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      • Testing Desktop Application : Police Station Information Management System

        Abdul Salam Shah,Muhammad Fayaz,Asadullah Shah,Shahnawaz Shah 보안공학연구지원센터 2016 International Journal of Software Engineering and Vol.10 No.7

        The police stations have adequate importance in the society to control the law and order situations of the country. In Pakistan, police stations manage criminal records and information manually. We have previously developed and improved a desktop application for the record keeping of the different registers of the police stations. The data of police stations is sensitive and that need to be handled within secured and fully functional software to avoid any unauthorized access. For the proper utilization of the newly developed software, it is necessary to test and analyze the system before deployment into the real environment. In this paper, we have performed the testing of an application. For this purpose, we have used Ranorex, automated testing tool for the functional and performance testing, and reported the results of test cases as pass or fail.

      • Financial Intermediation and Economic Growth: Evidence from Nepal

        Birendra Narayan Shah(Birendra Narayan Shah ),Md Iqbal Bhuyan(Md Iqbal Bhuyan ),Sung-Sik Kim(Sung-Sik Kim),Rukshana Salam(Rukshana Salam ) The International Academy of Global Business and T 2023 The International Academy of Global Business and T Vol.19 No.3

        Purpose - This study aims to investigate the role of financial intermediation in Nepalese economic growth using time-series data over the period from 1974 to 2019. In order to establish the relationship, GDP per capita is used as a proxy for economic growth, while private sector credit, commercial bank assets, and the broad money supply serve as proxy measures of financial intermediation. Design/Methodology/Approach - To obtain empirical results, the Johansen test of co-integration, the vector error correction model, and the Granger causality test are applied. Findings - The results support finance-led growth in Nepal, implying that financial intermediation is positively associated with economic growth in the long run. A positive association with total trade was observed in the short run, but a negative effect was found in the long run. Granger causality tests indicate that the broad money supply and commercial bank assets are bidirectionally related to Nepal’s economic growth, while private sector credit is unidirectional. Research Implications - The findings suggest that if central bank authorities prioritized monetary policy tools, it may foster economic growth in Nepal in both the short- and long terms. In addition, for the persistent growth of the Nepalese economy, the banking sector should be reformed by employing more liberal policies. The study also suggests that policymakers should take immediate action to correct the direction of Nepalese foreign trade.

      • Engaging with the Local Narrative of Hagiography in Kashmir

        Muhammad Maroof Shah Aasif Shah 부산대학교 한국민족문화연구소 2013 Localities Vol.- No.3

        Local narratives when they contradict dominant episteme of the age may not be academically respectable. They may be discussed as something curious or interesting or for purely historical reasons or as a species of antique collections dumped into the wastebasket of history. And when these are about local beliefs and mythopoetic experiences they are more incredible to the scholarly. And historians today are trained not to take note of local narratives at face value and somehow appropriate their queerness. Often people’s gullibility or hagiographer’s zeal or faith is invoked to explain what appears to be scandalous to reason or received understanding of science. Once upon a time the world of angels, fairies and djinns were part of experience or explanatory framework to which people naturally subscribed. But in the secular age it is no longer a case. All these things appear relics of a bygone age of faith. Today hagiographers too have mostly succumbed to the fashions of the age and write as if ordinary stories of ordinary men. Engaging with traditional hagiographic accounts in the face of all these epistemic shifts resulting in either skewed reading in light of what appears as distorting mirror of rationalist framework and casting doubts on the claims of hagiographers may well be questioned on account of greater sensitivity shown, in the postmodern era, to other forms of rationality that better accommodate local narrative not fitting in the Grand Narratives of Enlightenment and Secular Humanism. Taking the test case of local narrative of belief in saints and their miraculous performances in Kashmir we argue that modernist historiography as practized in Kashmir seems to be guilty of epistemic violence while applying modernist tools to a traditional culture.

      • KCI등재후보

        The Influence of Foreign Aid on Public Sector Efficiency: A Panel Data Analysis

        Birendra Narayan SHAH(Birendra Narayan SHAH ) 국제융합경영학회 2023 융합경영연구 Vol.11 No.3

        Purpose: This paper examines whether foreign aid influences public sector efficiency in policy areas of administration, education, and stability. Research design, data and methodology: The study uses panel data of 77 aid recipient developing countries over the period 2000-2020 and employs various panel data techniques to estimate. Results: We found that a percentage change in foreign aid increases administrative efficiency by 0.02 to 0.04 on average ceteris paribus in the short run. On the other hand, a percentage increase in foreign aid decreases education efficiency by 0.005 to 0.006 on average. While the impact of foreign aid on the policy area of stability is insignificant. Conclusions: The empirical results of this study have important implications for both donors and aid recipient countries. It suggests that to get positive influence from foreign aid, in the area of education and stability, the recipient countries need to increase accessibility of secondary schools with quality education especially; technical and vocational. Also, the donor should provide a minimum threshold amount of foreign aid to developing countries for reforming the institutions' capacity building.

      • Risk Management Policy of Telecommunication and Engineering Laboratory

        Abdul Salam Shah,Muhammad Fayaz,Asadullah Shah,Shahnawaz Shah 보안공학연구지원센터 2016 International Journal of Hybrid Information Techno Vol.9 No.4

        The Telecommunication laboratory plays an important role in carrying out research in the different fields like Telecommunication, Information Technology, Wireless Sensor Networks, Mobile Networks and many other fields. Every Engineering University has a setup of laboratories for students particularly for Ph.D. scholars to work on the performance analysis of different Telecommunication Networks including WLANs, 3G/4G, and Long Term Evolution (LTE). The laboratories help students to have hand on practice on the theoretical concepts they have learned during the teachings at the university. The technical subjects have a practical part also which boosts the knowledge of students and learning of new ideas. The Telecommunication and Engineering laboratories are equipped with different electronic equipment’s like digital trainers, simulators etc. and some additional supportive devices like computers, air conditioners, projectors, and large screens, with power backup facility that creates the perfect environment for experimentation. The setup of Telecommunication and Engineering laboratories cost huge amount, required to purchase equipment, and maintain the equipment. In any working environment risk factor is involved. To handle and avoid risks there must be risk management policy to tackle with accidents and other damages during working in the laboratory, may it be human or equipment at risk. In this paper, we have proposed a risk management policy for the Telecommunication and Engineering laboratories, which can be generalized for similar type of laboratories in engineering fields of studies.

      • KCI등재


        Shah, Lubna Wali,Mir, Mohd Yousf,Shah, Wali Mohammad The Kangwon-Kyungki Mathematical Society 2022 한국수학논문집 Vol.30 No.2

        In this paper we prove some results by using a simple but elegant techniques to improve and strengthen some generalizations and refinements of two widely known polynomial inequalities and thereby deduce some useful corollaries.

      • Does Three-Dimensional Printed Patient-Specific Templates Add Benefit in Revision Surgeries for Complex Pediatric Kyphoscoliosis Deformity with Sublaminar Wires in Situ? A Clinical Study

        Shah Kunal,Gadiya Akshay,Shah Munjal,Vyas Devarsh,Patel Priyank,Bhojraj Shekhar,Nene Abhay 대한척추외과학회 2021 Asian Spine Journal Vol.15 No.1

        Study Design: Case-control study.Purpose: To evaluate the accuracy of three-dimensional (3D) printed patient-specific templates (PSTs) for placement of pedicle screws (PAs) in patients undergoing revision surgeries for complex kyphoscoliosis deformity with sublaminar wires in situ.Overview of Literature: Revision kyphoscoliosis correction surgery in pediatric patients is a challenging task for the treating surgeon. In patients with sublaminar wires in situ, the native anatomical landmarks are obscured, thus making the freehand screw placement technique a highly specialized task. Hence, the concept of using PSTs for insertion of PAs in such surgeries is always intriguing and attractive.Methods: Five consecutive patients undergoing revision deformity correction with sublaminar wires in situ were included in this study. Patients were divided in two groups based on the technique of PA insertion. A total of 91 PAs were inserted using either a freehand technique (group A) or 3D printed templates (group B) (34 vs. 57). The placement of PAs was classified according to a postoperative computed tomography scan using Neo’s classification. Perforation beyond class 2 (>2 mm) was termed as a misplaced screw. The average time required for the insertion of screws was also noted.Results: Mean age, surgical time, and blood loss were recorded. The change in mean Cobb’s angle in both groups was also recorded. The difference in rates of misplaced screws was noted in group A and group B (36.21% vs. 2.56%); however, the mean number of misplaced PAs per patient in group A and group B was statistically insignificant (6.5±3.54 vs. 4.67±1.53, p =0.4641). The mean time required to insert a single PA was also statistically insignificant (120±28.28 vs. 90±30 seconds, p =0.3456).Conclusions: Although 3D printed PSTs help to avoid the misplacement of PAs in revision deformity correction surgeries with sublaminar wires in situ, the mean number of misplaced screws per patient using this technique was found to be statistically insignificant when compared with the freehand technique in this study.

      • SCIEKCI등재

        Multidrug-resistant diarrheagenic E. coli pathotypes are associated with ready-to-eat salad and vegetables in Pakistan

        Shah, Mir Sadiq,Eppinger, Mark,Ahmed, Safia,Shah, Aamer Ali,Hameed, Abdul,Hasan, Fariha The Korean Society for Applied Biological Chemistr 2015 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.58 No.2

        Diarrheagenic E. coli pathotypes are major foodborne pathogens causing gastrointestinal tract infections leading to hemolytic uremic syndrome and hemorrhagic colitis. Consumption of raw vegetables is encouraged due to its nutrient content and antioxidant properties, although their ingestion is linked to a series of foodborne disease outbreaks. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of Enterotoxigenic, Enteropathogenic, and Shiga toxin-producing E. coli pathotypes in raw vegetables and ready-to-eat salad for the development of better risk management. A total of 260 vegetable and salad mix (cucumber, lettuce, spinach, and carrot) samples were collected from commercial food markets in Southern districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhawa, Pakistan. About 34 % vegetable samples were contaminated with E. coli strains. 32.4 % E. coli strains from vegetable sample were identified as diarrheagenic E. coli pathotypes. Similarly, 26.7 % of salad samples were contaminated with E. coli pathotypes. 15 % [two Enterotoxigenic E. coli and one Enteropathogenic E. coli] were isolated from spinach salad samples. 25 % [three Enterotoxigenic E. coli, one Enteropathogenic E. coli and one Shiga toxin-producing E. coli] were isolated from mixed salad type A. 40 % [four Enterotoxigenic E. coli, two Enteropathogenic E. coli and two Shiga toxin-producing E. coli] were isolated from mixed salad type B. 92 % diarrheagenic E. coli pathotypes showed resistance against Tetracycline and 87 % to Ampicillin. This study showed that fresh vegetable and their products were contaminated with multidrug-resistant E. coli pathotypes.

      • KCI등재

        A scientific approach to measure public political participation in Pakistan

        Shah Nawaz Mangi,Naimatullah Shah,Bahadur Ali Soomro 서울대학교행정대학원 2019 Asian Journal of Political Science Vol.27 No.1

        Public political participation is an exhaustive subject in the democratic system that is contributing as a tilled land since the birth of democracy. It has a wide range of frequency, but voting is one of the easiest among all forms of public participation. Despite the easiness of voting, Pakistan ranks 164th in terms of voter turnout among 169 countries of the world. The voter turnout of the second largest Muslim democracy and the fifth largest among all the democratic states was recorded as 45.3% in the 2013 general election, which was less than India’s (59.4%) and even Bangladesh’s (58.2%). More than half of the population in Pakistan does not think it is its duty to cast its vote. The present study is an effort to investigate public political participation through six independent variables: democratic political party, party mobilization, security, accessibility, leadership image and moderating factor citizen distrust, and a useful sample size of 1884 was collected across the country. SPSS version 24.0 was used to measure the data. The results show significant and positive relations among the dependent and independent variables, while citizen distrust negatively moderates the dependent and independent variables of the study.

      • Implementation of User Authentication as a Service for Cloud Network

        Masood Shah,Abdul Salam Shah,Imran Ijaz 보안공학연구지원센터 2016 International Journal of Grid and Distributed Comp Vol.9 No.10

        There are so many security risks for the users of cloud computing, but still the organizations are switching towards the cloud. The cloud provides data protection and a huge amount of memory usage remotely or virtually. The organization has not adopted the cloud computing completely due to some security issues. The research in cloud computing has more focus on privacy and security in the new categorization attack surface. User authentication is the additional overhead for the companies besides the management of availability of cloud services. This paper is based on the proposed model to provide central authentication technique so that secured access of resources can be provided to users instead of adopting some unordered user authentication techniques. The model is also implemented as a prototype.

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