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      • 라틴어에서 유리한 프랑스어 어휘 고찰

        한문희 상명대학교 인문과학연구소 2002 人文科學硏究 Vol.11 No.-

        라틴어에서 유래한 프랑스어 어휘는 전체의 80%를 차지하고 있다. 프랑스어는 바로 라틴어가 변화된 언어이기 때문이다. 민중어와 식자어를 구별하지 않고서는 라틴어와 프랑스어 사이에 존재하는 관계를 이해할 수 없게 된다. 민중어에서 전이된 어휘는 주로 구체적인 표현의 어휘이다. 특히 민중어에서는 자음과 모음이 변화된 것에서 일정한 법칙을 찾아낼 수 있다. 이에 반해서 식자어는 추상화의 추구 및 기술어의 탐구, 그리고 표현의 단순화와 같은 원칙하에 프랑스어로 전이되었다. 프랑스어는 라틴어의 접두사와 접미사를 그대로 계승하여 풍부한 어휘를 만들어내었다. 또 라틴어에서 모음의 길이와 그 위치는 프랑스어로 변화하는데 결정적인 역할을 하였다고 할 수 있다. 라틴어의 강세모음은 예외없이 유지된데 반하여, 무강세모음은 약해서 쉽게 사라졌다.

      • KCI등재

        라틴어 체계의 음성학적인 변화

        한문희 한국 프랑스어문교육학회 1999 프랑스어문교육 Vol.8 No.-

        Le francais n'est pas autre chose que du latin transforme. Par l'evolution phonetique considerable et successive, mais imperceptible, le latin vulgaire est devenu francais. La partie la plus gravement atteinte a ete le systeme vocalique. Du point de vue phonetique la longueur d'une voyelle latine et sa place par rapport a l'accent du mot etaient decisives pour son aboutissement en francais. Les voyelles accentuees du latin se sont conservees toujours en francais et les voyelles non accentuees, fragiles ont eu tendance a disparaitre facilement. Les changements qui ont atteint le systeme consonantique ont ete de moindre importance. La plupart des consonnes finales latines ont disparu en francais. Le systeme vocalique est fort influence pa le changement isole au debut de la formation du francais, tandis que le systeme consonantique s'est transforme lentement tout au long des periodes. L'influence du a la position dans un mot et dans une phrase a affecte la quantite et la qualite des voyelles et des consonnes. Les constrictives et les affriquees qui sont faibles par leur nature ont tendance a etre disparues. Les consonnes doubles se sont simplifiees. La palatalisation des voyelles s'est deroulee tres lentement, ce qui est considere comme influence du celtique.

      • KCI등재


        한문희 한국프랑스어문교육학회 2000 프랑스어문교육 Vol.10 No.-

        La "Grammaire ge´ne´rale et raisonne´e", plus connue sous le nom de "Grammaire de Port-Royal" a attire´ beaucoup d'attention dans les anne´es 60 par le fait que N. Chomsky l'a cite´e dans ses ouvrages. Chomsky voit dans la "Grammaire de Port-Royal" la conception carte´sienne de´veloppe´e avec une perspicacite´ et une subtilite´ admirables. Il estime qu'il existe entre la "Grammaire ge´ne´rale et raisonne´e" et la grammaire ge´ne´rative un rapport d'esquisse a` oeuvre acheve´e ou encore que les deux auteurs peuvent e^tre conside´re´s comme pre´curseurs des ge´ne´rativistes contemporains. Mais R. Lakoff a discute´ le caracte`re carte´sien de la "Grammaire ge´ne´rale et raisonne´e". S'opposant sur ce point aux the`ses de Chomsky, elle conclut en effet que c'est une erreur de conside´rer la "Grammaire ge´ne´rale et raisonne´e" comme un ouvrage de linguistique carte´sienne. Il faudrait chercher l'origine imme´diate de la grammaire ge´ne´rale, et l'origine lointaine de la grammaire ge´ne´rative, dans la Minerva de Sanctius. En revanche, elle admet aussi que Arnaud et Lancelot ont pre´sente´ certaines hypothe`ses sur le langage et la linguistique qui sont e´galement admises par les transformationalistes. J.-Cl. Chevalier et J. Cl. Pariente critiquent aussi l'argumentation de Chomsky. Mais s'ils refusent d'assimiler totalement les proce´dures et les concepts mis en oeuvre dans la "Grammaire ge"ne"rale et raisonne´e" avec ceux des grammaires ge´ne´ratives d'aujord'hui; ils n'appliquent pas moins le terme proto-transformationnelle a`l'oeuvre de Port-Royal. M. Foucault constate que l'oeuvre d'Arnauld et de Lancelot marque une transformation dans le savoir grammatical. Elle a constitue´ pour l'analyse du langage un nouvel espace e´piste´mologique, un nouveau mode d'apparition des objets grammaticaux, un nouveau statut pour leur analyse, une nouvelle fac¸on de former les concepts. En conclusion, il y a sans doute a` Port-Royal l'ide´e que l'e´tude d'un e´nonce´ ne peut, sauf dans les cas e´le´mentaires, e^tre conduite au niveau de la forme que pre´sente sa re´alisation effective. La faiblesse de la "Grammaire ge´ne´rale et raisonne´e" serait d'avoir mal e´value´ la complexite´ des relations entre structure profonde et structure superficielle, et le progre`s accompli par la grammaire ge´ne´rative consisterait a` avoir porte´ la lumie`re sur les jproce´dures transformationnelles, seulement pressenties a`Port-Royal.

      • KCI등재
      • 返品權이 存在할 때의 收益認識에 관한 硏究

        韓文盛 동국대학교 대학원 1986 大學院硏究論集-東國大學校 大學院 Vol.16 No.-

        The realization principle requires that revenue be earned before it is recognized. Revenue is usually recognized when the earning process is complete and an exchange has taken place. The earning process is not complete until collection of the sales price is reasonably assured. It is common practice in some industries for dealers to have the right to return unsold product. The right to return product is usually an industry practice but also occurs as a result of a contractual agreement. In this case, the product may be returned for a refund of the purchase price or in exchange for other products. Since the earning process is not complete until collection of the sales price is reasonably assured, as long as a right of return exists and the returns can be significant, the risks and rewards of ownership are not, in substance, passed on to the buyer. When an enterprise sells its product but gives the right to return the product, revenue from the sales transaction shall be recognized at time of sale only if all of the following conditions are met: a. The seller's price to the buyer is substantially fixed of determinable at the date of sale b. The buyer has paid the seller, or the buyer is obligated to pay the seller and the obligation is not contingent on resale of the product. c. The buyer's obligation to the seller would not be changed in the event of theft of physical destruction of damage of the product. d. The buyer acquiring the product for resale has economic substance apart from that provided by the seller. e. The seller does not have significant obligations for future performance to directly bring about resale of the product by the buyer. f. The amount of future returns can be reasonably estimated. Sales revenue and cost of sales that are not recognized at time of sale because the foregoing conditions are not met shall be recognized either when the return privilege has substantially expired or if those conditions subsequently are not, whichever occurs first. If all of the above conditions are met, an appropriate provision for costs of losses which may occur in connection with the return of product form the buyer must be made by the seller. The provision for cost or losses must be in accordance with the provisions of FASB statement No. 5. (Accounting for Contingencies). Under FASB statement No. 5, a determination must be made as to whether the cost or losses are (a) probable, (b) reasonably possible, (c) remote. If returns are `probable' and all of the conditions of FASB statement No. 48 are met, an accrual is required by FASB statement No. 5. This accrual will result in a reduction of sales revenue and related cost of sales in the income statement, which is exactly what FASB statement No. 48 requires. However, if returns are `resonably possible' of `remote' and all of the conditions of FASB statement No. 48 are met, an accrual is not required by FASB statement No. 5. In this event, FASB statement No. 5 requires footnote disclosure. Accounting changes adopted to conform to the provisions of FASB statement No. 48 shall be applied retroactively. In the year that this provision is first applied, the financial statements shall disclose the nature of any restatement and its effect on sales, income before extraordinary items, net income, and related per-share amounts for each year restated.

      • 프랑스어 교육의 여러가지 방법과 최근 경향

        韓文熙 상명대학교 교육문제연구소 1991 敎育硏究 Vol.11 No.-

        Il est e´vident de souligner aujourd'hui l'importance de l'enseignement des langues e´trange`eres et tout aussi inte´ressant de pre´coniser une re´novation de cet enseignement. Avant d'en venir a` des conside´rations plus epe´cifiques, il faut bien caracte´riser a` grands traits les principales tendances me´thodologiques de l'enseignement des langues e´trange`res, surtout de langue franc¸aise. Pour cela, nous distinguerons la me´thode traditionnelle, la me´thode directe, la me´thode audio-orale et la me´thode audio-visuelle. La me´thode traditionnelle est parfois aussi de´crit comme me´thode grammaire et traduction. Cette me´thode a donne´ l'importance plus sur une explication et une me´morisation des re`gles de langue que sur une pratique du discours. La me´thode directe se caracte´rise par un refus de cet exercice "indirect" qu'est la traduction. Au lieu d'e´tablir dans l'esprit de l'e´le`ve, par la pratique du the`me et de la version, un re´seau d'e´quivalences entre langue e´trange`re et langue maternelle, la me´thode directe recherche un contact sans e`cart et sans interme´diaire entre la langue e´trange`re et les re´alite´s re´fe´rentielles. La me´thode audio-orale se re´clame explicitement de the´ories linguistiques et d'hypothe`ses sur l'apprentissages. Dans le cas de la me´thode audio-visuelle, si on vise a` rendre l'e´le`ve progressivement mai^tre du syste`me et des re`gles de la langue, la langue reste conc¸u comme organiquement inse´parable, dans l'apprentissage, du sujet et de la situation. L'approche communicative ne constitue pas un rejet de l'audio-visul, mais un assouplissement de ce en quoi il apparai^t trop rigide, et un apport dans les contenus et dans l'apprentissage, de donne´es et de pratiques qui au-dela` de la grammaire, sont essentiels a` tout acte de communication. Mais quelle que soit la me´thode qu'on emploie, l'efficacite´ de la classe de´pend non seulement du souci et de l'ardeur du professeur pour l'enseignement de la langue, mais aussi de l'ambition et de la patience de la part des e´le`ves.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        1910년대 활자본 고소설과 『무정』에 수용된 기녀담 서사 유형 비교 연구

        문한별 우리어문학회 2003 우리어문연구 Vol.21 No.-

        This thesis is a trial for making a comparative study of two representative styles in the 1910's, when diverse descriptive styles were mixed. The first aim of this study is to abstract a common description from "Mujeong", called as the first modem novel and the stories of ancient times with printed edition and to define the common and different points. To do this, firstly, the descriptive style was arranged around a central pivot of "kinyeodam", the common description of two styles. To perform this work, I abstracted the descriptive style by dividing works, which were containing the description of "Kinyeo" out of stories of ancient times with printed edition in the 1910's, into descriptive paragraphs and then attempted the work of abstracting the description in the center of "Young Chae Park" in "Mujeong". The following styles are abstracted by arranging the description of the stories of ancient times with printed edition in the center of "Kinyeodam" as follows: a. A heroine was born with the middle classes at least. (birth and status). b. She became a kisaeng for saving her parents or due to the fall of family (downfall of status). c. She tied the nuptial knot to a man (getting acquainted with a man). d. She parted from the man (parting) e. She tried to die by drowning herself in the water in the risk of rape by an obstructor (oppression) f. She was rescued out of danger by a helper (rescuer). g. She d e d to a hero by his succession (reunion). Comparing to the above, the feature of "Young Chae Park", in the description of "Mujeong", the modem novel is arranged as follows: two different points are discovered. Firstly, "Hyung Sik Lee", the hero, who must take charge of the role of helper, did not attempt the rescue with positive attitude and secondly, "Young Chae Park" was to confronted at a situation that she had to rescue herself as the result that the helper faded his role of rescue. This study f i d s that "Hyung Sik Lee", the hero was a modernistic ego in an indefinite manners and the failure of helping "Young Chae Park" was a necessary consequence of modem value system. It also makes it clear and shows that the aforesaid two different points are the origin dividing the times into modern and pre-modern as well as the characteristic of two different styles. This is the very important characteristic of "Mujeong" the starting point of modern style.

      • KCI등재후보

        『독립신문』 수록 단형 서사 문학 연구 : 문답체 서사를 중심으로 Mainly a narration of the interrogatory style

        문한별 현대문학이론학회 2004 現代文學理論硏究 Vol.0 No.22

        A purpose of this thesis is to analyze a narrative literature of short style which carried in the newspaper of 『The Dohrip Shimnun』 which published for three years from 1896 to 1899. The narration of short style in this thesis means that it is a style of literature in the age of civilization formed in the process from the premodern literature into a new modern literature, that is, the narration of short style is a style of a narration which appaeraed on the process into a new modern literature, and such narrations of short style were mainly found in an editorial of the news papers in the age of civilization It remarkably used a lot of narrative and fiction in order to help the readers's understanding without marshalling the editors's arguments merely in the editorials of news papers in its day. That could be put this way, too. namely, it borrowed a fictional style as a means of the vehicle of an element of editorial. There were found some features in the newspaper of 『The Dokrip Shimnun』 analyzed by the present writer among some editorials to be different from the editorials of other newspapers, they are as in the followings, First, the interrogatory style was distinguished over a majority of the editorial Second, It leads an editorials to borrow a fable style. First of all, the most distinguished feature in the newspaper of 『The Dokrip Shinmun』 was to make the best use of a narration with the interrogatory style. The very efficient use of a narration with the interrogatory style is a major chain of connection which continued into a fiction with the interrogatory style in the modern novel. The present writer analyised an effect which made use of a narration with the interrogatory style written on the newspaper of 『The Dokrip Shinmun』. The result of the study is as in the followings. First, It was very efficient that a new generation(generation of modern) could enlighten the old generation(premodern generation) through the efficient use of a narration with the interrogatory style, that is, it was useful to enlighten the old generation of premodern through the enlightened intellectuals of the day. Second, a narration with the interrogatory style was very efficient to stress education and criticism on those days in the age of civilization. Farticually, in this case, it gave us persuasive power from the viewpoint that the people of the other developed countries could criticize and advise reality of our country. Such a narration with the interrogatory style had an effect on formation in the modern fiction to be connected with fable styles added a further fictions element. As the editorial of 『The Dokrip Shinmun』 is showed a lot of form linked with two aspects closely, it had an direct influence on development of into a modern fiction of with the interrogatory style and development-discussion style into a modern fiction. In consequence, a result of this thesis which the present writer argue is that the editorial with a narration character written on the newspaper of 『The Doluip Shinmun』 could be ultimately a basis capable of any micro-evidence about a process of our moder literary development. Accordingly, we have to discuss them in future continually.

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