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        Investigation of Learner Recognition to Introduction of Mobile Learning

        Sunmi Jin,Seunghye Hyun 한국콘텐츠학회(IJOC) 2014 International Journal of Contents Vol.10 No.3

        Mobile learning is a practical learning method for busy adult learners because the mobility of digital devices can overcome the drawbacks of e-learning. However, research is strongly lacking in the theoretical exploration of mobile learning effects and functions and its empirical research. Moreover, the research of learning characteristics and learners requirements must be considered before applying and disseminating mobile learning into the educational field. To address this shortcoming, this study conducted an online survey with 1,542 officers of the Ministry of Health and Welfare Affairs (MHWA) regarding learner recognition to mobile learning. The analysis of learners attitudes toward mobile learning, based on age and position, indicated that subordinate workers appeared to place more value on mobile learning. Many participants preferred mobile learning because of its mobility and the effectiveness of anywhere and anytime. However, some participants continue to misunderstand mobile learning and its necessity. Therefore, consideration of learning effectiveness, the form of the content, and learner-centered learning must be reviewed in advance. This study could lead to practical implications of mobile learning.

      • KCI등재

        Development of Quality Management Indicators for Educational Institutions

        Jin, Sunmi The Korea Contents Association 2022 International Journal of Contents Vol.18 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to develop indicators for quality management of educational institutions, and to achieve this, literature analysis and expert interviews were conducted. Through literature analysis, the components of TQM were derived focusing on factors to improve the quality of education, engineering education accreditation standards, and a representative education accreditation system, were considered. Additionally, seven areas as well as 32 indicators required for education quality management, were derived by comparing the EFQM excellence model and the MBNQA education model, applied for quality management of companies and institutions. By comparing and synthesizing these results, a draft was developed for the quality management index of educational institution. Next, opinions on correction and supplementation of quality management indicators derived from literature analysis, were collected from five education experts. From the comparisons and integration of these results, eight criteria (leadership, strategy, customers, people, facilities and environment, curriculum management, curriculum improvement, and performance management) and 34 indicators, were proposed for quality management indicators for educational institutions. Curriculum management, people, and performance management criteria were considered more significantly in quality management of educational institutions, and several implications are suggested based on the study results.

      • KCI등재

        Investigation of Learner Recognition to Introduction of Mobile Learning: A Study Targeting Officers at the Ministry of Health and Welfare in Korea

        Jin, Sunmi,Hyun, Seunghye The Korea Contents Association 2014 International Journal of Contents Vol.10 No.3

        Mobile learning is a practical learning method for busy adult learners because the mobility of digital devices can overcome the drawbacks of e-learning. However, research is strongly lacking in the theoretical exploration of mobile learning effects and functions and its empirical research. Moreover, the research of learning characteristics and learners' requirements must be considered before applying and disseminating mobile learning into the educational field. To address this shortcoming, this study conducted an online survey with 1,542 officers of the Ministry of Health and Welfare Affairs (MHWA) regarding learner recognition to mobile learning. The analysis of learners' attitudes toward mobile learning, based on age and position, indicated that subordinate workers appeared to place more value on mobile learning. Many participants preferred mobile learning because of its mobility and the effectiveness of anywhere and anytime. However, some participants continue to misunderstand mobile learning and its necessity. Therefore, consideration of learning effectiveness, the form of the content, and learner-centered learning must be reviewed in advance. This study could lead to practical implications of mobile learning.

      • KCI등재

        문화역사 활동이론을 통한 모바일 러닝 교수설계자의 활동체계 분석

        진선미(Jin, Sunmi),강인애(Kang, Inae) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2018 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.18 No.17

        본 연구의 목적은 모바일 교수설계자들의 특정 사회·문화적 맥락 안에서 그들의 활동체계를 분석하고, 그들이 직면한 과제나 갈등, 어려움을 모순을 통해 확인하는데 있다. 이를 위해 모바일 러닝 교수설계자 4인과의 심층면담을 통해 질적 자료를 수집하였으며, 이후 개인과 사회구조의 역동적 관계 분석에 활용되는 문화역사 활동 이론(이후 활동이론)에 근거하여 코딩 분석을 하였다. 그 결과, 모바일 러닝 교수설계자의 활동체계 구성요소를 객관적으로 체계화할 수 있었다. 주체인 교수설계자는 테크놀로지를 접목한 모바일 러닝 교수·학습환경 구축을 위해 내·외부참여자들과 규 칙, 분업을 고려하며 목적을 실현시켜나가고 있었다. 이때 체제적 교수설계, 학습자 중심의 교수·학습모형, 모바일 콘텐츠, 모바일 콘텐츠 개발툴, 학습관리시스템 (LMS), 테크놀로지의 도구를 활용하였다. 한편 모바일 러닝 교수설계자가 당면한 모순과 갈등상황은 업무과중과 부서 간 갈등, 학습관리시스템(LMS)의 불안정한 기술적 지원, 업무 매뉴얼 부재, 학습자 중심 교수설계전략 실천의 어려움, 모바일 러닝의 교육적 효과에 대한 인식 및 실천경험의 부족이였다. 이러한 모순을 해결해가는 과정 속에서 모바일 러닝 교수설계자들의 활동체계가 미래지향적인 방향으로 발전하는 모습을 확인할 수 있었다. The purpose of this study is to analyze the activity system of mobile instructional designers in the certain social/cultural context, and confirm the assignment, conflict, and difficulty they face through the contradiction. To this end, qualitative materials were collected through the in-depth interview with 4 mobile learning instructional designers, and the coding analysis was conducted based on the culture history activity theory(hereafter activity theory) which was used in analyzing the dynamic relationship between the individual and the social structure. As a result, it was possible to objectively systematize activity system components of the mobile learning instructional designers. Instructional designers, the entities, were realizing the goal considering the rule and the division of labor with internal/external participants in order to build the mobile learning instructional/learning environment into which the technology was engrafted. At this time, the systematic instructional design, learner-oriented instructional/learning model, mobile contents, mobile contents development tool, learning management system(LMS), and tool of technology were used. On the one hand, the contradiction and conflict the mobile learning instructional designers were faced with included the heavy workload, inter-department conflict, unstable technical support of LMS, absence of work manual, absence of the learner-oriented instructional design strategy, awareness on the educational effect of the mobile learning, and absence of the practical experience. It was confirmed that the activity system by mobile learning instructional designers was developing in a future-oriented direction while this contradiction was being resolved.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        공무원 역량개발센터(Devlopment Center)의 효과 향상 요인에 대한 탐색적 연구

        진선미(Jin sunmi) 한국인사행정학회 2020 한국인사행정학회보 Vol.19 No.4

        5급 이상 공무원의 승진에 필수적인 역량평가는 본래 취지에 따르면 현업 상황에 대한 시뮬레이션에 기초하므로 별도의 준비가 필요하지 않다. 그러나, 직무에 따라 실제 상황과 형식이 다를 수 있고 고도의 압박감 하에서 진행되기 때문에 준비과정 없이는 통과하기 쉽지 않다. 이에, 다양한 공무원 교육기관에서 역량평가 대비를 위해 역량개발센터(Development Center, 이하 DC) 교육을 제공하고 있다. DC를 통해 교육생들이 자기주도적으로 역량평가에 대비할 수 있거나 현업에 필요한 역량을 향상시키는 것이 바람직하지만, 그것과는 상당한 거리가 있는 것이 현실이다. DC는 역량평가라는 시험을 준비하기 위한 용도 외에, 현업의 역량을 향상시킬 수 있는 효과적인 방법임에도 불구하고 이에 대한 체계적인 연구는 부족하였다. 이에, 본 연구에서는 6급 공무원으로 구성된 교육생, 퍼실리테이터, 업계 전문가를 대상으로 FGI, 델파이조사와 같은 다양한 방법을 사용하여 DC의 효과를 저해하는 요인과 개선 방안을 탐색하였다. 결과를 종합하면, 현행 DC 교육으로 교육생의 피드백 활용능력(feedback literacy)을 향상시키기 어려우며, 효과적인 DC 교육을 위해서는 양적, 질적으로 내실 있는 피드백 제공, 충분한 모의과제 수행 시간 확보, 교육 후 역량개발 활동에 대한 도움 제공 등이 필요하다. Competency assessment, which is essential for the promotion of 5th grade public officials, is based on simulation of the actual situation, so no preparation is required. However, the actual situation and form may differ depending on the job, and it is not easy to pass without the preparation process because it is conducted under high pressure. Accordingly, in order to prepare for competency evaluation in various public official education institutions, the Development Center (DC) training is provided. It is desirable for trainees to be able to prepare themselves for competency evaluation or to improve the competencies required in the field through DC, but the reality is that there is a considerable distance from that. In addition to the purpose of preparing for the test called competency evaluation, DC is an effective method to improve the competency of the field, but systematic research on this was insufficient. Therefore, this study investigated factors that hinder the effectiveness of DC and improvement measures using various methods such as FGI and Delphi survey targeting trainees, facilitators, and industry experts composed of 6th public officials. In summary, it is difficult to improve the feedback literacy of trainees with the current DC education, and for effective DC education, it is difficult to provide quantitative and qualitative and substantial feedback, secure enough time to perform simulation tasks, and develop competency after education needs to provide help.

      • KCI등재

        방한 의료관광객의 정보요구도 및 만족도 연구

        진기남(Ki-Nam Jin),차선미(Sunmi Cha),김선미(Sunmi Kim) 한국콘텐츠학회 2016 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.16 No.9

        한국은 2009년 의료관광을 국가의 신성장동력산업으로 선정하여 외국인 환자 유치활성화를 위해 정부차원에서 뒷받침을 해왔다. 그 결과 의료관광을 목적으로 한국을 찾는 외국인 환자가 증가하였고, 중국과 러시아 환자가 상위를 차지하고 있다. 이에 본 연구의 목적은 중국인 환자와 러시아 환자의 한국에서의 체험을 알아보고, 이들이 원하는 정보 요구와 체험한 활동의 만족도를 국적별로 파악하였다. 자료는 2015년 2월 1일부터 3월 15일까지 방한하여 의료서비스를 받은 중국, 러시아 국적의 환자를 대상으로 하였고, 유치 등록기관을 통해 우편조사를 실시하였다. 경험 측면에서는 중국은 뷰티제품이나 피부관련 제품을, 러시아 환자는 식료품 구매나 웰니스 관련 서비스를 더 많이 체험하였고, 두 국적 모두는 한국전통음식을 가장 많이 체험하는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 뷰티제품에 대한 정보 요구도가 높았으며, 중국인이 한국전통음식에 대해 많은 정보를 얻기를 원하였다. 관광명소 방문경험에서 만족도가 높았고, 그 다음은 의료경험이었다. 전반적인 만족도는 러시아 환자가 더 높은 것으로 나타났다. 중국, 러시아 외국인환자들의 실제 체험, 정보요구, 만족도를 확인하였으며, 추후 이를 반영한 컨텐츠를 개발하는 것이 의료관광객 유치에 도움이 될 것이다. In Korea, management support has been given at the government level for activities to attract foreign patients. China and Russia ranked on top of the lists for in-bound medical tourists. The purpose of this study is to examine the experiences of medical tourists in Korea, the demand for information, and the level of satisfaction regarding their experiences. 100 cases of medical tourists from China and Russia were collected through the mail survey. While Chinese used beauty, skin-care related products, Russian experienced the grocery shopping and wellness related services. Most patients from both nationalities experienced the traditional food in Korea and wanted to know about beauty products. Chinese wanted to get more information about Korean traditional food Russian. Finally, Russian showed higher overall satisfaction scores than Chinese respondents. If we reflect these results as a contents, it can be useful to attract foreign patients.

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