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제5차 대한간학회 춘계학술대회 초록집 : 진행성 간암에서 경피적 에탄올/생리식염수 주입요법에 의한 경간동맥 색전술-전신적 화학요법의 치료효능 향상
변병훈 ( Byeon Byeong Hun ),박영민 ( Park Yeong Min ),박태욱 ( Park Tae Ug ),배시현 ( Bae Si Hyeon ),윤승규 ( Yun Seung Gyu ),이창돈 ( Lee Chang Don ),차상복 ( Cha Sang Bog ),정규원 ( Jeong Gyu Won ),선희식 ( Seon Hui Sig ),박두호 대한간학회 1999 Clinical and Molecular Hepatology(대한간학회지) Vol.5 No.1(S)
통계적 경향 분석을 통한 남한강 상류 수계 수질 변동 해석
변상돈 ( Byeon Sang-don ),노연정 ( Noh Yeon-jung ),임경재 ( Lim Kyeong-jae ),김종건 ( Kim Jong-gun ),김동진 ( Kim Dong-jin ),홍은미 ( Hong Eun-mi ) 한국농공학회 2020 한국농공학회논문집 Vol.62 No.5
There are fifteen non-point pollution management areas in Korea and three of them (Doam lake, Daegi district and Golji-cheon) are located in the upstream of the Namhan river watershed. Many efforts to reduce non-point sources (NPS) pollution have been conducted, however, water quality pollution in the watershed is still serious. To solve these problems, it is a priority to grasp water quality using statistical techniques. In this study, a trend analysis was conducted to evaluate the effect of NPS management in the watershed. The long-term trends from 1996 to 2018 of water quality properties were analyzed using data collected from the water environment information system. Seventeen monitoring stations were selected along the main stream in Namhan river basin. Monthly water quality properties (BOD, COD, TN, TP, TN/TP ratio, Conductivity, SS and Chlorophyll-a) were collected and analyzed by Mann-Kendall test and LOWESS. The results showed that the Conductivity tended to increase in all regions and was the highest level in Jijangcheon. Organic pollution such as BOD and COD tended to increase in the Jungseon area. SS did not show a large tendency, but it showed high concentration in the Doam watershed. In all regions, 40% of water quality properties showed a tendency to ‘UP’, 15% of water quality properties tended to ‘DOWN’, and 46% indicated no tendency. In order to determine the cause of this, additional research and measures for improvement are necessary. This study will be used for the establishment of water quality policy in the future.
SangHak Shin,Sang-Don Byeon,Jeasang Song,Son Ngoc Truong,Hyun-Sun Mo,Deajeong Kim,Kyeong-Sik Min 대한전자공학회 2015 Journal of semiconductor technology and science Vol.15 No.6
In this paper, a new dynamic reference scheme is proposed to improve the read voltage margin better than the previous static reference scheme. The proposed dynamic reference scheme can be helpful in compensating not only the background pattern dependence but also the cell position dependence. The proposed dynamic reference is verified by simulating the CMOS-memristor hybrid circuit using the practical CMOS SPICE and memristor Verilog-A models. In the simulation, the percentage read voltage margin is compared between the previous static reference scheme and the new dynamic reference scheme. Assuming that the critical percentage of read voltage margin is 5%, the memristor array size with the dynamic scheme can be larger by 60%, compared to the array size with the static one. In addition, for the array size of 64 x 64, the interconnect resistance in the array with the dynamic scheme can be increased by 30% than the static reference one. For the array size of 128 x 128, the interconnect resistance with the proposed scheme can be improved by 38% than the previous static one, allowing more margin on the variation of interconnect resistance.
Shin, SangHak,Byeon, Sang-Don,Song, Jeasang,Truong, Son Ngoc,Mo, Hyun-Sun,Kim, Deajeong,Min, Kyeong-Sik The Institute of Electronics and Information Engin 2015 Journal of semiconductor technology and science Vol.15 No.6
In this paper, a new dynamic reference scheme is proposed to improve the read voltage margin better than the previous static reference scheme. The proposed dynamic reference scheme can be helpful in compensating not only the background pattern dependence but also the cell position dependence. The proposed dynamic reference is verified by simulating the CMOS-memristor hybrid circuit using the practical CMOS SPICE and memristor Verilog-A models. In the simulation, the percentage read voltage margin is compared between the previous static reference scheme and the new dynamic reference scheme. Assuming that the critical percentage of read voltage margin is 5%, the memristor array size with the dynamic scheme can be larger by 60%, compared to the array size with the static one. In addition, for the array size of $64{\times}64$, the interconnect resistance in the array with the dynamic scheme can be increased by 30% than the static reference one. For the array size of $128{\times}128$, the interconnect resistance with the proposed scheme can be improved by 38% than the previous static one, allowing more margin on the variation of interconnect resistance.
박영돈,변상규,강범수,Park, Yeong-Don,Byeon, Sang-Gyu,Gang, Beom-Su 대한기계학회 1998 大韓機械學會論文集A Vol.22 No.1
In case the systems have radioactivity, toxic liquid or expensive fluid, and have to be performed repair work at one point of the system pipe, the formation of an internal ice plug by the removal of heat from the pipe is often consideredas a useful method. In this procedure, an annular jacket is placed around the pipe, and the jacket is then filled with liquid Nitrogen(-196.deg. C). Thermal analysis by the finite element method based on the laboratory experiments has been constructed. The result of the finite element analysis on the experimental model shows to be reasonable, and thus the finite element analysis for different pipe size, material and thickness has been performed to see if the ice plugging procedure in various applications can be safely performed without possibility of damage to the pipe. It has been confirmed that in carbon steel pipes the maximum stress is found around the boundary of the freezing jacket, and the stress increases as pipe thickness increases, but the maximum stress shows no consistency along the increment of the pipe diameter. The maximum stresses appear lower than yield stress in carbon steel. It has been also shown that in stainless steel pipes the maximum stresses are also found around the boundary of the freezing jacket, but almost the same value in spite of different pipe size an thickness, and the maximum stresses show slightly higher than the yield stress of the stainless steel.
Truong, Son Ngoc,Shin, SangHak,Byeon, Sang-Don,Song, JaeSang,Mo, Hyun-Sun,Min, Kyeong-Sik Springer US 2015 NANOSCALE RESEARCH LETTERS Vol.10 No.1
<P>This paper performs a comparative study on the statistical-variation tolerance between two crossbar architectures which are the complementary and twin architectures. In this comparative study, 10 greyscale images and 26 black-and-white alphabet characters are tested using the circuit simulator to compare the recognition rate with varying statistical variation and correlation parameters.</P><P>As with the simulation results of 10 greyscale image recognitions, the twin crossbar shows better recognition rate by 4 % on average than the complementary one, when the inter-array correlation = 1 and intra-array correlation = 0. When the inter-array correlation = 1 and intra-array correlation = 1, the twin architecture can recognize better by 5.6 % on average than the complementary one.</P><P>Similarly, when the inter-array correlation = 1 and intra-array correlation = 0, the twin architecture can recognize 26 alphabet characters better by 4.5 % on average than the complementary one. When the inter-array correlation = 1 and intra-array correlation = 1, the twin architecture is better by 6 % on average than the complementary one. By summary, we can conclude that the twin crossbar is more robust than the complementary one under the same amounts of statistical variation and correlation.</P>
Son Ngoc Truong,SangHak Shin,Sang-Don Byeon,JaeSang Song,Kyeong-Sik Min IEEE 2015 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NANOTECHNOLOGY Vol.14 No.6
<P>In this paper, we propose a new twin crossbar architecture of binary memristors for low-power image recognition. In the new twin crossbar, we use two identical memristor arrays instead of using the previous complementary memristor arrays of M<SUP>+</SUP> and M<SUP>-</SUP>. Thereby, we can apply the discrete cosine transform (DCT) algorithm to reduce the number of low-resistance state (LRS) cells in the two identical M<SUP>+</SUP> arrays. With the reduced number of LRS cells in two M<SUP>+</SUP> arrays, the power consumption in the crossbar can be significantly saved compared to the previous complementary crossbar that is not suitable to DCT. When the number of discarded coefficients in the DCT matrix is 56.25%, 67.19%, 76.56%, and 84.38%, the power consumption of the new twin crossbar is reduced by 51.7%, 61.3%, 69.9%, and 77.4%, respectively, compared to the previous complementary one.</P>
대한간학회지 제6차 춘계학술대회 초록집 : 구연 ; 원발성 간세포암에서 분화도에 따른 COX-2 발현과 의의
배시현 ( Bae Si Hyeon ),정은선 ( Jeong Eun Seon ),박영민 ( Park Yeong Min ),신제현 ( Sin Je Hyeon ),변병훈 ( Byeon Byeong Hun ),양진모 ( Yang Jin Mo ),이창돈 ( Lee Chang Don ),차상복 ( Cha Sang Bog ),정규원 ( Jeong Gyu Won ),선희 대한간학회 2000 Clinical and Molecular Hepatology(대한간학회지) Vol.6 No.1(S)