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        Jespersen의 Analytic Syntax와 한국어 통사 분석: 1²1(21) & S0 0 1(3) X*

        장석진 한국영어학학회 2003 영어학연구 Vol.- No.16

        Chang, Suk-Jin. 2003. Jespersen's Analytic Syntax and syntactic Analysis of Korean: 1²1(21) & S0 1(3) X. English Language and linguistics 16, 131-160. This paper has a two-fold purpose: (I) explicating Jespersen's system of symbolization in his Analytic Syntax (1937) and (2) analyzing Korean constructions syntactically in the framework of Analytic Syntax. Jespersen's system of symbolization, together with his functional approach to grammar rooted in notions like nexus, junction, and ranks, enables us to look into the deep insight of the workings of English and to disambiguate structura1 meanings by distinctly symbolizing the same surface form by means of a string of annotated symbols such as small subjects (s), half-subjects (½S…½S), coindexing (S₂...S₂), stars, alternatives (s/3), zero (S0), and brackets ( [ ], for extraposition). In the course of exercises analyzing major syntactic constructions of Korean a la Analytic Syntax, the following augmentations or modifications are made: (i) subtyping V into V" (processive verb, or verb), Vd (descriptive verb, or adjective), and v¹ (linking verb, ar copula), (ii) adding indices: " (utterer) and h (hearer), (ⅲ) an augmented use of '+' (e.g. S0+h). (iv) category change;V¹(nominalization), V² (adnominalization), V³ (adverbialization), (v) subtyping X (nexus-substantive) into X0 (processive nexus-sustantive) and X0 (descriptive nexus-substantive), and (vi) adding discourse functions: topic ( ¹) and focus ( ¹).

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한국인 EFL 학습자의 영어 재귀사 해석에 미치는 화용정보의 영향

        유기윤(Yoo Ki Yun),김수연(Kim Soo Yeon) 한국영어학학회 2016 영어학연구 Vol.22 No.3

        This article investigates differences in interpretations of English reflexives between Korean EFL speakers and English native speakers in terms of the c-command constraint. We examine whether Korean EFL learners selection of a non-c-commanding NP as an antecedent for an English reflexive is caused by L1 transfer or induced by different processing strategies between a mother tongue and a foreign language. The results show that, during the initial processing period, Korean EFL learners employ different strategies from English natives’ to resolve the interpretation of reflexives: EFL learners are reacting to pragmatic factors, while English native speakers are relying on syntactic factors at the initial stage of processing. This result supports the Shallow Structure Hypothesis of Clahsen and Felser(2006) in that during the first stage of parsing in a timed task, proficient EFL speakers interpret English reflexives according to the contextual information when biased sentences are given.

      • KCI등재

        한국적 영어학과 영어 코퍼스의 활용

        고광윤(Goh Gwang-Yoon) 한국영어학학회 2005 영어학연구 Vol.- No.19

        English linguistics of Korea, despite its considerable development and growth for thc last 50 years, has continued to lag behind that of not only the US and the UK but also many European countries and even Japan as well. The current state of English linguistics of Korea seems to be closely related, above all, to our lack of the native speaker's intuition about English and the failure in developing a successful model of Korean-style English linguistics which enables us to overcome our weaknesses and limitations and to make the best use of our strengths. The purpose of this paper is to show the possibility of developing a model of internationally competitive Korean-style English linguistics, which is proposed to be based on the ingenious use of English corpora I will first briefly review and evaluate the study of English linguistics in Korea. Then I will consider the question of how English corpora such as the BNC can and/or should be used for dealing with certain problems in English linguistics. I will conclude this paper by suggesting future directions for Korean English linguistics in connection with important problems confronting us.

      • KCI등재

        준조동사 ‘BE TO’ 구문에 대한 통사적 분석

        조남호(Cho Nahmho) 한국영어학학회 2017 영어학연구 Vol.23 No.1

        The English infinitive can be used as a noun, adjective, or adverb equivalent. There are three types of ‘be+to-infinitive’ in English. The first type ‘be to-infinitive’ is one in which the infinitive is a noun equivalent. In the second ‘BE TO-infinitive’, the infinitive is considered to be an adjective equivalent acting as a subject complement. In the third ‘is to-infinitive,’ the infinitive is called a retroactive. This study has fully discussed the differences of these three types. They have an apparently identical construction in which the verb ‘be’ is followed by an infinitive, but in fact they have different syntactic and semantic characteristics. Jespersen(1940) classified English infinitives into three ranks: primary, secondary and tertiary. The verb ‘be’ of the first type ‘be to’ is a copula and the infinitive is Jespersen’s primary and so a nominal infinitive acting as a complement of ‘be.’ There are two kinds of infinitives as Jespersen’s secondary: retroactive and non-retroactive. Korean school grammar has argued that Jespersen’s secondary non-retroactive infinitive of ‘BE TO’ is a subject complement, and so an adjective equivalent. However, this argument has proved to be untenable. Unlike ‘be to,’ ‘BE TO’ cannot be divided into two units, i.e. the verb ‘be’ and ‘to-infinitive.’ The whole ‘BE TO’ as a unit is a modal idiom or quasi-auxiliary referring to several future meanings: arrangement, order, destiny, possibility, purpose, etc. The infinitive of ‘is to’ is a retroactive. It is an active infinitive which is said to have a passive meaning, but Jespersen(1940) looks upon the infinitive as active and as governing a preceding item as its (implicit) object.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Economy Considerations and the Derivation of DP in Old English

        Hee-Cheol Yoon 한국영어학학회 2002 영어학연구 Vol.- No.13

        Yoon, Hee-Cheol. 2002.Economy Considerations and the Derivation of DP in Old English, the History of English, 13.This paper suggests that the definiteness or referentiality of Old English noun phrases depend on the presence of the uninterpretable [+R(cferential)]fcature in the functional head D. In Old English, the [+R(cferential)] fcature is associated with the EPP fearures, which forces the syntactic operation to delete both types of uninterpretable features in D for the proper interpretation at the interface. In consideration of the tact that Old English has no definite article possible candidates for deletion of those features in D include adnominal demonstratives, possessives and genitives of proper narnes all of which are characterized as inherently definite or referential. As far as thematic relations and empirical evidence are concemed, adnominal demonstratives are introduced into the speeifier of 예 through merge while possessives and genitives of proper names undergo movement to reach the same structural position. Although movement is a costly option, the operation is forced to delete not only uninterpretable features in D but also uninterpretable Case features in possessives and genitives of proper names. In case both demonstratives and possessive/genitives of proper names are available from the numeration, economy considerations determine the order of application between syntactic operations. A economic option of merge always precedes move, which results in the linear precedence of possessives/genitives of proper names over demonstratives in Old English noun phrases. Key words: DP hypothesis, adnominal demonstratives and possessives in Old English, definiteness, economy considerations

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