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      • 以功能語法構建的應用文教材對提高非華語學生功 能字詞運用的成效

        Mark Shiu Kee SHUM,Wai Ip LAM,Chung Pui TAI,Paisley Tsz Mei CHEUNG,Jo Jo Wan Shan YUNG,Jessica Man Yi YOUNG 단국대학교 한문교육연구소 2020 International Han-character Education Research Vol.2 No.1

        홍콩의 비중국어권 학습자의 실용문 학습과 상황에 맞는 정확한 표현 능력의 제고를 위해 홍콩대학 Dr. Mark Shum Shiu Kee (岑紹基) 연구팀은 교육국의 연구비 지원을 받아 2016~ 2017년 비중국어권 학습자용 실용문 교재를 개발하였다. 본 논문은 기능 어법 이론을 바탕으로 비중국어권 학습자용 실용문 교재를 어떻게 설계했는지를 밝히고, 본 교재가 비중국어권 학습자의 기능어 운용 능력 향상에 끼친 영향에 대해 고찰하였다. 또한 연구팀이 개발한 실용문 교재가 비중국어권 학습자의 기능어 운용 능력 향상에 어떠한 성과를 가져왔는지를 밝히는 것을 본 논문의 주목적으로 삼았다. 연구팀은 체계 기능 언어학 이론을 바탕으로 비중국어권 학습자용 실용문 교재를 개발하였으며, 실용문의 종류에 따라 달라지는 의사전달 기능, 도식 구조, 어법 특징을 고려하여 읽기 예문의 주제를 선정하였다. 또한, 비중국어권 학습자가 기능어와 구문 활용에서 갖는 어려움을 실용문 종류에 따라 나누어 분석하였다. 아울러, 「文類功能(문체기능)」 이론 및 「閱讀促進學習(읽기촉진학습)」 교수법을 참고로 읽기 쓰기 통합형 쌍방향 연습법을 개발하여 학습자가 모범 예문을 분석, 해체 및 재구조화를 할 수 있게 하고, 더 나아가 학습자가 스스로 실용문 쓰기를 할 수 있도록 도왔다. 이외에도, 교육 일선에서 지도하고 있는 중국어 교사들을 초청하여 시범적으로 교수법을 시행하고 이를 통해 본 교재의 실제 효과를 검증해 보았다. 학습자가 작성한 실용문을 교수법 시행 전후로 비교 분석하고 교사와 학습자 인터뷰도 함께 진행하여, 본 실용문 교재가 비중국어권 학습자의 기능어 운용과 실용문 쓰기에 끼친 효과를 평가하였다. 아울러, 본 연구 결과를 바탕으로 비중국어권 학습자 실용문 교육을 위한 실행 가능한 몇 가지 방안을 제시하였다. In order to enhance Hong Kong non-Chinese speaking (NCS) students’ ability to learn practical writing and presenting ideas appropriately in Chinese, Dr. Mark Shum Shiu Kee’s research team received funding from the Hong Kong Education Bureau to develop Chinese practical writing teaching materials for NCS students in 2016/17. This paper describes how the researchers develop these teaching materials by adopting Functional Grammar Theory, and investigates the effectiveness of the teaching material package at equipping the NCS students’ with ability in using function words. This paper aims at exploring how effective the newly developed practical writing teaching material package at enhancing NCS students’ ability to use function words is. With reference to the Systemic Functional Linguistic (SFL) Theory, Chinese practical writing teaching material package suitable for NCS students was developed. The package reading materials were developed by looking into the communicative function, schematic structure and metalanguage of different genres. Besides, NCS students’ difficulty in using function words and expressions of different genres were also analyzed. By referring to “Genre Function” theory and “Reading to Learn” pedagogy, interactive exercises that combine reading and writing were designed. These suggested exercises guide students to learn in a process, from deconstruction of the sample texts to joint construction and individual construction. Apart from the above, frontline Chinese language teachers were invited to conduct tryout sessions to test the effectiveness of the teaching material package. The analysis of students’ writings in pre-tests and post-tests, together with the research data from teachers and students interviews, provide a comprehensive evaluation on the effectiveness of the practical writing teaching material package. Feasible suggestions for enhancing NCS students’ ability, particularly in using function words and constructing practical writing, are provided for teaching NCS students to construct practical writing.

      • Voltage Compensated Clock Synchronization in Wireless Sensor Networks

        Shiu Kumar,Hwanjong Jeong,Jongsang Baek,Seong Ro Lee 한국정보통신학회 2014 2016 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Vol.6 No.1

        Clock synchronization of nodes in WSNs is a challenging and ongoing problem. Recently over the years several synchronization protocols for WSNs have been proposed, which focuses on addressing issues such as synchronization accuracy, energy efficiency, wireless channel bandwidth and changes in the clock frequency due to environmental changes such as temperature. One of the major factors of sensor node’s clock drift is the nodes supply voltage. In this paper, a new voltage compensated algorithm (VCA) for clock synchronization in WSNs is presented, which uses a voltage divider circuit to remove the effects of changes in the supply voltage resulting in an increase in time between resynchronization intervals. Using a 16MHz unit with a resonator, VCA achieves an effective clock drift of less than 13ppm over a supply voltage range of 5-12V.

      • State-of-the-Art : Strategy For Prevention Of Gastric Cancer

        ( Shiu Kum Lam ) 대한소화기학회 2007 SIDDS Vol.9 No.-

        Gastric cancer remains a curse of Asia. Its aetiology is multifactorial, and includes in particular H. pylori infection and high salt. Surveillance in high risk populations with early treatment is effective to reduce mortality. Evidence has become available to adopt a bold prevention strategy by ridding H. pylori from the soil of Asia. In Asia, the risk for gastric cancer varies among various countries and populations. High risk areas include East Asian countries such as China, Japan and Korea, where the age standardized incidence rate (ASR) is greater than 20 per 100,000. Intermediate risk countries (ASR 11∼19/100,000) include Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan, while low risk areas (ASR<10/100,000) include countries such as Australia, India, New Zealand and Thailand.1 There are two approaches to reduce the mortality of gastric cancer: (i) early detection and treatment, and (ii) prevention by addressing modifiable environmental risk factors such as diet and H. pylori infection. Currently a strategy of population screening for gastric cancer is being adopted in Japan,2 Korea3 and Matsu Island in Taiwan.4 A consensus conference was convened in Bangkok in November 2006 to assess the evidence for current and potential intervention strategies and to decide whether it was timely to adopt a bold proactive approach towards gastric cancer prevention by recommending H. pylori screening and eradication.5 A total of 38 statements were made at the consensus conference, and the following ten represent the consensus highlights. It is concluded that there is a definite causal link between H. pylori infection and gastric cancer. Current evidence suggests that H. pylori eradication can prevent the progression of precancerous gastric lesions, and in those without advanced precancerous lesions, H. pylori eradication reduces the incidence of gastric cancer. The time has come to intervene and prevent this cancer at the population level by ridding H. pylori from the soil of Asia.


        Photoproduction of <tex> $ \Uplambda $</tex> and <tex> $ \Upsigma ^{0}$</tex> hyperons off protons with linearly polarized photons at <tex> $ E_{\gamma }=1.5\hbox{--}3.0$</tex> GeV

        Shiu, S. H.,Kohri, H.,Chang, W. C.,Ahn, D. S.,Ahn, J. K.,Chen, J. Y.,Daté,, S.,Ejiri, H.,Fujimura, H.,Fujiwara, M.,Fukui, S.,Gohn, W.,Hicks, K.,Hotta, T.,Hwang, S. H.,Imai, K.,Ishikawa, T.,Joo, American Physical Society 2018 Physical Review C Vol.97 No.1

        <P>We report the measurement of the gamma p -> K+Lambda and gamma p -> K+Sigma(0) reactions at SPring-8. The differential cross sections and photon-beam asymmetries are measured at forward K+ production angles using linearly polarized tagged-photon beams in the range of E-gamma = 1.5-3.0 GeV. With increasing photon energy, the cross sections for both gamma p -> K+Lambda and gamma p -> K+Sigma(0) reactions decrease slowly. Distinct narrow structures in the production cross section have not been found at E gamma = 1.5-3.0 GeV. The forward peaking in the angular distributions of cross sections, a characteristic feature of t-channel exchange, is observed for the production of Lambda in the whole observed energy range. A lack of similar feature for Sigma(0) production reflects a less dominant role of t-channel contribution in this channel. The photon-beam asymmetries remain positive for both reactions, suggesting the dominance of K* exchange in the t channel. These asymmetries increase gradually with the photon energy, and have a maximum value of +0.6 for both reactions. Comparison with theoretical predictions based on the Regge trajectory in the t channel and the contributions of nucleon resonances indicates the major role of t-channel contributions as well as non-negligible effects of nucleon resonances in accounting for the reaction mechanism of hyperon photoproduction in this photon energy regime.</P>

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