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        Criteria for tensile plasticity in Cu–Zr–Al bulk metallic glasses

        Pauly, S.,Liu, G.,Gorantla, S.,Wang, G.,,hn, U.,Kim, D.H.,Eckert, J. Elsevier 2010 Acta materialia Vol.58 No.14

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P><P>(Cu<SUB>0.5</SUB>Zr<SUB>0.5</SUB>)<SUB>100−</SUB><I><SUB>x</SUB></I>Al<I><SUB>x</SUB></I> (<I>x</I>=5, 6, 8) bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) were deformed in tension. Besides ductility up to 0.5%, the material shows work-hardening behaviour. Both effects are attributed to the deformation-induced precipitation of B2 CuZr nanocrystals and the formation of twins in the nanocrystals larger than 20nm. The precipitation of the nanocrystals alters the stress field in the matrix and is expected to retard shear band propagation, which in turn allows stresses in the nanocrystals to rise. This stress build-up is more severe in the larger grains and might be responsible for the subsequent twinning. Both deformation-induced nanocrystallization and twinning consume energy and avoid crack formation and with it premature failure.</P>


        Morena Pauliš, 세계문화관광학회 2009 Conference Proceedings Vol.10 No.0

        This paper is based on the assumption that culture and heritage if closely connected create benefits to destination. The benefits are especially present in point to give spirit, attraction, self -expression as well as give original, added value to the destination. The presented study findings showed us that cultural tourism in Istria has been generating a significant amount of travel, tourists' experience of authentic, unique, distinctive heritage but all happenings depend on some creative and persistence individuals, tourists orientated organizations and local government. The research confirmed that most popular and interesting cultural event always include symbiosis of culture and heritage.

      • KCI등재

        Legal Education and Legal Traditions: Selected Essays

        Christina Jones-Pauly (사) 이준국제법연구원 2022 Journal of East Asia and International Law Vol.15 No.1

        This edited volume of 127 pages on legal education and legal traditions is divided into eight essays. Legal education encompasses a myriad of topics spanning from economics to sexual behaviour and reflect various legal traditions, which are philosophical in nature. The traditions taken from the western European legal systems reach as far back to the Greeks highlighted in works by Aristotle and Socrates, followed by European medieval philosophers of various religious traditions, namely Thomas Aquinas (Roman Catholic), St. Augustine (Roman Cathlic) and Baruch Spinoza (Hebrew) as well as 17th-18th century’s European political philosophers such as Rousseau and Locke. These laws and traditions have been imported into Southeast Asian (SE) countries via the British colonialisation. These traditions do not consistently prevent the political and constitutional turmoil in some SE Asian countries under dictatorships that trample on rule of law and human rights. Morality plays a role in the law, yet it never stays the same through the ages; the law must deal with changing morality, such as attitudes towards slavery or homosexuality.

      • KCI등재

        Mineral Status in Cattle Fed Rice Straw and Para Grass Combined with Different Levels of Protein Derived from Cassava Foliage

        Sath, K.,Pauly, T.,Holtenius, K. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2013 Animal Bioscience Vol.26 No.1

        Eight male cattle of the Local Yellow breed with an average live weight of 121 kg and an average age of 18 months were used to evaluate the effects of different levels of sun-dried cassava (Manihot esculenta) foliage supplementation on mineral metabolism in growing cattle fed rice straw and para grass as basal diet. Rice straw ad libitum and para grass (Brachiaria mutica) at 1% DM of BW comprised the basal diet. The study was arranged as a $4{\times}4$ double Latin square design, with cassava foliage contributing 0, 0.8, 1.6 or 2.4 g CP/kg BW. The cassava foliage intake was lower than the planned levels. DM consumption was significantly affected by cassava foliage supplementation, with the largest intake observed at the two highest levels of cassava foliage supplementation. Rice straw intake showed the opposite pattern, with lower intake at higher cassava foliage supplementation. No refusals occurred for para grass in any of the treatments. Ca, P, Mg, K, S and Mn intake increased significantly with increasing intake of cassava foliage, but Na intake was not affected by treatment. Faecal excretion of Ca, Mg, S and Mn increased significantly with increasing cassava foliage intake. There were no differences between P, K and Na excretion in faeces. There was a significant diet effect on Mg, S and Mn digestibility. Mg and Mn digestibility increased with increasing cassava foliage supplementation, while S digestibility decreased. Ca, P, K and Na digestibility was not affected by diet. There was a significant effect of treatment on P retention, with the highest value observed for supplementation with 1.6 g CP/kg BW cassava foliage. Ca and Mg showed similar trends, with the highest retention again for supplementation with 1.6 g CP/kg BW cassava foliage. There were weak but significant positive correlations between nitrogen retention and the macro minerals Ca, P and Mg. Furthermore, retention of all these minerals was positively correlated. Mineral losses in urine were not affected by dietary treatment with the exception of P excretion, which was affected by treatment. In conclusion, cassava foliage is a good Ca source which compensates for the low Ca content in rice straw and para grass, but P deficiency appears to be exaggerated in cattle with higher cassava intake. The results suggest that under these conditions growing cattle on a high cassava intake would benefit from P and S supplementation.


        Feed Intake, Digestibility, and N Retention in Cattle Fed Rice Straw and Para Grass Combined with Different Levels of Protein Derived from Cassava Foliage

        Sath, K.,Sokun, K.,Pauly, T.,Holtenius, K. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2012 Animal Bioscience Vol.25 No.7

        Eight male cattle of Local Yellow breed with an average live weight of 121 kg and an average age of 18 months were used to evaluate the effects of different levels of sun-dried cassava foliage supplementation (Manihot esculenta) on intake, digestibility and N retention. Rice straw ad libitum and para grass (Brachiaria mutica) at 1% DM of BW comprised the basal diet. The study was arranged as a $4{\times}4$ double Latin square design, with cassava foliage contributing 0, 0.8, 1.6 or 2.4 g CP/kg BW. The cattle selected cassava leaves in preference to petioles. Petiole intake decreased from 64 to 48% of offered petioles when the cassava foliage proportion increased from the lowest to the highest level. The cattle consumed all the leaves at the two lower levels of cassava foliage inclusion and 91% at the highest level. Rice straw intake decreased significantly as the level of cassava foliage increased. Intake of DM, OM, NDF, and ADF increased significantly with increasing intake of cassava foliage. Daily DM intake per 100 kg BW increased from 2.7 to 3.2 kg with increasing cassava foliage intake. No effect on CP digestibility was detected when the level of cassava foliage increased. Digestibility of DM, OM, NDF and ADF was significantly higher in the group fed no cassava foliage than in the other groups. N retention increased from 16 to 28 g/d with the first level of cassava foliage inclusion, but levelled out at the two highest levels. N excretion increased in both faeces and urine as a response to higher intake of cassava foliage. Maximum N retention occurred when 40% of total N intake came from cassava foliage (equivalent to 1.3 g CP/kg BW).


        Microstructural Modulations Enhance the Mechanical Properties in Al–Cu–(Si, Ga) Ultrafine Composites

        Park, Jin Man,Pauly, Simon,Mattern, Norbert,Kim, Do Hyang,Kim, Ki Buem,Eckert, Jü,rgen WILEY‐VCH Verlag 2010 Advanced Engineering Materials Vol.12 No.11

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P><P>Adding small amounts of Si or Ga (3 at.%) to the eutectic Al<SUB>83</SUB>Cu<SUB>17</SUB> alloy yields an ultrafine bimodal eutectic composite microstructure upon solidification. The as‐solidified alloys exhibit a distinct microstructural length‐scale hierarchy leading to a high fracture strength of around 1 GPa combined with a large compressive plastic strain of up to 30% at room temperature. The present results suggest that the mechanical properties of the ultrafine bimodal eutectic composites are strongly related to their microstructural characteristics, namely phase evolution, length‐scales, and distribution of the constituent phases.</P>

      • KCI등재

        평판과 탈퇴 : 의료보험시장에서의 소비자정보의 역할

        Kwon, Soon-Man,Pauly, Mark V.,Hillman, Alan L. 한국보건행정학회 1998 보건행정학회지 Vol.8 No.1

        구매(혹은 가입이나 취업)에 관한 의사결정과정에서는 그 대상이 되는 재화나 서비스의 질을 미리 경험하지 못하고 선택을 하므로 필연적으로 불확실성과 불완전 정보에 의한 문제가 발생한다. 본 논문에서는 탈퇴(혹은 이직)와 같은 결별(separation)을 재화나 서비스의 질에 대한 불확실성에서 연유하는 문제를 사후적으로 해결하기 위한 합리적 행동으로 모형화하여 분석한다. 본 논문의 주된 분석대상인 미국의 의료보험에서 소비자가 보험을 구매할 때 기대했던 서비스의 질과 구매후 경험한 실제 서비스의 차이가 클수록 소비자는 기존의 보험으로부터 탈퇴할 유인이 커진다. 따라서 소비자가 구매 의사결정과정에서 서비스 질에 관한 기대치를 덜 정확하게 형성할수록 서비스질 기대치와 실제치의 차이가 줄어들어 소비자의 탈퇴는 감소하는데, 평판(reputation)이 잘 작동하는 시장일수록 소비자가 기대되는 서미스 질을 미리 예측하기 쉬워진다. 본 연구는 개발 소비자를 분석단위로 했던 종전의 연구와는 달리 개별 기업을 분석단위로 하여 시장수준에서 평판이 불완전정보하의 소비자행동에 미친 영향을 분석한 데 의의가 크다. We model that separation is a rational decision to resolve the inherent uncertainty about quality form the matching process. In health insurance markets, quality of services is revealed to consumers only after enrollment. Discrepancies between the expected and realizeed quality lead utility-maximizing enrollees to disenroll if they find a better alternative. Accordingly, factors that reduce this discrepancy will decrease disenrollment. The firm-level empirical analysis shows that disenrollment is relatively small in markets where the reputation effect works efficiently becuse consumers can predict the expected quality accurately.

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