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        마한 사회의 印綬衣幘 전통과 백제의 金銅冠帽 사여

        배재훈 호남사학회 2010 역사학연구 Vol.38 No.-

        This paper attempts to investigate Gilt-bronze Crown, which were evacuated in the ancient tombs in the territory of Mahan, which is the southern part of the Korea peninsula. Study is conducted in the continuation of tradition of the seal with a sash attached, and official hat and robe, offered by Hangunhyeon to the landed power that still had the influence after Han dynasty in China. Wei(魏) which made an inroad into the Korean Peninsula through two counties called Lo-lang(Korean: Nangnang) and Tai-fang (Korean: Taebang) in the third century, and offered the seal with a sash attached, and official hat and robe, Eupgun(邑君) or Eupjang(邑長) to the influential people of Han dynasty in order to rule Han(韓) society including the head district called Shinji. It was the realization of Sinocentric policy based on local autonomy toward other races or foreign nations. After the collapse of Hangunhyeon, Goguryeo and Baekje considered themselves as the successor of Nangnang and Taebang respectively. Goguryeo set East Okjeo in the phase of 『Records of Three Kingdoms (三國志)』 and Silla in the late 4th century as subject nations. In addition, Goguryeo set Baekje as a subject nation in the reign of King Gwanggaeto the Great temporarily. According to 「The Erection of Koguryeo Monument in Jungwon(中原高句麗碑)」, Goguryeo bestowed the king of Silla and his people official hat and robe. It was a reemergence of the Han dynasty's policy based on local autonomy toward neighboring nations. Meanwhile, Baekje developed rapidly among nations of Mahan, and represented the same position as Taebang of Hangunhyeon in the fourth century and fifth century. Just as Taebang performed its role in the policy based on local autonomy toward foreign nations, Baekje desired to embody the position of Taebang by putting up its national power. It is reckoned that Baekje might have claimed the suzerainty toward foreign society. Official hat and robes, and other golden official-hats, tomb, and decorated funeral shoes have been discovered in some areas of Mahan and Gaya. The using period of Gilt-bronze Crown, discovered in areas of Mahan is estimated to be the mid 4th century and the late 5th century. This period belonged to the period, ranging from king Geunchogo to king Gero who was the last king of the Hansung period. However, Gilt-bronze Crown were only used to control landed power, located in the adjoining areas in immediate governance of Baekje. It demonstrates that the control of Baekje on Mahan society was just nominal. Along with the end of Hansung Baekje, bestowing of Gilt-bronze Crown were discontinued in 475. Golden clowns were only bestowed over the period of about 100 year temporarily. As a substitute of Gilt-bronze Crown, Silver crown ornament was used after the mid 6th century. It is the different form of official hat and robe, and means the inclusion of all local powers into the domination of Baekje's centralized system. It also coincides with the time of the transfer of the Baekje Capital to Sabi, by King Seong in 538. 본 논문은 한반도 남부의 마한계 고분에서 발굴된 금동관모를 漢郡縣의 독립적인 재지세력에 대한 인수의책 사여 전통의 연장선상에서 검토하려는 시도이다. 3세기 樂浪과 帶方의 두 군을 통해 한반도에 진출하였던 魏는 韓 사회의 유력자에 대한 통제책으로 邑君·邑長 등을 의미하는 인수와 의책을 사여하여 韓 사회의 臣智 등을 통제하였다. 이는 漢 이래로 지속된 타민족인 外夷에 대한 中華主義적 羈縻政策이었다. 백제는 한군현의 몰락 이후 대방의 후신을 자임하였다. 대방은 한과 왜를 기미지배하는 역할을 수행한 군현이었다. 백제가 이의 후신을 자처한 것은 대방의 한 및 왜 사회에 대한 종주권을 주장하기 위한 것이다. 이때에 사여된 의책으로 여겨지는 것이 바로 백제계의 금동제 관모 및 관식, 식리 등이다. 이들 금동관모의 사용 시기는 4세기 중반에서 5세기 후반이다. 하지만 금동관모는 백제의 직속 지배 영역과 접하는 지역에 위치한 재지세력에 대한 통제의 차원에서만 사용된 듯하다. 금동관모는 백제-마한 영역의 전체가 아닌 두 세력이 접하는 지역을 중심으로 시기와 위치를 달리하여 발견되기 때문이다. 475년 한성백제의 종언과 함께 금동관모의 사여는 중단되었다. 그리고 6세기 중반 이후 銀製花形冠飾이 이를 대체하여 사용되었다. 이는 해당 지역이 백제의 중앙집권적인 지배체제 안에 포섭되었음을 의미한다. 반면, 나주 지역에서는 재지세력의 지속적인 지배의 추이를 가늠할 수 있는 고분들이 존재한다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한사군은 어떻게 갈석에서 대동강까지 왔나? - 한사군인식2 -

        복기대 ( Bok Gi-dae ) 국제뇌교육종합대학원 국학연구원 2018 선도문화 Vol.25 No.-

        The primary hotspot in ancient history research of Northeastern Asian academia is the location of Lelang Commandery. This is due to the differentiation in historic interpretation depending on the location of it. It is very natural to see heated discussions about this problem. After many analysis on literatures and documents related to four commanderies of Han from its birth to modern era, author have earned the following results. If we organize the problems related to four commanderies of Han based on artifacts, we can find out that at its power widening by growth of Chinese region powers from its previous location in Hebei Sheng of northeast China. Especially on relocation of Paesu, we could also see the change in location of four commanderies of Han. Current Luán he was ancient Paesu, and on time of Northern Wei, the river name Paesu disappeared. By 6 century, a geographer named Li Daoyuan heard that Pyeongyangseong of Goguryeo was north of Paesu and shifted Lelanggun to current China Liáoníng Sheng Liaoyang region, and this is when the equal state of Lelanggun and Pyeongyang was set, and afterwards, the region name of Pyeongyang in Korean Peninsula became commonly known to people, and this is why Lelanggun moved here as well. This difference started from original location of four commanderies of Han, following the names of rivers and regions, all the way down to current Pyeongyang of Korean Peninsula. No records of four commanderies of Han in Korean Peninsula in the book of 『Samguksagi』 proves it. So saying that four commanderies of Han being in Korean Peninsula starts after 14th century. There are plenty of artifacts telling these process of change, but the history academia did not take close observation on them. There must have been other calls than this simple insistence of four commanderies of Han being in Pyeongyang of Korean Peninsula. However, these various opinions were standardized into Korean Peninsula on 1920s, and is continued until today. Therefore, more elaborate research will have to be done by history academia to put four commanderies of Han in its original location and to study ancient history of Korea.

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