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        Hepatic Cirrhosis Occurring in a Young Woodchuck(Marmota monax) Due to Vertical Transmission of Woodchuck Hepatitis Virus(WHV)

        Kyu-shik Jeong,정원일,Jae-yong Chung,Mi-young An,Chae-yong Jung,Gyoung-jae Lee,Jong-soo Kang,Byeong-cheol Kang,Young-heun Jee,Bruce H Williams,Young-oh Kwon,Da-hee Jeong 대한수의학회 2003 Journal of Veterinary Science Vol.4 No.2

        Cirrhosis Occurring in a Young Woodchuck (Marmota monax) Due to Vertical Transmission of Woodchuck Hepatitis Virus (WHV)Da-hee Jeong, Won-il Jeong, Jae-yong Chung, Mi-young An, Chae-yong Jung, Gyoung-jae Lee1, Jong-soo Kang1, Byeong-cheol Kang2, Young-heun Jee3, Bruce H Williams4, Young-oh Kwon5 and Kyu-shik Jeong*College of Veterinary Medicine, Kyungpook National University, Daegu 702-701, Korea1Shinwon Scientific Co., LTD, Research Institute, Suwon, Korea2Clinical Research Institute, Seoul National University, Seoul 110-744, Korea3College of Veterinary Medicine, Jeju National University, Jeju 690-756, Korea

      • 포도주의 phenol화합물과 항산화 작용

        채수규 한국산업식품제조학회 2001 산업식품제조학회지 Vol.5 No.1

        포도주의 phenol 화합물은 phenol을 기본구조로 한 flavonoid, non-flavonoid 등 여러 가지 성분이 있으며, 이들 중 항산화력이 강한 것으로서 catechin, quercetin, epicatechin, resveratrol, tannin 등이 있다. 포도주의 phenol 화합물은 뛰어난 항산화력으로 LDL 산화를 억제하므로 관상동맥 질환에 효과가 크다. 그리고 이 phenol 화합물은 각각의 성분보다는 total phenol로서 전체적으로 작용하는 것이 효과가 더 크며 vitamin C.E 등 생리활성 물질과 보완 작용으로 그 효과를 더 높일 수 있다. 그러므로 적포도주의 phenol은 항산화제로서 동맥내 plaque 형성의 전단계인 LDL산화를 억제하고, 혈소판의 응집을 방해하는 역할을 하므로서 관상동맥과 뇌동맥경화증의 진행을 완화시키고 좁아진 동맥에서 혈소판 매개 혈전증을 감소시킨다. The phenolic compounds in wine are mainly composed of flavonoids and nonflavonoids, and strong antioxidative characteristics come from catechin, epicatechin, resveratrol and tannin. These phenolic compounds are useful to prevent cardiovascular diseases by inhibiting oxidation of LDL. Also this antioxidant effect is increased in synergistic total compound form rather than individual compound, and even more effectively performed when assisted by physiological compounds such as vitamin C and vitamin E. In conclusion, the polyphenols in red wine are effective in preventing atherosclerosis and coronary disease by inhibiting the formation of coronary plaque and platelet coagulation.

      • 마늘 장아찌 숙성 중 Allicin 성분 변화에 관한 연구

        채수규 서울保健大學 1997 論文集 Vol.17 No.1

        마늘 장아찌를 여러 가지 방법으로 담금하여 시제품을 제조한 후 숙성과정 중 마늘의 유효성분인 allicin 및 기타 이화학 성분의 변화를 조사 하여 비교 분석하였다. 생마늘에 대한 일반성분 분석 결과 마늘 100g당 수분은 65.80g이었고, 당질에 해당하는 가용성 무질소물 28.65g으로 가장 많았고, 단백질 2.65g, 지방질 1.12g이었으며, 무기질로서 Ca, P, Fe가 각각 25mg, 58mg, 1.7mg으로 비교적 많이 들어 있었다. 마늘 장아찌 숙성과정 중의 수분함량 변화는 담금 방법에 따라 약간 다르나 일반적으로 간장에 담근 경우에는 담금 초기 64.47%이던 것이 담금 기간이 경과할수록 감소되어 4주째는 수분 함량이 53.05%로 되었으며, 식초에 담근 경우에는 담금 초기 1주일째는 63.76%로 약간 감소하다가 4주일째는 74.25%로 다시 증가하는 추세였다. 마늘 장아찌 숙성과정 중의 염분함량 변화는 담금 방법에 따라 약간 다르나 일반적으로 식초에 담근 경우에는 0.09~0.1%로 거의 변화가 없었으나 간장에 담근 경우에는 담금 기간이 경과할수록 마늘 중의 염분함량은 0.74%로 증가되었고 액즙의 염농도는 간장 자체의 염농도 16.2%이던 것에 비해 다소 감소되어 10.6%를 나타내었다. 마늘 장아찌 숙성과정 중의 pH의 변화는 생마늘 즙액의 pH는 6.88이었으나 간장에 담근경우에는 pH 7.51의 약 알칼리성을 띠었으며, 식초에 담근 경우에는 pH4.53으로 식초에 함유된 초산에 의해 pH가 내려갔다. 마늘 장아찌 숙성과정 중의 pyruvic acid의 함량변화는 담금 방법에 따라 많은 차이를 나타내었다. 생마늘의 pyruvic acid 함량은 57.35㎍/g 이었으나 일반적으로 담금 기간 2주일째에 간장에 담근 경우에는 199.94㎍/g, 식초에 담근 경우에는 246.68㎍/g으로 각각 최고값을 나타내었다가 숙성기간이 경과할수록 감소하였다. 마늘 장아찌 숙성 과정 중의 allicin 및 diallyl disulfide의 함량변화는 일반적으로 담금 기간이 경과할수록 allicin 함량은 급격히 감소하였으며 반대로 diallyl disulfide는 크게 증가하였다. 생마늘의 allicin 함량은 23.73ppm이었으나, 간장에 담근 경우에 담금 1주일이 경과되었을 때 allicin 함량은 20.23ppm으로 85%이상 잔존하였으며 2,3,4주일이 경과되었을 때 각각 5.16ppm, 4.24ppm, 3.11ppm으로 급격히 감소하였다. 그러나 diallyl disulfide 함량은 담금 1, 2, 3, 4주일이 경과됨에 따라 각각 1.78ppm, 2.90ppm, 4.13ppm, 5.07ppm으로 약 20배정도 증가하였다. 한편 식초에 담근 경우에는 담금 1주일이 경과되었을 때 allicin 함량은 5.86ppm으로 급격히 감소하여 25% 정도만이 잔존하였고, diallyl disulfide는 담금 1주일 경과되었을 때 0.35ppm으로 약간 증가되었으나 담금 2, 3, 4주일 경과함에 따라 각각 1.82ppm, 2.57ppm, 3.12ppm으로 크게 증가하였다. Changes in the contents of allicin and the other components on the aging of pickled garlic samples prepared by the several methods were investigated. The contents of moisture, N-free extract, crude protein and crude fat were 65.80%, 28.65%, 2.65% and 1.12%, respectively, in raw garlic. Moisture content in the garlic pickled with soysauce was 64.47% at early stage of pickling and the content was decreased to 53.05% by 4th week of pickling. On the other hand, moisture content in the garlic pickled with vinegar was decreased slightly to 63.76% by 1st week of pickling, but the content was increased to 74.25% by 4th week of pickling. Salt content in the garlic pickled with vinegar was 0.09% to 0.1% and the content was not changed during the aging period. On the other hand, salt content in the garlic pickled with say sauce that salt concentration was 16.2% was increased to 0.74% and salt concentration of the juice was decreased to 10.6%. pH value in raw garlic juice was 6.88. The garlic pickled with soysauce showed alkaline pH 7.51. However, pH in the garlic pickled with vinegar was decreased to 4.53 caused by the acetic acid in vinegar. Pyruvic acid content in raw garlic was 57.35㎍/g. After 2 weeks of pickling, the contents of pyruvic acid were 199.94㎍/g in the garlic pickled with soysauce and 246.68㎍/g in the garlic pickled with vinegar. Thereafter the contents were decreased with the progress of aging. Allicin content in raw garlic was 23.73ppm. The content in the garlic pickled with soysauce was 20.23ppm with 85% remaining by 1st week of pickling. after 2, 3, and 4weeks, however, the amount of allicin was reduced to 5.16ppm, 4.24ppm and 3.11ppm, respectively. Diallyl disulfide content in the garlic pickled with soysauce was increased remarkably to 5.07ppm by 4th week of pickling. On the other hand, allicin content in the garlic pickled with vinegar was 5.86ppm with 25% remaining by 1st week of pickling and diallyl disulfide content in the garlic pickled with vinegar was increased to 3.12ppm by 4th week of pickling.

      • 양파, 파의 조리과정 중 Allicin성분 변화에 관한 연구

        채수규 한국산업식품제조학회 2000 산업식품제조학회지 Vol.4 No.1

        양파 및 파를 삶거나, 기름에 튀기거나 굽거나 또는 간장에 절이는 등의 조리과정 중 이들의 유효성분인 allicin의 변화를 조사한 결과는 다음과 같았다. 1. 물을 가해 100℃에서 열처리하는 삶는 조리과정에 있어서 양파는 10분 동안 가열하였을 때 allicin 함량은 17.83ppm으로 44% 정도가 잔존하였고 ,20분 ,30분 동안 가열처리로 그 잔존량은 각각 12.24ppm, 11.20ppm으로 30%, 27%가 잔존하였다. 파의 경우는 10분 동안 열처리 하였을 때 5.81ppm으로 94% 정도가 잔존하였다. 2. 식용유를 120℃로 가열하여 열처리하는 튀기는 조라과정에 있어서 양파는 10분 동안 열처리하였을 때 allicin 함량은 1.39ppm으로 약 3% 정도 잔존하였고, 30분 동안 가열하였을 때 잔존량은 0.74ppm, 60분 동안 가열 하였을 때는 검출되지 않았다. 파의 경우는 10분 동안 열처리하였을 때 allicin 함량이 5.00ppm으로 약 80%가 잔존하였다. 3. 무수상태에서 190℃의 오븐에서 고온으로 열처리하는 굽는 조리과정에 있어서 양파는 10분 동안 열처리하였을 때 잔존량이 21.36ppm으로 52%가 잔존하였고, 20분, 30분 동안 열처리로 그 잔존량은 각각 17.79ppm, 12.26 ppm으로 44%, 30% 정도를 나타내었다. 파의 경우는 10분 동안 열처리하였을 때 2.21ppm으로 약 36% 정도만이 잔존하였다 . 4. 시판 간장을 가해 실온에서 담금하는 간장에 절이는 과정에 있어서 양파는 담금 1주일 경과되었을 때 allicin 함량은 34.71ppm으로 85% 이상이 잔존하였고 , 2주일 경과되었을 때는 16.95ppm으로 42%가 잔존하였다. 그러나 3주일 ,4주일 경과되었을 때 allicin 함량은 각각 3.35ppm, 1.20ppm으로 급격히 감소하였다. 5. Allicin의 분해 생성물인 diallyl disufide의 조리과정 중의 변화는 양파 및 파 모두에 있어서 일반적으로 열처리 시간이 오래 지속되거나 담금기간이 오래 경과할수록 그 함량이 크게 증가하는 것으로 나타났다 . Changes in allicin content in onion and green onion when they were boiled in water, fried in oil, baked or pickled in soy sauce were investigated. When onion was boiled in water at 100℃ for 10 minutes, the amount of remaining allicin content was 17.83ppm with 44% remaining. When onion was boiled for 20 and 30 minutes, the remaining allicin was 12.24ppm and 11.20ppm, respectively with 30% and 27% remaining. The remaining allicin in green onion was 5.81ppm with 94% remaining, when it was boiled for 10 minutes. When onion was fried in oil at 120℃ for 10 minutes, the amount of remaining allicin was 1.35ppm with about 3% remaining. After 30 minutes of frying the amount of remaining allicin in onion was 0.74ppm. After 60 minutes of frying the allicin was not detectable. The allicin amount in green onion was 5.00ppm with about 80% remainin after 10 minutes frying. When onion was baked at 190℃ in a high temperatured oven for 10 minutes, the amount of remaining allicin in onion was 21.36ppm with 52% remaining. When onion was baked for 20 and 30 minutes, the remaining allicin was 17.79ppm and 12.26ppm, respectively with 44% and 30% remaining. When the green onion was baked for 10 minutes in an oven at 190℃, the amount of remaining allicin was 2.21ppm with about 36% remaining. When onion was pickled in soy sauce at the room temperature for a week, the remaining allicin was 34. 71ppm with 85% remaining. After 2 weeks of pickling, the remaining amount was 16.95ppm with 42% remaining. However, after 3 and 4 weeks, the amount of remaining allicin was suddenly dropped to 3.35ppm and 1.20ppm, respectively. When onion and green onion were cooked or pickled, diallyl disulfide was produced in proportion to the elapsed time of heat treatment by the decomposition of allicin.

      • KCI등재

        마늘장아찌 숙성 중 Alliinase 활성 변화에 관한 연구

        채수규 한국식품영양학회 1999 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.12 No.1

        마늘장아찌를 여러 가지 방법으로 담금하여 시제품을 제조한 후 숙성과정 중 alliinase 활성의 변화를 조사 분석한 결과는 다음과 같았다. 간장에 담근 마늘장아찌 숙성 중의 alliinas 활성은 생마늘의 alliinase 활성이 8.73 units/㎎ protein인데 비하여 담금 1주일 후의 마늘장아찌 고형물은 4.57 units/㎎ rpotein으로 잔존 활성이 52%, 담금 2주일 후에는 1.05 units/㎎ protein으로 잔존 활성이 12% 정도로 급속히 감소하였다. 식초에 담근 마늘장아찌 숙성 중의 alliinase 활성은 생마늘의 alliinase 활성이 8.73 units/㎎ protein인데 비하여 담금 1주일 후에 마늘장아찌 고형물은 2.79 units/㎎ protein으로 잔존 활성이 32%, 담금 2주일 후에는 0.26 units/㎎ protein으로 잔존 활성이 3%로 저하하였다. 소금물에 1주일 담근 후 식초에 담근 마늘장아찌의 alliinase 활성은 10% 소금물에 담금 1주일째에 alliinase의 활성이 5.06 units/㎎ protein으로 간장에 담그었을 때부다 약간 높은 잔존활성이 58%를 나타내었으나 액즙을 제거하고 식초에 다시 담그므로서 담금 2주일 후에는 0.85 units/㎎ protein으로 잔존 활성이 10% 이하로 감소하였다. 식초에 1주일 담근 후 간장에 담근 마늘장아찌의 alliinase 활성은 식초에 담금 1주일 째에 alliinase의 활성이 2.79 units/㎎ protein으로 잔존 활성이 32%를 나타내었으나 액즙을 제거하고 간장에 다시 담그므로서 담금 2주일 후에는 0.43 units/㎎ protein으로 잔존 활성이 5% 이하로 감소하였다. Changes in the alliinase activity during the aging of pickled garlic samples prepared by the several methods were investigated. The activity of alliinase in raw garlic was 8.73 units/㎎ protein. The activity in the garlic pickled with soy sauce was reduced to 4.57 units/mg protein with 52% remaining by 1st week of pickling and to 1.05 units/㎎ protein with 12% remaining by 2nd week of pickling. The activity of alliinase in the garlic pickled with vinegar was 2.79 units/㎎ protein with 32% remaining by 1st week of pickling and was 0.26 units/㎎ protein only with 3% remaining by 2nd week of pickling. The activity of alliinase in the garlic pickled with 10% salt solution was 5.06 units/㎎ protein with 58% remaining by lst week of pickling. After one week pickling the juice of pickled garlic was removed. Then, garlics were pickled again with vinegar. The allinase acting in was reduced to 0.85 units/㎎ protein with 10% remaining by 2nd week of pickling. The activity of alliinase in the garlic pickled with vinegar was 2.79 units/㎎ protein with 32% remaining by 1st week of pickling. The juice of pickled garlic was removed after one week. Then the garlics were again pickled with saysauce. The allinase activity in the garlic the garlic pickled again with soy sauce was reduced to 0.43 units/㎎ protein with 5% remaining by 2 week of pickling.

      • 저염 오징어젓갈의 숙성에 미치는 향신성분의 영향

        채수규,허윤행,양철영,유희중 서울보건대학 1996 서울보건대학 부설 한국보건과학연구소 논문집 Vol.3 No.1

        저염젓갈의 숙성에 미치는 향신성분의 영향을 조사하기 위하여 저염 오정어 젓갈로부터 숙성에 관여하는 주요세균을 분리하여 마늘, 고추, 생강 등의 향신성분의 항균성을 조사하고, 또한 7.5% 식염향유 저염 오징어 젓갈에 마늘즙 또는 고추가루 등을 가한 것과 가하지 않은 시제품을 제조하여 20℃에서 숙성시키면서 생균수와 이화학 성분의 경시적 변화를 비교 조사하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 저염 오징어젓갈의 숙성에 관여하는 주요 세균을 분리하여 형태학적 및 생리학적 특성을 조사한 결과 Staphylococcus, Bacillus, Micrococcus, Pseudomonas, Moraxella, Flavobacterium으로 屬레벨에서 동정되었다. 2. 마늘즙, 고추가루 추출물 및 생강 추출물 등의 향신성분을 이용하여 젓갈로부터 분리한 세균에 대해 발육 저지 상태를 조사한 결과 마늘즙의 경우는 마늘즙의 농도 20%로부터 그 이상의 농도에 의해 강한 항균작용을 나타내었으나 고추가루 추출물은 Bacillus균주만이 약간 저해작용을 나타내었고 생강 추출물의 경우는 젓갈 분리 세균에 대해 거의 저해작용이 관찰되지 않았다. 3. 7.5% 식염 함유 저염 젓갈의 경우 제조 직후의 생균수는 10^(5)/g 이었으며, 20℃에서 숙성시켰을 때 숙성 4일째에 이미 10^(7)/g에 달하였고 숙성 10일째에 10^(8)/g에 달해 부패하기 시작하였다. 3%로 마늘즙을 첨가한 저염 젓갈의 경우는 숙성 4일째에 10^(5)/g 정도였으며 숙성 10일째에도 10^(7)/g 정도로 control에 비하여 10^(1) 정도 낮은 수준이었으며 숙성 21일째에 이르러도 부패되지 않았다. 4. 7.5% 식염 함유 저염 젓갈의 경우 제조 직후의 pH는 6.50 정도이었으며 숙성 7일째까지는 pH 6.45 정도로 미미한 감소추세를 나타내다가 그 이후부터는 다시 증가되어 숙성 15일째부터는 pH 7 이상으로 부패되었다. 3%로 마늘즙을 첨가한 저염 젓갈은 숙성 10일째까지는 pH 6.37 정도로 서서히 감소추세를 나타내다가 그 이후부터 다시 서서히 증가되어 숙성 21일째에 pH 6.85 정도를 나타내었다. 5. 7.5% 식염 함유 젓갈의 경우 제조 직후의 아미노태 질소 함량 208㎎%이었으나 20℃에서 숙성시켰을 때 숙성 7일째 364㎎%, 숙성 14일째 597㎎%로 증가하였다. 3%로 마늘즙을 첨가한 경우는 숙성 7일째에 327㎎%, 숙성 14일째에 515㎎%로 증가하여 두 시료간의 아미노태 질소 함량의 차이는 숙성 7일째에 37㎎/100g, 숙성 14일째에 82㎎/100g으로 나타났다. 6. 7.5% 식염 함유 저염 젓갈의 경우 제조 직후의 VBN함량은 21.2㎎%이었으며, 20℃에서 숙성시켰을 때 숙성 10일째에 116.5㎎%, 숙성 14일째에 180.0㎎%를 나타내었고 TMA-N은 숙성 14일째에 41.3㎎%를 나타내어 부패가 진행되었다. 3%로 마늘즙을 첨가한 저염 젓갈은 숙성 14일째에 84.2㎎%, 숙성 21일째에 116.3㎎%를 나타내었고, TMA-N은 숙성 21일째에도 검출되지 않아 부패되지 않고 적정 숙성상태를 유지하고 있었다. To study on the effects of spice ingredients on the aging of low salted squid with 7.5% salt the garlic juice or the red pepper powder was added in the low salted squid. The changes in the chemical composition and viable cell counts of the low salted squid were investigated, individually, during the ripening process at 20℃. The major bacteria were isolated from the salted squid during the aging period and the physiological and biochemical properties of the isolates were investigated. The strains were identified at genus level as the Staphylococcus, Bacillus, Micrococcus, Pseudomonas, Moraxella and Flavobacterium, respectively. By the spice ingredients of garlic juice, red pepper extracts and ginger extracts, the inhibition of bacterial growth were investigated. Antimicrobial action was strong in the concentration of over 20% garlic juice. But only the strain of Bacillus was inhibited weakly by red pepper water extracts. The inhibition of bacterial growth by the ginger water extracts was not detected in the salted squid. Just after the preparation of the low salted squid with 7.5% salt, the viable bacterial cells occurred at a level of 10^(5)/g. The bacterial counts were increased to 10^(7)/g by the 4th day of ripening and increased to 10^(8)/g by the 10th day of ripening at 20℃ and then the salted squid was begun to spoil. In the low salted squid with 7.5% salt and 3% garlic juice, the bacterial counts were increased to 10^(5)/g by the 4th day of ripening and increased to 10^(7)/g by the 10th day of ripening at 20℃. The salted squid with 3% garlic juice was lower about 101 level than control in viable bacterial counts and it was not spoiled by the 21th day ripening at 20℃. Just after the preparation of the low salted squid with 7.5% salt, the pH value was 6.50. The pH value was decreased gradually to 6.45 by the 7th day of ripening at 20℃ and then the pH value was increased again to 7.0 by the 15th day of ripening and the salted squid was spoiled. In the low salted squid with 7.5% salt and 3% garlic juice the pH value was decreased gradually to 6.37 by the 10th day of was increased again to 6.85 by the 21th day of ripening. Just after the preparation of the low salted squid with 7.5% salt, the content of amino type nitrogen was 208mg%. The content of amino type nitrogen was increased to 364mg% by the 7th day of ripening and increased to 597mg% by the 14th day of ripening at 20℃. In the low salted squid with 7.5% salt and 3% garlic juice, the content of amino type nitrogen was increased to 327mg% by the 7th day of ripening and increased to 515mg% by the 14th day of ripening at 20℃. Therefore, the difference in amino type nitrogen content was 37mg/100g by the 7th day of ripening and 82mg/100g by the 14th day of ripening. Just after the preparation of the low salted squid with 7.5% salt, the contents of VBN was 21.2mg%. The content of VBN was increased to 116.4mg% by the 10th day of ripening and increased to 180.0mg% by the 14th day of ripening at 20℃. The content of TMA-N was 41.3mg% by the 14th day of ripening and the salted squid was begun to spoil. In the low salted squid with 7.5% salt and 3% garlic juice, the content of VBN was increased to 84.2mg% by the 14th day of ripening and increased to 116.3mg% by the 21th day of ripening at 20℃. The content of TMA-N was not detected by the 21th day of ripening. The salted squid was maintained on the proper ripening condition.

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