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The Asian Society for Psoriasis -Establishment and Future-
OZAWA Akira 대한건선학회 2019 대한건선학회지 Vol.16 No.2
On January 2019, the Asian Society for Psoriasis (the ASP) was established1). And at the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Psoriasis (the KSP), a chance to introduce the ASP was given with academic, considerable and kind understanding of the president Dr. SONG Hae Jun and all member of the KSP2). So, an introduction for understanding of the management for the ASP as the foundation of psoriasis research in Asian countries, clinicians, basic researchers, and so on is summarized. The ASP will contribute as an organization that can know, think and do about each other in Asian region. In particular, for the participation of the younger generation, who involved in dermatology and psoriasis research only in Korea but also in Asian region, must be useful society in the future. Therefore, it must be necessary to need understanding and cooperation from all dermatologists and researchers on psoriasis in Asian region.
Ozawa Tetsuya,Inoue Tatsuro,Naruke Takashi,Sato Kosei,Izuoka Yuki,Sato Ryuichi,Shimoda Naoshi,Yuge Masaru 대한재활의학회 2024 Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine Vol.48 No.5
Objective: To investigate the impact of body mass index (BMI) and exercise habits on readmission rates among older patients with heart failure.Methods: Ninety-seven older patients admitted for heart failure (median age: 81 years; 57.7% male) were included in the study. Patients were categorized into four groups based on the presence or absence of lower BMI and/or the absence of exercise habits. Lower BMI was defined as BMI<20.3 kg/m2 at discharge and exercise habits were defined as engaging in 30 or more minutes of moderate or vigorous exercise at least once a week. The primary outcome was all-cause readmission during the 1-year follow-up period.Results: The patients were distributed across four groups: lower BMI/non-exerciser (n=24, 24.7%), lower BMI/exerciser (n=22, 22.7%), non-lower BMI/non-exerciser (n=21, 21.6%), and non-lower BMI/exerciser (n=30, 30.9%). Forty-six patients (47.4%) experienced readmission during the 1-year follow-up period. In a cox proportional hazard analysis, non-lower BMI/exerciser remained an independent prognostic factor even after adjusting for confounding factors (non-lower BMI/exerciser vs. lower BMI/non-exerciser: hazard ratio, 0.26; 95% confidence interval, 0.08–0.83; p=0.022).Conclusion: The coexistence of non-lower BMI and regular exercise habits may reduce readmission during the 1-year in older patients with heart failure. Therefore, it is imperative to conduct appropriate nutritional assessments for patients with lower BMI at discharge. Additionally, promoting and monitoring sustained physical activity after discharge is crucial for older patients with heart failure.
Calculation of the Quantum Efficiency of Phosphor Screens in CRTs and FL Tubes
Ozawa, Lyuji,Tian, Yakui The Korean Infomation Display Society 2010 Journal of information display Vol.11 No.3
The quantum efficiencies of CRT and FL tubes that use a phosphor screen as transducer of invisible particles to light in visible spectrum wavelengths were calculated in this study. The phosphor screens in CRT tubes have quantum efficiencies greater than 3,000, which give the luminance of comfortable images on phosphor devices for the observation by the eyes. The established FL tubes have the amazing quantum efficiency of $3{\times}10^{10}$ photons per moving electron per FL tube, which allows the illumination of a $5{\times}5\;m^2$ room by three FL tubes, with heating at $40^{\circ}C$. Thus, FL tubes, including for backlighting of LCD displays, have a superior over other illumination sources.
Ozawa, Kenichi 동북아관광학회 2013 동북아관광연구 Vol.9 No.1
From the viewpoint of economics, we can consider international tourism as a transaction or trading of services in which tourists play vital roles. However, international tourism as a transaction or trade in tourism services has been ignored for a long time. According to traditional international trade theories, the international trade among countries is dependent on the differences in factor endowments and technologies of production. It is argued that trade is based on comparative advantages and specialization. The trade means inter-industry trade or one-way trade. On the other hand, new trade theories propose that the occurrence of trade is based on the similarity of per head income level between countries, the presence of scale economies, and product differentiation. The patterns of trade in the new trade theories are decided historically, not by comparative advantages and specialization. It is called intra-industry trade or two-way trade, meaning the trading of goods and services produced within the same industry. The aim in this paper is to calculate Grubel and Lloyd index and Brülhart index as indicators of tourism services between Japan and Asian countries. From the calculations of Grubel and Lloyd index, we conclude that the intra-industry trade of tourism services between Japan and Asian countries is progressing; however, the values of Brülhart index reveal that most of the intra-industry trade of tourism services between these countries is not realized.
New electron source and electron collection source for the internal electron circuit in FL tubes
Ozawa, Lyuji,Tian, Yakui,Kato, Masatoshi The Korean Infomation Display Society 2011 Journal of information display Vol.12 No.2
A new electron source and an electron collection source were found for the closure of the internal electron circuit inside fluorescent lamp (FL) tubes. The sources are formed in front of the polarized electric-insulator particles on the metal electrodes at both ends of the FL tube. The appearance and disappearance of both sources are controlled by the electric voltages applied to the metal electrodes. The electrons and $Ar^+$ for the sources are generated by the ionization of the Ar atoms, and they return to the Ar atoms at the electron collection source. Thus, the Ar atoms are preserved in the FL tubes, ensuring a long operation life for such tubes.
Effect of Clearance between Two-Body on Heat Flux in Hypersonic Compression Ramp
Hiroshi Ozawa,Hironao Yokoi,Koichi Mori,Yoshiaki Nakamura 한국항공우주학회 2008 한국항공우주학회 학술발표회 논문집 Vol.- No.-
The hypersonic flow over a compression ramp is one of the most important problems, where various phenomena occur, such as shock/shock interaction, shock boundary layer interaction, and reattachment of separated boundary layer. Consequently, heat flux and pressure around the corner become high. Actually these phenomena appear in the body flap and wing root of space shuttle. Furthermore, a severe problem such as Columbia takes place when these interactions occur in a crack, as a result of thermal protection tiles damage. The objective of the present study is to experimentally investigate heat flux near the corner of a compression ramp at hypersonic speed. The present two-dimensional compression ramp is consisted of two flat plates. Hence the flow-field is assumed to be nearly two-dimensional. The deflection angle of the corner is fixed at 30 deg. All experiments were performed in the shock tunnel of Nagoya University. The diameter of the nozzle exit is 350㎜, which can produce a hypersonic flow with a Mach number of8.1, where the duration is 50msec. The unit Reynolds number is Re=6.5x10?m?¹. In addition, the effect of the clearance h between the two bodies on the flow-field is examined by measuring distributions of the heat flux. From shclieren images. the flow-field can be classified into two patterns. In the case of no clearance (h/L=0.00), the shear layer generated from upstream of the corner reattaches on the ramp, where heat flux rises in the downstream of the reattachment region. The heat flux is almost same as the stagnation heat flux. In the case of small clearance (h/L=0.025), the reattachment point moves upstream of the ramp, although the large separation region does not change. In the case of a large clearance (h/L=0.050). the separated boundary layer does not reattach on the ramp, and goes into the clearance.