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        Monitoring of Rotational Movements of Two Piston Rings in a Cylinder Using Radioisotopes

        Jung, Sunghee,Jin, Joonha Korean Nuclear Society 1999 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.31 No.4

        A radiotracer technique has been developed to monitor the rotational movement of two piston rings in one cylinder during engine operation. The rings were labeled with two different kinds of radioisotopes, i.e. $^{60}$ Co and $^{192}$ Ir, for identification of the top ring from the second ring. The radiotracers were implanted in a small hole bored on the inner side of each piston ring. The rings were installed in a single cylinder hydrogen engine and three Nal scintillation detectors were mounted around the engine block to measure the gamma radiation. The angle of ring-gap orientation was determined from the radiation counts measured with the three detectors during engine operation. Two windows (upper window for $^{60}$ Co and lower window for $^{192}$ Ir) were set on each ratemeter to count radiation from the two isotopes separately. Procedure to convert the radiation counts to the position of the ring gap was established. With the software programmed with MS-Visualbasic, radiation counts were compared with the reference responses that were measured at angular intervals of 10$^{\circ}$for each piston ring in advance of the experiment. The result was used for the evaluation of the relationship between the orientation of ring-gaps and oil consumption. It was found that an increase in the oil consumption rate of a specific operation condition was closely related to the relative phase angle of the two piston rings.

      • 네트워크 부하에 적응하는 실시간 동영상 서버의 프레임 생략 정책

        정성희(Sunghee Jung),함경수(Kyungsoo Ham) 한국정보과학회 1997 한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.24 No.1A

        MPEG을 이용하는 실시간 서비스는 네트워크상에 다량의 통신부하를 발생시킨다. 기존 연구의 피이드백 메커니즘은 클라이언트의 피드백 정보 전송 및 서버에 의한 재생되지 못할 프레임의 전송에 의하여 통신량이 가증되는 단점이 있다. 본 논문에서는 동영상 서버가 네트워크 부하에 따라 능동적으로 프레임을 생략시킨다. 네트워크의 부하를 줄이고 프레임 손실률을 감소시키기 위하여, 네트워크상에 네트워크 모니터를 설치하고 통신부하를 실시간 측정하여 동영상 서버의 능동적 프레임 생략에 이용하는 실시간 동영상 서버를 구축하고 실험하였다. 실험 결과 본 논문의 서버에 의한 프레임 생략 정책은 피이드백 메커니즘 보다 프레임 손실률이 20%정도 낮아지는 결과를 보인다.

      • KCI등재후보

        개인예산제 적용 방안에 관한 고찰 연구 : 영국의 개인예산제도(Personal Budgets)를 중심으로

        정성희(SungHee Jung),문영임(YoungIm Moon) 한국장애인재단 2023 장애의 재해석 Vol.2023 No.-

        본 연구는 영국의 개인예산제 도입 경험을 중심으로 하여 국내에서의 효과적인 개인예산제 적용 방안을 고찰한다. 개인예산제는 서비스 이용자들에게 예산을 할당함으로써 그들이 필요로 하는 서비스를 스스로 선택하고 관리할 수 있는 기회를 제공한다. 이러한 제도가 서비스 제공과 이용자 만족도에 미치는 영향을 이해하고, 국내 사회에서의 적용 가능성을 평가하는 것이 본 연구의 목적이다. 영국의 개인예산제는 서비스 이용자의 개인화된 욕구를 충족시키고, 서비스의 다양성을 증진시켰다. 또한, 자기결정력 강화와 본인 중심의 서비스 이용을 통해 이용자들의 삶의 질을 향상시켰다. 그러나 도입 과정에서는 일부 제약과 도전이 발생하였으며, 이는 지역사회 특성, 금융적 어려움, 그리고 서비스 제공기관들의 준비 부족 등에 기인한다. 본 연구에서는 영국의 경험을 토대로 국내에서의 개인예산제 도입을 위한 적절한 전략과 정책 방향을 논의하며, 지속적인 평가와 수정이 필요한 측면을 강조한다. 특히, 지역사회의 특성을 고려한 맞춤형 접근과 금융적 지원체계 강화를 통해 국내 개인예산제의 성공적인 시행을 위한 제언을 제공한다. 본 연구를 통해 국내 정책 결정자 및 관련 연구자들은 개인예산제 도입에 따른 잠재적 이점과 도전에 대한 더 나은 이해를 얻을 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. This study examines effective approaches to implementing the Personal Budgets (PBs) system in South Korea, with a focus on the UKs experience in introducing PBs. PBs allocate budgets to service users, allowing them to independently choose and manage the services they require. The study aims to understand the impact of this system on service provision and user satisfaction while evaluating its applicability in the South Korean context. The UKs experience with PBs has demonstrated their ability to fulfill individualized needs and enhance service diversity. Moreover, the system has improved users quality of life by empowering their decision-making and promoting user-centered service utilization. However, the implementation process has faced certain constraints and challenges, including regional community characteristics, financial difficulties, and a lack of readiness among service providers. Building on the UKs experience, this study discusses suitable strategies and policy directions for introducing PBs in South Korea, emphasizing the need for ongoing evaluation and adjustments. Specifically, it highlights the importance of a tailored approach considering the characteristics of local communities and strengthening the financial support system to ensure the successful implementation of PBs in the South Korean context. This research aims to provide policymakers and relevant researchers in South Korea with a better understanding of the potential benefits and challenges associated with the introduction of PBs.

      • 금강수계 신석기시대 수혈주거지 일 연구

        정성희 ( Jung Sunghee ) 국립중앙박물관 2017 동원학술논문집 Vol.18 No.-

        The recent execution of a number of major development projects in Korea, including the Four Major Rivers, Saemangeum, 2030 Happy City and New City projects, has triggered archaeological excavations resulting in the production of an increasing number of research documents on Neolithic Period Pit Dwellings. However, research on Neolithic dwelling sites in the Geumgang River water system regions is not as intense as it is on such dwellings in other regions. As such, this paper studies-for each water system-the characteristics, changes, and human interactions in the Neolithic dwelling sites excavated so far in the Geumgang River water system regions. The source of the Geumgang River water system discussed in this paper is located 897m above sea level at Mount Sinmusan in Jangsu-eup, which is located in Jangsu-gim in Jeollabuk-do Province. The Geumgang River passes through Chungcheongnam-do and Chungcheongbuk-do Provinces before flowing into Maseo-myeon in Seocheon and exiting to the Yellow Sea via Gunsanman Bay. The scope of this research includes, however, the Mangyeonggang River, which meets the Geumgang River at the entrance to the Yellow Sea, Gunsanman Bay, and Taean Bando (central and southern coast facing the Yellow Sea, a region scattered with islands). If viewed in terms of administrative districts, the research area includes Daejeon and Sejong in Chungcheongnam-do Province, Goesan, Jincheon, Cheongju, Boeun, and Okcheon in Chungcheongbuk-do Province, Muju, Jangsu, Jinan, Wanju, Iksan, and Jeonju in Jeollabuk-do Province, and the islands in Gunsanman Bay. In this paper, the Geumgang River water system is separated into an inland region and a coastal/island region, with the inland region comprising the Geumgang and Mangyeonggang Rivers, and the coastal/island region comprising Taean Bando and Gunsanman Bay. Since rivers and seas were important means of transportation during the Neolithic period, it is presumed that people travelled along the Hangang River and the Geumgang River and actively interacted in central Korea. Especially, in the archaeological remains found in each region, the attributes, structures and distribution of the dwelling sites that formed the basis of people’s life in ancient times differed from one region to another. At the same time, there are some elements that point to the existence of interactions between different people. This paper analyzes the Neolithic settlements found in water systems to determine the similarities, differences and relationships among structural properties, such as their location, size, layout of the dwelling, area, ground treatment, hearth, pillar holes, and entrances. Then the changes over distinct periods or from one water system to another are identified in order to determine the nature and characteristic features of the life and culture and interactions among the people who lived along the Geumgang River water system in the Neolithic Period. For Period I (~B.C. 3500), no remains of dwellings have been found inland as of yet. In the coastal/island regions, 1 ~4 dwelling sites have been discovered on hilly terrain. The ground layout of the dwellings could be identified as circular, semicircular, or square. However, semi-circular dwellings were mostly the remains of campsites in a midden, so they cannot be considered to have been places of residence. Additionally, in the small semi-circular layouts, slab stone-type hearths were discovered at the center of the semicircle. It may be concluded that the coastal/island regions started out in the same cultural belt as the west central coast region. In Period II (B.C. 3500~3000), independent or small communities of 2-4 dwellings existed inland on hilly terrain, and some were located on alluvial plains as well. The general form of the dwellings was either a circle or a large square. The large square-sized dwelling that stands out in this particular area is called the 'Daecheon-ri type’, and similar dwellings have been found in the Hangang River and Imjingang River water systems, in Gyeonggiman Bay, and in the Daedonggang River water system. Thus, this type of dwelling constitutes a great material for studying the exchanges that took place between these regions and their hierarchical relationships. The interior of these dwellings generally consisted of a circular pit type hearth and four pillar holes. In coastal/island regions, independent or small communities of 2-6 dwellings were formed on hilly areas, and the dwellings generally took the form of the small square type, with a round pit-type hearth at the center and four pillar holes. Furthermore, a large number of 'Unseo-dong type’ dwellings have been identified besides the 'Daecheon-ri type’ and except for the Singwan-dong Site in Gongju, they were scattered mainly in the central west coast and island regions of the Korean Peninsula. On the other hand, in the inland regions or coastal/island areas, dwellings with one circular pit-type hearth with four pillar holes were the main dwelling type found. The surface-type hearth of Period I identified in the coastal/island areas has also been found to have existed inland during Period II. This implies that by Period n, there were exchanges between the people of the two regions. In Period III (B.C. 3000~1600), an independent dwelling or units of two were formed inland on a hilly area, but some were also formed on alluvial plains. The layout of the dwellings generally consisted of a small-sized circle or a mid-sized square, with a circular pit-type hearth and four pillar holes. The entrances were similar in appearance to those found in the previous period. However, the entrances in the small square layout dwellings were the same extruded, sloping entrances as those found in the coastal/island areas of Period H. The inland areas during Period in show the same changes as in Period II, but due to a lack of data, the changes that took place in the coastal/island regions cannot be investigated. The Geumgang River water system consists of important bridge zones through which regional interactions and the flow of cultures and changes during the Neolithic Period of Korea could be examined. Presently, however, there are no dwelling sites dating back to Period I in the inland regions, and only one site has been found from Period III in the coastal/island regions, and even this has been confirmed to be a temporary dwelling for limited activities rather than a regular pit-house. Realistically speaking, it is too early to determine any distinct characteristics or identify any changes that took place. Therefore, we must hope for more data to come our way and shed light on the relationship between the two regions. This remains a research task for the future.

      • KCI등재

        서비스 디자인 프로세스 체계화 과정 연구

        정석길(Jung Sukgill),홍성희(Hong Sunghee),정석길(Jung Sukgill) 한국디지털디자인학회 2011 디지털디자인학연구 Vol.11 No.3

        최근의 디자인 경향은 과거 기술 지향적 혹은 공급자 중심시장에서 벗어나 고객 지향 수요자 중심시장으로의 패러다임으로 변화되었으며 이러한 변화의 속성의 중심에 서비스영역이 자리하고 있다. 이런 의미에서 서비스를 디자인한다는 것은 단순히 마케팅 요소로서 디자인을 서비스에 이용한다는 단순한 의미가 아니라 미래의 성장 동력으로서 서비스의 영역을 확장시키는데 디자인이 주요한 역할을 수행한다는 것을 의미한다. 이에 본 연구에서는 서비스 디자인 프로세스영역에 대한 진행과정에 대한 정립을 통해 초기 서비스디자인 프로세스 경험자들에게 리서치와 아이디어 전개과정을 혼동 없이 이해하고 진행할 수 있도록 하고자 한다. 또한 구조적 시각적 가이드 제안을 통해 효율적인 진행을 할 수 있도록 돕는 것에 목표가 있다. 서비스 디자인 프로세스 단계 중 본 연구에서는 조사(Research)-분석(Analysis)단계의 과정을 다루기로 한다. 조직화 과정에서 세부항목을 Initiate(초기계획 도입) - Create(창조) - Select(선택) - Define(정의)4단계로 나누어 진행한다. 그리고 시각화 과정에서는 순차적으로 리서치(Research) > 이해관계자(Stakeholder)구성맵 > 여정맵(Journey map) > 블루프린트(Blueprint)도출의 메인카테고리를 가지고 가장 대표적인 정보 시각화 방법인 다이어그램방식을 응용하여 진행된다. 이러한 프로세스의 가이드활용을 통해 초기 경험자들의 숙련도를 높이고 그것을 통해 점차 세분화 전문화된 서비스 디자인 프로세스 보급의 활성화에 기여하고자 함이다. Recent design trends away from technology-driven or provider-driven market consumer-driven market has been transformed into a paradigm. This shift in the service area is the center of the property is located. This means that the service in the design not simply as a marketing element to the design service is available it means that it extends the service area as the changed future power for growth and the design performs the important role. In this study efficient process with a structured and visual guide to offer help that is the goal. That means service design process for the region to increase understanding through the process established experienced in the design process for the initial services of research and ideas to understand the deployment process allowing you to proceed without confusion. In this study service design process during deals with Steps Research-Analysis. The process of organizing four phases(Initiate - Create - Select - Define) are in progress. And the visualization process with the sequential category((Research > Stakeholder map > Journey map > Blueprint) information the most representative way of visualizing how the application diagram is to proceed. This process initially experienced through the use of a guide to increase their proficiency with its divided and specialized to enable the dissemination of the services design process.

      • 한글 웹 페이지 저작도구의 설계와 구현

        정성희(Sunghee Jung),함경수(Kyungsoo Ham) 한국정보과학회 1996 한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.23 No.1A

        웹 페이지 저작을 위하여 텍스트 편집기로 HTML 문서를 편집하고, 웹 브라우져의 문서보기 창을 통하여 결과를 확인하는 방법은 사용자들이 HTML을 익히고 편집기 사용법 등을 배워야 하며, 문서 작성 중에도 확인을 위하여 자주 브라우저를 호출해야 하였다. 본 논문에서는 WYSIWYG 방식으로 웹페이지를 편집할 수 있는 웹페이지 저작도구를 설계하고 구현한다. 웹 문서보이기 창은 GUI 편집을 가능케하여 사용자의 편집요구에 반응한다. 웹 페이지 요소의 정보는 편집요구에 따라 새로 구성하고 문서보이기 창의 웹 페이지를 수정하여 화면에 보이며, HTML 문서 변환기를 통하여 저장한다. 본 저작 도구는 웹 브라우져, 웹 페이지 편집기, 웹페이지-HTML 변환기로 구성되며, 한글의 입출력 편집을 위하여 한글 오토마타와 X 상의 입출력 환경이 구축된다. 따라서 한글 웹 페이지를 브라우징 하며, 한글 웹 페이지를 WYSIWYG 방식으로 저작하고, 웹페이지를 HTML 문서로 변환하여 저장할 수 있다. 한글 웹페이지 저작 도구는 유닉스의 X 윈도우 환경에서 모티프 1.2.4를 사용하여 C 언어로 구현되었다.

      • KCI등재

        중학교 교사의 수업 중 ICT 활용에 영향을 미치는 요인 : ICT 교수효능감과 지각된 ICT 유용성을 중심으로

        정성희(Sunghee Jung),임규연(Kyu Yon Lim) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2021 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.21 No.24

        목적 본 연구는 중학교 교사의 수업 중 ICT 활용에 영향을 미치는 변인들을 탐색하고 이들 간의 구조적 관계를 파악하여 수업에서의 ICT 활용을 촉진하기 위한 시사점을 도출하고자 하였다. 방법 국제 비교 연구인 국제 컴퓨터 정보 리터러시 연구(International Computer and Information Literacy Study, ICILS) 2018의 일환으로 조사한 전국의 중학교 교사 1,934명의 응답 자료를 사용하여 교사의 ICT 관련 연수 경험, 교사 간 ICT 협력학습 경험, ICT 교수효능감, 지각된 ICT 유용성, 수업 중 ICT 활용 간의 관계를 파악하기 위해 구조방정식 모형 분석을 실시하였다. 결과 첫째, 교사의 ICT 관련 연수 경험은 교사 간 ICT 협력학습 경험에 유의한 직접 효과를 가졌으나 ICT 교수효능감, 지각된 ICT 유용성, 수업 중 ICT 활용에는 유의한 직접 효과를 가지지 않았다. 둘째, 교사 간 ICT 협력학습 경험은 ICT 관련 연수 경험과 ICT 교수효능감, 지각된 ICT 유용성, 수업 중 ICT 활용을 매개하는 간접 효과를 가지는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 수업 중 ICT 활용에 대한 ICT 협력학습 경험, ICT 교수효능감, 지각된 ICT 유용성의 직접 효과를 검증한 결과, 모든 변인은 통계적으로 유의한 직접 효과를 가지는 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, ICT 교수효능감과 지각된 ICT 유용성은 교사 간 ICT 협력학습 경험과 수업 중 ICT 활용을 매개하는 간접효과를 가지는 것으로 나타났다. 결론 교육현장에서 효과적인 ICT 활용을 촉진하기 위해 교사의 ICT 교수효능감과 지각된 ICT 유용성을 높일 수 있는 교사 간 협력에 관한 시사점을 제시하였다. Objectives The purpose of this study was to explore the variables affecting middle school teachers’ ICT use in class and to derive implications for promoting ICT use in class by identifying the structural relationships between them. Methods Panel data from 1,934 middle school teachers nationwide collected as part of the International Computer and Information Literacy Study(ICILS) 2018 were used to determine the structural relationships between teachers’ ICT-related learning experience, ICT-related collaborative learning experiences, ICT teaching efficacy, perceived ICT usefulness, and ICT use in class. Results First, teachers ICT-related learning experience had a significant direct effect on ICT-related collaborative learning experience, whereas there was no significant direct effect on ICT teaching efficacy, perceived ICT usefulness, and ICT use in class. Second, ICT-related collaborative learning experience had indirect effects that mediate ICT-related learning experience, ICT teaching efficacy, perceived ICT usefulness, and ICT use in class. Third, ICT-related collaborative learning experience, ICT teaching efficacy, and perceived ICT usefulness had significant direct effects on ICT use in class. Fourth, ICT teaching efficacy and perceived ICT usefulness were found to have indirect effects that mediate ICT-related collaborative learning experience and ICT use in class. Conclusions In order to promote effective ICT use in school, strategies to encourage teacher collaboration that can increase teachers ICT teaching efficacy and perceived ICT usefulness should be considered.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Short-Term Outcome of Infliximab Therapy in Pediatric Crohn's Disease: A Single-Center Experience

        Jung, Dai,Lee, Sunghee,Jeong, Insook,Oh, Seak Hee,Kim, Kyung Mo The Korean Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology 2017 Pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology & nutrition Vol.20 No.4

        Purpose: Studies on the efficacy of infliximab (IFX) in a large population of pediatric patients with Crohn's disease (CD) are limited, and prognostic factors are not well-known. The aim of this study was to evaluate outcomes of IFX in pediatric patients with CD and to identify factors associated with poor prognosis. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed medical data of 594 pediatric patients with CD between 1987 and 2013 in a tertiary center. Of these, 156 children treated with IFX were enrolled and were followed up for at least a year with intact data. Outcomes of induction and maintenance, classified as failure or clinical response, were evaluated on the tenth and 54th week of IFX therapy. Results: We treated 156 pediatric patients with CD with IFX, and the median duration of IFX therapy was 47 months. For IFX induction therapy, 134 (85.9%) patients experienced clinical response on the 10th week. Among the 134 patients who showed response to induction, 111 (82.8%) patients maintained the clinical response on the 54th week. In multivariate analysis, low hematocrit (p=0.046) at the time of IFX initiation was associated with the failure of IFX induction. For IFX maintenance therapy, longer duration from the initial diagnosis to IFX therapy (p=0.017) was associated with maintenance failure on the 54th week. Conclusion: We have shown the acceptable outcomes of IFX in a large cohort of pediatric CD patients in Korea. Hematocrit and early introduction of IFX may be prognostic factors for the outcomes of IFX.

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