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      • 지역주의와 지역통합 관점에서 본 러시아 극동·동시베리아 지역에서 인적 자원의 중요성 : 정치경제적 시각

        한종만 배재대학교인문과학연구소 2002 시베리아총서 Vol.2002 No.-

        This study deals with the importance of human resources and the harm caused by population decrease in Russian East Siberia & Far East. It is focused on the causes and effects of East Siberian & Far East demographical crisis and on the changes of Russian demographical policy. The population in Russian East Siberia & Far East has dropped respectively by 0.4 and 1 million since 1992, and the average male life expectancy in this region fell below the pension age. The demographical crisis in East Siberian & Far East has a number of causes. East Siberia & Far East suffers from the general instability of a country in the process of transforming itself from a planned economy to a market economy. The principle causes of the demographical crisis is the decline of fertility and the increase of mortality. Besides population decrease, this region has been forced to continue immigration to European Russia. Due to the poor quality of life etc., the East Siberian & Far Eastern demographical problem makes a vicious circles. Demographical situation now threatens not only economic progress but also national security. The demographical trends of Russian East Siberia & Far East in general in the near future will be determined by economic, social, and political changes in Russia. The territories of East Siberia & Far East habe been distant from the center, and as a result have been socially and economically backward compared to the Russian Western territories. East Siberia & Far East remains rich in natural resources, but unfortunately Russia has failed to change development potential into reality. Due to the rise of regional separatism and the lack o financial and human resources, the actual results in this region are meager. Russian president Putin and regional policy-makers emphasize the importance of economic cooperation and integration with Asia-Pacific countries including Korea. In this cooperation and integration process, Russian should make a committment to establish an East development policy so as to make use of both natural & financial resources and human resources.

      • 유아의 자연사랑 및 탐구능력 증진을 위한 자연친화 교육활동 적용연구

        류칠선 배재대학교인문과학연구소 2006 人文論叢 Vol.23 No.-

        This research was conducted for the purpose of obtaining the effects of Nature Friendly Educational Activities in the Kindergarten. The analysis and evaluation of materials were done by the qualitative method. The results of application in the Kindergarten were as follows : First, Children who have experienced the nature friendly educational activities increased interest, positive attitude, concept comprehension and inquiry process to the nature. second, Children who have experienced the nature friendly educational activities acquired skill and practical ability for the protection of natural environment.

      • 유치원 건축의 안전성·편리성·쾌적성 실태에 관한 연구

        이대균,김주영 배재대학교인문과학연구소 2006 人文論叢 Vol.23 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to analyze the actual conditions of the kindergarten structure focusing on safety, convenience, and comfort to suggest consideration of desirable kindergarten construction. The subjects of this study were 15 public kindergartens and 15 private kindergartens in D province. The instrument was developed by the investigator and a pilot test of the instrument was approved by specialists of early childhood education who were kindergarten principals and vice-principals, teaching staffs, professors and supervisors. The instrument contained three different sections: (1) Safety (21 items), (2) Convenience (23 items), and (3) Comfort (22 items). Based on instrument the investigators visited kindergartens to examine condition of kindergarten structure utilized an illuminometer and a sound level meter. The results of this study on safety of kindergarten showed no kindergarten set up with a fire escape facility which is able to escape directly from above a two-story classroom. 13% of kindergartens’ classroom door fit up with protection strips to prevent child finger door trapping accidents and 40% of kindergarten’s gate door fit with protection strips. Also, only 6% of kindergartens’ staircase set up with a children handle. The results of this study on convenience of kindergarten showed no kindergarten’s classroom door was appropriate for child’s height and no kindergarten’s washstand in the classroom and restroom was suitable for child’s height. Also, 23% of kindergartens set up with child’s lunch room. The results of this study on comfort of kindergarten showed 13% of kindergartens set up with appropriate height of classroom window for child’s height. 47% of kindergartens’classroom luminous intensity was suitable. 57% of kindergartens set up with heating system in the hallway and only 33% of kindergartens fit up with a mosquito net.

      • Reconsideration the scaffolding model of cognitive development

        Oh, Young-Hee,Yu, Jung-Hee 배재대학교인문과학연구소 2006 人文論叢 Vol.23 No.-

        스캐폴딩은 인지발달을 위한 강력한 도구로서 인지심리학자와 교육학자들에게 매우 인기있는 개념으로 자리잡고 있으며, 이에 대한 방대한 연구가 이루어지고 있다. 스캐폴딩은 교수학습과정에 대한 비유적인 용어로서 성인이나 전문가가 아동이나 초보자를 돕는 것을 가리킨다. 하지만 교과나 과제의 특성으로 인해 교수학습 상황이 다양해지는 관계로 학습상황의 구조, 교실규모, 교사들의 철학적 관점과 스캐폴딩 개념에 대한 해석이 때로 잘못되기도 한다. 또한 스캐폴딩이 인지기능을 계발하는 것이라기 보다 지식과 기능을 단순하게 전수하는 것으로 비춰지기도 한다. 결과적으로 스캐폴딩의 과정이 학습자보다는 교사의 역할에 더 비중을 두게 되는 오류를 범하기도 한다. 이러한 점에서 본 연구는 스캐폴딩에 대한 선행연구들을 고찰하고, 스캐폴딩의 근본적인 의미, 스캐폴딩의 적용가능성과 다양한 분야에서 스캐폴딩을 실시할 때 발생할 수 있는 문제점을 재고하였다. 첫째, 스캐폴딩의 과정에서 교사는 아동을 돕는 절대적인 존재가 아니라 학습목표를 달성하기 위해 역동적이고 유연하게 아동과 함께 활동하는 존재이어야 한다. 둘째, 학습자의 역할 그리고 성공적인 학습을 위해 투자되는 학습자의 노력이 스캐폴딩의 과정에서 결정적인 요인이므로 반드시 존중되어야 한다. 더욱이 교사의 교과에 대한 전문지식, 교수기술, 일관성, 민감성, 유연성과 격려가 교사의 역할과 효과적이고 성공적인 스캐폴딩의 조건이라고 볼 수 있다. 마지막으로 다양한 학습상황, 폭넓은 연령, 교수학습에 내재된 복잡성으로 인해 특정분야를 위해 고안된 단일한 접근모형을 모든 상황에 적용하는 것은 불가능하다. 따라서 어떤 모형을 다른 분야에 적용하는 경우 사전에 해당모형의 적용가능성을 철저하게 검토해야 한다. 아니면 각 분야에 적용할 수 있는 다양한 접근모형을 개발해야 한다. 이상과 같이 본 연구에서 제안된 스캐폴딩의 관련 변수들과 교사역할이 추후연구에서 고려되어야 할 것이다.

      • 지역주의와 지역통합 관점에서 본 러시아 극동·동시베리아 지역에서의 물적 자원의 중요성 : 정치경제적 시각

        한종만 배재대학교인문과학연구소 2002 시베리아총서 Vol.2002 No.-

        This study deals with the regionalism and regional integration in Russian East Siberia & Far East. The territories of East Siberia & Far East habe been distant from the center, and as a result have been socially and economically backward compared to the Russian Western territories. East Siberia & Far East remains rich in natural resources, but unfortunately Russia has failed to change development potential into reality. Due to the rise of regional separatism and the lack of financial and human resources, the actual results in this region are meager. The development of East Siberia & Far East requires time and the effort of neighbouring countries since it is a handful for the Russian government alone to handle. Korea has both geographical proximity and an ideal complementary economic relationship with Russia. If Korea were to actively participate in the development of East Siberia & the Far Eastern territories, then there would be an increase in economic activity between two countries. PNG projects from Irkutsk and Sakhalin, East Siberian Angarsk oil pipeline project, and TKR-TSR project will become the foundation for ‘energy & transport integration system of Northeast Asia’ and an opening signal for the new era of multilateral cooperation in this region. Russian president Putin and regional policy-makers emphasize the importance of economic cooperation and integration with Asia-Pacific countries including Korea. In this cooperation and integration process, Russian should make a committment to establish an East development policy so as to make use of both natural & financial resources and human resources.

      • 러시아 시베리아 작가들의 시베리아-유토피아, 디스토피아 테마

        이길주 배재대학교인문과학연구소 2002 시베리아총서 Vol.2002 No.-

        Like Siberian territory, Siberian literature appears to have no clear borders. In it's broadest meaning it often encompasses literature about Siberia as well as literature of Siberian people. In terms of their human biographical originalities they are so various that sometimes their images and views on Siberia extremely varied, sometimes between heaven and hell., or utopia and dystopia. The tradition of depicting Siberia as a hell was mostly deeper than that of depicting it as a heaven. The former is the case of Avaakum's "Life" which depicted Siberia for the first time as a place of forced bitter exile. And this tradition continued, influncing on the works of the 18th and 19th century writers including F.M. Dostoevsky's "The House of the Dead." and the works of 20th century 'exile literature' writers V. Shalamov and A. Solzhenitsyn. But like the Avaakum's "Life", Dostoevsky's “The House of the dead" contained some parts of blissful scenary in beautiful nature and the 'narod' of Siberia, changing the soil to positive images, associated with heavenly utopian future of Russia. But from the case of Dostoevsky's "Diary of a Writer", the images of Siberia are often linked with Russian role between 'negative-corrupted' Europe and 'innocent' Siberia or Asia. However we could find the imperialistic geopolitical world conception of Dostoevsky concerning on the soil of Siberia engaged with anti-European views, and it was transcended by 20th A. Block's poem "Skify". During the 1st half of the 19th century the Decembrists gave us most negative views on Siberia by mythologizing Siberia as an ultimate dark place of alienation, hardship, exiles. But under the stream of these negative views on Siberia those of Russian writers could'nt refrain from depicting the charms of new frontiers, with rich nature, exotic legendary outlaws, facinated by the myths of Siberia. And the Siberian local romantics, patiots and Siberian regionalists of the second part 19th century began to form images of utopian or "heavenly" Siberia as a kingdom of beautiful and abundant nature with blissful memory of childfood and innocence. The 19th century regionalist's symbol of innocence, purity, freedom, moral superiority, and true "Russianness" of Siberia could be associated with Russian culture of the 20th century in spite of political exiles and hardship on this soil again under the Stalinist regime (The cases of V. Shalamov, A. Solzhenitsyn). The utopian image or legendary paradise conception of Siberian earth was also hailed by Soviet regime mainly with concerns of economic potential. But with the industrial development and rapid modernization process in this area, Russian intelligentsia began to realize the ecological disasters here and there in Siberia. From the 1960s the advent onto the Soviet literary stage of so-called "derevenskaia proza", with its strong voices of nationalistic and ecological provosts, gave us the new pro and con eyes on Siberia, mostly linked with modernization problems of Siberia. What will happen with the myth of Siberia in post-Soviet Russia is, of course, anyone's guess. Already the vision of approaching tragic apocalypse was spreaded among the writings of "derevenshchiki", most notably of Valentine Rasputin's. It means that their themes were confronting with serious social, and ecological problems of modern Siberia. But, still their novels and articles do not conceal the writers' secret hopes of some special positive roles and realization of utopian image of Siberia in terms of literary depiction of it. Consequently, in spite of still ambiguos situation of Siberian literary circles in and out of Siberia, Siberian literature could and should create the more important stream on the river of Russian and world literature from in the future.

      • 텍스트구성의 조건과 차원 : 응결성과 응집성 개념을 중심으로

        이성만 배재대학교인문과학연구소 2006 人文論叢 Vol.23 No.-

        Koh□sion und Koh□renz sind traditionell Begriffe der Textlinguistik. Sie werden als inh□rente Eignschaften von wohl ausgearbeiteten Texten verstanden. In der neueren Forschung ist aber diese traditionelle Perspektive erg□nzt worden. Zur Definition der Begriffe wird nicht mehr nur der Text herangezogen. Statt dessen werden die sprachverabeitenden kognitiven Prozesse f□r die Begriffserkl□rung hinzugezogen. Im folgenden sollen zun□chst Koh□renz und Koh□sion als intuitive Begriffe betrachtet und erl□utert werden. Darauf aufbauend kann sie linguistisch im traditionellen Sinne erkl□rt werden. Dann werden sie durch die Ber□cksichtigung des kommunikativen Aspektes von Texten und durch eine psycholinguistische Perspektive auf die Begriffe erkl□rt. Schließlich werden die Dimensionen diskutiert, anhand derer Koh□renz und Koh□sion zu betrachten sind.

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