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        닭에서 계두 예방 접종에 관한 연구

        Shil,장형관,송희종,차세연,Rahman,Paul 한국가금학회 2007 韓國家禽學會誌 Vol.34 No.4

        파유미 종 닭에 계두 및 구두 백신을 접종하고 2종의 백신에 대한 방어 능력을 방글라대쉬의 야외의 닭 사육 조건에서 비교하였다. ‘Take reaction’의 수율을 평가하여 이것을 더 나은 면역 반응과 관련지어 해석하였으며, 그룹 B와 그룹 C의 닭은 각각 93.33%와 100%의 면역 반응을 보여주었다. 1차 예방접종에 따른 평균 PHA 항체가는 B와 C 그룹에서 각각 32±14.81과 33±13.66으로 나타났다. 보강 접종 후 평균 PHA 항체가는 B 및 C 그룹의 전 처리군에서는 46.93±16.52와 55.46±14.64이었으며, 공격접종 2주 후 시점에서 향체가는 각각 93.86±33.04와 110.93±29.29로 나타났다. PHA 항체가는 백신 접종 후와 접종 후 처치군들에서 백신접종 전 항체가에 비해 현저하게 증가함을 보여주었다. 이렇게 현저한 PHA 항체가의 차이는 사용한 백신의 종류가 다양함으로 인해 발생되는 것이기도 하였으나, 백신접종을 받은 모든 닭들은 감염에 대한 저항력을 보여주었다. Fayoumi chicks were vaccinated with fowl pox virus vaccine and pigeon pox virus vaccine. The protective potentiality of the two vaccines was compared in field condition in Bangladesh. The percentage of ‘take reaction’ was assessed to conclude its relationship with better immune response and recorded 93.33% and 100% in birds of group B and group C, respectively. The mean passive hemagglutination (PHA) antibody titre after primary vaccination was 32±14.81 in group B and 33±13.66 in group C. Following booster vaccination, the mean PHA titres level at pre challenge of group B was 46.93±16.52 and 55.46±14.64 in group C. The PHA titre of group B and C at two weeks post challenge recorded 93.86±33.04 and 110.93± 29.29, respectively. PHA titre significantly (P<0.01) increased after vaccination and post challenge compared to pre- vaccination titre. There was significant variation (p<0.01) of PHA titre at pre challenge in these groups using different vaccine combinations, but all the vaccinated birds resisted challenge infection.

      • KCI등재

        Markedness Relation in Obstruent Sonorant Consonant Clusters and Optimality Theory

        Kim, Jong Shil 대한언어학회 1997 언어학 Vol.5 No.2

        Kim, Jong Shil. 1997. Markedness Relation in Obstruent Sonorant Consonant Clusters and Optimality Theory. Linguistics, 5-2, 255-270. This paper focuses on assimilatory processes involving obstruent and sonorant consonant clusters. Nasalization, lateralization or the failure of those alternations to occur are analyzed as the result of the interaction between markedness constraints and faithfulness constraints developed in Optimality Theory. In this analysis, the markedness relation among features, feature cooccurrence restriction as part of segmental inventory leading to the effect of structure preservation, and sequential restriction are all characterized as part of universal constraints with hierarchical ranking. In doing so Optimality Theory plays a major role in capturing the essence of phonological alternations, the markedness relation, and integrating the relation directly into the analysis. (Inje University)

      • KCI등재

        Opacity Problem and Markedness Constraints

        Kim, Jong Shil 대한언어학회 1998 언어학 Vol.6 No.2

        Kim, Jong Shil. 1998. Opacity Problem and Markedness Constraints. Linguistics, 6-2, 223-242. This paper investigates opacity problem and presents some reanalysis on the matter based on the concepts like constraint conjunction and correspondence relation. It views opacity cases as special types in contrast to transparent cases and analyzes them as having the input-output correspondence relation in markedness constraints. It also presents the analysis in which the combination of markedness constraints and faithfulness constraints plays a role in accounting for the opacity. (Inje University)

      • KCI등재

        Alignment and Its Effect of Lever Ordering

        Kim, Jong Shil 대한언어학회 1999 언어학 Vol.7 No.3

        Kim, Jong Shil. 1999. Alignment and Its Effect of Level Ordering. Linguistics 7-3, 175-195. Level ordering in the Lexical Phonology and Morphology has contributed to the analysis of morpheme sequencing, blocking effects, and conversion in morphology and strict cyclicity in phonology. In this paper, we take up the issue of level ordering and morphology-phonology interface in terms of Optimality theory. We analyze word level affixes to be outside a phonological word and rather to be subcategorized for one. By assuming prosodic exclusion of those affixes in terms of alignment, we claim that the so called level ordering can be replaced with different prosodic parsing. At the same time problematic cases of earlier analyses such as bracketing paradox and ordering paradox are shown to be natural consequences of mismatches between prosodic and morphological parsing. (Inje University)



        Shi, L.,Deng, K.,Cui, Y. The Korean Society of Automotive Engineers 2007 International journal of automotive technology Vol.8 No.4

        Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) shows great potential for low $NO_x$ emission but is hampered by the problem of no direct method to control the combustion process. Therefore, HCCI combustion becomes unstable easily, especially at lower and higher engine load. This paper presents a method to achieve diesel-fueled HCCI combustion, which involves directly injecting diesel fuel into the cylinder before the piston arrives at top dead center in the exhaust stroke and adjusting the valve overlap duration to trap more high temperature residual gas in the cylinder. The combustion stability of diesel-fueled HCCI combustion and the effects of engine load, speed, and valve overlap on it are the main points of investigation. The results show that: diesel-fueled HCCI combustion has two-stage heat release rate (low temperature and high temperature heat release) and very low $NO_x$ emission, combustion stability of the HCCI engine is worse at lower load because of misfire and at higher load because of knock, the increase in engine speed aids combustion stability at lower load because the heat loss is reduced, and increasing negative valve overlap can increase in-cylinder temperature which aids combustion stability at lower load but harms it at higher load.

      • KCI등재

        John Steinbeck의 American Dream

        전실근 신한영미어문학회 1994 새한영어영문학 Vol.31 No.-

        John Steinbeck published several volumes of fiction, each as different from each other as all are different from the writings of most novelists. He employed a variety of techniques to describe an assortment of characters; pirates, farmers, and migrants who appeared successively in romantic, realistic, mystical, mock-heroic, dramatic, psychological, and sociological novels. But beneath this apparent variety, Steinbeck was astonishingly consistent. A single purpose directed his experimentation, a single idea guided his literary thought. Always his fiction described the interplay of dream and reality. His thought followed the development of the American dream. In this paper the theme of the American dream is researched through his novels, and The Grapes of Wrath is concentrated on more specically than any other novels. The Grapes of Wrath is too large a novel to be described briefly. In it the many skeins of Steinbeck's thought are woven into new patterns. In this paper I have to touch on mythology, which is not only a popular subject in literary criticism, but has a particular relevance to Steinbeck studies in order to reach the theme of the American dream from his writings. This paper will show that traditional myths and legends have much to do with the form and content of Steinbeck's fiction. True enough, Biblical and Athurian themes predominate in his work, but Greek mythology is by no means absent. In The Grapes of Wrath, Steinbeck made Tom Joad lead a new westward migration. He rediscovers America and recognizes that this land is not being used nor its opportunities kept open. He becomes a leader of the new pioneers, spiritually as well as physically. In the strange character of Jim Casy, the old dream finds new expression. For this ex-preacher, who has abandoned the old forms in order to see the desires of men as they are, dominates the story. As a spiritual leader Jim Casy preaches a Jesus-type love for human beings who are suffering in human agony. This idea of Casy's dream succeeds to Tom, the oldest son of the Joads, who transfers it to the rest of the Joad family. Although Jim Casy seems similar to the Joads to Jesus Christ as a spiritual leader, Casy's image does not correspond to Jesus'. Jim Casy shares in the experiences of his people and develops from them. And unlike the earlier idealists, he acts with his people. From him Tom Joad learns, both through words and through deeds. Whem Casy dies, Tom gives expression to his dream, and he continues to act upon it. And if Tom Joad dies, it will not matter, for the dream will live. His soul will become the soul of America, struggling for freedom. His soul goes marching on. The dream continues.

      • KCI등재

        Harmonic Analysis of Consonant Cluster Reduction in Korean

        Kim, Jong Shil 대한언어학회 1994 언어학 Vol.2 No.-

        Kim, Jong Shil (1994). Harmonic analysis of consonant cluster reduction In Korean. Linguistics vol. 2. Goldsmith(1990) presents a model of syllable licensing in which prosodic licensing is extended to features, thus enabling the syllable template to include phonotactic information. Harmonic Phonology (Goldsmith 1993, Lakoff 1993) treats phonological rules as repair processes which apply to maximize the wellformedness constraints. Based on these theoretical frameworks and universal generalization on sonority hierarchy, this paper analyzes seemingly random variations of [IC] cluster reduction in Korean. The syllabification in the case of [IC] clusters takes either first consonant [1] or the following consonant as coda. Furthermore, both [1] and the next consonant can be realized as codas. I posit two distinct syllable constraints which hold in W-level and P-level respectively and predicate tensing rule as applying between the two levels as a crosslevel phonological rule. The variations in the [IC] cluster reduction are then accounted for as the result of structural mismatch and speakers' attempt to harmonize with the constraints of each distinct level.

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