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        Gender Role Stereotyping in Hong Kong's Primary School Chinese Language Subject Textbooks

        W.K.LAW, Kenneth,H.N.CHAN, Annie Ewha Womans University Press 2004 Asian Journal of Women's Studies(AJWS) Vol.10 No.1

        This paper reports on a content analysis of Chinese Language textbooks used in primary schools in Hong Kong, published during the period 1995 to 2000. We examine the extent of gender stereotyping evident from the pictures in these textbooks, in terms of the proportion of male and female characters represented; the settings in which they appear, their portrayal in domestic or non-domestic roles, and the kinds of occupational roles male and female characters were portrayed in. A total of 5,180 pictures in our sample of 108 textbooks have been analyzed and our findings indicate that gender stereotyping in these four areas is still common. However, when compared with the findings of previous studies, we found that the extent of gender stereotyping has reduced to some extent.


        Wind characteristics of Typhoon Dujuan as measured at a 50m guyed mast

        Law, S.S.,Bu, J.Q.,Zhu, X.Q.,Chan, S.L. Techno-Press 2006 Wind and Structures, An International Journal (WAS Vol.9 No.5

        This paper presents the wind characteristics of Typhoon Dujuan as measured at a 50 m guyed mast in Hong Kong. The basic wind speed, wind direction and turbulent intensity are studied at two measurement levels of the structure. The power spectral density of the typhoon is compared with the von Karman prediction, and the coherence between wind speeds at the two measurement levels is found to This paper presents the wind characteristics of Typhoon Dujuan as measured at a 50 m guyed mast in Hong Kong. The basic wind speed, wind direction and turbulent intensity are studied at two measurement levels of the structure. The power spectral density of the typhoon is compared with the von Karman prediction, and the coherence between wind speeds at the two measurement levels is found to compare with Davenport's prediction. The effect of typhoon Dujuan on the response of the structure will be discussed in a companion paper (Law, et al. 2006).with Davenport's prediction. The effect of typhoon Dujuan on the response of the structure will be discussed in a companion paper (Law, et al. 2006).

      • ‘Balance of Mind’, Flexibility and Work/Life Balance in the Recession

        Alan Law(Alan Law ),Victor Deyglio(Victor Deyglio ) 한국캐나다학회 2011 Asia-Pacific Journal of Canadian Studies (APJCS) Vol.17 No.1

        Using data from the 2009 Professional logistics Labour market survey (n=566), the paper explores impacts of layoff threat on work/life balance. While threat of layoff causes work/life balance to decline, the effect is mediated by attachment to career. The paper locates it’s central theoretical thrust stemming from ideas developed in Ma Huidi’s (2008) paper on Chinese ideas of personal ‘harmony’ or ‘balance of mind’ capable of transcending the modernist dialectical relationship between work and leisure.

      • KCI등재

        Experimental studies on possible vortex shedding in a suspension bridge - Part I - Structural dynamic characteristics and analysis model

        Law, S.S.,Yang, Q.S.,Fang, Y.L. Techno-Press 2007 Wind and Structures, An International Journal (WAS Vol.10 No.6

        The suspension bridge is situated in an area of complex topography with both open sea and overland turbulence characteristics, and it is subject to frequent typhoon occurrences. This paper investigates experimentally the possible vortex shedding events of the structure under high wind and typhoon conditions. A single-degree-of-freedom model for the vibration of a unit bridge deck section is adopted to determine the amplitude of vibration and to estimate the parameters related to the lifting force in a vortex shedding event. The results of the studies are presented in a companion paper (Law, et al. 2007). In this paper, statistical analysis on the measured responses of the bridge deck shows that the vibration response at the first torsional mode of the structure has a significant increase at and beyond the critical wind speed for vortex shedding as noted in the wind tunnel tests on a section model of the structure.


        Experimental study on possible vortex shedding in a suspension bridge - Part II - Results when under typhoon Babs and York

        Law, S.S.,Yang, Q.S.,Fang, Y.L. Techno-Press 2007 Wind and Structures, An International Journal (WAS Vol.10 No.6

        Statistical analysis on the measured responses of a suspension bridge deck (Law, et al. 2007) show that vibration response at the first torsional mode of the structure has a significant increase at and beyond the critical wind speed for vortex shedding as noted in the wind tunnel tests on a sectional model. This paper further analyzes the measured responses of the structure when under typhoon conditions for any possible vortex shedding events. Parameters related to the lifting force in such a possible event and the vibration amplitudes are estimated with a single-degree-of-freedom model of the system. The spatial correlation of vortex shedding along the bridge span is also investigated. Possible vortex shedding events are found at both the first torsional and second vertical modes with the root-mean-square amplitudes comparable to those predicted from wind tunnel tests. Small negative stiffness due to wind effects is observed in isolated events that last for a short duration, but the aerodynamic damping exhibits either positive or negative values when the vertical angle of wind incidence is beyond ${\pm}10^{\circ}$. Vibration of the bridge deck is highly correlated in the events at least in the middle one-third of the main span.

      • 에디토리얼 : 2016헌나1결정과 그 후

        Ewha Law Review 편집부 이화여자대학교 법학전문대학원 2017 Ewha Law Review Vol.7 No.-

        “피청구인 박근혜를 파면한다.” 실시간으로 중계된 이정미 헌법재판소장 권한대행의 주문 낭독은 추운 겨울 내내 광화문에 모여 얼어붙은 세상을 촛불로 데웠던 다수 대한민국 국민들에게는 비로소 부정이 녹아내려 “정의가 강물처럼 흐르는” 것을 목도한 경험이었다. 그 날의 사건은 대통령은 왕이 아니라 주권자 국민으로부터 권한을 위임받은 사람이며, 그러한 위임은 정당한 사유가 있을 때 파기될 수도 있음을 전 국민이 확인한 사건이었다. 또한 우리의 오래되고 낡은 관념을 깨트리고, 부정한 권력자를 자리에서 끌어내어 국민들 스스로 권위주의 전통으로부터 벗어난 해방의 날이었다. ‘비선’ 실세와 ‘문고리 삼인방’, 그리고 아버지로부터 물려받은 ‘가신’의 보필을 받던 ‘제왕적’ 대통령은 어쩌다 탄핵의 불명예를 안게 되었는가. 그의 직무집행에 있어 어떤 작위 또는 부작위는 어떤 근거로 탄핵의 사유가 되었는가. 편집부는 국민의 일원이자 탄핵심판의 도화선이 된 이화의 구성원으로서, 또 예비 법조인으로서, 제왕적 대통령의 시대가 저문 새로운 시대에는, 국민주권주의나 법치주의와 같은 민주주의의 기본질서에 대한 파괴가 더이상 일어나지 않길 바라면서 탄핵과정에서의 법적 이슈를 유심히 관찰하고 고민하였다. 이제 그 결과물을 세 꼭지로 나누어 정리해 보고자 한다. 그 첫 번째인 “대통령 탄핵심판의 정치적 한계와 시민참여”에서는 우리나라의 대통령 탄핵제도가 전개되어 온 과정을 돌아보면서 그 운용에 있어서 필연적으로 부딪칠 수밖에 없는 민주주의와 헌정주의의 충돌의 문제를 지적하고, 그 해결 방안의 하나로서 배심원제도의 도입을 제안한다. 두 번째 글인 “재난상황에서의 생명권보호의무와 대통령 탄핵 사유”에서는 대통령의 직책수행의무위반이 탄핵사유가 될 수 있는지에 대해 논하고자 하며, 특히 이번 탄핵사건에서 직책수행의무 위반과 가장 밀접하게 관련되어 있는 세월호 희생자들에 대한 생명권보호의무 위반을 중심으로 탄핵사유 요건성을 검토해 보았다. 세 번째 글인 “탄핵 정국과 「대통령기록물 관리에 관한 법률」 관련 문제”에서는 대통령 권한의 통제와 투명한 국정운영에 있어서 대통령기록의 생산과 관리의 중요성을 새롭게 조명해 보고, 탄핵 이후 대통령 기록물 관련 일련의 사건들을 통해 현행법의 흠결과 개정 필요성에 대해 논하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        Experimental study on possible vortex shedding in a suspension bridge. Part II – Results when under typhoon Babs and York

        S.S. Law,Q.S. Yang,Y.L. Fang 한국풍공학회 2007 Wind and Structures, An International Journal (WAS Vol.10 No.6

        Statistical analysis on the measured responses of a suspension bridge deck (Law, et al. 2007) show that vibration response at the first torsional mode of the structure has a significant increase at and beyond the critical wind speed for vortex shedding as noted in the wind tunnel tests on a sectional model. This paper further analyzes the measured responses of the structure when under typhoon conditions for any possible vortex shedding events. Parameters related to the lifting force in such a possible event and the vibration amplitudes are estimated with a single-degree-of-freedom model of the system. The spatial correlation of vortex shedding along the bridge span is also investigated. Possible vortex shedding events are found at both the first torsional and second vertical modes with the root-mean-square amplitudes comparable to those predicted from wind tunnel tests. Small negative stiffness due to wind effects is observed in isolated events that last for a short duration, but the aerodynamic damping exhibits either positive or negative values when the vertical angle of wind incidence is beyond 10o. Vibration of the bridge deck is highly correlated in the events at least in the middle one-third of the main span.

      • KCI등재

        Wind characteristics of Typhoon Dujuan as measured at a 50m guyed mast

        S.S. Law,J.Q. Bu,X.Q. Zhu,S.L. Chan 한국풍공학회 2006 Wind and Structures, An International Journal (WAS Vol.9 No.5

        This paper presents the wind characteristics of Typhoon Dujuan as measured at a 50 m guyed mast in Hong Kong. The basic wind speed, wind direction and turbulent intensity are studied at two measurement levels of the structure. The power spectral density of the typhoon is compared with the von Karman prediction, and the coherence between wind speeds at the two measurement levels is found to compare with Davenport prediction. The effect of typhoon Dujuan on the response of the structure will be discussed in a companion paper (Law, et al. 2006).

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