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      • KCI등재

        1字漢語「分(ブン)」의 意味와 用法의 擴大 -語構成要素와 接尾辭的인 用法의 發達을 中心으로-

        유상용 한국일본어학회 2008 日本語學硏究 Vol.0 No.23

        本 論文은 實質語가 形式語로 變遷하는 過程을 語의 構成要素로 使用되는 1字漢語「分」의 意味와 用法의 擴大를 통해 考察해 보았다. 그 結果 中世末期 口語資料 以前의 文献에서는 說話文學作品을 中心으로 語構成要素로 쓰이는 1字漢語「分」이 ‘部分・分る・身分’의 意味로 나타나고 있었다. 또한 이 意味는 近世口語資料까지 이어지고 있는 것을 確認할 수 있었지만 語構成要素로 쓰이는 1字漢語「分」은 限定된 用例밖에는 確認할 수 없었다. 이것에 비해 中世口語資料에 나타나는 1字漢語「分」의 意味는 ‘部分・分る・身分’의 意味 以外에 ‘程度’의 意味를 나타내는 用例를 確認할 수 있었고, 用法面으로는 接尾辭的인 用法으로 說明할 수 있는「辛労分・威徳分」과 같은 用例를 確認할 수 있었다. 또한 中世 口語資料 以前의 用例와 中世口語資料 用例를 比較해 보았을 때, 그 用例가 增加하고 있다는 것을 確認할 수 있었다. 近世口語資料와 中世口語資料를 比較해 보았을 때에는 1字漢語「分」은 意味面으로는 ‘部分・分る・身分・程度’의 意味를 繼承하면서 이 以外에 抽象的인 意味를 나타내는 ‘コト’의 意味領域을 共有하는 用例를 確認할 수 있었고, 用法面으로는 接尾辭的인 用法의「分」이 中世口語資料보다 폭 넓게 쓰이고 있는 것을 確認할 수 있었다. 이와 같은 意味와 用法에 變化는 1字漢語「分」이 形式語化하여 意味가 抽象的으로 發達하기 때문에 可能한 것으로 생각된다.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국어 보조사의 문법화 -개화기 한국어를 중심으로-

        허재영 ( Jae Young Heo ) 한민족문화학회 2007 한민족문화연구 Vol.22 No.-

        이 글은 개화기(현대 한국어)에 형성된 보조사를 중심으로 문법화의 특성과 기제를 살펴보는 데 목적을 두었다. 문법화는 지속성을 띠며, 이에 따라 층위화를 보인다. 보조사 목록이 연구자마다 다른 까닭은 문법화에 대한 지각이 다르기 때문이다. 이 연구의 주요 내용은 다음과 같다. ⑴ 여러 가지 변이형 가운데 하나의 형태가 굳어지면서 보조사가 형성되며, 이와 같은 변이형은 지역 방언이나 입말체를 포함하여 더 많은 형태로 나타날 수 있다. ⑵ 동사류어에서 형성된 보조사는 일정한 통사 구조의 변화 모습을 보인다. ⑶ 보조사의 문법화는 "실질어 > 여러 변이형의 문법 형태 > (한 형태의 고정화) 보조사"의 형성 과정을 보인다. 보조사의 문법화 과정에서 드러나는 바와 같이, 문법형태소는 실질적인 단어가 뜻을 잃고 형식적인 단어로 쓰이거나 문법형태소로 변화해 간다. 그 과정에서 지역이나 사회, 심지어는 개인차에 따른 다양한 변이형이 생성되며, 그 가운데 어느 것 하나가 사회의 규범처럼 수용된다. This study aims to search for grammaticalization mechanism that Korean postpositional which have supplemental meaning and function(SPW: Supplemental Postpositional Word). Grammaticalization is the study of grammatical forms, however defined, viewed as entities undergoing process rather than as static objects. The Korean SPW was made from lexical meaning words. The results as following; ⑴ There are number of various forms which the content items go through grammaticalization. One variant is picked up the main formal item. ⑵ The dialect or spoken language have a lot of variants rather than standard or written language. ⑶ The syntactic structure was changable by the SWP that orignal verb class words. ⑷ The process of SPW grammaticalization is lexical(content) items > various grammatical forms > (stabilization) one form`s SPW formed.

      • KCI등재

        日本中世資料를 통해 본 形式語의 意味變遷*-形式語「次第」를 中心으로-

        劉相溶 단국대학교 일본연구소 2009 일본학연구 Vol.26 No.-

        It’s the study about the transition from ‘Common Word’ to ‘Form Word’ through ‘Sidai’. ‘Sidai’ can be classified into a noun usage, a adverbial usage, a formal noun usage and a suffix usage. The reason why it could be used with various usages is that the original meaning of the ‘order’ had formalized with abstraction. We can categorize the transition of ’Sidai’ considering the era as below. ‘Sidai’ which appeared in the references prior to the spoken materials in the late medieval times had used as a noun usage and a adverbial usage, especially it meant ‘order’‘progress’ in the noun usage. Comparing this, it had a documentary characteristic at the spoken references in the last medieval times. Its usage had been expanded to a noun usage and a adverbial usage, a irregular verb, a suffix usage and a formal noun and finally it has been established in modern Japanese.

      • KCI등재

        국어 어원별 접사화에 대한 연구

        손춘섭 한국어의미학회 2014 한국어 의미학 Vol.45 No.-

        This study considers the aspects and characteristics of Korean affixation classified by origin. For this study, affixes of Korean native words and affixes of Chinese words are extracted from <The standard Korean dictionary> and three other grammars, and the productive foreign words are selected from new coinage and internet search. Here is the summary. First, the most typical grammaticalization, which lexical morphemes become grammatical ones, appears in affixation of Korean native words. Modifiers like nouns, verbs, adverbs, and adnominals are affixed, and grammatical morphemes like postpositions and endings are affixed, too. Second, in the case of the chinese words, the words with lexical meaning are mostly affixed. Prefixes are usually affixed from predicates, and suffixes are usually affixed from substantives. This has something to do with the restrictive function of prefixes and the fact that the most of the chinese suffix derivation is from nouns. Some chinese expletives became Korean affixes, but the number is few. Some western loanword affixes are used as Korean affixes as they are. Foreign pronouns are affixed as Korean prefixes and foreign nouns are affixed as Korean suffixes. So these affixation creates a lot of new words. Some of the noun affixation expands their territory, keeping their relationship with similar Chinese affixes. Foreign predicates become Korean affixes, and mostly foreign adjectives are changed into Korean prefixes. Lastly, affixation of foreign words are created by disassembling a word and making one of the disconnected roots into Korean affix. In this case, either the head or tail of the words can be used as affixes. Some of the affixes are not settled as Korean yet, but the productivity is increasing.

      • KCI등재

        日本中世資料를 통해 본 形式語의 意味變遷 -形式語「次第」를 中心으로-

        유상용 단국대학교 일본연구소 2009 일본학연구 Vol.26 No.-

        本論文は実質語が形式語に変遷する過程を「次第」を通して考察したものである。現代日本語の「次第」は名詞的用法、副詞的用法、接尾辞的用法、形式名詞的用法に分類される。このように様々な用法で使用できるのは「次第」の本義である「順序」が抽象化され形式化されたからであると考えられる。 「次第」の変遷を中世末期の口語資料を中心として考察した結果、次のように整理することができた。 中世末期の口語資料以前の文献に表れる「次第」は名詞的用法と副詞的用法で用いられている。名詞的用法は「順序」「経緯・なりゆき」の意味で用いられていた。これに比べて、中世末期の口語資料では文献的な特徴はあるものの「次第」の用法は大きく名詞的用法、副詞的用法、サ変動詞的用法、接尾辞的用法、形式名詞的用法に分類される。 結局、中世末期の口語資料以前の文献より「次第」の用法と意味が拡大され、現代日本語に定着したと考えられる。 It’s the study about the transition from ‘Common Word’ to ‘Form Word’ through ‘Sidai’. ‘Sidai’ can be classified into a noun usage, a adverbial usage, a formal noun usage and a suffix usage. The reason why it could be used with various usages is that the original meaning of the ‘order’ had formalized with abstraction. We can categorize the transition of ’Sidai’ considering the era as below. ‘Sidai’ which appeared in the references prior to the spoken materials in the late medieval times had used as a noun usage and a adverbial usage, especially it meant ‘order’‘progress’ in the noun usage. Comparing this, it had a documentary characteristic at the spoken references in the last medieval times. Its usage had been expanded to a noun usage and a adverbial usage, a irregular verb, a suffix usage and a formal noun and finally it has been established in modern Japanese.

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