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        Solar photocatalysis of a recalcitrant coloured effluent from a wastewater treatment plant

        Vilar, Vitor J.P.,Gomes, Ana I.E.,Ramos, Vanessa M.,Maldonadob, Manuel I.,Boaventura, Rui A.R. Korean Society of Photoscience 2009 Photochemical & photobiological sciences Vol.8 No.5

        A photocatalytic study of a coloured effluent from a wastewater treatment plant was carried out in a pilot plant using compound parabolic collectors (CPC) in order to find out the best conditions for colour removal, since the discharge limit for this parameter is not achieved after conventional wastewater treatment. The interaction between ultraviolet natural radiation and $TiO_2$ strongly enhanced the colour degradation rate. Different $TiO_2$ concentrations were tested and the optimum concentration achieved was $200\;mg\;L^{-1}$. The use of peroxydisulfate ($S_2{O_8}^{2-}$) as an additional electron scavenger gave a noticeable effect on colour and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) removal due to the formation of additional powerful oxidant species ($OH^{\cdot}$ and ${SO_4}^{{\cdot}-}$). However, hydrogen peroxide ($H_2O_2$) as additional oxidant was more efficient on colour degradation than $S_2{O_8}^{2-}$. The amount of energy necessary for the same colour removal (C/$C_0$ < 0.1) was 6, 14 and $80\;kJ_{UV}\;L^{-1}$, respectively, for the following systems using sunlight: $200\;mg\;L^{-1}$ $TiO_2$ + 5 mM $H_2O_2$, $200\;mg\;L^{-1}$ $TiO_2$ + 2 mM $S_2{O_8}^{2-}$ and $200\;mg\;L^{-1}$ $TiO_2$. The first-order kinetic constants (0.487, 0.207 and $0.053\;L\;kJ^{-1}$) and initial degradation rates (32.1, 10.0 and $2.2\;mg\;kJ^{-1}$) showed the same behaviour.

      • KCI등재

        Therapeutic alternatives in painful diabetic neuropathy: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

        ( Samuel Vilar ),( Jose Manuel Castillo ),( Pedro V. Munuera Martinez ),( Maria Reina ),( Manuel Pabon ) 대한통증학회 2018 The Korean Journal of Pain Vol.31 No.4

        Background: One of the most frequent problems caused by diabetes is the so called painful diabetic neuropathy. This condition can be treated through numerous types of therapy. The purpose of this study was to analyze, as a meta-analysis, different treatments used to alleviate painful diabetic neuropathy, with the aim of generating results that help making decisions when applying such treatments to tackle this pathology. Methods: A search was conducted in the main databases for Health Sciences, such as PUBMED, Web of Science (WOS), and IME biomedicina (Spanish Medical Reports in Biomedicine), to gather randomized controlled trials about treatments used for painful diabetic neuropathy. The analyzed studies were required to meet the inclusion criteria selected, especially those results related to pain intensity. Results: Nine randomized controlled trials were chosen. The meta-analysis shows significant positive effects for those treatments based on tapentadol [g: -1.333, 95% CI (-1.594; -1.072), P < 0.05], duloxetine [g: -1.622, 95 % CI (-1.650; -1.594), P < 0.05], pregabalin [g: -0.607, 95% CI (-0.980; -0.325), P < 0.05], and clonidine [g: -0.242, 95 % CI (-0.543; -0.058), P < 0.05]. Conclusions: This meta-analysis indicates the effectiveness of the treatments based on duloxetine, gabapentin and pregabalin, as well as other drugs, such as tapentadol and topic clonidine, whose use is better prescribed in more specific situations. The results provided can help increase the knowledge about the treatment of painful diabetic neuropathy and also in the making of clinical practice guidelines for healthcare professionals. (Korean J Pain 2018; 31: 253-60)

      • KCI등재


        SILVIA BARONA VILAR 동아대학교 법학연구소 2019 國際去來와 法 Vol.- No.24

        Arbitration is a piece of the new conception of Justice. The legislators have changed the rules of arbitration and there is a sort of uniform Act of global arbitration. CNUDMI Act is the protagonist of this metamorphosis. With some contractual and jurisdictional elements arbitration is arbitration and this is its real legal nature. Two fundamental elements constitute its essence. The freedom and autonomy of the parties, on the one side, and the exercise of the function of the arbitrators and its effects, on the other. There is not arbitration without them.

      • KCI등재

        현대사회의 민법이 나아갈 방안

        실비아 바로나 빌라 ( Silvia Barona Vilar ) 중앙대학교 문화미디어엔터테인먼트법연구소 2017 문화.미디어.엔터테인먼트 법 Vol.11 No.2

        대륙법의 법원 체제에서는, 민사재판의 틀 안에서 적용 모형을 독점하는 것이 현실이었다. 민사재판은 '공공 서비스' 라는 계획과 관련된 절차로 정의되었다. 그러나 세계화에 따라 21세기에 접어들면서 큰 변화가 야기되었고, 세계화된 사회가 등장하면서 사법체계는 가정화가 아닌 효율과 효율의 기준 및 통일화로 나아가는 경향으로 이동하고 있다. 그리고, 이에 덧붙여, 점차적으로 새로운 법률 집행자들은 공증인, 등록원, 중재인 등과 같이 사법적 기능을 하는, 현재는 외주화된 20세기의 독점적인 관할권에 대한 몇 가지 기능을 통합한다. 그들은 고전적인 법률 체계의 일부가 아니었다. 권력 구조와 같은 국가에 의하여 설립된 자유로운 재판의 오래된 패러다임과, 정치 주체, 시민의 권리를 보장은 동일한 국가가 그들의 주권의 일부를 포기하는 다른 시나리오로 진행되고 있다. 이제 이러한 과정은 유일한 방법이 아니며 판사는 대법관의 세계에서서 유일한 법 집행자가 아니다. 대체적분쟁해결(ADR)이 그 일부인, 민법에 대한 '거대개념' 이 등장하였다. 이는 관할권과 대체적분쟁해결을 다방면의 사법체계로 통합한다. 대체적분쟁해결은 사법적 조치의 회피를 허용하는 사법 제도와 사법절차가 공존하는 다원적 및 세계적 관점인 21세기 법무부의 새로운 관점에 기여한다. 그러나 여기에는 정부가 이러한 법원과 대체적분쟁해결 매커니즘간의 통합에 대해 경제적 기반의 비전을 가지 수 있다는 중요한 위험요소가 있고, 또한 공공 경비가 줄어들 우려가 있다. 이러한 배려는 나쁘다고 할 수는 없지만, 사법에 대해 논하는 것이 위험해질 소지가 있다. 정부는 더 적은 비용으로 더 많은 효율성을 추구할 수 있고, 이는 빈부격차를 초래할 우려가 있다. In continental court System the monopolization of the process model within the framework of Civil Justice has been a reality. Civil justice was identified with the Process, linked to the idea of "public service". But the great transformations of the 21st Century have been provoked by Globalization. A global and globalized society emerges, in which Justice systems are moving with efficacy and efficien cycriteria and with a tendency toward harmonization, if not homegenenization. And, added to this, gradually new legal actors have been incorporating some functions that in the 20th century were of the exclusive jurisdiction of the State are now outsourced, such as notaries, registrars, mediators, arbitrators, etc appear and have a function in Justice. They were not part of the classical structure of Justice. The old paradigm of liberal justice, established by the State as a power structure, as a political entity, and guarantor of the rights of its citizens, is giving way to a different scenario in which the same States are giving up part of their sovereignty. Now the process is not the only way and judges are not only actors in the world of Justice. It is emerged a "megaconcept" of civil justice, in which ADR is a part of it. So, it integrates Jurisdiction and ADR, as a sort of Multi-door-Justice System. ADR methods contribute to a new perspective of Justice of the 21th century, a plural and global perspective, in which judicial process coexist with extrajudicial mechanisms that in some cases permit the avoidance of judicial actions and, in others, simply reduce them. However, there is an important risk: governments can have an economically driven vision of this integration between courts and ADR mechanisms. Public expenses could be reduced. This consideration is not bad, but could be dangerous if we are talki ng about Justice. The governments could seek more efficiency at a lesser cost and this would result in a gap between rich and poor.

      • Spectroelectrochemical studies of hole percolation on functionalised nanocrystalline TiO<sub>2</sub> films: a comparison of two different ruthenium complexes

        Li, Xiaoe,Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.,Thelakkat, Mukundan,Barnes, Piers R. F.,Vilar, Ramó,n,Durrant, James R. The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011 Physical chemistry chemical physics Vol.13 No.4

        <P>We report the application of spectroelectrochemical techniques to compare the hole percolation dynamics of molecular networks of two ruthenium bipyridyl complexes adsorbed onto mesoporous, nanocrystalline TiO<SUB>2</SUB> films. The percolation dynamics of the ruthenium complex <I>cis</I>-di(thiocyanato)(2,2′-bipyridyl-4,4′-dicarboxylic acid)-(2,2′-bipyridyl-4,4′-tridecyl) ruthenium(<SMALL>II</SMALL>), N621, is compared with those observed for an analogous dye with an additional tri-phenyl amine (TPA) donor moiety, <I>cis</I>-di(thiocyanato)(2,2′-bipyridyl-4,4′-dicarboxylic acid)-(2,2′-bipyridyl-4,4′-bis(vinyltriphenylamine)) ruthenium(<SMALL>II</SMALL>), HW456. The <I>in situ</I>oxidation of these ruthenium complexes adsorbed to the TiO<SUB>2</SUB> films is monitored by cyclic voltammetry and voltabsorptometry, whilst the dynamics of hole (cation) percolation between adsorbed ruthenium complexes is monitored by potentiometric spectroelectrochemistry and chronoabsorptometry. The hole diffusion coefficient, <I>D</I><SUB>eff</SUB>, is shown to be dependent on the dye loading on the nanocrystalline TiO<SUB>2</SUB> film, with a threshold observed at ∼60% monolayer surface coverage for both dyes. The hole diffusion coefficient of HW456 is estimated to be 2.6 × 10<SUP>−8</SUP> cm<SUP>2</SUP>/s, 20-fold higher than that obtained for the control N621, attributed to stronger electronic coupling between the TPA moieties of HW456 accelerating the hole percolation dynamics. The presence of mercuric ions, previously shown to bind to the thiocyanates of analogous ruthenium complexes, resulted in a quenching of the hole percolation for N621/TiO<SUB>2</SUB> films and an enhancement for HW456/TiO<SUB>2</SUB> films. These results strongly suggest that the hole percolation pathway is along the overlapped neighbouring -NCS groups for the N621 molecules, whereas in HW456 molecules cation percolation proceeds between intermolecular TPA ligands. These results are discussed in the context of their relevance to the process of dyeregeneration in dye sensitised solar cells, and to the molecular wiring of wide bandgap inorganic materials for battery and sensing applications.</P> <P>Graphic Abstract</P><P>We employ spectroelectrochemical techniques to compare the hole percolation dynamics of two ruthenium bipyridyl complexes adsorbed onto mesoporous TiO<SUB>2</SUB> films. <IMG SRC='http://pubs.rsc.org/services/images/RSCpubs.ePlatform.Service.FreeContent.ImageService.svc/ImageService/image/GA?id=c0cp01013h'> </P>


        Case Reports : Extensive, Non-Healing Scalp Ulcer Associated with Trauma-Induced Chronic Osteomyelitis

        ( Pedro Valeron Almazan ),( Anselmo Javier Gomez Duaso ),( Pino Rivero ),( Jaime Vilar ),( Luis Dehesa ),( Nestor Santana ),( Gregorio Carretero ) 대한피부과학회 2011 Annals of Dermatology Vol.23 No.3s

        A 77-year-old woman presented with a trauma to the scalp caused from the blade of a windmill. The condition was persistent from the past 50 years. At the initial examination, a deep, foul-smelling and well-circumscribed ulcer was apparent on the head region, involving the majority of the cranium. Skin biopsy specimens of the lesion were non- specific. The bone biopsy showed extensive necrotic areas of bone and soft tissues, with lymphocytic exudate foci. A computed tomography scan of the head revealed bone destruction principally involving both the parietal bones, and parts of the frontal and occipital bones. Streptococcus parasanguis was isolated from the skin culture, and Proteus mirabilis and Peptostreptococcus sp. were identified in the cultures from the bone. A long-term treatment with amoxicillin- clavulanic acid (1 g/12 h) and levofloxacin (500 mg/ day) was prescribed, but even after 6 months, the lesion remained unchanged. The frequency of occurrence of scalp ulcers in dermatological patients is less, principally because of the rich blood supply to this area. We have not found any similar case report of a scalp ulcer secondary to chronic osteomyelitis discovered more than 50 years after the causal trauma. We want to highlight the importance of complete cutaneous evaluation including skin and bone biopsies, when scalp osteomyelitis is suspected. (Ann Dermatol 23(S3) S364~S367, 2011)

      • KCI등재

        Extensive, Non-Healing Scalp Ulcer Associated with Trauma-Induced Chronic Osteomyelitis

        Pedro Valerón-Almazán,Anselmo Javier Gómez-Duaso,Pino Rivero,Jaime Vilar,Luis Dehesa,Néstor Santana,Gregorio Carretero 대한피부과학회 2011 Annals of Dermatology Vol.23 No.-

        A 77-year-old woman presented with a trauma to the scalp caused from the blade of a windmill. The condition was persistent from the past 50 years. At the initial examination,a deep, foul-smelling and well-circumscribed ulcer was apparent on the head region, involving the majority of the cranium. Skin biopsy specimens of the lesion were nonspecific. The bone biopsy showed extensive necrotic areas of bone and soft tissues, with lymphocytic exudate foci. A computed tomography scan of the head revealed bone destruction principally involving both the parietal bones,and parts of the frontal and occipital bones. Streptococcus parasanguis was isolated from the skin culture, and Proteus mirabilis and Peptostreptococcus sp. were identified in the cultures from the bone. A long-term treatment with amoxicillin-clavulanic acid (1 g/12 h) and levofloxacin (500 mg/day) was prescribed, but even after 6 months, the lesion remained unchanged. The frequency of occurrence of scalp ulcers in dermatological patients is less, principally because of the rich blood supply to this area. We have not found any similar case report of a scalp ulcer secondary to chronic osteomyelitis discovered more than 50 years after the causal trauma. We want to highlight the importance of complete cutaneous evaluation including skin and bone biopsies,when scalp osteomyelitis is suspected. (Ann Dermatol 23(S3) S364∼S367, 2011)

      • KCI등재

        Assistive Technologies for Supporting Elderly People at Home: Telegerontology?

        P. Su?rez,J. C. Mill?n-Calenti,A. L?pez-Vilar?n,I. Gonz?lez-Abraldes,M. Villanueva-Sampayo,A. Maseda 한국노년학연구회 2010 한국 노년학연구 Vol.19 No.-

        The aging of the population worldwide implies an increase in the number of cognitive impairment associated diseases in the elderly. On the other hand, the number of informal caregivers is decreasing and consequently, we must guarantee the existence of enough social and health services for all the population in the immediate future. The new technologies allow us the development of more advanced instruments for gerontological intervention for both patients and caregivers. These new systems help to prevent the lack of home assistance, and thanks to the Internet connection, we avoid the disadvantages of the geographic dispersion of the population. In this article, we describe Telegerontology?, a new home attention tool for patients and caregivers. It integrates different functionalities related to physical, cognitive and medical intervention it works like a family support thanks to the professionals/patients communication, and integrates an advanced emergency system within a domotic environment. This system improves the traditional telecare since it, actually, has more sophisticated services and a higher quality of home support.


        Bradycardia and Slowing of the Atrioventricular Conduction in Mice Lacking Ca <sub>V</sub> 3.1/α <sub>1G</sub> T-Type Calcium Channels

        Mangoni, Matteo E.,Traboulsie, Achraf,Leoni, Anne-Laure,Couette, Brigitte,Marger, Laurine,Le Quang, Khai,Kupfer, Elodie,Cohen-Solal, Anne,Vilar, José,Shin, Hee-Sup,Escande, Denis,Charpentier, Fl Ovid Technologies Wolters Kluwer -American Heart A 2006 Circulation research Vol.98 No.11

        <P>The generation of the mammalian heartbeat is a complex and vital function requiring multiple and coordinated ionic channel activities. The functional role of low-voltage activated (LVA) T-type calcium channels in the pacemaker activity of the sinoatrial node (SAN) is, to date, unresolved. Here we show that disruption of the gene coding for CaV3.1/alpha1G T-type calcium channels (cacna1g) abolishes T-type calcium current (I(Ca,T)) in isolated cells from the SAN and the atrioventricular node without affecting the L-type Ca2+ current (I(Ca,L)). By using telemetric electrocardiograms on unrestrained mice and intracardiac recordings, we find that cacna1g inactivation causes bradycardia and delays atrioventricular conduction without affecting the excitability of the right atrium. Consistently, no I(Ca,T) was detected in right atrium myocytes in both wild-type and CaV3.1(-/-) mice. Furthermore, inactivation of cacna1g significantly slowed the intrinsic in vivo heart rate, prolonged the SAN recovery time, and slowed pacemaker activity of individual SAN cells through a reduction of the slope of the diastolic depolarization. Our results demonstrate that CaV3.1/T-type Ca2+ channels contribute to SAN pacemaker activity and atrioventricular conduction.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Effects of dietary L-glutamine and glutamic acid combination, and whey powder on the performance and nutrient digestion in weaned piglets fed grain-based diets

        Almeida Jonathan Mádson dos Santos,Pascoal Leonardo Augusto Fonseca,de Almeida Jorge Luiz Santos,Guerra Ricardo Romão,da Silva José Humberto Vilar,da Silva David Rwbystanne Pereira,Silva Neto Manoel R 아세아·태평양축산학회 2021 Animal Bioscience Vol.34 No.12

        Objective: The present study aimed to evaluate the influence of including L-glutamine along with glutamic acid as a supplement in weaned piglets’ diets with and without whey powder. Methods: Two assays were carried out. A total of 40 piglets ([Landrace×Large White]× Pietrain) weaned at 24 days of age with an initial body weight of 6.6±0.6 kg were used in the first assay, and the following parameters were evaluated: growth performance, the incidence of diarrhea, morphometry, intestinal integrity, and hepatic glycogen index. The animals were then blocked into four groups according to different diets: diet all-grain feeding (G); diet all-grain feeding with whey powder (GW); and with vs without 1% supplementation of the commercial product containing L-glutamine and glutamic acid (A or NA). Whey powder was added according to the stage of life, corresponding to 17%, 10%, and 5%, respectively, in order to meet the need for lactose. The animals were evaluated at 24 to 42 days and at 24 to 55 days of age. The nutrient digestibility for the second assay was carried out by using 24 animals with an average weight of 11.49±1.6 kg, and the same diets were tested. Results: The supplementation of L-glutamine + glutamic acid or the addition of whey powder in diets for weaned piglets provided (p<0.05) greater feed intake, greater weight gain and improved feed conversion in the initial period (24 to 42 days age). However, in the whole period (24 to 55 days age) only amino acid supplementation affected (p<0.05) growth performance. There was a positive interaction (p<0.05) between the type of diet and L-glutamine + glutamic acid supplementation on villus height, crypt depth and the villus:crypt ratio in the duodenum. In addition, L-glutamine + glutamic acid supplementation reduced (p<0.05) the crypt depth and improved the villus:crypt ratio in the jejunum. The inclusion of whey powder affected (p<0.05) positively the digestibility coefficients analyzed except mineral matter digestibility coeficients. The supplementation of 1% the commercial product composed of L-glutamine and glutamic acid improved (p<0.05) only the digestibility coefficient of crude protein. Conclusion: These results indicate that supplementation of 1% commercial product containing L-glutamine + glutamic acid in diets for piglets from 24 to 55 days of age, dispenses with the use of whey powder when evaluating growth performance. Amino acid supplementation alone or associated with whey powder affects (p<0.05) positively the indicators of the intestinal integrity. Objective: The present study aimed to evaluate the influence of including L-glutamine along with glutamic acid as a supplement in weaned piglets’ diets with and without whey powder.Methods: Two assays were carried out. A total of 40 piglets ([Landrace×Large White]× Pietrain) weaned at 24 days of age with an initial body weight of 6.6±0.6 kg were used in the first assay, and the following parameters were evaluated: growth performance, the incidence of diarrhea, morphometry, intestinal integrity, and hepatic glycogen index. The animals were then blocked into four groups according to different diets: diet all-grain feeding (G); diet all-grain feeding with whey powder (GW); and with vs without 1% supplementation of the commercial product containing L-glutamine and glutamic acid (A or NA). Whey powder was added according to the stage of life, corresponding to 17%, 10%, and 5%, respectively, in order to meet the need for lactose. The animals were evaluated at 24 to 42 days and at 24 to 55 days of age. The nutrient digestibility for the second assay was carried out by using 24 animals with an average weight of 11.49±1.6 kg, and the same diets were tested.Results: The supplementation of L-glutamine + glutamic acid or the addition of whey powder in diets for weaned piglets provided (p<0.05) greater feed intake, greater weight gain and improved feed conversion in the initial period (24 to 42 days age). However, in the whole period (24 to 55 days age) only amino acid supplementation affected (p<0.05) growth performance. There was a positive interaction (p<0.05) between the type of diet and L-glutamine + glutamic acid supplementation on villus height, crypt depth and the villus:crypt ratio in the duodenum. In addition, L-glutamine + glutamic acid supplementation reduced (p<0.05) the crypt depth and improved the villus:crypt ratio in the jejunum. The inclusion of whey powder affected (p<0.05) positively the digestibility coefficients analyzed except mineral matter digestibility coeficients. The supplementation of 1% the commercial product composed of L-glutamine and glutamic acid improved (p<0.05) only the digestibility coefficient of crude protein.Conclusion: These results indicate that supplementation of 1% commercial product containing L-glutamine + glutamic acid in diets for piglets from 24 to 55 days of age, dispenses with the use of whey powder when evaluating growth performance. Amino acid supplementation alone or associated with whey powder affects (p<0.05) positively the indicators of the intestinal integrity.

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