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Seongtak Kim,Sungeun Park,Young Do Kim,Hyunpil Boo,Hyunho Kim,Soohyun Bae,Hyo Min Park,탁성주,김동환 대한금속·재료학회 2013 METALS AND MATERIALS International Vol.19 No.6
In this study, the influence of HF treatment of Ag pastes after a firing process was investigated. It was shown that the HF treatment can improve the fill factors and efficiencies of various cells including those with high initial specific contact resistances. SEM images showed that this improvement is due to the etching of the thin glass layer at the Ag-Si boundary, which exposes the Ag crystallites and colloids. These colloids electrically connect the bulk Ag to the Si through a direct contact, which reduces both the transfer length and the specific contact resistance. A model of the current path was proposed to explain the effect of HF treatment on the edge of the Ag grid.
Passivation properties of tunnel oxide layer in passivated contact silicon solar cells
Kim, Hyunho,Bae, Soohyun,Ji, Kwang-sun,Kim, Soo Min,Yang, Jee Woong,Lee, Chang Hyun,Lee, Kyung Dong,Kim, Seongtak,Kang, Yoonmook,Lee, Hae-Seok,Kim, Donghwan Elsevier 2017 APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE - Vol.409 No.-
<P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Passivated contact in advanced high-efficiency silicon solar cells based on the full back surface field (BSF) is reported here in based on the application of a tunnel oxide layer that is less than 2nm thick. The open-circuit voltage (<I>V<SUB>oc</SUB> </I>) was significantly improved via interface passivation due to insertion of the tunnel oxide layer. During oxide layer growth, a transition region, such as a sub-oxide, was observed at a depth of about 0.75nm in the growth interface between the silicon oxide layer and silicon substrate. The properties of the less than 2nm thick tunnel oxide layer were primarily affected by the characteristics of the transition region. The passivation characteristics of tunnel oxide layer should depend on the physical properties of the oxide. The interface trap density D<SUB>it</SUB> is an important parameter in passivation and is influenced by the stoichiometry of the oxide which in turn strongly affected by the fabrication and the post annealing conditions. During heat treatment of a-Si:H thin films (for the purpose of crystallization to form doped layers), thin film blistering occurs due to hydrogen effusion on flat substrate surfaces. To minimize this behavior, we seek to control the surface morphology and annealing profile. Also, the passivation quality of passivataed contact structure declined for the sample annealed above 900°C. This decline was attributed not only to local disruption of the tunnel oxide layer, but also to phosphorus diffusion. The resistivity of the tunnel oxide layer declined precipitously for the sample annealed above 900°C. On the basis of these, implied V<SUB>oc</SUB> over 740mV was achieved in n-type Si wafer through the control of the oxide stoichiometry via optimizing the annealing conditions.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> The tunnel oxide passivated contact structure has attracted attention for achieving high efficiency solar cells. </LI> <LI> The passivation quality is associated with the stoichiometry and properties of tunnel oxide. </LI> <LI> Thin film blistering occurs due to hydrogen effusion on flat substrate surfaces in tunnel oxide passivated contact structure. </LI> <LI> To improve the passivation quality must be consider about the physical properties and thermal stability of tunnel oxide layer. </LI> </UL> </P>
Kim, Seongtak,Park, Sungeun,Kim, Young Do,Bae, Soohyun,Boo, Hyunpil,Kim, Hyunho,Lee, Kyung Dong,Tark, Sung Ju,Kim, Donghwan American Scientific Publishers 2014 Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Vol.14 No.10
<P> The effect of peak firing temperature and grid width on the contact properties between Ag metal and silicon (n<SUP>+</SUP> emitter) was investigated for screen-printed silicon solar cells. We confirmed the factors that control the specific contact resistance as follows: (1) the Ag coverage fraction on the silicon surface, d(2) the thickness of the glass layer and (3) the etching depth on the n<SUP>+</SUP> emitter region. The lowest specific contact resistance (8.27 mΩ·cm<SUP>2</SUP>) was obtained at the optimum firing temperature (720 °C). We also found that the grid width affected the contact quality of Ag paste because the contact width related to the absorbed heat of samples in RTP system. For this reason, when the grid width was further reduced, meaning more heat absorption, more Ag crystallites grew and the glass layer thickened. Light I?V results of a 6-inch silicon solar cell with minimum busbar width were similar to the PC1D simulation results. The efficiency was improved by 0.2% with the reduction of the busbar width. </P>
결정방향에 따른 결정질 실리콘 태양전지 후면전계 특성 연구
김현호(Kim, Hyunho),박성은(Park, Sungeun),김영도(Kim, Young Do),송주용(Song, Jooyong),탁성주(Tark, Sung Ju),박효민(Park, Hyomin),김성탁(Kim, Seongtak),김동환(Kim, Donghwan) 한국신재생에너지학회 2010 한국신재생에너지학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2010 No.11
최근 태양전지 제조비용 절감을 위해 초박형 실리콘 태양전지 개발이 활발히 이루어지고 있다. 이에 따라 후면전계(Back Surface Field, BSF) 특성에 대한 관심이 높아지는 추세이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 후면의 결정방향 및 표면구조에 따라 형성되는 후면전계(BSF)의 특성에 대해 알아보고자 하였다. 후면이 절삭손상층 식각(Saw damage etching) 후 (100)면이 드러난 실리콘 기판과 텍스쳐링(Texturing) 후 (111)면이 드러난 실리콘 기판에 후면 전극을 스크린 인쇄 후 Ramp up rate을 달리 하여 소성 공정(RTP system)을 통해 후면전계(BSF)를 형성하여 비교하였다. 후면전계(BSF)의 형상과 특성만을 평가하기 위하여 염산을 이용하여 후면 전극층을 제거하였다. 후면 전극 제거 후 주사전자현미경(Scanning Electron Microscopy)과 3차원 미세형상측정기(Non-contacting optical profiler)로 후면전계(BSF)의 형상을 비교하였다. 또한 후면전계(BSF)의 특성을 평가하고자 Quasi-Steady-State Photo Conductance(QSSPC)를 사용하여 포화전류(Saturation current, J_0)을 측정하였고, 면저항 측정기(4-point probe)로 면저항을 측정하여 비교하였다. 후면 전계(BSF)는 (100)면과 (111)면에서 모두 Ramp up rate이 빠를수록 향상된 특성을 보였고, (111)면에서 더 큰 차이를 보였다.
김성탁(Kim, Seongtak),박성은(Park, Sungeun),김영도(Kim, Young Do),송주용(Song, Jooyong),박효민(Park, Hyo Min),김현호(Kim, Hyunho),탁성주(Tark, Sung Ju),김동환(Kim, Donghwan) 한국신재생에너지학회 2010 한국신재생에너지학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2010 No.11
결정질 실리콘 태양전지의 전면 전극은 전극 면적으로 인한 손실(shading loss)를 줄이고 단락전류밀도(Jsc)를 높이기 위해 전극 너비를 줄이는 노력을 하고 있다. 하지만 전극 소성(firing) 시 전면 전극의 핑거(finger)와 버스바(busbar)의 너비 차이로 인해 전극 침투(fire-through) 정도가 달라질 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 전극 소성 공정 시 전면 전극의 너비에 따른 전극 침투 정도를 조사하기 위해 접촉 저항(specific contact resistance)과 재결정화(Ag recrystallite) 된 전면전극의 분포에 대해 비교하였다. 접촉 저항을 측정하기 위하여 transfer length method(TLM)를 이용하였다. 또한 전면 전극층을 제거한 후 실리콘 기판의 재결정 분포를 주사전자현미경(Scanning electron microscope : SEM)을 이용하여 관찰하였다.
Graphene Quantum Dot Layers with Energy-Down-Shift Effect on Crystalline-Silicon Solar Cells
Lee, Kyung D.,Park, Myung J.,Kim, Do-Yeon,Kim, Soo M.,Kang, Byungjun,Kim, Seongtak,Kim, Hyunho,Lee, Hae-Seok,Kang, Yoonmook,Yoon, Sam S.,Hong, Byung H.,Kim, Donghwan American Chemical Society 2015 ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES Vol.7 No.34
<P>Graphene quantum dot (GQD) layers were deposited as an energy-down-shift layer on crystalline-silicon solar cell surfaces by kinetic spraying of GQD suspensions. A supersonic air jet was used to accelerate the GQDs onto the surfaces. Here, we report the coating results on a silicon substrate and the GQDs’ application as an energy-down-shift layer in crystalline-silicon solar cells, which enhanced the power conversion efficiency (PCE). GQD layers deposited at nozzle scan speeds of 40, 30, 20, and 10 mm/s were evaluated after they were used to fabricate crystalline-silicon solar cells; the results indicate that GQDs play an important role in increasing the optical absorptivity of the cells. The short-circuit current density was enhanced by about 2.94% (0.9 mA/cm<SUP>2</SUP>) at 30 mm/s. Compared to a reference device without a GQD energy-down-shift layer, the PCE of p-type silicon solar cells was improved by 2.7% (0.4 percentage points).</P><P><B>Graphic Abstract</B> <IMG SRC=''></P><P><A href=''>ACS Electronic Supporting Info</A></P>