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      • Otto Laske and the Visualization of Electro‐Acoustic Music: Laske’s Visual Music Animations

        Nico Schuler(니코 쉴러) 한국전자음악협회 2020 에밀레 Vol.18 No.-

        컴퓨터 음악의 선구자이자 (음악학, 철학, 컴퓨터공학, 심리학, 언어학, 기호학, 사회학의 원리에 뿌리를 두고 있는) “인지 음악학”의 창시자인 오토 라스케<SUB>Otto Laske</SUB> (1936년생)는 자신의 연구를, 처음에는 작곡과 작시, 나중에는 디지털 아트까지의 예술적 활동과 결부시켰다. 이 글은 라스케의 1966-2009년 시기 전자음향음악과 2011-2012년 전자음악의 시각화에서 이룬 예술적 성과를 담고 있는 그의 이론 중 몇몇 전기적이자 예술적, 연구적 배경을 제공한다. 이러한 애니메이션에서, 그는 각 개별 프레임을 원판으로서 시각예술 작품의 근거로 삼았다. 이는 흐름과 긴장, 갈등, 움직임을 중심으로 작품 전체에서 음악적 동기가 부여된 예술이다. 그의 시각화 작품은, 애니메이션 ‘대상<SUB>objects</SUB>’이 시각 이미지나 연속되는 이미지도 전달하며, 이미지들이 서로 맞붙거나 지나치면서 음악의 흐름에 따라 색과 모양, 질감을 바꾸기도 한다. 라스케는 에니메이션 이미지를, 이미지의 모양과 색상, 재질, 움직임의 특징을 결정짓는 각 요소(파라미터) 픽셀들의 집합체가 시각화한 것으로 취급한다. 시네마 포디<SUB>Cinema 4D</SUB>, 스튜디오 아티스트<SUB>Studio Artist</SUB>, 포토샵<SUB>Photoshop</SUB>으로 일하는 라스케의 작업은 꽤 창의적이다. 라스케의 시각화 작품 중 몇몇은 그의 필생사업으로서 연구되며 전체적으로 주시받고 있다. Otto Laske (b. 1936), a pioneer of computer music and the founder of “Cognitive Musicology” (which roots in such disciplines as musicology, philosophy, computer science, psychology, linguistics, semiotics, and sociology), combined his research with his artistic activities: initially composition and writing of poetry, later also digital art. This paper provides some biographical, artistic, and research background of Laske’s theories to explain his electro‐acoustic music (1966‐2009) and his artistic fulfillment in the visualization of his electro‐acoustic music (2011‐2012). For these animations, individual frames became the ‘negatives’, on which he bases his work in the visual arts. This art is musically inspired throughout, with a focus on flow, tension, conflict, and movement. In his visualizations, animation ‘objects’ carry visual images or even a sequence of images, and while the images move against and through each other, their colors, shapes, and textures follow the flow of the music. Laske treats an animation still as the visualization of a set of pixel‐level parameters that define the shapes, colors, textures, and dynamic characteristics of an image. Working with Cinema 4D, Studio Artist, and Photoshop, Laske’s work is highly creative. Several of Laske’s Visualizations are being explored and holistically viewed within the framework of his lifework.

      • KCI등재

        Estrogen replacement is protective to the effect of in vitro hypoxia on female rabbit bladder and pelvic floor contractile response

        Amy D. Dobberfuhl,Catherine Schuler,Robert E. Leggett,Elise J.B. De,Robert M. Levin 대한비뇨의학회 2020 Investigative and Clinical Urology Vol.61 No.4

        Purpose: To explore the effect of estrogen replacement on pelvic floor and bladder contractile response to electrical field stimulation, following in vitro hypoxia in an animal model of surgical menopause. Materials and Methods: Twelve female adult rabbits were divided into three groups: control, ovariectomy, and ovariectomy with estradiol replacement. At 4 weeks animals were euthanized. Bladder, coccygeus, and pubococcygeus were isolated. Tissues were equilibrated with oxygenated Tyrodes containing glucose and stimulated with electrical field stimulation. Tissues were then stimulated under hypoxic conditions for 1 hour using nitrogenated Tyrodes without glucose. Tissues were then re-oxygenated for 2 hours and stimulated. Results: Pelvic floor required 10 times the stimulation duration (power) to achieve maximum contraction at 2 g baseline tension (10 ms duration) when compared to bladder (1 ms duration). Maximal tension generated was significantly greater for bladder than pelvic floor. Coccygeus and pubococcygeus were significantly less sensitive to the effects of hypoxia and had stable contractile response to field stimulation throughout the hour of hypoxia. Hypoxia resulted in progressive and rapid decline of bladder contractile strength. Following hypoxia, pelvic floor contractile recovery was superior to bladder. Improvement in the contractile response of both bladder and pelvic floor, during the period of post-hypoxia re-oxygenation, was significantly greater in ovariectomy animals treated with estradiol replacement. Conclusions: Replacement of estradiol at time of ovariectomy reduced oxidative stress on tissue and was protective to the effects of hypoxia on pelvic floor and bladder contractile function.

      • KCI등재

        Star Search: Do Elections Help Nondemocratic Regimes Identify New Leaders?

        Edmund Malesky,Paul Schuler 동아시아연구원 2013 Journal of East Asian Studies Vol.13 No.1

        A commonly proffered theory to explain the use of elections in authoritarian regimes is that they help identify talented young leaders who can be groomed for leadership positions. Unfortunately, due to the difficulties of obtaining data in authoritarian settings, this hypothesis has not been tested satisfactorily. We examine candidate-level data from the 2007 Vietnamese National Assembly (VNA) election and subsequent selection of candidates for top positions within the VNA and for top ministry positions. We find no evidence that vote share is associated with promotion to leadership positions in the VNA and only limited evidence for vote share association with ministerial posts. Instead, the results indicate that leadership selection takes place within the party rather than through elections. Furthermore, behavior within the assembly suggests that those who were chosen may have been selected based on their loyalty or at least pliancy to the party elites.

      • KCI등재

        Single-party Incumbency Advantage in Vietnam: A Conjoint Survey Analysis of Public Electoral Support

        Edmund Malesky,Paul Schuler 동아시아연구원 2020 Journal of East Asian Studies Vol.20 No.1

        Why do voters in single-party regimes express support for the ruling party in such large numbers? Scholars offer three sets of explanations: 1) Support is manipulated by regime leaders or falsified by frightened voters; 2) Support is due to genuine popularity or “performance legitimacy”; 3) The incumbent party holds an extreme incumbency advantage due to voters’ certainty about their candidates’ policy positions or access to state resources. Despite the impressive theoretical development in this literature, these arguments have not been subjected to a research design capable of examining the relative importance of each of these factors. We use a unique survey experiment on nearly 42,000 Vietnamese citizens over three years that reduces the threat of preference falsification and allows us to isolate voter's true preferences as much as possible. While we find some evidence for all three explanations, we find substantial support for incumbency bias. An important subset of Vietnamese voters—those inclined to vote for non-party candidates—sincerely favor the party under conditions of uncertainty about the candidates’ policy stances or experience in the legislature.

      • KCI등재


        Dimitar D. Gueorguiev,Paul J. Schuler 동아시아연구원 2016 Journal of East Asian Studies Vol.16 No.1

        During recent party congresses in China and Vietnam, two highly anticipated candidates for promotion were sidelined. In China, Bo Xilai was arrested for corruption and stripped of his party membership. In Vietnam, Nguyen Ba Thanh remained a provincial leader with little opportunity for promotion to the Politburo. Existing arguments about promotions under authoritarian rule are unable to explain these outcomes. In particular, both candidates were competent and well connected. This cuts contrary to the expectations of both performance-based promotion and factional promotion theories. We argue that these candidates were sidelined due to a previously under-theorized factor in promotion contests—their ability to mobilize personal followings. Amidst a literature that has focused almost exclusively on intra-elite conflict, we argue that elite–mass linkages are critical. In particular, the public profile of top leaders is important for regime legitimacy and mobilization. However, when individuals become exceptionally well known they become threats to the single-party system. We test this argument on promotions in China's 18th Party Congress in 2012 and Vietnam's 11th Party Congress in 2011, using original data on Internet search queries and media coverage among contenders for promotion. Our approach offers new insights into the strategies authoritarian politicians use to stay afloat as well as the mistakes that sink them when competing for power under one-party rule.

      • KCI등재

        Noxious electrical stimulation of the pelvic floor and vagina induces transient voiding dysfunction in a rabbit survival model of pelvic floor dystonia

        Amy D. Dobberfuhl,Sara Spettel,Catherine Schuler,Robert M. Levin,Andrew H. Dubin,Elise J.B. De 대한비뇨의학회 2015 Investigative and Clinical Urology Vol.56 No.12

        Purpose: Existing data supports a relationship between pelvic floor dysfunction and lower urinary tract symptoms. We developed a survival model of pelvic floor dysfunction in the rabbit and evaluated cystometric (CMG), electromyographic (EMG) and ambulatory voiding behavior. Materials and Methods: Twelve female adult virgin rabbits were housed in metabolic cages to record voiding and defecation. Anesthetized CMG/EMG was performed before and after treatment animals (n=9) received bilateral tetanizing needle stimulation to the pubococcygeous (PC) muscle and controls (n=3) sham needle placement. After 7 days all animals were subjected to tetanizing transvaginal stimulation and CMG/EMG. After 5 days a final CMG/EMG was performed. Results: Of rabbits that underwent needle stimulation 7 of 9 (78%) demonstrated dysfunctional CMG micturition contractions versus 6 of 12 (50%) after transvaginal stimulation. Needle stimulation of the PC musculature resulted in significant changes in: basal CMG pressure, precontraction pressure change, contraction pressure, interval between contractions and postvoid residual; with time to 3rd contraction increased from 38 to 53 minutes (p=0.008 vs. prestimulation). Vaginal noxious stimulation resulted in significant changes in: basal CMG pressure and interval between contractions; with time to 3rd contraction increased from 37 to 46 minutes (p=0.008 vs. prestimulation). Changes in cage parameters were primarily seen after direct needle stimulation. Conclusions: In a majority of animals, tetanizing electrical stimulation of the rabbit pelvic floor resulted in voiding changes suggestive of pelvic floor dysfunction as characterized by a larger bladder capacity, longer interval between contractions and prolonged contraction duration.

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