고 매개의 市級지방을 또다시 약 10개의 縣級지방으로 재분할하고 있다(현재 총 2854개의 縣級지방정권이 존재하고 있다). 이러한 층별 구분방법을 통하여 확립된 각 지방은 비록 그 직계상급지방정권의 지도를 받고 있지만人民代表大會를 중심으로 각자의 정부, 법원과 검찰원을 갖춘 상대적으로 독립적인 정권체제를 확립하고 있는바 단순한 종속관계를 초월한 복합적인 지방정권체제를 유지하고 있다고 볼 수 있다. 이러한 지방구도에서 볼 경우, 민족자치지방은 비록 “민족”라벨을 붙이고 있으나 역시 상술한 지방구분방법에 의해 구분된 일반지방정권의 한개 종류에 불과하다. (예컨대 연변조선족자치주는 市級지방정권의 하나이다.) 다시말하면 구조상 민족자치지방은 상응 등급의 다른 지방정권과 구별화되여 있지 않고 민족적인 특색보다도 지역적인 특징이 강화되여 있다. 셋째, 민족자치지방과 상응 등급의 일반지방정권과의 주요한 구별은 “자치권을 행사하는냐 행사하지 않느냐”에 있는 것이 아니라 정권구성과 그 운행과정에 있어서의 “민족적 특색”에 있다. 이는 人事배치상의 민족성(民族區域自治法 제16조 제3항과 제 17조1항의 규정에 의하면 민족자치지방의 인민대표대회 상무위원회의 주임 또는 부주임 그리고 그 행정장관은 구역자치를 실시하는 민족이여야한다), 민족언어의 공용어위치(民族區域自治法 제21조의 규정에 의하면 자치기관은 직무집행에 있어서 본 민족언어문자를 사용할 수 있다), 입법내용상의 민족특성의 반영(民族區域自治法 제19조의 규정에 의하면 민족자치지방은 당지 실제정황에 근거하여 자치조례와 단행조례를 제정할 수 있다), 업무집행상의 민족특성의 반영(民族區域自治法 제20조의 규정에 의하면 민족자치지방은 상급국가기관의 명령, 지시가 본지방의 실제와 맞지않다고 판단할 경우 변통하여 집행할 수 있다) 등에 나타난다. Through the “layer upon layer division method”, the national land was divided layer upon layer division, formed the different levels of region or territory, thus China established the local authority with a complex and subordinate relations but at the same time with a relative independence. Although the ethnic autonomous areas are labeled “ethnic”, they still belong to the general local regime. In fact, their regional color is heavier than the national color. The main differences between national autonomous areas and corresponding levels of general local regimes are embodied in the “national characteristics” of the regime composition and operation process. 从中央与地方的关系而言,总体上,中央政权具有最高的权威,地方政权必须服从于中央政权。但从具体制度来看,两者之间的关系并非绝对的命令服从关系。我国通过“层层划分法”,把全国的国土层层划分,形成了不同级别的地区或疆域,从而也建立了复杂的、层层之间具有隶属关系但同时具有相对独立性的地方政权。民族自治地方虽然贴有“民族”标签,但仍属于一般地方政权的划分模式当中,实际上,其地域色彩重于民族色彩。民族自治地方与相应级别的一般地方政权的主要区别体现在,其政权组成及运行过程中的“民族特性”。

      • KCI등재


        崔东日,吴东镐 원광대학교 법학연구소 2018 圓光法學 Vol.34 No.1

        Through the "layer upon layer division method", the national land was divided layer upon layer division, formed the different levels of region or territory, thus China established the local authority with a complex and subordinate relations but at the same time with a relative independence. Although the ethnic autonomous areas are labeled "ethnic", they still belong to the general local regime. In fact, their regional color is heavier than the national color. The main differences between national autonomous areas and corresponding levels of general local regimes are embodied in the "national characteristics" of the regime composition and operation process.


        ‘부유’ 감나무의 수령에 따른 수체 생장과 수량 변화

        최성태(Seong-Tae Choi),최재혁(Jae-Hyeok Choi),조용조(Yong-Cho Cho),신현열(Hyun-Yul Shin),강성모(Seong-Mo Kang) 한국원예학회 2009 원예과학기술지 Vol.27 No.3

        This study was conducted to analyze tree growth and yield of ‘Fuyu’ persimmon of various age groups to set-up a plan for managing trees on a long-term basis. Tree growth, fruit characteristics and the yield of three- to 81-year-old trees were investigated from 49 orchards in Gyeongnam Province during 2007. As the trees were becoming older, trunk cross-sectional area linearly increased, while the increase in tree height was curvilinear after 15 years. Average length of terminal shoots and leaf area gradually decreased after 37 and 44 years, respectively. Fruits tended to become smaller from around 40 years of age, and the fruits of extra-large grade were few in those trees older than 60 years. However, fruit soluble solids did not differ significantly depending on tree ages. Number of fruits and yield per tree increased with increasing tree age, the yield of 80-year-old trees being 2-fold more than that of 30-year-old trees. On the other hand, the yield per unit area of land gradually increased until around 50 years of age, and then tended to decrease from around 60 years due to the reduction of tree density. Regression analysis showed the greatest yield per hectare was in 54-year-old trees and 80% of that yield was maintained to 81 years of age.

      • KCI등재

        사석방파제 투수하부층 두께에 따른 사면상의 수리특성 실험연구

        윤한삼(HAN-SAM YOON),김종욱(JONG-WOOK KIM),류청로(CHEONG-RO RYU) 한국해양공학회 2002 韓國海洋工學會誌 Vol.16 No.3

        In this study, the effects on hydraulic characteristics are discussed as the permeable underlayer thickness of the rubble mound structure changes. A series of hydraulic experiments were performed and wave run-up, reflection and set-up were investigated. Results indicated that wave run-down was affected by the water out from the permeable underlayer during down-rush. As the thickness increased, relative wave run-up decreased.

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