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        Fumiko Kano Glückstad,Mikkel N. Schmidt,Morten Mørup 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2018 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2018 No.07

        This presentation introduces a methodological framework that analyzes a model of destination image formation (Baloglu & McCleary 1999; Beerli & Martin 2004). Specifically, the main aims of this study are to investigate what type of stimulus factors (information sources) are connected to the formation of destination image, and to explore if there is a connection between their strength of willingness to visit a destination and their patterns to associate with the destination. The study employs an advanced nonparametric Bayesian relational model (Glückstad, Herlau, Schmidt, Rzepka, Araki and Mørup 2013; Mørup, Glückstad, Herlau & Schmidt, 2014) for a two-steps analysis . The first step attempts to segment consumers according to patterns of attributes consumers associate with three arbitrary selected destinations. The second step statistically analyzes latent structural patterns per segment by contrasting two independent datasets, one consisting of information sources and members of a segment and another consisting of destination attributes and the members of the segment. The results of two-steps analysis demonstrated that patterns of attributes respondents associate with the three selected destinations differ across individuals and the applied method enabled to segment respondents according to the differences, and consumers’ associations, their willingness to visit the destinations and types of information sources they have accessed to learn about the destinations are connected to each other.

      • Joining the Debate: Creativity Seen from Eastern and Central Europe

        Vlad Petre Glăveanu,Maciej Karwowski 대한사고개발학회 2013 The International Journal of Creativity & Problem Vol.23 No.1

        This special issue, as seen from above, covers at least three important themes and showcases research from a series of different Eastern and Central European countries using a variety of methodologies, from surveys to psychobiography. It stands as a testimony for the growing interest in creativity in this part of the world and also for the valuable insights creativity research worldwide can take when focusing on this geo-cultural location. Studies of implicit theories and creativity enhancement programmes are not unique only to this context, however, the ways in which the authors approach them and the widespread concern for social and cultural variables sets these investigations apart at least from more mainstream, ‘Western’ psychology. A focus on culture is not gratuitous as many scholars today realise (Lubart, 1999; Simonton, 2003) and it is perhaps here where Eastern researchers have the greatest contribution to make. This is because Eastern and Central Europe is not only a place with a rich and diverse cultural heritage but also a space in which people understand the importance of living within a society and a culture and trying to preserve and transform them, ‘from within’, in ways that both reflect and support creative expression. Preparation of this special issue was possible thanks to the warm reaction of James C. Kaufman and the whole editorial board. We would like to express our gratitude to all editorial board members who served as peer reviewers during the submission and review process as well as to several ad hoc reviewers who helped us and the authors improve their articles. The full list of reviewers is attached at the end of this issue. Finally we would like to thank the authors who responded to our call and invite readers to engage with these contributions and discover creativity as it is seen from Eastern and Central Europe.

      • KCI등재

        Computational study of the wind load on a free-form complex thin shell structure

        A. Moret Rodrigues,Ana Tomé,M. Glória Gomes 한국풍공학회 2017 Wind and Structures, An International Journal (WAS Vol.25 No.2

        The accelerated development of new materials, technologies and construction processes, in parallel with advances in computational algorithms and ever growing computational power, is leading to more daring and innovative architectural and structural designs. The search for non-regular building shapes and slender structures, as alternative to the traditional architectural forms that have been prevailing in the building sector, poses important engineering challenges in the assessment of the strength and mechanical stability of non-conventional structures and systems, namely against highly variable actions as wind and seismic forces. In case of complex structures, laboratory experiments are a widely used methodology for strength assessment and loading characterization. Nevertheless, powerful numerical tools providing reliable results are also available today and able to compete with the experimental approach. In this paper the wind action on a free-form complex thin shell is investigated through 3D-CFD simulation in terms of the pressure coefficients and global forces generated. All the modelling aspects and calibrating process are described. The results obtained showed that the CFD technique is effective in the study of the wind effects on complex-shaped structures.

      • Pros & cons of e-learning environments from an adaptivity perspective

        Pé,ter Né,gyesi,Ilona Olá,hné, Té,glá,si,Ré,ka Racsko 한국교원대학교 융합교육연구소 2021 융합교육연구 Vol.7 No.2

        One of the most used terms these days, alongside e-learning , is lifelong learning (LLL). It is becoming an increasingly topical subject in our rapidly changing society, and its constant evolution and changes brought about by new information technologies. In today s higher education, there are many online learning environments whose primary purpose is to support learning activities. Based on the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and the resulting digital work system introduced in Hungary last spring, we see that teachers in public education also need a well-constructed e-learning environment (framework) with scientifically validated and verified content, developed according to real needs, and based on the principles of didactic design. Learners may have different characteristics - different prior knowledge, motivation or needs. It is therefore very important to develop adaptive learning systems to make the learning process as effective and motivating as possible. This adaptation should take place independently of the course, the creator, or the teacher. In my presentation, I will present the results of a comparison of the most widely used e-learning platforms in Hungary (SAP Learning Solution, ORACLE iLearning, ILIAS and Moodle) in terms of their ability to adapt to the needs and requirements of users. In our theoretical research, we use stratified probability sampling to interview high school and university teachers and students in the form of semi-structured interviews, and content analysis of available online learning materials to increase validity and reliability. Our aim is to show that none of these platforms can achieve full adaptability and that the development of a new adaptive open-source platform is therefore justified.

      • KCI등재

        Reaction of Cauliflower Genotypes to Black Rot of Crucifers

        Lincon Rafael da Silva,Renan César Dias da Silva,Atalita Francis Cardoso,Gláucia de Mello Pelá,Daniel Diego Costa Carvalho 한국식물병리학회 2015 Plant Pathology Journal Vol.31 No.2

        This study aimed to evaluate six cauliflower genotypes regarding their resistance to black rot and their production performance. To do so, it was conducted two field experiments in Ipameri, Goiás, Brazil, in 2012 and 2013. It was used a randomized block design, with four replications (total of 24 plots). Each plot consisted of three planting lines 2.5 m long (six plants/line), spaced 1.0 m apart, for a total area of 7.5 m2. Evaluations of black rot severity were performed at 45 days after transplanting, this is, 75 days after sowing (DAS), and yield evaluations at 90 to 105 DAS. The Verona 184 genotype was the most resistant to black rot, showing 1.87 and 2.25% of leaf area covered by black rot symptom (LACBRS) in 2012 and 2013. However, it was not among the most productive materials. The yield of the genotypes varied between 15.14 and 25.83 t/ha in both years, Lisvera F1 (21.78 and 24.60 t/ha) and Cindy (19.95 and 23.56 t/ha) being the most productive. However, Lisvera F1 showed 6.37 and 9.37% of LACBRS and Cindy showed 14.25 and 14.87% of LACBRS in 2012 and 2013, being both considered as tolerant to black rot.

      • KCI등재

        Monoterpene Bioconversion for the Production of Aroma Compounds by Fungi Isolated from Brazilian Fruits

        Gustavo Molina,Denise M. Pinheiro,Mariana R. Pimentel,Rosangela dos Ssanros,Gláucia M. Pastore 한국식품과학회 2013 Food Science and Biotechnology Vol.22 No.4

        This work aimed to isolate fungal strains from Brazilian fruits and select potential biocatalysts for the bioconversion of the monoterpenes citronellol, limonene,linalool, and geraniol. Among the 36 fungal strains isolated,12 were capable to convert citronellol into rose oxide and its isomers, while the biotransformation of limonene led to the formation of 2 derivatives of high market value, carvone and α-terpineol. Furthermore, geraniol was converted into 2 new products and linalool into linalool oxide, ocimenol,geraniol, and also α-terpineol by using several strains. Accordingly, the microorganisms LB-2025, LB-2036, and LB-2038 were selected for further experiments and identified as Penicillium sp., Penicillium sp., and Aspergillus sp.,respectively. Induction studies with substrates and products have been evaluated and the production of rose oxide was enhanced from 5- to 8-fold, while the products originated from the biotransformation of limonene have not changed. Thus, this work demonstrates the biotechnological production of new flavor compounds.

      • KCI등재

        Medicinal use patterns of Parkia biglobosa (Jacq.) Benth. and Vitellaria paradoxa (Gaertn. F), two important traditional agroforestry species in Benin, West-Africa

        Olouwatoyin Grâce Ricardine Odounharo,Setondé Constant Gnansounou,Kolawolé Valère Salako,Idohou Rodrigue,Guy Apollinaire Mensah,Kakaï Romain Glèlè,Achille Ephrem Assogbadjo 경희대학교 융합한의과학연구소 2022 Oriental Pharmacy and Experimental Medicine Vol.22 No.3

        In West Africa, African locust bean (P. biglobosa (Jacq.) Benth.) and Shea (V. paradoxa (Gaertn. F) are among the most important multipurpose plant species commonly found in traditional agroforestry systems. Most of research on these species are dominated by patterns and properties of their food uses, and additionally cosmetics for the shea. Yet, the species also have interesting medicinal properties that have been little explicitly explored. Using an ethnobotanical survey, we explored the patterns of diseases and other human disorders healed by the species, the different plants parts involved in diseases treatment, the recipes adapted for the treatment of the diseases and disorders and the other species involved in recipes composition in Northern Benin where they are widely distributed and used. Plants parts used by respondents were subjected to a Principal Component Analysis together with the ethnic groups. Alpha diversity indices were used to compute disease diversity while the Intraspecific Use Values index was applied to assess the frequency of utilization of each plant part. Results showed that 11 categories comprising 51 diseases and disorders were listed by respondents for the two species, with the predominance of Gastro-intestinal diseases (RFC = 31.10% for P. biglobosa and RFC = 31.81% for V. paradoxa) and Infectious diseases (RFC = 26.82% for P. biglobosa and RFC = 27.27% for V. paradoxa). Most used plants parts were nuts (IVU = 90.90%) and roots (IVU = 90.90%) for V. paradoxa and roots (IVU = 90.24%) and bark (IVU = 70.73%) for P. biglobosa. The PCA analysis showed a strong variation in the used plants parts across the sociocultural groups.

      • KCI등재

        Medicinal use patterns of Parkia biglobosa (Jacq.) Benth. and Vitellaria paradoxa (Gaertn. F), two important traditional agroforestry species in Benin, West-Africa

        Olouwatoyin Grâce Ricardine Odounharo,Setondé Constant Gnansounou,Kolawolé Valère Salako,Idohou Rodrigue,Guy Apollinaire Mensah,Kakaï Romain Glèlè,Ephrem Assogbadjo Achille 경희대학교 융합한의과학연구소 2022 Oriental Pharmacy and Experimental Medicine Vol.22 No.3

        In West Africa, African locust bean (P. biglobosa (Jacq.) Benth.) and Shea (V. paradoxa (Gaertn. F) are among the most important multipurpose plant species commonly found in traditional agroforestry systems. Most of research on these species are dominated by patterns and properties of their food uses, and additionally cosmetics for the shea. Yet, the species also have interesting medicinal properties that have been little explicitly explored. Using an ethnobotanical survey, we explored the patterns of diseases and other human disorders healed by the species, the different plants parts involved in diseases treatment, the recipes adapted for the treatment of the diseases and disorders and the other species involved in recipes composition in Northern Benin where they are widely distributed and used. Plants parts used by respondents were subjected to a Principal Component Analysis together with the ethnic groups. Alpha diversity indices were used to compute disease diversity while the Intraspecific Use Values index was applied to assess the frequency of utilization of each plant part. Results showed that 11 categories comprising 51 diseases and disorders were listed by respondents for the two species, with the predominance of Gastro-intestinal diseases (RFC = 31.10% for P. biglobosa and RFC = 31.81% for V. paradoxa) and Infectious diseases (RFC = 26.82% for P. biglobosa and RFC = 27.27% for V. paradoxa). Most used plants parts were nuts (IVU = 90.90%) and roots (IVU = 90.90%) for V. paradoxa and roots (IVU = 90.24%) and bark (IVU = 70.73%) for P. biglobosa. The PCA analysis showed a strong variation in the used plants parts across the sociocultural groups.

      • KCI등재

        Collagen Hydrolysate Intake Increases Skin Collagen Expression and Suppresses Matrix Metalloproteinase 2 Activity

        Vivian Zague,Vanessa de Freitas,Marina da Costa Rosa,Geórgia Álvares de Castro,Ruy G. Jaeger,Gláucia M. Machado-Santelli 한국식품영양과학회 2011 Journal of medicinal food Vol.14 No.6

        The effect of daily ingestion of collagen hydrolysate (CH) on skin extracellular matrix proteins was investigated. Four-week-old male Wistar rats were fed a modified AIN-93 diet containing 12% casein as the reference group or CH as the treatment group. A control group was established in which animals were fed a non–protein-modified AIN-93 diet. The diets were administered continuously for 4 weeks when six fresh skin samples from each group were assembled and subjected to extraction of protein. Type I and IV collagens were studied by immunoblot, and activities of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) 2 and 9 were assessed by zymography. The relative amount of type I and IV collagens was significantly (P < .05) increased after CH intake compared with the reference diet group (casein). Moreover, CH uptake significantly decreased both proenzyme and active forms of MMP2 compared with casein and control groups (P < .05). In contrast, CH ingestion did not influence on MMP9 activity. These results suggest that CH may reduce aging-related changes of the extracellular matrix by stimulating anabolic processes in skin tissue.

      • Characteristics and Breeding of a High-temperature Applied Ear Mushroom (Auricularia auricula-judae) Variety ‘Hyeonyu’

        Gl-Kwon Lee 한국버섯학회 2017 버섯 Vol.21 No.2

        Although ear mushroom (Auricularia auricula-judae) was a world-widely cultivated there was a limited number of commercial cultivars in Korea. Recent increase of import of ear mushroom from China threatens domestic farmhouse. A present study introduced a thermo-tolerant new cultivar of ear mushroom ‘Hyeonyu’, which was made by mating monokaryons obtained from JBAA11 and CAA1 strains. The optimal temperature for growth was 26-36°C. The periods of primordia formation and fruit-body growth were 27 and 15 days, respectively. The average mushroom yield per bag (1kg) was 350g. As a result of RAPD with OPA1 and OPA7 primers, there were polymorphic DNA bands among control, new variety and china variety.

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