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      • KCI등재

        고려시대 유학 교육과 여말선초 학맥의 형성

        河政承 ( Ha Jung-seung ) 동방한문학회 2020 東方漢文學 Vol.0 No.82

        우리나라는 이미 삼국시대부터 중국에서 儒學과 漢文이 수입되어 학문과 문학이 발달하였다. 고려조에 들어와서는 과거제의 시행과 학교 교육의 발달, 학자 간 교유와 서적의 수입 등 宋나라와의 활발한 교류 등으로 학문과 문학은 더욱 꽃을 피워 수많은 학자와 문인을 배출하게 되었다. 이 시대의 학문은 주로 孔孟을 근간으로 하는 儒學이 주류를 이루었고, 고려후기에 이르면 元나라로부터 性理學이 수입되었다. 본고의 제 2장에서는 고려전기부터 고려후기에 이르기까지 유학 교육의 현황과 실제를, 각 시대를 대표하는 학자들과 그들이 교육한 서적을 중심으로 살펴보았다. 예컨대 崔沖→琴儀→安珦→白頤正→權溥·禹倬·李瑱·閔漬 등이 그들이다. 이들을 통해 고려시대 교육은 활발하게 이루어졌고, 더불어 유학은 꽃을 피워 當代 최신의 학문인 성리학까지 수입되었으며 급기야 조선은 ‘성리학의 나라’로 개국하게 되어 16세기 퇴계·율곡에까지 이르게 된 것이다. 제 3장에서는 여말선초 학맥과 집단지성의 형성에 초점을 맞추어 ‘학맥’, 또는 ‘집단지성’이라 일컬을 수 있는 학술 현황에 대해서 살펴보았다. 14세기 전반기 학계의 중심인물은 이제현이었다. 그는 李瑱의 아들이자 權溥의 사위이며 학통으로는 백이정과 권보를 계승하였다. 이제현의 수제자는 목은 이색이다. 이색은 성균관 대사성을 지내며 국학을 진흥 보급시킨 공로가 크고, 총 5차례에 걸쳐 과거를 主試하여 무려 132명이나 되는 과거급제자를 배출하였다. 목은의 학문은 조선조에 이르러 크게 두 갈래로 이어지는데, 하나는 포은 정몽주를 거쳐 야은 길재와 김숙자 등 조선조 성리학자들에게 계승되며 다른 하나는 양촌 권근을 거쳐 유방선·서거정·성간 등으로 이어진다. 여말선초의 학맥은 단순히 학문의 분야로 끝나는 것이 아니라 정치사·문학사와도 밀접하게 관련되어 있어 매우 중요한 의미를 갖는다. 특히 목은과 같은 특정 인물을 중심으로 소위 ‘牧隱系 士人’이라 불리는 집단지성이 형성됨으로 인하여 갓 도입된 성리학 연구에도 중요한 일익을 담당하였고, 문학적으로는 같은 학맥·동인들끼리의 교유를 통해 ‘耆老會’ 등과 같은 일종의 ‘詩會’가 형성되어 결과적으로 문학사 발전에 큰 공헌을 하게 되었다. 또한 이같은 현상은 조선초의 학계와 문단에도 그대로 이어져 소위 말하는 ‘학파’의 형성과 ‘문풍’의 전개에 영향을 주게 되었고, 보다 거시적 관점에서 보면 조선시대 학술사·문학사의 端初가 되었다고 할 수 있겠다. Since the Three Kingdoms period, Confucianism and Chinese literature have been imported from China and the study and literature have developed. In the Koryo Dynasty, academic and literary works have been more flowering due to the implementation of the civil service examination , the development of school education, and active exchanges with the Song Dynasty. The study of of the times was mainly based on Confucius and Mencius, and Confucianism was imported from the Yuan Dynasty by the late Koryo Dynasty. In the second chapter of this study, the current status of Confucianism education and the process of changes in the scholarly lineage from the early Koryo period to the late Koryo period were examined focusing on scholars representing each era and books they educated. For example, they are Choi Chung(崔沖) → Geum Ui(琴儀) → An Hyang(安珦) → Baek Leejung(白頤正)→ Kwon Bu(權溥), Woo Tak(禹倬), Lee Jin(李瑱), Minji(閔漬). The education of the Koryo Dynasty was actively carried out by them, and Confucian Studies reached its peak. As a result, the Neo-Confucianism, the latest study of the Tang Dynasty was imported and Chosun was opened as the ‘country of Neo-Confucianism’ and Toegye and Yulgok have brought up the highest level of Chosun Confucianism in the 16th century. In chapter 3, the current status of education, the trend of literature, writers, and textbooks, which were popular at that time, were examined focusing on how the academic and literary classes of the late Koryo period and the early Chosun Dynasty were conducted, and the current status of academics that can be called scholarly lineage or collective intelligence was examined. The scholarly lineage of the early days of the late Koryo and early Chosun Dynasty is not merely a field of study, but it is closely related to political history and literature history. Especially, because of the formation of collective intelligence around specific characters, it played an important role in the study of newly introduced Confucianism. In literary aspect, a kind of ‘Sihoe(詩會)’ was formed through the communication in the same scholarly lineage, which resulted in a great contribution to the development of literary history. In addition, this phenomenon continued to the academic world and paragraphs of the early Chosun Dynasty, and it influenced the formation of so-called ‘schools’ and the development of ‘Moon-pung’. From a macro perspective, it could be said that it became the beginning of academic history and literature history in the Chosun Dynasty.

      • KCI등재후보

        천명론(天命論)의 등장과 도문일치(道文一致)의 문학 사상

        김성룡 ( Kim Seong-ryong ) 한국고전문학교육학회 2006 고전문학과 교육 Vol.12 No.-

        In this article I investigate the major theme of literary thoughts through the late Koryo dynasty to the early Yi dynasty. Destiny is the major theme from person to the state. At first glance, as there were too many of accidents during those days so the theory of destiny must flourished. But the theory of destiny, especially the theory of Heaven's command is the character of Far Eastern Asian thought. It was generated from the late Chin dynasty. But what I'm concerned about in this article is the correlative anthropocosmology which this theory is based. There were many of intellectuals who devoted his life to investigating this theme. At some sense this theme is the major theme through the Medieval Age of Far East Asia. From the early Confucians to the neo-Confucians most of them investigate the norm and the meaning of this theme. In Korea in the middle of Koryo dynasty the thought of this theme became profound religious thought. Many of Koryo and Yi neo-Confucians investigate this theme. Through the ruin and the foundation of a state the confucians need the prime mover of human history. And they thought that the literature would in some sense the symbols of this prime mover. First of all the intellectuals must realize the symbols of Heaven's sign according to the political affairs. There must many of signs from sky to the earth. So the intellectuals must be able to read the signs. Second the intellectuals must express the Heaven's will through the literary works. They might decorate the heaven's will or might issue the heaven's warning to the king. These two ways were related together. And these were also the literary intellectuals works. So theory of destiny, especially the theory of Heaven's command became the cosmology of neo- Confucians and also the literary thought. In this point this is the characteristics of the theory of destiny and the special period of the late Koryo and the early Chosun dynasty.

      • KCI우수등재

        高麗末 朝鮮初 多包建築 공포의 結構 特性에 관한 硏究 : 공포와 보의 結構를 中心으로

        李演魯,朱南哲 대한건축학회 2003 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.19 No.8

        This study mainly deals with what the constructive traits of Dapo(多包:a type of buildings which have intercolumnar wooden brackets) building's Kongpoes(공포:wooden bracket) are from late Koryo(高麗) to early Chosun(朝鮮) dynasty. Comparing to the building of other periods, the methods, constructing Kongpoes(공포) makes too many diverse aspects. The numbers of Chulmok(出目) are same between inner and outer part. The heads of beams(보머리) were extruded from Kongpo, and these were shaped typical figure, Sambundu(三分頭; beam head shaped triple cut). The beams were constructed by Chumchaes(첨차; wooden bracket arm) in inner and outer part of Chulmoks. All the Jangyeoes(장여; a timber which supports pullin) and Gabanjangyeoes(가반장여; a Jangyeo didn't support pullin but constructed in the regardless of location. Others didn't, height made by inner part of Chulmok was higher than outer. As for the use of Dori(道里;pullin), they didn't use Jusimdori(柱心道里:pullin located on the column line) but Nemokdori(內目道里;pullin located on the inner part of column line). Sungbulsa(成佛寺) Ungjinjun(鷹眞殿) and Simwonsa(心源寺) Bokwaghun(普光殿) especially used Ungongs(雲工) which support Oimokdori(外目道里:pullin located on the outer part of column line) on the head of beam. And, Sukwangsa(釋王寺) Ungjinjun(鷹眞殿), Seoul Sungryemun(崇禮門), and Bongjungsa(鳳停寺) Daewungjun(大雄殿) didn't use Umgomg in the Juganpo(柱間包: wooden bracket located on the intercolumnar part). That looks like trait of this period.

      • KCI등재

        고려 말 조선 초 건축가 金師幸조명

        김버들(Kim, Bue-Dyel),조정식(Cho, Jeong-Sik) 대한건축학회 2014 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.30 No.11

        This study is on the Architect Kim Sa-haeng. But he was generally known as only an eunuch. The result is as concerned. 1st, a lot of construction workss were needed to consult new capital in the late Koryo to early Chosun dynasty. At that time, Kim sa-haeng took the lead in most of the construction work. 2nd, He was an an eunuch who had worked for Yuan Dynasty. Based on his experience, He created a new type of architecture following an old practice, like royal tomb of the Gongminwang. He also organized the 1st Royal Tomb of Chosun dynasty and his architect became a model of Royal Tomb. 3rd, He built Buddhist temple like Jinkwansa Suryuksa and supervised Buddhist ritual in Geunjeongjeon hall. This means that he was anle to design architectures consdering the ritual and culture. Namely, he was distinguished in many different fields. 4th, He was an officer overcame the limitation on status of eunuch. Besides, he won his spurs. Although he was affected by Buddhism, he built a Confucian shrine. And he completed Palace plan, according to behavioral pattern of royal family, servant and vassal. 5th, we’ve read in documentaries he built an architectural monstrosity with grand sized and spectacular ornament. It means that he created a new type of architecture never seen before.

      • 일반논문 : 고려말,조선전기 하동지역 왜구 방어체계 고찰

        홍성우 ( Sung Woo Hong ),강영수 ( Young Su Kang ) 경남대학교 가라문화연구소 2012 加羅文化 Vol.24 No.-

        고려말~조선전기는 왜구(倭寇)의 침입이 극심한 시기였다. 이를 방어하고자 조선 개국 이후 읍성·산성·봉수 등을 축성(築城)하였다. 이러한 방어체계를 갖추면서 어떠한 방법으로 방어 했는지를 하동지역으로 한정하여 왜구의 침입루트 및 방어체계에 대하여 고찰해보았다. 먼저 침입루트를 해안-섬진강 루트와 해안-육지 루트로 나눈 뒤, 침입 루트상에 설치된 방어시설인 읍성·산성·봉수대의 현황에 대해 살펴보았다. 문헌검토를 통해 하동지역은 다른지역에 비해 왜구의 침입 횟수가 적었고, 규모도 작았을 것으로 추정하였으며 침구(侵寇)시기는 겨울과 봄에 집중되었음을 알 수 있었다. 이러한 침입 루트와 방어시설을 살펴본 결과 지형 및 주변 유적을 통해 왜구 침입시 4단계의 방어선을 설정해 보았다. 하동지역 방어선 설정과정에서 하동지역의 방어상 몇 가지 특징을 살필 수 있었다. 첫째, 방어시설의 배치관계이다. 하동읍성을 중심으로 5km 내에 대부분의 방어시설이 존재한다는 것이다. 둘째, 하동읍성의 견고성을 뽑을 수 있다. 셋째, 산성의 규모를 보아 둘레가 1000m를 넘지 않는다. 이는 왜구가 침입시 소규모로 침입한 경우를 대비해 쌓았을 것으로 판단된다. 넷째, 산성과 봉수와의 배치관계를 보면, 봉수대는 대부분 산성 내에 위치하거나 산성 주변에 위치하는 것을 알 수 있다. 다섯째, 봉수대 배치 구도의 중요성이다. 각 방어선 마다 배치된 봉수대가 삼각형 구도를 갖추어 남해안으로 출몰하는 왜구를 효과적으로 감시할 수 있었음을 알 수 있다. The late Koryo through the early Chosun Dynasty was the period during which Japanese invasion was at peak. To defense the Japanese pirates, town walls, mountain fortress walls and beacons has been built since the foundation of Chosun Dynasty. This study attempted to know how ho these defense systems were used against the Japanese attack, the invasion routes of Japanese pirate and the defense system of the Dynasty, focusing on Hadong area. First of all, this study segmented the invasion routes into the seashore to Sumjin River and the seashore to the shore and then examined the current status of the defense systems (town walls, mountain fortress walls and beacons) built in each route. Through the investigation, this research could reach the assumption that Hadong area was less offended by the Japanese pirate than any other areas and the scale of the Japanese attack was not significant. In addition, it was thought that the periods of the attack were concentrated in winter and spring. As the result of looking into the invasion routes and the defense system through the related topographies and confirmed remains, we could picture the defense lines against the attack. Some characteristics of the defense system in Hadong area were found in the process of setting the lines. First, the arrangements of the defense system are located within 5 km from Hadong town walls. Second, the town walls are firm. Third, judging from the shape of the mountain fortress walls, they are shorter than 1000 meter in circumference. This short circumference allows thinking that they were built against small scale of offense. Fourth, the arrangement of the mountain fortress and beacons guides us to picture that most of beacons were positioned inside the fortress or around it. Fifth, the spatial composition of the beaconshas importance. The beacons, which were built on each defense line, were planned in a triangular composition. It was the effective lineup in defending the Japanese pirate landing on the southern coast.

      • KCI등재

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