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        Surveillance Programme of Work-related Diseases (WRD) in France

        Valenty, Madeleine,Homere, Julie,Mevel, Maelaig,Dourlat, Thomas,Garras, Loic,Brom, Magdeleine,Imbernon, Ellen Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute 2012 Safety and health at work Vol.3 No.1

        The surveillance programme of work-related diseases (WRD) is based on a network of occupational physicians who notify all WRD diagnosed during a two-week observation period. The aims are mainly to estimate the prevalence of non-compensated WRD in the working population according to socio economic factors; to determine new indicators of occupational health; to update the lists of compensable occupational diseases; to understand and assess under-compensation and under-notification. The participation rate for occupational physicians is around 33% in 2008. The main WRD are the musculoskeletal disorders, followed by the mental disorders. This 2-week protocol, repeated regularly, provides useful data on frequency of pathologies linked to employment as well as an estimate of unreported WRD subject to compensation or non-compensated WRDs, and the trends of WRDs over the time.

      • Genetic Aspects of Non-obese NAFLD Patients

        ( Luca Valenti ) 대한간학회 2016 춘·추계 학술대회 (KASL) Vol.2016 No.1

        Epidemiological, familial, and twin studies indicate that non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), now the leading cause of liverdamage in developed countries, has a strong heritability. The common I148M variant of Patatin-like phospholipase domain-containg-3 (PNPLA3) impairing hepatocellular lipid droplets remodeling is the major genetic determinant of hepatic fat content.The I148M variant has a strong impact on the full spectrum of liver damage related to fatty liver, encompassing non-alcoholicsteatohepatitis, advanced fibrosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma, identifies a specific pathophysiological subtype of NAFLD, andinfluences the response to therapeutic approaches. Common variants in Glucokinase regulator (GCKR) also enhance de novohepatic lipogenesis in response to glucose and liver inflammation. Furthermore, the E167K variant of Transmembrane-6 superfamilymember-2 (TM6SF2) and the rs641738 non-coding polymorphism in the MBOAT7/TMC4 locus are associated with thedevelopment and progression of NAFLD, by altering lipidation of very-low density lipoproteins (VLDLs) and lipid secretion, andphosphatydil-inositol metabolism, respectively.Genetic factors seem to contribute to an even greater extent to the pathogenesis of NAFLD in non-obese individuals, compensatingfor less severe metabolic cofactors that may be less important. For example, in some studies the PNPLA3 I148M variant hasbeen reported to confer an even higher risk of disease than in obese subjects. Furthermore, rare mutations associated with severeloss-of-function of key proteins implicated in lipid metabolism are specifically associated with development of severe NAFLDin lean individuals. This is particularly true for mutations in Apolipoprotein B (APOB), which impair VLDLs secretion causing hepatocellularlipid retention and progressive liver disease, but at the same time may favor malnutrition by reducing fat absorptionby enterocytes. Furthermore, mutations in lysosomal acid lipase (encoded by LIPA) may cause early onset progressive liver diseaseand atherosclerosis related to defective degradation of cholesterol and triglycerides in hepatocytes independently of insulinresistance.These and other recent findings reviewed here indicate that impaired lipid handling by hepatocytes has a major role in the pathogenesisof NAFLD by triggering inflammation, fibrogenesis, and carcinogenesis. The role of the known genetic risk factors, andin particular those of rare variants with a strong phenotype, seems magnified in non-obese individuals, where metabolic determinantsare less severe. These discoveries have provided potential novel biomarkers for clinical use, in particular for NAFLD typizationin lean individuals, and have revealed intriguing therapeutic targets.

      • KCI등재

        Comments on the Article “Orthopedic Patients with Mental Disorder: Literature Review on Preoperative and Postoperative Precautions”: To the Editor

        Jasmin Valenti,Kevin Posner,Nicolas Nadeau,Cassandra Bakus,Sean Richards 대한정형외과학회 2024 Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery Vol.16 No.2

        To the Editor: Preexisting mental illness has posed a variety of challenges in surgical management amongst all surgical specialties, with orthopedics being no exception. As seen in the article, “Orthopedic patients with mental disorder: literature review on preoperative and postoperative precautions” by Yoo et al.,1) the nature of these challenges is heavily impacted by the specific nature of the mental illness and the orthopedic sequelae and/or interventions. Given the broad spectrum of mental illnesses and orthopedic conditions, it is important that a review explored overarching themes in the current literature. However, as the movement towards awareness continues, it is important that specific populations be examined, specifically the subpopulation of intentional fallers. As briefly mentioned in the section, “Pre-injury mental disorders,” falls account for the largest portion of injuries in people with mental disorders. Since the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, it was found in London that the proportion of patients with both a fracture and psychiatric illness has more than doubled, while the number of patients presenting due to a traumatic suicide attempt has more than tripled.2) Additionally, as mentioned by Yoo et al.,1) the nature of these injuries tends to be more severe and is associated with more complications. In a study conducted by Giordano et al.,3) all patients who acquired > 3 skeletal injuries post-fall experienced complications, with acute infection occurring in over half of those who survived.

      • Hepatocellular Carcinoma Development in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

        ( Luca Valenti ) 대한간학회 2016 춘·추계 학술대회 (KASL) Vol.2016 No.1

        Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the fourth cause of cancer related mortality, and its incidence is rapidly increasing. Viral hepatitis,alcohol abuse, and exposure to hepatotoxins are major risk factors. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) associatedwith obesity, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes, is an increasingly recognized trigger of HCC, especially in developed countries.Indeed, NAFLD may already represent the first cause of liver disease underlying HCC development in the UK and USA.However, only a minority of NAFLD patients progresses to HCC. Older age, the severity of insulin resistance and in particularthe presence of type 2 diabetes, moderate alcohol intake, and iron overload have been reported to predispose to HCC in patientswith NAFLD. Remarkably, progressive NAFLD is a highly prevalent and mostly under-diagnosed condition, and it is frequentlyassociated with several metabolic comorbidities. Furthermore, HCC have been reported to develop in non-cirrhotic livers in amuch higher proportion of cases in NAFLD patients than in other etiologies. These factors render the implementation of currentsurveillance strategies very difficult for early diagnosis and curative treatment of NAFLD-HCC, leading to a diagnosis at advancestage a to a dismal prognosis in patients, with a reduced survival compared to that of patients affected by other liver diseases.Inherited factors have also been implicated to explain the different individual susceptibility to develop HCC, and their role seemsmagnified in NAFLD, where only a minority of affected subjects progresses to cancer. In particular, the common I148M variantof the PNPLA3 gene influencing hepatic lipid metabolism increases HCC risk independently of its effect on the progression ofliver fibrosis. However, common polymorphism in TM6SF2 and MBOAT7, and in familial cases mutations in APOB and TERT mayalso play a role.A deeper understanding of the mechanisms mediating hepatic carcinogenesis during insulin resistance - NAFLD, and the identificationof its genetic determinants will hopefully provide new diagnostic biomarkers to help stratifying disease risk and optimizesurveillance and highlight novel therapeutic targets.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Work-Related Stress Risk Assessment in Italy: A Methodological Proposal Adapted to Regulatory Guidelines

        Persechino, Benedetta,Valenti, Antonio,Ronchetti, Matteo,Rondinone, Bruna Maria,Tecco, Cristina Di,Vitali, Sara,Iavicoli, Sergio Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute 2013 Safety and health at work Vol.4 No.2

        Background: Work-related stress is one of the major causes of occupational ill health. In line with the regulatory framework on occupational health and safety (OSH), adequate models for assessing and managing risk need to be identified so as to minimize the impact of this stress not only on workers' health, but also on productivity. Methods: After close analysis of the Italian and European reference regulatory framework and workrelated stress assessment and management models used in some European countries, we adopted the UK Health and Safety Executive's (HSE) Management Standards (MS) approach, adapting it to the Italian context in order to provide a suitable methodological proposal for Italy. Results: We have developed a work-related stress risk assessment strategy, meeting regulatory requirements, now available on a specific web platform that includes software, tutorials, and other tools to assist companies in their assessments. Conclusion: This methodological proposal is new on the Italian work-related stress risk assessment scene. Besides providing an evaluation approach using scientifically validated instruments, it ensures the active participation of occupational health professionals in each company. The assessment tools provided enable companies not only to comply with the law, but also to contribute to a database for monitoring and assessment and give access to a reserved area for data analysis and comparisons.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Making the Difference in Occupational Health: Three Original and Significant Cases Presented at ICOH Congresses in the 20<sup>th</sup> Century

        Iavicoli, Sergio,Valenti, Antonio,Barillari, Caterina,Fortuna, Grazia,Boccuni, Valeria,Carnevale, Francesco,Riva, Michele A.,Kang, Seong-Kyu,Tomassini, Luigi Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute 2020 Safety and health at work Vol.11 No.2

        Background: The aim of this study is to illustrate the historical role of the International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH) congresses as an arena where national and international occupational medicine can dialogue and as the first example of scientific transferability of the research and prevention results that have had such an impact on global public health. Methods: We used the ICOH Heritage Repository, in which ICOH congress proceedings (from the first congress in Milan in 1906 to the last congress, held in Dublin in 2018), are organised in an orderly way, updated and easily accessible according to open access logic. Results: We describe studies by three physicians who submitted significant scientific work to ICOH congresses, one on the battle against ancylostomiasis (Volante, 1906), the second (Quarelli, 1928) on carbon disulphide poisoning, and the third (Viola, 1969) on the carcinogenicity of vinyl chloride monomer. Priority is given to Italian cases, on account of the authors' obvious familiarity with the issues. Conclusion: The visibility offered in ICOH conferences and their published proceedings has boosted the international spread of their findings, contributing to the scientific transferability of the research results and influencing the development of policies and prevention interventions that have had a great impact on global public health.

      • KCI등재

        Rectosigmoid resection during Visceral-Peritoneal Debulking (VPD) in patients with stage IIIC-IV ovarian cancer: morbidity of gynecologic oncology vs. colorectal team

        Roberto Tozzi,Gaetano Valenti,Daniele Vinti,Riccardo Garruto Campanile,Massimo Cristaldi,Federico Ferrari 대한부인종양학회 2021 Journal of Gynecologic Oncology Vol.32 No.3

        Objective: This study investigates the specific morbidity of rectosigmoid resection (RSR)during Visceral-Peritoneal Debulking (VPD) in a consecutive series of patients with stage IIIC-IVovarian cancer and compares the results of the colo-rectal vs. the gynaecologic oncology team. Methods: All patients with the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics(FIGO) stage IIIC–IV ovarian cancer who had VPD and RSR were included in the study. Between 2009 and 2013 all operations were performed by the gynecologic oncology teamalone (group 1). Since 2013 the RSR was performed by the colorectal team together withthe gynecologic oncologist (group 2). All pre-operative information and surgical detailswere compared to exclude significant bias. Intra- and post-operative morbidity events wererecorded and compared between groups. Results: One hundred and sixty-two patients had a RSR during VPD, 93 in group 1 and 69in group 2. Groups were comparable for all pre-operative features other than: albumin (1<2)hemoglobin (2<1) and up-front surgery (1>2). Overall morbidity was 33% vs. 40% (p=0.53),bowel specific morbidity 11.8% vs. 11.5% (p=0.81), anastomotic leak 4.1% vs. 6.1% (p=0.43)and re-operation rate 9.6% vs. 6.1% (p=0.71) in groups 1 and 2, respectively. None of themwere significantly different. The rate of bowel diversion was 36.5% in group 1 vs. 46.3% ingroup 2 (p=0.26). Conclusions: Our study failed to demonstrate any significant difference in the morbidity rateof RSR based on the team performing the surgery. These data warrant further investigation asthey are interesting with regards to education, finance, and medico-legal aspects.


        Global Policy Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Results of the ICOH Survey

        Rondinone, Bruna M.,Valenti, Antonio,Boccuni, Valeria,Cannone, Erika,Boccuni, Fabio,Gagliardi, Diana,Dionisi, Pierluca,Barillari, Caterina,Iavicoli, Sergio Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute 2022 Safety and health at work Vol.13 No.2

        Background: On the basis of its role for the development of occupational health research, information, good practices, the International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH) launched the present survey to collect information on public health and prevention policies put in place by the governments of the countries in the world to contain the pandemic. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted through an online questionnaire focused on COVID-19 data, public health policies, prevention measures, support measures for economy, work, and education, personal protective equipment, intensive care units, contact tracing, return to work, and the role of ICOH against COVID-19. The questionnaire was administered to 113 ICOH National Secretaries and senior OSH experts. Collected data refer to the period ranging from the beginning of the pandemic in each country to June 30, 2020. Results: A total of 73 questionnaires from 73 countries around the world were considered valid, with a 64.6% response rate. Most of the respondents (71.2%) reported that the state of emergency was declared in their country, and 86.1% reported lockdown measures. Most of the respondents (66.7%) affirmed that the use of face masks was compulsory in their country. As for containment measures, 97.2% indicated that mass gatherings (meetings) were limited. Regarding workplace closing, the most affected sector was entertainment (90.1%). Conclusion: The results of this survey are useful to gain a global view on COVID-19 policy responses at country level.


        Performance Comparisons of Geographic Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

        Torrieri, Don,Talarico, Salvatore,Valenti, Matthew C. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 2015 IEEE Transactions on Communications Vol. No.

        <P>Geographic routing protocols greatly reduce the requirements of topology storage and provide flexibility in the accommodation of the dynamic behavior of mobile ad hoc networks. This paper presents performance evaluations and comparisons of two geographic routing protocols and the popular AODV protocol. The tradeoffs among the average path reliabilities, average conditional delays, average conditional numbers of hops, and area spectral efficiencies and the effects of various parameters are illustrated for finite ad hoc networks with randomly placed mobiles. This paper uses a dual method of closed-form analysis and simple simulation that is applicable to most routing protocols and provides a much more realistic performance evaluation than has previously been possible. Some features included in the new analysis are shadowing, exclusion and guard zones, distance-dependent fading, and interference correlation.</P>

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