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        Antje Niemann,Manfred Schwaiger,Nicole Jasmin Heß 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2018 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2018 No.07

        Over the course of the past decades, technological advancements accompanied a plethora of new types of data and consumer insights (e.g., Erevelles, Fukawa, & Swayne, 2016). Companies value opportunities provided by the availability of large data sets for their business strategy. Customers, however, are wary, as these analyses require the collection and storage of large amounts of personal information. Therefore, it is vital for companies to understand what customers perceive to be fair with regard to their personal data (e.g., Malhotra, Kim, & Agarwal, 2004). However, research still lacks deeper insights into customers’ expectations of fair data handling (Marketing Science Institute, 2016). Yet, only few studies have covered the field of expectations regarding fair data collection and use (Earp, Ant?n, Aiman-Smith, & Stufflebeam, 2005; Milne & Bahl, 2010). Importantly, however, previous studies have frequently neglected how companies’ fulfillment of customers’ expectations translates into subsequent consumer behavior. Moreover, we have yet to understand if companies’ actual behavior meets customers’ expectations. Grounded on psychological contract and justice theory, we investigate how customers want their data to be handled and in which ways they want to be informed about its usage, while also exploring how customer expectations translate into subsequent behavioral intentions. Additionally, we shed light on current company behavior, thus analyzing if customers’ expectations of fair data collection and usage are aligned with company perspectives. Responding to calls for a mixed methods approach in business research (e.g., Harrison, 2013; Woodside, 2010), we undertook qualitative and quantitative studies to address our research goals. In Study 1, we conduct in-depth interviews with customers and experts to gain an overview of customer expectations with regard to fair data collection and usage. Based on these findings, we conducted a quantitative study (Study 2) investigating each of the customer expectations identified in the prior study. The findings of Study 2 reveal that customers expect a simplification of privacy statements as well as easier control options for their data. Moreover, customers are willing to switch to a competitor, if it better fulfills expectations. Study 3 applies a content analysis of company homepages and privacy statements. Aligning the results from Study 2 and Study 3, we demonstrate that companies currently do not sufficiently meet customers’ expectation of fair data collection and usage.


        Antje Niemann,Verena Rapp 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2016 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2016 No.7

        While companies in the field of e-commerce have long engaged in the collection of large amounts of customer data and consider them one of their most important assets, insurance companies have only recently started to collect customer data on a large scale (Smith, Dinev & Xu, 2011). Recently, insurance companies have developed tariffs which adjust premiums based on collected data about the insurant’s behavior (e.g. steps/day, visits to the gym etc.). Benefits like fitness courses or lower insurance rates are provided to encourage a healthy lifestyle and attract healthy customers. However, this model can only succeed, if customers are willing to disclose data. As many customers fear an intrusion of their privacy by companies and consider personal health data to be especially sensitive, this disclosure cannot be taken for granted (Anderson & Agarwal, 2011). The paper evaluates two main influencing factors for the willingness to disclose private health data (benefit offered to customers and sensitivity of data requested). It analyzes their effect by conducting an online scenario-based quasiexperiment with 408 participants. Participants are presented with six hypothetical offers by a health insurance (financial and non-financial benefits; low, medium, high data sensitivity) and indicate how they would respond to these offers in terms of data disclosure. We control for individual heterogeneity by including privacy concerns and trust as between-subject factors (Malhotra, Kim, & Agarwal, 2004). Our results indicate that the willingness to disclose health data can be increased by financial rewards at low and medium sensitivity levels. If information is highly sensitive, the willingness to provide data decreases and cannot be compensated by a tariff reduction. Health care providers should therefore carefully consider which data points they choose as mandatory to participate in personalized insurance tariffs, as they could easily scare off potential customers. In our study non-financial benefits (prevention courses) are not able to increase the willingness to disclose data as much as financial benefits. This could be due to a general preference for financial rewards or to the unknown quality of the courses offered.

      • KCI등재

        Maximilian Hausmann,Antje Niemann 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2014 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2014 No.1

        Justice theory has emerged as a frequently used framework in theory and among service leaders to investigate reasons for customer complaints and their satisfaction with the handling of the complaint (Orsingher, Valentini, & Angelis, 2010; Tax, Brown, & Chandrashekaran, 1998). Whereas the complaint of a single customer used to be heard by only a small circle of acquaintances, with the rise of social media it can now be transferred to a large community of other customers as well. Theory suggests that justice perceptions might be able to explain the reactions of third parties to a complaint. Therefore, we analyze 400 complaints of 8 companies from 4 different retail and service industries and their related comments from a large German online complaint forum. We found that complaints addressing procedural justice issues receive the most attention and a lot of support from other users. Complaints regarding interactional justice, receive more opposition than support, evidenced by the negative comments from the other users. They seem to perceive the interactional complaints as less severe and even defend the company in many cases by attributing part of the blame to the complainant. Companies should consider these findings when they manage their complaint process and when they try to assess the criticality of complaints. In addition, this study once again confirms the danger of not reacting to customer requests in a timely manner as this can be interpreted by customers as intentionally ignoring them, which leads to positive reactions of other users and to solidarity with the complainant.


        Maximilian Hausmann,Antje Niemann 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2014 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2014 No.7

        Justice theory has emerged as a frequently used framework in theory and among service leaders to investigate reasons for customer complaints and their satisfaction with the handling of the complaint (Orsingher, Valentini, & Angelis, 2010; Tax, Brown, & Chandrashekaran, 1998). Whereas the complaint of a single customer used to be heard by only a small circle of acquaintances, with the rise of social media it can now be transferred to a large community of other customers as well. Theory suggests that justice perceptions might be able to explain the reactions of third parties to a complaint. Therefore, we analyze 400 complaints of 8 companies from 4 different retail and service industries and their related comments from a large German online complaint forum. We found that complaints addressing procedural justice issues receive the most attention and a lot of support from other users. Complaints regarding interactional justice, receive more opposition than support, evidenced by the negative comments from the other users. They seem to perceive the interactional complaints as less severe and even defend the company in many cases by attributing part of the blame to the complainant. Companies should consider these findings when they manage their complaint process and when they try to assess the criticality of complaints. In addition, this study once again confirms the danger of not reacting to customer requests in a timely manner as this can be interpreted by customers as intentionally ignoring them, which leads to positive reactions of other users and to solidarity with the complainant.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Parametric Fault Diagnosis of an Active Gas Bearing

        André Sekunda,Henrik Niemann,Niels Kjølstad Poulsen,Ilmar Santos 제어·로봇·시스템학회 2019 International Journal of Control, Automation, and Vol.17 No.1

        Recently research into active gas bearings has had an increase in popularity. There are several factors thatcan make the use of gas bearings favourable. Firstly gas bearings have extremely low friction due to the usage of gasas the lubricant which reduce the needed maintenance. Secondly gas bearings is a clean technology which makes itpossible to use for food processing, air condition and applications with similar requirements. Active gas bearings aretherefore useful for applications where downtime is expensive and dirty lubricants such as oil are inapplicable. Inorder to keep as low downtime as possible it is important to be able to determine when a fault occurs. Fault diagnosisof active gas bearings is able to minimize the necessary downtime by making certain the system is only taken offlinewhen a fault has occurred. Usually industry demands the removal of any sensor redundancy in systems. Thismakes it impossible to isolate faults using passive fault diagnosis. Active fault diagnosis methods have been shownable to isolate faults when there is no sensor redundancy. This makes active fault diagnosis methods relevant forindustrial systems. It is in this paper shown possible to apply active fault diagnosis to diagnose parametric faults ona controllable gas bearing. The fault diagnosis is based on a statistical detector which is able to quantify the qualityof the diagnosis scheme.

      • KCI등재

        Epidemiology, Injury Severity, and Pattern of Standing E-Scooter Accidents: 6-Month Experience from a German Level I Trauma Center

        Frank Graef,Christian Doll,Marcel Niemann,Serafeim Tsitsilonis,Ulrich Stöckle,Karl F. Braun,Jonas Wüster,Sven Märdian 대한정형외과학회 2021 Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery Vol.13 No.4

        Background: E-scooter usage was lawfully approved in Germany in June 2019. Since then, a marked increase of e-scooter drivers has been noticed. Evidence concerning factors that may affect the severity of these injuries is limited. The study aimed to retrospectively analyze e-scooter-related injuries in a major German city. Methods: All patients admitted to the emergency department of a level I trauma center in Berlin, Germany, between June 15, 2019, and December 15, 2019, were retrospectively reviewed. Patients involved in an e-scooter accident were included in this study, and their medical reports were analyzed. Results: In the study period, 43 patients were involved in an e-scooter accident and could be included in this study. The median age of the patients was 30 years (interquartile range [IQR], 24.50–39.50 years), with 19 (44.2%) being female patients. The median Injury Severity Score of all patients was 2.0, with the highest Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) of 3.00 (IQR, 2.00–3.00) recorded as thoracic injuries. Seven patients had extremity fractures, of which 4 had to be stabilized operatively. In 12 patients (27.9%), the accidents occurred under the influence of alcohol. Conclusions: The majority of injuries reported in this study were associated with a relatively low AIS, possibly due to strict local speed limits. Nonetheless, e-scooter usage bears risks of sustaining severe injuries to the head, face, and extremities, particularly under the influence of alcohol or when illegally ignoring local laws.

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