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        A Compositional Semantic Analysis of Plurality and Distributivity

        Sei-Rang Oh 한국생성문법학회 2018 생성문법연구 Vol.28 No.3

        Oh, Sei-Rang. 2018. A Compositional Semantic Analysis of Plurality and Disyributivity. Studies in Generative Grammar, 28-3, 489-512. This paper discusses a recent analysis of distributivity proposed by de Vries (2017), which assumes that quantificational distributivity (D-operator based distributivity) and lexical distributivity should exist together in the semantic system. Specifically, de Vries argues that the interpretive pattern of group noun constructions is explained by a lexical approach assuming that their interpretations can be captured using pseudo-equivalences, with a pragmatic factor implemented in the framework. This paper points out that there are group noun constructions in Korean whose interpretive pattern cannot be easily explained by such a lexical analysis, and suggests an alternative, structural analysis to derive the available interpretations. The proposed analysis assumes that distributivity of the group noun constructions is based on the presence of a D-operator at LF and its interactions with other arguments in the sentence, and shows that it has an advantage over a lexical analysis in that it can adequately capture the puzzling interpretations in a compositional manner.

      • KCI등재

        A Crosslinguistic Semantic Analysis of Again

        Sei Rang Oh 한국생성문법학회 2015 생성문법연구 Vol.25 No.4

        This paper presents a semantic research of the crosslinguistic behavior of ‘again’ focusing on tasi in Korean. Even though its semantic behavior has been noted in some previous analyses like Yoon (2007) and Oh (2009), the semantic properties of tasi have not been fully investigated and explained. Based on a wider range of data and observations, this paper points out the shortcomings of Oh’s (2009) structural account. As an alternative, I propose a lexical account which assumes that tasi is polysemous and show that a lexical approach can provide a better account of the observed semantic properties of tasi in comparison with again in English. I also discuss the occurrence of tasi in negation and provide an observation that tasi-nun is only permitted in negation, suggesting a possible account.

      • KCI우수등재

        Left Branch Extraction in Multiple Fragments and Its Implications for Island Violations in Korean

        Bum-Sik Park,Sei-Rang Oh 한국언어학회 2016 언어 Vol.41 No.1

        Park, Bum-Sik & Oh, Sei-Rang. 2015. Left Branch Extraction in Multiple Fragments and Its Implications for Island Violations in Korean. Korean Journal of Linguistics, 41-1, 1-18. In this paper, we investigate the restricted distribution of fragments that undergo Left Branch Extraction (LBE). As observed by Park and Kim (2015a), in multiple fragments only the final fragment can be LBEed. We argue that the restricted distribution is observed because LBE induces a PF-effect on the intervening element between the LBEed fragment and the Left Branch Island. In multiple fragments, the non-final LBEed fragment always involves the configuration where the final fragment counts as a surviving intervenor after ellipsis takes place in PF. By contrast, appearing in the final position, the final fragment can be LBEed with the potential intervenors eliminated under ellipsis, giving rise to a repair effect. The analysis partially supports Fox and Lasnik (2003), but not Merchant (2008) or Chomsky (1972), in the sense that certain illegitimate movement has a PF effect on the intervening element. Examining interactions between LBE and relative clause island, we also provide an account for a certain asymmetry regarding the island-(in)sensitivity. (Dongguk University & Gyeongsang National University)

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Different Dimensions of Pluractionality

        Sei-Rang Oh(오세랑) 한국생성문법학회 2008 생성문법연구 Vol.18 No.1

          This paper investigates the semantic properties of pluractional adverbial constructions and proposes a semantic analysis to derive the possible interpretations compositionally. Mainly discussing the hanpeney hanassik "one at a time" construction and the maypen "each time" construction, this paper argues that there are two kinds of pluractionality: structurally derived pluractionality and lexically derived pluractionality. Pointing out that a lexical approach to pluractionality can not successfully account for the possible interpretations of the hanpeney hanassik construction, Oh (2006a) proposes that the pluractional interpretations are derived from the scope interactions between D-operators and the arguments of the sentence. This paper extends this analysis and test it on the maypen construction to derive its interpretations. Although this kind of structural analysis somewhat succeeds in deriving the interpretations, it is argued based on some empirical evidence that a lexical approach which assigns the pluractional force to the lexical denotation of maypen should be chosen over a structural approach. It is shown that we can account for the property of pluractionality and derive the interpretations more efficiently by allowing two different kinds of pluractionality.

      • KCI등재

        On the Semantics of Distance-Distributivity Markers

        Sei-Rang Oh 한국생성문법학회 2006 생성문법연구 Vol.16 No.2

          This paper investigates the semantic behavior of "distance-distributivity" markers which include English "binominal" each, Korean ssik, and the like, and proposes a compositional analysis to derive the possible interpretations and account for the relevant properties. Pointing out that previous analyses can not properly derive the possible interpretations of the construction, this paper presents a new analysis which proposes distance-distributivity markers as Distributive Polarity Items which must be within the scope of the Distributivity Operator. It is shown that by adopting a QR approach and treating events in a parallel way to other regular arguments, we can provide a better account for distance-distributivity, allowing new insights into the crosslinguistic behavior of distance-distributivity.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        Are Quantifying Expressions Interpreted Incrementally?

        Sei-Rang Oh,Bum-Sik Park 한국생성문법학회 2014 생성문법연구 Vol.24 No.2

        This paper investigates the temporal neural dynamics of the semantic processing of quantifier constructions in bilinguals. Sentence comprehension has been debated with different views, and we conducted an event-related potential(ERP) study to examine the hypothesis that sentence comprehension is done in an incremental manner, as suggested with quantifier constructions in Urbach & Kutas (2010). The experiment was done with Korean L2 speakers of English in a between-group design depending on the proficiency level. The experimental results show that the meaning-related ERP component (N400), which was observed in L1 speakers, was not significantly observed in either proficiency group. Given the different processing pattern observed, the results suggest that the immediate, incremental interpretation view is hard to be maintained in L2 processing, at least not in the same manner as L1.

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