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      • Analgesic and anti-neoplastic effects of the immunization-active fraction of Enterococcus faecalis 2001

        Yanagisawa, Takaharu,Gu, Yeun-Hwa,Tsuchihashi, Emi,Umekawa, Mikako,Yamamoto, Hajimu,Iwasa, Toshihiro,Suzuki, Ikukatsu INSTITUTE OF ORIENTAL MEDICINE KYUNG-HEE UNIVERSIT 2000 JOURNAL OF ORIENTAL MEDICINE Vol.5 No.1

        A freeze-dried aqueous extract(BRM: biological response modifier) from Enterococcus faecalis 2001, lacking fungal products and designated Enterococcus faecalis 2001, was used in this study. Because a lymphocyte/polymorph(L/P)-enhancing activity was fonud when mice were treated with 200 g of BRM(p<0.05), the extract was examined for its anti-neoplastic effects against Meth A fibrosarcoma in mice, and for analgesic action based on in various animal models. The mice were inoculated with 1 106cells and 2 105cells directly in the right and left flank, respectively, and the anti-neoplastic effects of intratumoral administration of BRM against syngeneic Meth A fibrosarcomas in BALB/c mice were examined. BRM at 1mg/0.1ml in isotonic sodium chloride soultion, was administered into the right neoplasm at 3, 4, and 5 days after tumor implantation. The dimensions of the tumor were measured from day 3 until day 25 after tumor implantation, and a significant reduction in tumor size was observed from day 21 until day 25. The pain-relieving effects of BRM were tested using the acetic acid induced writhing method. At 1,000mg/kg, BRM exerted a significant analgesic effect when compared to the control group.

      • Development plan for a persistent 1.3 GHz NMR magnet in a new MIRAI project on joint technology for HTS wires/cables in Japan

        Yanagisawa, Y.,Suetomi, Y.,Piao, R.,Yamagishi, K.,Takao, T.,Hamada, M.,Saito, K.,Ohki, K.,Yamaguchi, T.,Nagaishi, T.,Kitaguchi, H.,Ueda, H.,Shimoyama, J.,Ishii, Y.,Tomita, M.,Maeda, H. The Korea Institute of Applied Superconductivity a 2018 초전도와 저온공학 Vol.20 No.2

        The present article briefly overviews the plan for a new project on joint technology for HTS wires/cables and describes the development plan for the world's highest field NMR magnet, which is a major development item in the project. For full-fledged social implementation of superconducting devices, high temperature superconducting (HTS) wire is a key technology since they can be cooled by liquid nitrogen and they can generate a super-high magnetic field of >>24 T at liquid helium temperatures. However, one of the major drawbacks of the HTS wires is their availability only in short lengths of a single piece of wire. This necessitates a number of joints being installed in superconducting devices, resulting in a difficult manufacturing process and a large joint resistance. In Japan, a large-scale project has commenced, including two technical demonstration items: (i) Development of superconducting joints between HTS wires, which are used in the world's highest field 1.3 GHz (30.5 T) NMR magnet in persistent current mode; the joints performance is evaluated based on NMR spectra for proteins. (ii) Development of ultra-low resistive joints between DC superconducting feeder cables for railway systems. The project starts a new initiative of next generation super-high field NMR development as well as that of realization of better superconducting power cables.



        YANAGISAWA KENSHl,ITOH NOBUNARI,ICHIKAWA TAKASHI The Korean Astronomical Society 1996 Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society Vol.29 No.suppl1

        We have started multi-color imaging program of nearby galaxies since last year and present preliminary result here. We selected 12 nearby galaxies classfied from E to Sab type and observed in BVRIJHK' bands. Photomtric parameters such as isophotal diameter, axial ratio, isophotal magnitude were measured and observed colors were compared with theoritical model. We find a standard evolution model agrees well with observed results.



        YANAGISAWA KENSHI The Korean Astronomical Society 2005 Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society Vol.38 No.2

        We present the design, expected performance, and current status of the wide field near-infrared camera (OAOWFC) now being developed at Okayama Astrophysical Observatory, NAOJ, NINS. OAOWFC is a near-infrared survey telescope whose effective aperture is 91cm. It works at Y, J, H, and $K_s$ bands and is dedicated to the survey of long period variable stars in the Galactic plane. The field of view is $0.95 {\times} 0.95 deg^2$ which is covered by one HAWAII-2 RG detector of 2048 ${\times}$ 2048 pixels with the pixel size of $18.5 {\mu}m\;{\times}\;18.5{\mu}m$, that results in the sampling pitch of 1.6 arcsec/pixel. OAOWFC can sweep the area of $840 deg^2$ every 3 weeks, attaining a limiting magnitude of 13 in $K_s$ band. It allows us to observe long period variables embedded in the Galactic plane where interstellar extinction is severe in optical.


        Yanagisawa Haruka 경북대학교 아시아연구소 2009 아시아연구 Vol.- No.7

        19세기에 타밀나두(Tamilnadu)는 인도 다른 지역들의 경우처럼, 마을 토지의 많은 부분은 경작하지 않고 그들의 가축을 방목하기 위해 그리고 땔감, 가축의 사료, 퇴비, 집을 짓는데 필요한 건축자재용 나무를 모으기 위해 마을 사람들이 이용하였다. 그와 같은 공유지는 식민지 시절 세입관리국에 의해 ‘미경작지(waste land)’로 분류되었다. 공유지에 대한 전통적 통념은 촌락 내에서 광범위하게 용인되어 왔던 바, 그 입장은 마을 공동 소유 자원의 감소가 촌락 내 빈민들에게 끼칠 부정적 여파를 강조하는 것이었고, 마을 공유지는 그 땅을 이용하는 권리에 대한 심각한 분쟁 없이 빈민을 포함한 모든 마을 사람들에 의해 이용될 수 있음을 가정한 것이었다. 주로 19세기 타밀나두의 역사적 문서들에 근거하고 있는 이 논문은 영향력 있는 마을 사람들이 ‘미경작지(마을 공유지)’를 관리했다는 것, 그리고 자연자원을 통제하는 엘리트 지배 시스템이 마을 하위계층의 점진적인 해방으로 쇠퇴하였다는 것을 논하고 있다. 토지가 없는 사람들에 의한 작은 경작지의 획득과 미경작지의 잠식은 그들의 권한부여를 반영하고 그리고 그들의 계약조건을 강화했을 뿐 아니라 그러한 상황들 아래에서, 자원관리제도의 평등주의 유형을 위한 가능한 전제조건들의 조성을 암시하고 있다. 또한 이 논문은, 1980년대 이래 타밀나두에서 입증되었던 것처럼, 비농업적 취업 기회들의 증대가 토지에 대한 압박을 약화시킬 수 있고, 또한 농장 조림(造林)의 확장으로 귀결되곤하는 그들 농장의 농작물 수확 방식을 바꾸도록 농부들을 유도할 수 있음을 제안하고 있다. 토지가 없는 사람들이 토지 경작권(/보유권)을 취득하는 것, 그리고 그들의 해방 또한 이런 방향에서 가능한 기여를 할 수 있다. In nineteenth-century Tamilnadu(South India), as was the case in other areas in India, a significant portion of village lands was not cultivated but used by villagers for grazing their livestock, and for collecting wood for fuel, fodder, manure, house-building materials, etc. Such common land was classified as 'waste land'by the revenue administration of the colonial period. The widely accepted view that emphasises the negative impact of the decline in common property resources on the village poor generally presumes that village common lands would have been used by all villagers inclusive of the poor without serious differences in the right to access them. Mainly based on historical documents for Tamilnadu from the nineteenth century, this paper argues that influential villagers control1ed 'waste lands'(village common land) and that this elite-dominant system of controlling natural resources declined with the gradual emancipation of the subordinate section of villagers. The acquisition of small bits of cultivated land and the encroachment on waste lands by the landless not only mirrored their empowerment and strengthened their bargaining position but also implies, under some circumstances, the creation of possible pre-conditions for an egalitarian type of resource-controlling system. The paper also suggests that, as witnessed in Tamilnadu since the 1980s, the growth of non-agricultural job opportunities could possibly weaken the pressure on land and also induce farmers to change cropping patterns of their farms, sometimes leading to an expansion of farm forestry. The acquisition of landholding by the landless and their emancipation could also possibly contribute in this direction.

      • Development of NIRS-BCI system Using Perceptron

        Kazuki Yanagisawa,Hideyuki Sawai,Hitoshi Tsunashima 제어로봇시스템학회 2012 제어로봇시스템학회 국제학술대회 논문집 Vol.2012 No.10

        Brain Computer Interface (BCI) is a system that controls machines and devices by extracting neural information from human brain activity and it is expected for nursing robot such as an artificial hand. The present study focuses on BCI that uses near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). But signal processing methods for NIRS signals have not yet been established. For these reasons, it is difficult obtain highly accurate control operations. This study proposes BCI systems that can control a robot using NIRS which measures neural information from human brain activity. In this study propose a new brain activity judgment method that uses dispersion ratio and perseptron, to achieve highly accurate on/off operations is developed. Brain activity during actual grasping tasks and imagined grasping tasks are measured to demonstrate the validity of the proposed BCI system. Experimental results showed that the operation results can be greatly improved with the proposed method by both tasks.

      • Evaluation of pleasant and unpleasant emotions evoked by visual stimuli using NIRS

        Kazuki Yanagisawa,Hitoshi Tsunashima 제어로봇시스템학회 2015 제어로봇시스템학회 국제학술대회 논문집 Vol.2015 No.10

        A relation between a level of brain activity and pleasant and unpleasant emotions has been studied using Near-infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS). In this study, the relation between the brain activity and the pleasant and unpleasant emotions was evaluated using International Affective Picture System (IAPS) and NIRS. Based on the NIRS recording for 21 participants, the effect of pleasant and unpleasant emotion on the brain activity was measured. The detection of pleasant and unpleasant emotion from NIRS signal was conducted using Neural Network. It was shown that the pleasant and unpleasant emotion can be detected with the accuracy of 96% (the highest) and 75% (average).

      • Interface Development for Web-based Instruction Set Simulator

        Hideaki Yanagisawa,Minoru Uehara,Hideki Mori 대한전자공학회 2008 ITC-CSCC :International Technical Conference on Ci Vol.2008 No.7

        HW/SW codesign tools are necessary to develop new processors in a short period of time, because both the hardware and a software development environment that includes a simulator, assembler, disassembler and compiler, need to be designed for the new processor. We have therefore develped C-DASH, a HW/SW codesign tool for designing processors. In addition, we have developed SSC-DASH (Server-Side C-DASH), which provides a web-based interface enabling processor designers to use C-DASH on the web. This paper describes the interface development for a web-based instruction set simulator in a web-based processor development environment.

      • Analysison Pedestrian Out flow through an Exit with an Obstacle

        Daichi Yanagisawa,Ayako Kimura,Akiyasu Tomoeda,Ryosuke Nishi,Yushi Suma,Kazumichi Ohtsuka,Katsuhiro Nishinari 제어로봇시스템학회 2009 제어로봇시스템학회 국제학술대회 논문집 Vol.2009 No.8

        We have found that putting an obstacle in front of an exitin creases the pedestrian out flow through an exitinane vacuation situation from our experimets. In this paper, conflicts and turning, which affects the pedestrian out-flow significantly, is studied in detail to analyze the effect of an obstacle. In the floor field model, which is apedestri and ynamics modelu sing cellularauto mata, conflicts are taken in to account by the frictional parameter, which is not suffi-ciently realistic, and turning is neglected. Therefore, we have improved the frictional parameter to the frictional function, which is more realistic than the frictional parameter, and introduced the turning function, which represents the decrease in walking speeds when pedestrians turn. The frictional and the turning function clearly explain the mechanism of the effect of the obstacle, i.e., the obstacle blocks apedestrian moving to the exitand decreases the average number of pedestrians involved in the conflict.

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