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      • 엠마우스 복지관 사례를 통한 가톨릭교회의 사회복지

        천노엘 신부(Rev. Patrick Noel O’neill ) 전남대학교 종교문화연구소 2007 종교문화학보 Vol.4 No.-

        이 글은 아일랜드에서 사제서품을 받고 1957년에 한국에 와 50년간 지체장애인공동체인 엠마우스공동체를 일구어온 천노엘 신부의 사회복지 활동의 과정을 일부 소개하고, 정신지체장애인의 복지를 위해 필요하고 요청되는 것이 무엇인지를 언급한 것이다. 장애인들은 인간다운 대우를 받지 못해 왔으며, 특히 정신지체장애인은 심지어 죽음마저도 비인격적인 경우가 적지 않다. 저자에 의하면, 장애인을 위한 사회복지는 대규모 수용시설보다 지역사회 중심의 소집단 복지서비스가 적합하다. 그는 1981년에 국내 최초로, 3인으로 구성된 정신지체인 그룹홈을 시작함으로써 이것을 실천해 오고 있다. 처음에는 이해해주는 사람이 거의 없었지만, 점차 나아져 1989년부터는 정부의 지원을 받게 되었고, 1995년에는 사회복지법인으로 법적 인정도 받게 되었다. 장애인 복지에서 가장 중요한 것은 취업이라고 저자는 주장한다. 아직은 이것을 이해하지 못하는 사람들이 너무 많지만, 장애인들도 비장애인들과 똑같은 욕구를 갖고 있다는 사실을 비장애인들이 인지하는 것이 중요하다. 장애인 복지의 궁극적 목표인 지역사회 참여와 통합은 장애인들이 진정으로 원하는 욕구와 서비스가 충족될 때 실현 가능하다. 모두가 서울대에 입학할 수는 없으며, 모두가 일등이 될 수는 없다. 정신지체장애인은 어느 면에서는 실패자들일 수 있지만, 건전한 사회라면 실패자를 위한 자리가 꼭 마련되어야 하며, 실패자들을 환영하는 사회가 되어야 한다. 정신지체장애인들은 오히려 가장 정직한 사람들이다. 근년 들어 엠마우스친구들의 적극적인 지역사회 참여 활동으로 점차 그들의 사회적 가치를 인정받아 가고 있지만, 가장 근원적으로는 지역사회의 비장애인들이 장애인들에 대한 편견을 없애고 긍정적으로 바라보는 인식이 필요하다. The Christian religion was born and nourished within a Jewish milieu and was greatly influenced by Jewish culture. When you read the Old Testament which is a history of the Jewish People you see that the Jews had a special concern for the marginalized peoples in society and offered services to the poor and the weak. The corporal works of mercy as found in the Old Testament are the foundation for the evolution of human services. Old Testament rituals had no internal worth unless they were accompanied with concern for the weak ones of society. Jesus Christ during his lifetime expressed in word and deed this concern for the needs of the poor and the marginalized. In the Mathew Chapter 25(35-37). we read that on the Final Day we will be judged on how we treated our neighbour in need. From the Early Church times up to the Middle Ages Christian believers were very much involved in caring for the needy. For them caring for the poor and the needy was caring for the Hidden Christ. “What you do to the least of those little ones you do unto Me”. In this period the poor and needy were cared for within the local community, and were treated as a person with dignity(Hidden Christ) and respect. All those services were done voluntarily. Around the Middle Ages and on to the 18century, due to pestilence, extensive costly wars, and the Industrial Revolution, poverty became a major social issue, and the manner of offering services to the marginalized ones changed. Rather than community based services segregation and congregation of the poor and the weak became the model of services. Due to the Enlightment christian fervour and devotion began to decrease, you had huge numbers of large segregated institutions being build and staffed by payed carers. In a word the Judea-Christian model of Human Services was dying. With the turn of the twentieth century you saw the birth of many new nations as they won freedom from their old colonizers-you saw the human rights movement lead by Dr. Martin King and the great document of-Gaudium et Spes from Vatican 11. The basic Christian believe-that man is made in Gods image-was bringing about a greater awareness of the dignity of man. Hence the model for Judea-Christian human services is recognizing the dignity of the human person and offering them services in the local community where they will not feel the wound of segregation. Answering the Cry of Humanity is the role of Christian human services.

      • KCI등재

        Theory and Practice of Security Management for a Highly Dynamic Environment: Challenge and Response in the Northeast Asian System

        Patrick M. Morgan 한국학술연구원 2007 Korea Observer Vol.38 No.2

        The theme of this paper is that -- in regional security and security management -- the Northeast Asian system is at a major turning point. Three realist and three liberalist sce-narios are possible. At least initially, the most desirable is the expanded discussion and negotiation forum within a liberalist version of multipolarity. What seems all too plau-sible, and most vital to avoid, is semi-multipolarity on the basis of additional nuclear proliferation. If the emergence of a realist scenario is to be avoided in favor of one of the lib-eralist scenarios, creative leadership will be needed. Some-one will have to promote Gorbachev-like arguments about the necessity of thinking in terms of common security, the virtues of peaceful interaction, and the total unacceptability of major war. This is an appropriate role for the Korean government and Korean analysts. The Roh government as-pired to it but fell far short of the necessary political craft. Such an objective, suitably pursued, would carry the long history of Korean discussions about possible multilateral security arrangements into a searching new investigation of how to turn Northeast Asia into a liberalist international order. Despite progress in this direction in recent decades, numerous suspicions, realist inclinations, and hawkish ten-dencies exist. It is time to push the development of a liberal security order toward a dominant position in Northeast Asia.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Findings, Principles and Strategies

        Patrick Luyten,Boudewijn Van Houdenhove,Chi-Un Pae,Stefan Kempke,Peter Van Wambeke 대한신경정신의학회 2008 PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION Vol.5 No.4

        Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a debilitating condition characterized by serious medically unexplained mental and physical fatigue. The high prevalence and both direct and indirect health costs of CFS patients represent a huge problem for contemporary health care. Moreover, the prognosis of CFS, even when treated, is often poor. In this paper, we first critically review current evidence based treatments of CFS. Second, we discuss the growing insights into the etiopathogenesis of CFS, and the need to translate and integrate these insights into future treatments. In particular, we formulate a pragmatic and empirically testable treatment approach, tailored to the individual needs of patients, which aims at restoring the mental and physical equilibrium of CFS patients by trying to bring about sustained life style changes. Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a debilitating condition characterized by serious medically unexplained mental and physical fatigue. The high prevalence and both direct and indirect health costs of CFS patients represent a huge problem for contemporary health care. Moreover, the prognosis of CFS, even when treated, is often poor. In this paper, we first critically review current evidence based treatments of CFS. Second, we discuss the growing insights into the etiopathogenesis of CFS, and the need to translate and integrate these insights into future treatments. In particular, we formulate a pragmatic and empirically testable treatment approach, tailored to the individual needs of patients, which aims at restoring the mental and physical equilibrium of CFS patients by trying to bring about sustained life style changes.

      • KCI등재

        Strategic Implications of the DPRK’s Growing Nuclear Capacities

        Patrick M. Morgan 한국학술연구원 2016 Korea Observer Vol.47 No.4

        Getting a firm grasp of the regional implications of North Korea’s continuing nuclear weapons program, and the reactions to anticipate from the states clearly threatened by this, will likely continue being more a matter of speculation than penetrating analysis, given the varying nature of the governments involved, their competing major objectives other than eliminating the nuclear weapons, and their ongoing uneasiness about each other. Therefore they agree on distrust and dislike of the DPRK, but unfortunately remain at odds about how to go about dealing with the serious danger it poses.

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