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      • Influence of Atomizing Condition on Particle Size Distributions for High Pressure Water Atomized Powder

        Nakabayashi Koei,Tanaka Yoshinari,Hirai Masazumi 한국분말야금학회 2006 한국분말야금학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2006 No.1

        To improve the properties of fine metal powder, such as particle size distribution and geometric standard deviation, this work was done at various atomizing conditions. The new atomization mechanism and the correlation equation were proposed to estimate the mean particle diameter.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Small Hepatic Hemangioma Leading to Life-Threatening Bleeding Following Blunt Abdominal Trauma: A Case Report

        Rumi Nakabayashi,Yosuke Miyachi,Minami Torai,Koichiro Mitsuoka,Gen Shimada,Toshimi Kaido 대한외상중환자외과학회 2023 Journal of Acute Care Surgery Vol.13 No.3

        A male pedestrian in his 30’s was hit by a car and immediately taken to hospital by ambulance. On arrival, his blood pressure was 83/64 mmHg and his heart rate was 140 beats/min. Computed tomography showed extravasation of contrast medium from the lateral segment of the liver. Given the exacerbation caused by hypotension, an emergency laparotomy was performed. Temporary hemostasis was achieved by packing with gauze and a subsequent transcatheter arterial embolization. At the 2nd laparotomy, a small amount of active bleeding from the injury site was noted; therefore, an emergency lateral segmentectomy was performed. The postoperative course was uneventful and he was discharged home 8 days later. The pathology of the liver specimen revealed that a 2.5 cm hepatic hemangioma was the cause of bleeding. Traumatic rupture of hepatic hemangiomas is rare, and most reported cases are of giant hemangiomas. Our case demonstrated that even a small hemangioma can elicit life-threatening bleeding in blunt abdominal trauma.

      • KCI등재

        조선총독부 고등보통학교수신서의 불규칙적 발행과 동화주의의 변천

        나카바야시히로카즈 ( Nakabayashi Hirokazu ) 한국교육사학회 2021 한국교육사학 Vol.43 No.3

        조선총독부는 조선인을 자신이 원하는 인간유형으로 양성하기 위하여 수신과 교육을 중시하였다. 그러나 1910년대에는 일본본국으로부터의 재정적 독립방침으로 학부행정에 할당될 재원이 부족하였기 때문에 고등보통학교수신서 편찬에 지장을 초래하였다. 또 3ㆍ1운동도 수신서편찬 진행에 영향을 미쳤다. 이러한 1910~ 1920년대 수신서들의 내용은 제국민화적 동화주의에 입각한 것이었다. 1930년대에 들어와 조선총독부는 다시 조선인 고등보통교육용 수신서를 편찬하였다. 이 책은, 조선총독 우가키 가즈시게의 영향 아래에서 기본적으로 제국민화적 동화주의를 계승하였지만 국체 명징이라는 새로운 특징을 가지고 있었다. 그러나 이 책의 권3까지 발행되었을 때에 조선총독부는 학무국장 시오바라 도키사부로의 주도로 수신서 편찬방침을 일본민족화적 동화주의로 전환하였다. The Government General of Chosen emphasized self-discipline and education to cultivate generations of Korean nationals in line with their ideals. In the 1910s, however, the policy of seeking financial independence from the Japanese mainland caused a lack of funds to be allocated to the academic administration, which led to problems in publishing a self-discipline textbook for secondary schools. In addition, the March 1st movement influenced the publication of the textbook. The contents of the self-discipline textbook in the 1910s and 1920s were based on the type of assimilationism that emphasized turning the Korean nationals into Imperial subjects. The Government General resumed publication of self-discipline textbooks for the Korean nationals in secondary schools in the 1930s. Under the auspices of Governor General Ugaki Kazushige, the textbook fundamentally reflected the type of assimilationism by which Korean nationals were transformed into Imperial subjects; however, they also had an additional characteristic corresponding to Gukchemyeongjing (Kokutaimeichou in Japanese), a political statement that emphasized the sovereignty of the Emperor in the Japanese state. When the third volume of the textbook was published, however, the Government General of Chosen changed its direction, led by the Director of Academic Affairs, Shiobara Tokisaburo, in publishing the textbook to the type of assimilationism that turned Korean nationals into members of the Japanese nation.

      • KCI등재

        1910년대 조선총독부의 교육정책과 재조일본인 교원 통제: 조선교육(연구)회를 중심으로

        나카바야시히로카즈 ( Nakabayashi Hirokazu ) 연세대학교 국학연구원 2012 동방학지 Vol.157 No.-

        조선총독부 학무국은 재조일본인 유력자들이 재조일본인 교육을 위해 조직한 경성교육회를 1910년 개편하여, 보통학교 교육현장을 주도하는 일본인 교원을 장악하고자 했다. 개편 결과 설립된 조선교육회를 통해서 당국은 교육행정 분야에서 주도권을 확보하려고 했지만, 재조일본인 유력자들의 개입을 완전히 통제할 수는 없었다. 여기에 재원 부족도 겹쳐서 학무국은 조선교육회의 사업을 활발히 벌일 수 없었고, 조선교육회의 활동은 기관지 발행 정도로 그쳤다. 단, 학무국은 조선교육회에 재조 일본인 아동기숙사의 경영을 위탁하고 외곽단체로 활용하는 것을 통해서 교원을 저렴한 전문인재로 활용했다. 1915년, 학무국은 조선교육회를 조선교육연구회로 개편하여 재조일본인 유력자들을 교육행정분야로부터 퇴장시켰다. 그리고 교육칙어를 바탕으로 하는 ``충량한 국민`` 육성이라는 당국의 교육 방침에 대해서도 이론의 여지를 봉쇄하였다. 이를 통해서 재조일본인 사회 등에서 유포되어 있던 ``조선인 충량화 교육 불필요론``이 교원들에게 영향을 미칠 사태를 예방했다. 조선교육연구회의 활동은 기관지 발행 이외로는 당국의 교육 방침에 따른 교육방법의 조사연구로 한정되었다. 이는 교원 통제 방책이기도 했지만, 교원을 저렴한 전문인재로 이용하려는 의도에서 나온 것이기도 했다. 교원에 대한 통제의 결과 교원들은 순종 적이지만 수동적인 존재가 되어 당국이 원하는 ``교육방법의 조사 연구``에도 소극적인 태도에 일관했다. In an intention to successfully control Japanese teachers in the Common School, the Bureau of Educational Affairs in the Government-General of Chosun authorized the reformation of the Kyungseong Educational Association, established on behalf of the education of Japanese settlers by prominent leaders in the Japanese colonial community, to become the Chosun Educational Association in 1910. Although it required colonial authority to take initiative, the Japanese settler leaders remained influential. The combined lack of resources and disinclined authority made it so that the official bulletin was the only activity granted to the Chosun Educational Association. By entrusting the general management of the youth dormitory facility to the Chosun Educational Association and utilizing it as an affiliated organization, the colonial authority engaged teachers for an efficient cost. Colonial authorities removed influential leaders in the Japanese settlement community from the educational administrative field by reorganizing the Chosun Educational Association to the Chosun Educational Society in 1915. Moreover, the authorities prevented the voicing of concerns or discontentment by forbidding any criticisms on the policy of fostering national loyalty and honesty based on the Imperial Edict on Education. It was a precautionary act by the colonial authorities influenced by the prevailing opinion that the unnecessariness of the loyal and honest education in the Japanese settlement community affected Japanese teachers. Besides publishing the bulletin for Chosun Educational Society, their activities were restrained to investigate the general educational methodology under the authority`s policy. It was not only a means of controlling teachers but also of taking advantage of their expertise. Nevertheless, as a consequence of these restrictions, teachers became cooperative and yet acted passively on the "research on the educational methodology" of the colonial authority.

      • KCI등재

        1910년대 조선총독부의 교육정책과 동화주의 식민지민에 대한 제국민의식 창출의 시도

        나카바야시히로카즈 ( Nakabayashi Hirokazu ) 역사문제연구소 2015 역사문제연구 Vol.19 No.2

        This paper seeks to cast light on the assimilation practices of the Japanese Government-General of Korea by examining its education policy in the 1910s. The Government-General of Korea carried out education aimed at molding Koreans into subjects of Japan, requiring them to be loyal and obedient to the emperor. The education policy unfolded under the logic that “Koreans should swear allegiance to the emperor, the supreme ruler of the Japanese empire, since Korea is part of Japan.” However, the Government-General of Korea did not base its policy on the theory of viewing Korea and Japan as originating from the same root nor defined loyalty to the emperor as a characteristic of the Japanese. The Government-General of Korea intended to inculcate consciousness of imperial subjects into Koreans while allowing them to preserve their national characteristics because that also served as a premise for discrimination. In addition, the Government-General of Korea attempted to form consciousness of imperial subjects in Koreans by fostering smooth communication between the two peoples by spreading Japanese language and by using educational materials intended for the conversion of Koreans into imperial subjects or materials that would induce them to “imagine” Korea and Japan as one entity bound by a common destiny. However, the Government-General of Korea did not make a direct connection between Japanese language and the national spirit of Japan, nor aimed to convert Koreans into Japanese by means of Japanese language education. In Botong Schools (primary schools) there were some Japanese teachers who regarded loyalty to their emperor as one of the Japanese characteristics. They either abandoned the idea of conducting the education targeted at converting Koreans, ethnically different from the Japanese, into imperial subjects or turned the former into the latter through a radical implementation of such education. Yamaguchi Kiichiro, a leader in the education field of the Japanese language learning campaign, launched efforts to make Koreans become Japanese by emphasizing a direct connection between Japanese language and the national spirit of Japan. Still, the Government-General of Korea adhered to its position.

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