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      • 業務上炎害認定의 問題點(II)

        鄭奎澈 가톨릭대학산업의학센타 산업의학연구소 1965 韓國의 産業醫學 Vol.4 No.3

        상술한 뇌졸중의 예시에서 업무상 재해를 인정함에 있어서는 의학적인 부분과 법적인 부분으로 구성되고 있음을 알 수가 있을 것이다. 즉 보상법상의 업무상재해의 인정 급지 판단은 법의학적인 문제이다. 따라서 판정의 표식 또는 인정기준은 법적인 부분과 의학적인 부분으로 되어 있다. 법적부분은 법조문과 그 해석, 의학적부분은 상병의 원인분석이며, 분석결과를 법적인 판정표식(재해, 직업병, 업무, 원인 등의 재판판결에 의한 여러 가지 개념)에 비추어 이에 적합한 요소가 있었는가를 검토하는 것이다. 법적부분은 모든 상해에 공통이므로 인정기준의 총론이라고 말할수 있다. 그러나 의학적인 부분은 각질병마다 그 기분 급지 표식이 다르게 된다. 즉 인정기준의 각론에 해당한다. 구주에서는 1884년 독일에서 처음으로 재해보험이 시작된 이래, 1884년에는 영국에서, 1898년에는 불란서에서 등 여러나라에서 입법되었고, 그 후 70여년동안에 무수한 재판이 행하여 졌으며, 최고재판소의 판례에 의한 법해석에 따라 판단하기 어려운 급소급소에 대한 명확한 판정표식, 인정기준이 정해졌다. 이러한 법적판정표식, 인정기준을 근거로 해서 그 테두리안에서 각질병에 대해서 업무상 인정의 의학적이론이 확립되어 있는 것이다. 이것은 재해의학이라고 말할 수 있는 넓은 영역이다.

      • 韓國勤勞者들의 健康診斷結果 報告書 : (第7報) 韓國勤勞者들의 胸部X線檢診에 나타난 肺結核病者의 統計的考察 (Report 7) A Statistical Observation on Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients among Korean Industrial Workers as Shown by Mass Chest X-ray Survey.

        가톨릭대학산업의학센타 산업의학연구소 가톨릭대학산업의학센타 산업의학연구소 1964 韓國의 産業醫學 Vol.3 No.2

        In the year of 1963, this Institute organized five mobile health examination teams under the joint program with the Korean Tuberculosis Association, and administered photofluorographic studies of the chests to the total of 146,375 workers(89,257 male persons; 57,118 female persons) who were working in 1,734 different working places that had 30 or more workers throughout the country. Classified and examined by the standards of the National Tuberculosis Association of the United States, the following results were obtained : 1. The prevalence rate for chest cases among the total examinees were 6.64% for male and 2.74% for female. 2. Out of the total chest cases inactive tuberculosis cases, non-tuberculosis cases, and diagnosis deferred cases amounted to 5.85% of male and 2.35% of female, and the average of male and female was 4.4%. 3. Out of the total chest cases 88.0% of male and 85.7% of female were tuberculosis cases. Out of these the prevalence rates were 63.6% for men and 54.4% of women excluding suspected tuberculosis cases. 4. The minimal cases among tuberculosis cases were 63.6% for men and 64.5% for women. The figure for women was sightly than that for men. In the case of moderately advanced cases and far advanced cases, however, men showed higher rates with 30.8% and 5.6% respectively to those of 30.4% and 5.1% for women. (X²=11.19) 5. The prevalence rates of pulmonary tuberculosis seen by age group showed that those for men and women were about the same for below the age of 17 with 1.26% and 1.44% respectively, but as they grow older the rates increased with the one for men increasing more conspicuoucly. 6. The precentage of tuberculosis cases among chest cases discovered through photofluorograph tended to decrease for both sexes as they grow older. 7. The prevalence rates for tuberculosis cases as seen by the length of service are as follows. for the first year, they were 4.28% for men and 1.90% for women. These figures increased as the length of service became longer until they reached 8.95% for men and 4.25% for women for the group with 11 or more years of service. 8. The prevalence rates for men as seen by the types of work engaged in showed thet the men with relatively higher education such as printing and publication workers including the press workers, transportation workers, and bank and other administrative workers had higher rates with 9.13%, 7.88% and 7.1% respectively. 9. The prevalence rates as seen by geographical areas showed higher rates for men in Kangwon Province, Seoul, and Choong-buk Province with 7.97%, 6.76%, and 6.53% respectively ; Kangwon and Pusan areas showed higher rates for women with 3.52% and 3.29% respectively. Although Chun-nam Province showed the lowest rates with 4.51% for men and 1.36% for women, it was difficult to determine the correlations with the types of industry, age, and the length of service, etc.

      • 工場安全點檢時의 着眼點

        鄭奎澈 가톨릭대학산업의학센타 산업의학연구소 1962 韓國의 産業醫學 Vol.1 No.1

        1. 새로이 창설된 가톨릭 산업의학연구소는 「연구소안내」와 월간「한국의 산업의학」지 제1호를 발행하여 200명이상 되는 전국기업체와 관계각기관에 배포하였습니다. 2. 가톨릭 산업의학연구소는 각기업체에서 일어나는 산업의학에 관한 문제와 조사의뢰를 환영하고 있습니다. 3. 국립보건원에서는 노동국 주최로 전국안전관리자에 대한 강습회가 9월24일부터 29일까지 개최됩니다. 4. 금년도 제1회보건관리자 및 보건관리요원의 훈련은 10월25일부터 8주간에 거쳐 국립보건원에서 개최될 예정입니다.

      • 산업보건관리자를 위한 소음성 난청 예방지침서의 개발

        이원철,유경혜,장성실,이세훈,구정완,김현욱,노영만,이경재,김형아 가톨릭 대학 산업의학 쎈타 산업의학연구소 1996 韓國의 産業醫學 Vol.35 No.1

        Occupational hearing loss became the leading occupational disease by constioution 56% of all work-related diseases in Korea. However, the prevalance rates showed wide variations among the specific medical examination providers and were very low(0.8-1.4%) compared with those 8.4% in Japan. The sources of these variations was regarded in the preview study as 1) Employee audometric estings were primarily conducted by nurses and nurse-aids who had no formal training for audiometry; 2) althought audiometric testing equipment used by the spedific medical examination providers, it should be periodically calibrated, a significant number of them were not properly calibrated : 3) Initial audiometric testings were conducted at any available spaces in workplace or at the testing room without considering bachground noise level. One of solutions that can be done for sloving surrent noise related problems is to provide a noise related manual for the occupational health managers including doctors, nurses and hyginests. This study was done to provide such a manual. The main core of the manual was hearing conservation program. And the contents of the manual was the same as the main frame of hearing conservation program such as noise survey, provided of the diagram showing the core contents of each factor of the hearing conservation program. Hopefully, this manual will be the references of the standardized performances of the specific medical examination providers.

      • 미국산업의학협회 산업보건의사 윤리강령

        편집실 카톨릭대학산업의학센타 산업의학연구소 1976 韓國의 産業醫學 Vol.15 No.4

        미국산업의학협회(American Occupational Medical Association) 상임이사회에서는 1976년 7월 23일 산업보건사업에 종사하는 의사들을 위한 윤리강령을 채택한 바 있다. 이 강령을 채택한 목적은 산업보건사업에 종사하는 의사들로 하여금 윤리적 행위를 실천하도록 고취시키는데 있으며 그내용은 의사들과 그들이 봉사해야 할 대상인 근로자들과의 관계 및 고용주, 근로자 대표, 기타 사업장에서의 보건관계 인사들과 일반 대중들과의 관계에 있어서 산업보건의사들이 지녀야할 태도를 제시하고 있으며 그 내용은 다음과 같다.

      • 事業場安全保健診斷結果(抄)

        李昇漢 가톨릭대학산업의학쎈타산업 의학연구소 1968 韓國의 産業醫學 Vol.7 No.4

        우리나라에서는 생산장에 안전보건사업이 도입된지 얼마되지 않았음에도 불구하고 계속착실한 발전을 이루고 있는 중이라고는 하나, 우리의 현실을 외국과 비교하여 본다면 전도요원한 바가 없지 않으며, 엄청난 수의 재해와 직업병이 근로자의 건강을 좀먹고 또 생산성을 저하시키고 있다. 대한산업보건협회에서는 중대재해가 발생하였거나 또는 산업재해보상보험상의 수지율이 불안한 사업장에 대한 노동청의 산업안전보건진단계획에 따라 1968년후반기에 걸쳐 전국에 산재하는 20개사업장을 환경위생학, 공학, 산업심리학, 산업의학 및 보건행정학측면에서 종합관찰한 바 이들 사업장에서 얻은 시정방안을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 이 조사계획에 포함된 사업장은 광업4개소, 제조업 15개소, 운수업 1개소이다.

      • 진폐발생의 예방의학적 조사

        金認煥,曺圭常 가톨릭 대학 산업의학 센타 산업의학연구소 1971 韓國의 産業醫學 Vol.10 No.1

        (1) Dust concentrations in working places of Korean coal mines exceed 5 to 70 times as high as the recommended threshold limit value of dust. (2) It is estimated that 1,300 to 2,300 pneumoconiosis cases may exist among Korean coal miners based on the data obtained from the study. (3) Prevalence rate of pneumoconiosis is the highest among workers who have over 10 years of working experience in dusty coal mines. Despite a fact that pneumoconiosis case is seldom found nowadays in the developed countries among workers whose working experience is less then 5 years, a quite number of cases are found among workers with less than 5years of working experience. Moreover, it is evident from the fact that pneumoconiosis case even in the third stage are found among workers with a few years of working experience, pneumoconiosis can be occurred within a short period of time when workers are exposed to high concentration of dust. (4) It is anticipated that pneumoconiosis cases will occur unless the working environment is improved, when coal miners are getting old, as the prevalence rate shows the highest among a group of workers aged 35 to 50 years. (5) The commonest complication with pneumoconiosis is pulmonary tuberculosis showing the rate of 25.7%, that is, nearly 8 times as high as that of pulmonary tuberculosis among Korean general population. Besides, pulmonary emphysema, bronchiectasis, cor pulmonale, pleurisy and lung abscess can be seen as complications of pneumoconiosis.

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