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      • KCI등재

        영선동식토기문화의 성립과 전개과정

        송은숙(Song Eun Sook) 한국신석기학회 2012 한국신석기연구 Vol.- No.24

        본고는 남해안지역이 융기문토기문화가 영선동식토기문화로 전환되는 과정과 영선동식토기문화가 전개되는 과정에 대해 밝히고자 작성된 것이다. 이를 위해 그동안 관심을 덜 가졌던 유적의 분포범위, 입지, 토기에 있어 새로운 기종의 출현 등을 통한 생계활동의 변화를 분석하여 토기문화의 변화 배경에 어떠한 기제가 작용하였는가를 설명하고자 하였다. 영선동식토기는 크게 자돌·압인문과 세침선문이라는 두 가지 계통의 문양이 있는데 그중 자돌·압인문은 앞선 단계의 융기문과는 다른 새로운 토기문양으로 발형토기와 유경호에, 세침선문은 융기문의 주된 문양이었던 격자문과 집선문, 거치문의 계보를 잇는 문양으로 심발형토기에 시문되었다. 새로운 문양인 자돌압인문의 등장에는 굴을 주요 생계자원으로 삼았던 보이스만 계통의 신석기문화의 영향이 컸다. 일찍이 환동해지역을 따라 다양한 어로집단들이 존재했었고 동해안을 따라 집단들의 이동과 교류가 있어왔는데 그중 굴을 생계자원으로 삼는 집단이 남해안으로 들어오게 되면서 도토리 등 견과류의 채집과 어로에 집중하는 생계방식을 가지고 있었던 융기토기인들에게 영향을 주었고 이후 융기문토기인들은 어로와 굴 채취에 집중하는 생계방식을 택하게 되면서 영선동식토기문화가 성립하였다. 남해안지역에는 융기문토기 이후 동해안을 따라 보이스만계통의 문화를 통해 굴이라는 생계자원을 이용할 수 있는 기술과 보다 향상된 항해술이, 빗살무늬토기문화를 통해 조 재배와 효율적인 제분을 할 수 있는 기술을 가진 문화가 들어와 토착문화와 결합하여 남해안만의 독특한 토기문화가 형성되었다. 이는 새로운 문화의 유입으로 인해 남해안의 토착문화가 사라지는 것이 아니라 새로운 문화형성에 일정 역할을 했기 때문이다. 남해안의 토기문화 전화과정은 외부적인 요인에 의해 촉발되었지만 결국 남해안의 토착문화가 새로운 생계기술을 적극적으로 수용하여 성공적으로 적응한 다음, 확산하는 방식으로 이루어졌다고 할 수 있다. The purpose of this article is to examine the transition of the Yunggimun-pottery culture to the Yeongseondong-style-pottery culture and the subsequent development of the Yeongseondong-style-pottery culture. This study investigates the changes in subsistence activities through analyse of geographical ranges of the sites, site location and new potte1y styles, and discusses them in relation to the changes in pottery tradition. The Yeongseondong-style pottery reflects two different decoration traditions: the pierced/impressed motif and the finely-incised motif. The pierced/impressed motif was decorated on bowls and necked jars, and was different from the decoration of the Yunggimun pottery that preceded it. The finely-incised motif was closely related with the Yunggimun pottery and was decorated on deep bowls. The appearance of the pierced/impressed motif was influenced by the Boisman Neolithic culture, in which oyster collecting was a major subsistence activity. The Pan-East Sea region hosted many fisher-forager groups in prehistory and these groups interacted with each other along the eastern coast of the Korean peninsula. The people of the Yunggimun-pottery culture, which mainly relied on acorn collecting and fishing, was influenced by the migration of the oystercollecting people into the southern coast. The Yunggimun-pottery culture then adopted a new subsistence economy of fishing and oyster collecting, and gave birth to the Yeongseondong-style-pottery culture. In the southern coast of the Korean peninsula, the tradition of the Yunggimunpottery culture blended with the Boisman Neolithic culture, which relied on oyster and had an advanced navigation skill, and with the comb-patterned-pottery culture, which relied on millet cultivation and was equipped with grinding technology. The interaction with these cultures gave rise to the two unique cultures in the southern coast: the Yeongseondong-style-pottery culture and the deep-co~patterned-pottery culture, respectively. In this sense, the transition in the Neolithic culture on the southern coast was initially triggered by external influences. However, the traditional culture of the region successfully adopted the new subsistence economy and then geographically expanded.

      • KCI등재

        제주도 영선동식토기 연구

        박근태(Keun Tae Park) 제주학회 2011 濟州島硏究 Vol.35 No.-

        영선동식토기는 신석기시대 전기단계(B.C. 4,500~3,500)의 남해안 일대에 분포하는 자돌 · 압인 · 압날문토기이다. 제주도 영선동식토기 중 온평리유적, 저류지유적에서 확인된 압인문토기는 끝이 둥글고 넓은 시문구로 장식한 토기로 횡주어골문에서 복합문양, 수직문양 등으로 독특하게 변화한다. 그리고 기형이 호형에서 발형으로 변화하는 등 한반도에서 그 예를 찾을 수 없어 제주도식 영선동식토기 라 명명할 수 있다. 이러한 압인기법의 수직문 · 중복수직문 · 횡주어골문과 수직문의 복합문토기는 호형토기 기형의 횡주어골문토기가 유입된 이래 제주도에서 자체적으로 변화하면서 문양의 간략화 과정에서 생겨난 것으로 추정된다. 제주도 영선동식토기는 3단계의 전개양상을 보이며 변화한다. Ⅰ단계는 자돌문계토기 중심의 영선동식토기가 유행하고, Ⅱ단계는 횡주어골문토기를 중심으로 하여 구순각목토기가 유행하는 시기이다. Ⅲ단계는 횡주어골문이 퇴화하여 수직문이나 복합문으로 변화하게 되며 구순각목은 단독문에서 복합문으로 변화하고 삼각집선문이나 단사선문, 사격자문의 세침선문이 발달하는 시기이다. 따라서 제주도 영선동식토기는 자돌 압날문토기의 전통 속에서 남해 서부지역과의 교류를 통해 횡주어골문의 호형토기나 발형 토기가 유입되면서 전개된다. 그리고 공반되는 석기조합상은 수렵구는 확인되지 않으며 식료가공구인 갈돌, 갈판, 고석, 석인석기의 비중이 높고 어망추가 확인된다. 따라서 제주도 신석기시대 전기단계 거주집단의 생업경제는 채집활동이 중심이 되고 어망에 의한 어로활동이 부수적으로 행해진 것으로 보인다. Yeongseon-dong style belongs to shaped stemped · stemped · impressed pattern pottery which is distributed on the southern coast of Korea. Among Yeongseon-dong style potteries in Jeju, Stemped pattern potteries in Onpyeong-ri and Jeoryuji sites are decorated with round and broad end instruments. Also, they are found only in Jeju varying from herring bone patterns to complex and vertical patterns. Moreover, the shape of the pottery is changed from jars to bowls. The potteries can be named Yeongseon-dong style pottery in Jeju type since the potteries with the unique traits are identified only in Jeju, and the technique of stemped pattern is self-developed in Jeju. It is estimated that the potteries with stemped techniques, vertical·1) duplicated vertical · herring bone patterns, and vertical complex potteries have emerged in Jeju changing autonomously in the simplification process of patterns since the jar-shaped potteries with herring bone pattern adopted. Culture of Yeongseon-dong style pottery in Jeju type can be divided into three stages. The first stage is concentrated by pottery with shaped stemped pattern. At the second stage, the pottery with herring bone pattern is representative and the pottery with notched strip on rim is also popular. At the third stage, the pottery with herring bone declines and changes into the pottery with complex or vertical pattern. In conclusion, Yeongseon-dong style pottery in Jeju type spreads out its tradition of shaped stemped · stemped pattern though the interaction of jars and bowls with herring bone pattern in the south-western coast of Korean peninsula. Additionally, assemblage of stoneware, associated with the potteries, is examined ;hunting implements are not discovered; many implements for food processing such as millstone are found ;and one of fishing tools, weight of netting is also identified. Therefore, I believe that people in Jeju Island mainly depend on gathering for a living and fishing by net is incidental during the early Neolithic Age.

      • KCI등재

        여서도패총 출토 신석기시대토기에 대한 고찰

        김건수(Kim Geon Su),이승윤(Lee Seung Yun) 한국신석기학회 2007 한국신석기연구 Vol.- No.14

        여서도패총에서 출토한 신석기시대 토기는 크게 융기문토기와 영선동식토기로 나뉘는데 여기서 흥미로운 사실을 알 수 있다. 우리나라 신석기시대 토기 편년을 보면 융기문토기는 조기, 영선동식토기는 전기로 편년되는데 이들이 동일 층에서 공반하여 출토되는 것이다. 즉 여서도패총에서 출토된 토기의 구순각목문토기의 비율, 구순부의 형태와 저부, AMS연대를 통하여 보았을 때 패총의 중심 시기는 신석기시대전기라는 것을 알 수 있었다. 이러한 결과로 보아 여서도패총에서 출토한 융기문토기는 영선동식토기의 성립과 함께 전기까지는 공존한 사례를 보여주는 것으로 판단된다. 따라서 이는 문화가 단절되는 것이 아니라 계속 연결되어 간다는 사실을 증명하고 있는 것이다. 그리고 여서도패총에서는 융기문토기에서 영선동식토기로의 변화과정에 대한 새로운 자료와 남해안지역과 제주도지역과의 문화교류루트 규명에 대한 직접적인 자료 및 제주도지역 영선동식토기의 개시를 알 수 있는 간접적인 자료를 제공하고 있다. 앞으로의 연구과제로는 융기문토기와 영선동식토기의 공존현상이 여서도패총에 국한된 것인지 아니면, 다른 유적에서도 적용될 수 있는지에 대한 면밀한 검토가 필요할 것으로 생각된다. This paper is intended to investigate changing process of settlements in the Neolithic period of Korea according to periods and regions after examining spatial arrangement structure in relation to the remarkable characteristic of remain structure focusing on the shape of distribution at that period. I selected 16 remains of settlement in order to certify the structure between the spatial arrangement structure and the position and characteristic structure of the remains. The general area of this study will be restricted to the cast and west coast. southern and central part in South Korea. Research data analyzed that residence and producing spaces were constructed separately in settlements in the Neolithic period in general. The separated arrangements of producing spaces for earthenware that has significant risk of conflagrations were noticeable although the differences of the period and region showed on the common remains. Moreover, it is estimated that small scale settlement places existed with those of large scales in the former period through the process of settlements. With spreading the culture of the Neolithic period from coast region to inland region. the shape of large scale settlement were accepted generally in the middle period. There are, however. dissimilarities in scales and formations of spatial structures and individual residential structures of settlement according to regions. and a few small scale residences and dependant residential structures existed. Even though there were some large settlements during the transition period, the scale of settlements seemed to be reduced gradua lly in the latter period.

      • KCI등재후보

        岩寺洞式土器와 水佳里Ⅰ式土器

        李承允 한국신석기학회 2010 한국신석기연구 Vol.- No.19

        본고는 암사동식토기와 수가리Ⅰ식토기의 관계에 대해서 살펴보고자 기형과 문양 대를 중심으로 상호비교를 실시하였다. 그 결과 수가리Ⅰ식토기에서 나타나는 첨저의 기형 및 구경보다 큰 기고의 심발형의 그룹, 전면 삼부위시문기법과 구연부단사집선 문 및 구연부종속문의 모티브 등은 수가리Ⅰ식토기의 전 단계인 영선동식토기에서는 계보를 찾기 어려운 점으로 볼 때 암사동식토기의 요소로 판단된다. 그리고 기고보다 큰 구경의 발형의 그룹, 구연부의 각종 집선문의 시문은 암사동식토기에서는 계보를 찾기 어려운 점으로 볼 때 영선동식토기의 요소로 판단된다. 수가리Ⅰ식토기는 또한 암사동식토기의 구연부단사집선문과 구연부종속문의 모티브를 수용하면서 다른 양식 으로 발전한다. 즉 수가리Ⅰ식토기는 암사동식토기의 영향에 의해 성립하지만 일 적인 영향이 아닌 기존의 전통인 영선동식토기문화를 기본으로 하여 암사동식토기 문화를 수용하며 성립하였다고 볼 수 있을 것이다. 마지막으로 암사동식토기의 절대연대가 수가리Ⅰ식토기보다 어느 정도 이른 점은 수가리Ⅰ식토기의 성립에 암사동식토기가 어느 정도 영향을 끼쳤음을 나타내는 근거 로 볼 수 있을 것이다. This thesis attempted a comparative study of Amsadong-type earthenware and SugariⅠ-type earthenware to discuss in detail the relationship between the two with emphasis on the shape of the vessel and the decoration patterns. The results showed that the features discovered in SugariⅠ-type earthenwares including the shape of the vessel s bottom resembling a cannonball and simbal-type group with the height taller than the diameter of its mouth, the front Sambuwisimoon patterns technique, Dansajipseonmoon patterns at the mouth and the motif found in the Jongsokmoon at the mouth were thought to be an element of Amsadong-type earthenware, as they were not found in the Youngseondong-type earthenware preceding the SugariⅠ-type earthenware. And the Balhyong group with the mouth larger than the vessel s height and various Jipseonmoon decoration patterns were thought to be an element of the Youngseondong-type earthenware, as no lineage could be traced to the Amsadong-type earthenware. Also SugariⅠ-type earthenware accepted the motif of Dansajipseonmoon and Jongsokmoon patterns of the mouth found in Amsadong-type earthenwarem and then developed them by transforming into other patterns. That is, although SugariⅠ-type earthenware was created under the influence of Amsadong-type earthenware culture, it was founded based on the existing traditional Youngseondong-type earthenware culture, Finally the fact that the absolute age of the Amsadong-type earthenware precedes that of SugariⅠ-type earthenware indicated the presence of Amsadong-type earthenware s influence over the establishment of SugariⅠ-type earthenware.

      • KCI등재

        密陽 살내 新石器遺蹟에 대한 檢討

        김병섭(Kim Byung Seop)金炳燮 한국신석기학회 2006 한국신석기연구 Vol.- No.11

        밀양 살내유적은 밀양강 중 · 하류 좌안의 범람원에 입지하고 있는 신석기시대에서 무문토기시대에 이르는 복합유적이다. 신석기시대 유구는 유물산포지, 수혈, 집석노지가 확인되었는데, 살내유적의 가장 큰 특징은 주거지는 확인되지 않고, 유문토기 · 석기 · 박편 · 미가공된 석재가 넓은 범위에서 출토되는 유물산포지의 확인이다. 유물산포지에서는 야외캠프와 같은 임시 거주시설을 설치하고, 그 주변에서 석기제작과 같은 생산활동과 야외노지에서 음식물을 조리하는 등의 소비활동이 이루어진 것으로 추정된다. 살내유적에 출토되는 유문토기는 소량의 자돌문 · 압인문 · 세침선문토기를 제외하면 대부분 단사집선문토기이다. 살내유적의 단사집선문토기는 문양단위의 간격이 넓은 압날형으로 수가리 I 식의 압인형의 단사집선문토기와는 차이를 보인다. 압날형의 단사집선문토기는 범방패총과 동삼동3호 주거지에서 영선동식토기와 함께 출토되기 때문에 신석기시대 전기로 편년되는데, 살내유적에서도 출토상황이 이들 유적과 동일하므로 같은 시기에 해당된다고 볼 수 있다. 단사집선문토기와 결합된 이중구연토기도 출토되었다. 이중구연토기는 보통 신석기시대 후 · 만기로 편년되어 왔는데, 최근 살내유적을 비롯하여 경주 황성동유적, 울산 세죽유적, 창영 비봉리유적 등에서 전기로 편년할 수 있는 이중구연토기가 출토되었고, 부산 동삼동 2호 주거지, 청도 오진리유적에서 중기로 편년되는 이중구연토기가 출토되어 이중구연토기에 편년과 출현배경에 대한 새로운 검토가 필요하게 되었다. The remains in Salrae, Milyang were typical of complex relics from the Neolithic Age to the Bronze Age and they were located in the flood plain of the midstream and downstream of Milyang River. One of the primary characteristics of Salnae remains was that there were widespread areas with a large amount of remains such as patterned pottery, stone implements, flakes, crude building stones even if the habitation site was not confirmed. In the areas with variou remains, it has been estimated that people built temporary Living space such a outdoor camps and they conducted production activities such as manufacturing stone implements in the neighboring places and consuming activities such as fixing food outdoors. The patterned pottery excavated from the Salnae remain belonged mostly to Dansajipseonmun pottery except for a small amount of Jadolmun · Abinmun · Sechimseonmun pottery. Dansajipseonmun in the Salnae remains had a widely spaced Apnal-shape in pattern unit, which was different from Dansajipseonmun earthenware of Sugari I type of Abin-type. Abnal-typed Dansajipseonmun was excavated along with Yeongsoendong-typed pottery in Beombangpaechong and Dongsam-dong #3 habitation sites; for this reason, it has been recorded as the first part of the Neolithic Age, and it has been assumed that Dansajipseonmun pottery of the Salnae remains was equivalent to the said remains in its chronology. In addition, Ijungguyeon pottery combined with Dansajipseonmun pottery was also excavated. Ijungguyeon pottery has been designated as the late or end of the Neolithic Age. However, some of Ijungguyeon potterye excavated from Gyeongju Hwangseong-dong remains, Ulsan Sejuk remains, Changryeong Bibong-ri remains including Salnae remains could be designated as the first part of the Neolithic Age. Meanwhile, some of Ijungguyeon pottery that has been designated as the middle of the Neolithic Age was excavated in Busan Dongsam-dong #2 habitation site and Cheongdo Ojin-ri remains. In this regard, it would be necessary to investigate the chronology and the emergence background of Ijungguyeon pottery.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        울산 세죽유적 일대에서 확인되는 해수면 상승흔적과 그 성격에 대하여

        이동주 한국신석기학회 2013 한국신석기연구 Vol.- No.26

        This study has examined that the signs of rising sea levels and those aspects after the last ice age represented by the Late Paleolithic era, while passing through a rapid process of global warming to the current level in the beginning through the relics of Ulsan Sejuk and nearby Hwang Seong-Dong. Ulsan Sejuk relics could be called much attention because it consisted of the relics in the early Neolithic period mostly, as well as located below sea level, unlike the height of the point with 18tannin removal facilities which were directly related to sea level and checked the shape of a belt along the coast. However, the order of the story in Sejuk relics was leaving a lot of review about the order of the story and those aspects of it because redeposited pattern was confirmed and up as disturbance. Recently a research of the remains Hwang Seong-Dong A and B branches, located near Sejuk relics, was able to identify the aspect of that time more specifically through the layers were compared to each other in sequence. At first, as a result of analyzing pottery from three places including Sejuk remains could be distinguished in chronological order between the ages of six stages,seasonally all the steps corresponded to the initial stages or the early stages. The second half of Sejuk remains, two and three steps corresponded to the end groups of Earthenware Bowl with Raised Pattern and have checked some common features with the early stage of Hwang Seong-Dong A and B branches, steps 4 and 5 appeared only at the branches focusing on Earthenware Bowl with Pinched and Young Seon-Dong type Earthenware Bowl with Press Taking Pattern, the last six steps as the late stages of Earthenware Bowl with Press Taking Pattern was identified only Hwang Seong-Dong branch B. This attempt was based on the analysis of the layers, Neolithic cultural layers were compared to the height and the order shown in the drawing for each report on the basis of the current sea level. As a result, the timing of sea level rising affecting Sejuk remains has largely confirmed, the first was by 5,700 BP that sea levels was to reach the point about -50cm at that time, the second was the step Ⅶ layer of Hwang Seong-Dong point B that it was checked to reach the point about -20cm at that time, that period was estimated between 5,100 BP. Therefore, the tannin removal facilities of Sejuk remains had formed this 2nd sea level rising period and could be viewed as representing the sea level of that time. The cultural changes of this period were identified that Earthenware Bowl with Raised Pattern of the early stages declined before and after the 1st sea level rising period, converted to the aspects of new Earthenware Bowl with Pinched and Young Seon-Dong type Earthenware Bowl with Press Taking Pattern. In this 2nd sea level rising period the tradition of Earthenware Bowl with Raised Pattern had completely destroyed and then Young Seon-Dong type Earthenware Bowl with Press Taking Pattern had made up the center of that period. Through this, not only the nature of the layers of remains and artifacts excavated at the shell mound of the coastal areas could be more clearly, but the chronological order of Neolithic culture, appeared on the West Coast shell mound site with extreme tidal difference, could be explained the reason not exceeding BP 5,700.

      • KCI등재

        남부 내륙 지역 신석기시대 전기 토기 검토 - 영선동 양식 내륙 유형의 설정과 의미 -

        임상택 한국신석기학회 2015 한국신석기연구 Vol.- No.29

        Youngsun-dong(瀛仙洞) pottery style represents the early phase of southern Korean Neolithic period. This paper newly discusses the appearance of‘ Inland sub-style’ of Youngsun-dong pottery compare to coastal style, and formation processes of this sub-style. Inland sub-style appeared at the mid-early phase and continued till the end of the phase. Inland sub-style has several characteristics of its own such like decrease of decorative regularity, spread of alternative layout of decorative and blank field on pottery, popularity of pottery with conical base compare to round base of coastal style etc. Formation processes of inland style include unintended factors like accumulation of copying error and rare chance to correct the errors caused by the circumscription as well as intended factors(choices) such as individual creativities, adoption of external motifs etc.

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