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      • KCI등재

        호적(胡適)과 풍우란(馮友蘭)의 노자(老子) 시기 논전을 통해 본 『중국철학사(中國哲學史)』의 성립 과정과 구미(歐美) 철학 연구방법론 영향 고찰

        양태근 ( Taekeun Yang ) 연세대학교 국학연구원 2015 동방학지 Vol.171 No.-

        In the 1920s-1930s, Hu Shih and Feng Youlan transformed the history of Chinese traditional thinking, its ideas, and narrative style to fit the modern history and structure of Western philosophy. By comparing the two, particularly their writings about the history of Chinese philosophy and its conflicting points - especially surrounding the book Laozi and the debate about its creation period - we can understand the transformation process in the Chinese traditional philosophical ideas and narrative style. The academic debate and discussion between Hu Shih and Feng Youlan, particularly about Dao De Jing and its creation date, influenced the modern academic history of Chinese philosophy and the development of proper research methods. This debate could be regarded as a conflict between different research frames: Westernization vs. conservatism, Beijing University vs. Tsinghua University, and instrumentalism vs. neo-realism. Through these conflicts and debates, we can understand the foundation process for the modern history of Chinese philosophy as a spectrum involving multiple aspects of modern academic conflict and competition. The foundation process for the history of Chinese philosophy was a significant development that led to the establishment of the modern Chinese philosophy academic discipline. Using a microscopic analysis, this paper examines the way the history of Chinese philosophy actually emerged from the two different philosophy research methods of Dewey``s instrumentalism and

      • KCI등재

        연구 논문 : 펑유란(馮友蘭)의 중국철학과 철학 개념 고찰

        양태근 ( Taekeun Yang ) 한림과학원 2015 개념과 소통 Vol.0 No.16

        ‘중국에 철학이 존재하느냐?’와 같은 중국철학의 합법성과 같은 문제의식의 시작은 이러한 개념들이 처음 중국에 도입되던 시기부터 존재하였던 것으로 여전히 논쟁 중이다. 이러한 논의가 더욱 깊이 있는 심도를 가지려면 바로 펑유란(馮友蘭)에 주목하지 않을 수 없다. 이에 대해 우리는 펑유란의 개인적 사상의 발전경로를 따라 ‘중국철학’과 ‘철학’에 대한 미시적인 개념사적 이해를 하려고 한다. 펑유란의 철학 발전 경로는 중국철학사를 통해 ‘중국에서 철학의 발견’을, 또한‘신이학(新理學)’이라는 경로를 거쳐 자신의 철학체계를 세우는 것으로 마무리된다. 펑유란은 이렇게 ‘철학’이라는 매개를 통해 구미와 중국 전통을 넘어서는 새로운 철학을 기대한다. 이러한 철학이 가능하기 위해서 펑유란은 개념의 논리 분석적 이해를 통한 각성을 통해 궁극적인 깨달음을 추구한다. 펑유란의 중국철학과 철학의 추구는 이러한 대화합을 바라는 개인의 학문적 성과로 바라보아야 할 것이다. Feng Youlan was one of the most significant pioneers responsible for establishing Chinese philosophy as a modern academic discipline, offering a novel approach to understanding its fundamental concepts, and he also played an important role in introducing Western philosophy to China. Despite his success in establishing Chinese philosophy as a credible discipline within the Western world, however, the legitimacy of his viewpoint remains disputed in China. Feng Youlan considered Chinese Philosophy as an aspect of a generic World Philosophy, which combined both Western and Eastern Philosophical traditions into a unified ideal whole, but others still contend that “There is no philosophy as such;there are only philosophies.”

      • KCI등재

        1930년대 대만 향토문학과 대만화문(臺灣話文) ― 대만문학사 서술을 중심으로―

        양태근 ( Taekeun Yang ) 한림과학원 2016 개념과 소통 Vol.- No.18

        Vigorous debate about Taiwan nativist (regional) literature and about the unification of the spoken and the written language of Taiwan has been going on since the 1930s, and continues today. There have been explosive scenes of discursive struggle and associated social movements in Taiwan concerned with whether Taiwan nativist and regional literature should be written in the Taiwanese vernacular. The ideological concepts underpinning Taiwanese literature have been complicated by the political implications of Chinese and Taiwanese identity. In the 1970s, Taiwanese authors and literary researchers who had been exposed to various strands of Taiwan nativist (regional) literature formulated their own distinct versions of Taiwanese literary history. Each of them paid particular attention to what they wanted to emphasize, but common to all of them is the idea that the essence of literature lies in communicating with the public. In the 1930s the discussion revolved around what language tools should be used to get closer to the workers and peasants to encourage proletarian literacy. Thus, the consciousness of Taiwanese identity and its division from Chinese identity were mediated by Taiwanese literature, giving rise to new discussions: can its essence eventually change because of the intention to see something particular? Taiwanese literary history seems to have its own existence, distinct from the history of Taiwanese literature as a narrative. However, as pointed out in this paper: “The history of Taiwanese literature exists as the totality of all this diversity, integrating the whole spectrum of the various narrative and written histories of Taiwanese literature.” Indeed, we have every reason to continue to study Taiwanese literature, and to anticipate that it will create further great works.

      • The Korean Association of lnternal Medicine : Poster Session ; PS 1326 : Endocrinology ; Metabolomics Profi ling of Patient Blood Reveals Novel Effects of Thiazolidinedione and Sulfonylurea

        ( Youl Yang ),( Jun Ho Yun ),( Heun Sik Lee ),( Su Yeon Park ),( Hyun Jeong Jeon ),( Taekeun Oh ),( Bong Jo Kim ),( Jeong Min Kim ),( Hyung Jin Choi ) 대한내과학회 2014 대한내과학회 추계학술발표논문집 Vol.2014 No.1

        Background: Metabolomics profi ling is a rapidly evolving method of comprehensive measurement of numerous endogenous metabolites in a biological fiuid, such as blood, and can be used to investigate novel effect of certain drug on metabolites. Methods: AbsoluteIDQ p180 kit was used to quantify 186 metabolites. To investigate metabolites profi les associated with diabetes drugs, serum of diabetes patients was divided by metformin-alone group, metformin+thiazolidinedione group, or metformin+ sulfonylurea group. T-test and partial least-squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA), were performed to identify signifi cant metabolites. Results: PLS-DA plot showed signifi cant differences in metabolites profi les between metformin-alone group and metformin-based combination groups. Eighteen metabolites were signifi cantly different between groups based on t-test (P<0.05). Ten metabolites were chosen to be different between groups based on PLS-DA analysis (VIP>1.5). Thiazolidinedione with metformin group showed increased level of phosphatidylcholine and lyso-phosphatidylcholine metabolites and decreased level of biogenic amine metabolites such as knyurenine and taurine when compared with metformin alone group. Sulfonylurea with metformin group showed decreased level of phosphatidycholinemetabolitesand sphingomyelin metabolites when compared with metformin alone group. Conclusion: These comprehensive metabolic profi ling revealed novel effects of thiazolidinedioneand sulfonylurea on blood metabolites. These results could suggest novel clinical implications or plausible unwanted side effects of these drugs.

      • KCI등재

        Time-of-flight Resolution of a Scintillation Counter Equipped with Magnetic-resistant Fine-mesh Photomultipliers

        Viacheslav Kuznetsov,Jooyoung Jang,Andrey Kim,김우영,이상훈,니안드레이,Yuseok Kim,Minyoung Lee,Taekeun Yang 한국물리학회 2009 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.55 No.2

        The first measurement of the time-of-flight (TOF) resolution of a Bicron-408 scintillation counter equipped with magnetic-resistant fine-mesh Hamamatsu R7761-70 photomultipliers is presented. The data were obtained using the proton beam of the MC50 Cyclotron of the Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences (KIRAMS). The TOF resolution for ~45-MeV protons is 18.2 ps. Its dependence on the light output L is well fitted by 41.6ps/L/LMIP , where LMIP denotes the light output produced by relativistic minimum-ionizing muons which deposit ΔE ~ 6 MeV in the detector volume. The first measurement of the time-of-flight (TOF) resolution of a Bicron-408 scintillation counter equipped with magnetic-resistant fine-mesh Hamamatsu R7761-70 photomultipliers is presented. The data were obtained using the proton beam of the MC50 Cyclotron of the Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences (KIRAMS). The TOF resolution for ~45-MeV protons is 18.2 ps. Its dependence on the light output L is well fitted by 41.6ps/L/LMIP , where LMIP denotes the light output produced by relativistic minimum-ionizing muons which deposit ΔE ~ 6 MeV in the detector volume.

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