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        张 德 婧 국제인문사회연구학회 2024 Studies on Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSC) Vol.6 No.3

        中国大学生感知的父母的性别偏见对职业妥协倾向的影响-自我尊重感的中介作用- 张 德 婧 研究目的: 本研究基于同伴依恋理论及自我概念理论,探讨了父母性别偏见对大学生职业妥协倾向的负面影响机制。研究方法: 网络问卷发放期间为2024年2月20日到3月17日,共回收问卷1063份。研究内容: 第一,职业妥协倾向根据人口统计学变量(性别,家庭收入等)是否存在差异. 第二,大学生的职业妥协和父母的矛盾性别偏见及自我尊重感是否有关. 第三,大学生的父母矛盾性别偏见和职业妥协的关系中自我尊重感是否有中介作用. 结论及建议: (1)父母性别偏见对大学生自尊具有负向影响, 即父母性别偏见越强, 大学生自尊水平越低;(2)自我尊重感对职业妥协具有负向影响, 即大学生自尊水平越低, 求职时职业妥协程度越高。(3)父母性别偏见通过降低大学生自我尊重感加剧其职业妥协。研究结论从原生家庭方面拓展大学生职业妥协研究视角,为识别影响大学生职业妥协倾向的根源因素提供新视角。 关键词: 职业妥协,矛盾性别偏见,自我尊重感,中国大学生,量性研究 The Effects of Perceived Parents’ Ambivalent Sexismon Chinese Undergraduate Students’ Career Compromise-The Mediating Effect of Self-esteem- Zhang Dejing* Abstract: The purpose of this study was to confirm the relationship between parents’ ambivalent sexism, career compromise and self-esteem of the China college students. the researchers surveyed 1,063 China college students form from February to March of 2024. The results of this study were as follows: First, parents’ ambivalent sexism has a negative effect on college students’ self-esteem, the higher the degree of parents’ ambivalent sexism, the lower the level of college students’ self-esteem. Second, self-esteem has a negative effect on career compromise, the lower the self-esteem level of college students, the higher the degree of career compromise. Third, parents’ ambivalent sexism exacerbates college students’ career compromise by reducing their self-respect. This study provides a new perspective for identifying the root factors affecting college students’ career compromise tendency. Key Words: Ambivalent Sexism, Career Compromise, Self-esteem, Chinese Undergraduate Students,Quantitative Study □ 接受日: 2024年 5月 19日, 修正日: 2024年 6月 12日, 揭載確定日: 2024年 6月 20日* Doctoral Course, Namseoul Univ., Email: zhangdejing.best@hotmail.com

      • 大学生心理健康教育数字化管理研究

        张增欢(Zenghuan Zhang),江晓春(Xiaochun Jiang) YIXIN 출판사 2024 教育教学研究论丛 Vol.2 No.6

        As college students’ mental health education is increasingly gaining attention, how to use information technology such as Internet and big data to strengthen the pertinence and timeliness of college students’ mental health education should attract the attention of colleges and universities and relevant departments. Based on the overview of digital management of college students’ mental health education, this paper analyzes the necessity, implementation way and practical significance of digital management of college students’ mental health education, and discusses the use of information technology and means through digital management to improve the management efficienc of college students’ mental health education y, optimize the allocation of education resources, strengthen the standardization of education management, and promote the allround development of students. 在大学生的心理健康教育日益引起重视的形势下,如何利用互联网、大数据等信息技术加强大学生心理健康教育的针对性、时效性,应引起高校和相关部门的重视。在大学生心理健康教育数字化管理概述的基础上,本文就大学生心理健康教育数字化管理的必要性、实现途径、现实意义进行分析,探讨利用信息化技术和手段,通过数字化管理提升大学生心理健康教育的管理效率,优化教育资源的配置,加强教育管理的规范性,促进学生的全面发展。

      • KCI등재

        중국 ‘대학생 촌관’정책의 문제점과 전망

        송용호 중국학연구회 2014 중국학연구 Vol.- No.67


      • KCI등재


        이은미 한국일본언어문화학회 2013 일본언어문화 Vol.26 No.-

        In this study, the usage of ‘incomplete utterance’ in conversations betweenJapanese university students were investigated, focusing expression forms andutterance functions. It was firstly found that the use ratio of ‘incomplete utterance’ betweenfirst-meeting persons were higher than that between friends. Conjunctive particles,an expression form of incomplete utterance, were used most both betweenfirst-meeting persons and between friends. Since ‘incomplete utterance’ was usedmost as statement both between first-meeting persons and between friends, overalltendency was similar, while detailed usage was different depending on the degreeof intimacy. The relation between expression forms and utterance functions was alsoinvestigated. For both between first-meeting persons and between friends, the useratios of ‘conjunctive particles’, ‘case particles’ and ‘others’ as 'hatarakikake' werehigher than those as 'response', but the use ratios of 'noun' and 'adverb' as'response' were higher than those as 'hatarakikake'. That is, overall tendency turnedout similar, although detailed usage was different depending on the degree ofintimacy. From these results, this study showed that the usage of 'incomplete utterance'in Japanese was significantly influenced by the degree of intimacy, and suggestedthat 'incomplete utterance' played an important role for smooth communication.

      • KCI등재


        李恩美 한국일본언어문화학회 2013 일본언어문화 Vol.26 No.-

        In this study, the usage of ‘incomplete utterance’ in conversations betweenJapanese university students were investigated, focusing expression forms andutterance functions. It was firstly found that the use ratio of ‘incomplete utterance’ betweenfirst-meeting persons were higher than that between friends. Conjunctive particles,an expression form of incomplete utterance, were used most both betweenfirst-meeting persons and between friends. Since ‘incomplete utterance’ was usedmost as statement both between first-meeting persons and between friends, overalltendency was similar, while detailed usage was different depending on the degreeof intimacy. The relation between expression forms and utterance functions was alsoinvestigated. For both between first-meeting persons and between friends, the useratios of ‘conjunctive particles’, ‘case particles’ and ‘others’ as 'hatarakikake' werehigher than those as 'response', but the use ratios of 'noun' and 'adverb' as'response' were higher than those as 'hatarakikake'. That is, overall tendency turnedout similar, although detailed usage was different depending on the degree ofintimacy. From these results, this study showed that the usage of 'incomplete utterance'in Japanese was significantly influenced by the degree of intimacy, and suggestedthat 'incomplete utterance' played an important role for smooth communication.

      • KCI등재

        일본인 대학생 대화에 나타나는 ‘중도종료형발화’의 표현양상

        이은미,정상미 한국외국어대학교 일본연구소 2017 日本硏究 Vol.0 No.74

        In this study, the language expression of “incomplete utterance” in the conversation between Japanese university students with respect to the interpersonal relationship of the participants (sex difference and degree of intimacy).   The results of this study are summarized as follows: First, the ratio of “incomplete utterance” was higher in the conversation between male university students than in the conversations between female university students. In the conversations between female university students, the ratio of “incomplete utterance” in the conversation between first-meeting people was slightly higher than that in the conversation between friends, whereas there is little difference in the ratio of “incomplete utterance” according to degree of intimacy in the conversation of male university students. when we associate the expression of “incomplete utterance” with the factor of degree of intimacy, the commonalities among all the conversation are summarized as follows: the most common use of the “connective particle form” among the various expressions forms of the “incomplete utterance”, many sentences that end with ‘kanji’ in the “noun form” and a high ratio of ‘mitaina’ and ‘tteiu’ in the form of “others.” On the other hand, as remarkable results related to the degree of intimacy are summarized as follows:the relatively high ratio of “connective particle form” both in the first conversation between male university students and conversation between female university students, and the relatively higher ratio of “noun form” in the conversation between friends, and on use of ‘node’ in the conversation between friends. 本研究では、日本人の大学生の会話に現れた「中途終了型発話」の表現様相を対話参加者の人間関係(性別、親疎)と絡めて実証的に比較・考察した。本研究の結果を簡単にまとめると、まず、「中途終了型発話」は女子大学生の会話に比べて男子大学生の会話で使用割合が高かった。また、男子大学生の会話では親疎による「中途終了型発話」の使用割合には差がほとんどなかったのに対して、女子大学生の会話では初対面の会話において「中途終了型発話」の使用割合が少し高かった。 一方、「中途終了型発話」の表現様相を性差と親疎差という要因と絡めてみると、すべての会話において共通した結果として「中途終了型発話」の多様な表現形式の中で「接続助詞形」の使用割合が最も高いこと、「名詞形」では「感じ」で終わる文が多いこと、また「その他」の形式では、「みたいな」と「っていう」の使用割合が高いことなどが挙げられる。これらの結果は「中途終了型発話」を使う時に形だけではなく内容的な面も関わっていることを示唆しており、形式と内容を同時にあいまいにすることで断定を回避する効果を強化していると判断される。一方、親疎差と絡めて注目される結果として、男子大学生の会話と女子大学性の会話と共に初対面の会話では「接続助詞形」の使用割合が相対的に高く、友達同士の会話では「名詞形」の使用割合が相対的に高いこと、また「接続助詞形」の場合、初対面の会話では「ので」が「から」より使用割合が高かったのに対して友達同士の会話では「ので」が1回も使用されていないことが挙げられる。本研究の結果から日本語の「中途終了型発話」の表現様相の全体的な傾向は、性別と親疎とは関係なく共通している部分が多かったが、細かくは性別や親疎による違いも多少あることが明らかになり、「中途終了型発話」が相手との円滑なコミュニケーションのための一つの言語方略として働いていることが示唆されたと言えよう。

      • 社交媒体时代舆论极化背景下大学生媒介素养教育路径探究

        马晓霞(Xiaoxia Ma),梁晶晶(Jingjing Liang) YIXIN 출판사 2023 教育教学研究论丛 Vol.1 No.5

        社交媒体时代,随着媒介深入融合速度加快,社交媒体日益成为大学生生活的延伸,媒介素养教育越来越重要。但社交媒体时代舆论极化的风险是当前大学生媒介素养教育面临的新情况新挑战。社交媒体舆论极化现象以非理性化情绪突出、多元化观点和网络暴力频发等特点对大学生群体产生不良影响,也让大学生媒介素养教育面临诸多困境。针对舆论极化潜在缝在,大学生媒介教育工作路径探究时应该从几点入手:建立科学化教学体系;提高大学生参与和应用媒体的能力和组织大学生多样化自我教育。 In the age of social media, with the speed of in-depth media integration accelerating, social media is increasingly becoming an extension of college students’ lives, and media literacy education is becoming more and more important. However, the risk of polarization of public opinion in the social media era is a new situation and a new challenge for college students’ media literacy education at present. The phenomenon of public opinion polarization in social media has a negative impact on college students with its prominent irrational emotions, diversified views and frequent occurrence of cyber violence, which also makes college students face many difficulties in media literacy education. In order to address the potential seams of public opinion polarization, college students’ media education should start from the following points: establishing a scientific teaching system, improving college students’ ability to participate in and apply the media, and organizing diversified self-education for college students.

      • KCI등재


        LUTANSHENG 중국학연구회 2015 중국학연구 Vol.- No.74

        The goal of this research is to explore the relationship between National Identity(ethnic identity, civic identity), International Awareness and University Adjustment(personal-emotional adjustment, academic adjustment, institutional adjustment, social adjustment) of Chinese students in Korea. For this purpose, a survey questionnaire was given to 443 students from six universities located in Gyeongbuk Province and Daegu. The collected data was analyzed through SPSS 22.0 which applied Reliability Analysis, Exploratory Factor Analysis, Frequency Analysis, Multiple Regression Analysis and Sobel-test. The results indicate the following findings. First, ethnic identity and civic identity had a significant influence on International Awareness. Secondly, International Awareness was positive correlated with personal-emotional adjustment, academic adjustment, institutional adjustment and social adjustment, but ethnic identity of the Chinese students was negatively correlated with all types of University Adjustment. Thirdly, civic identity had a positive influence on institutional adjustment and social adjustment, but that was didn't have correlation with personal-emotional adjustment and academic adjustment. Lastly, International Awareness had an indirect effect on the relationship between ethnic identity and all types of University Adjustment. In addition, International Awareness also had an indirect effect on the relationship among civic identity, institutional adjustment and social adjustment. The findings of the study suggest many prospective research topics to be investigated in the future. 本文以在韩中国留学生为中心,意在对其国民认同感、国际化意识与在韩大学生活适应性之间的关系进行分析,在对影响其留学生活适应性的要因进行掌握之后,提出相应的解决之道,以至于探索能增进在韩中国留学生留学生活适应水准的有效途径。基于此点,本文将国民认同感归类为种族认同感及公民认同感,将大学生活适应性划分为个人情绪适应、学校课业适应、大学环境适应以及社会社交适应等四个领域,以便于更准确地达到研究目的。此外,本研究对调查对象的选定为韩国大邱·庆北所在地区在韩中国留学生500名,在使用构造性的量表对其进行问卷调查后,最终有效回收数为443份。收集的资料通过SPSS统计软件,使用内置一贯性分析、探索性因子分析、频度分析、多重回归分析及Sobel检验等分析方法对数据加以处理。分析的展开顺序具体为,首先针对在韩中国留学生的国民认同感对其国际化意识与各领域大学生活适应性的作用进行掌握,尔后就国际化意识对其各领域大学生活适应性的影响进行分析,最后为对国际化意识是否在其种族认同感与公民认同感对各领域大学生活适应性的作用中产生中介效应而进行验证。研究结果大致如下。 第一,在韩中国留学生的种族认同感与公民认同感皆能对其国际化意识产生显著的影响,其中,种族认同感对国际化意识为消极影响,而公民认同感对国际化意识为积极影响。第二,研究对象的种族认同感以及国际化意识皆能对其大学生活的四个领域产生显著的影响,其中,国际化意识对大学生活适应性为正面影响,而种族认同感对大学生活适应性呈负面影响。第三,在韩中国留学生的公民认同感仅能对其大学环境适应性与社会社交适应性产生正面的影响。最后,在中介效应的检验中,国际化意识作为中介变量在种族认同感对大学生活适应性的四个领域的作用中皆可判定其存在中介效应且该中介效应为完全中介;此外,国际化意识在公民认同感对大学环境适应性及社会社交适应性的作用中也可以判定其存在中介效应且该中介效应为完全中介,而其在公民认同感对个人情绪适应性与学校课业适应性的作用中的中介效应被确定为不存在。此外,通过分析结果,对本文的研究意义与未来的展望进行了相关的论述。

      • 数字化转型背景下大学生手机依赖对学习投入的影响

        董高志(Gaozhi Dong),余嘉祺(Jiaqi Yu),罗小茵(Xiaoyin Luo),吴晓茵(Xiaoyin Wu),吴钧埔(Junpu Wu),罗云(Yun Luo) YIXIN 출판사 2023 教育教学研究论丛 Vol.1 No.5

        本研究采用大学生手机成瘾倾向量表、大学生学习投入量表、心理弹性量表简版和延迟满足量表对610 名大学生施测,旨在考察数字化转型背景下大学生手机依赖对学习投入的影响,以及心理弹性和延迟满足在其中的中介作用。研究发现:大学生手机依赖、学习投入、心理弹性与延迟满足两两显著相关;心理弹性和延迟满足分别在手机依赖与学习投入之间起中介作用;心理弹性和延迟满足在大学生手机依赖和学习投入间起链式中介作用。手机依赖不仅可以直接影响大学生的学习投入,还可以通过心理弹性和延迟满足间接影响大学生的学习投入。 This study tested 610 college students using the mobile phone addiction tendency scale, the college student learning engagement scale, the simplified version of the psychological resilience scale, and the delayed gratification scale. The aim was to examine the impact of mobile phone dependence on learning engagement among college students in the context of digital transformation, as well as the mediating role of psychological resilience and delayed gratification. Research has found that there is a significant correlation between mobile phone dependence, learning engagement, psychological resilience, and delayed gratification among college students; Psychological resilience and delayed gratification respectively mediate the relationship between mobile phone dependence and learning engagement; Psychological resilience and delayed gratification play a chain mediating role between mobile phone dependence and learning engagement among college students. Mobile phone dependence not only directly affects the learning engagement of college students, but also indirectly affects their learning engagement through psychological resilience and delayed gratification.

      • 榜样对大学生价值引领作用及提升路径研究

        刘蓓(Bei Liu) YIXIN 출판사 2023 教育教学研究论丛 Vol.1 No.6

        榜样对大学生的价值引领作用具有不可忽视的意义。本文基于对云南民族大学应用技术学院在校大学生的调研,探究榜样对大学生价值引领作用的现状,分析其存在的问题,并探索榜样对大学生价值引领作用的提升路径。 Examples play an important role in guiding the value of college students. Based on the investigation of college students in Applied Technology College of Yunnan Minzu University, this paper explores the current situation of examples’ leading role in the value of college students, analyze the existing problems, and explores the improvement path of examples’ leading role in the value of college students.

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