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        Monitoring Expression of bphC Gene from Ralstonia eutropha H850 Induced by Plant Terpenes in Soil

        Kyung-JaJung,Byung-HyukKim,EungbinKim,Jae-SeongSo,Sung-CheolKoh 한국미생물학회 2002 The journal of microbiology Vol.40 No.4

        A PCB degrader, Ralstonia eutropha H850 was shown to induce bphC gene encoding 2,3-dihydroxybiphenyl- 1,2-dioxygenase in a carvone-amended pure culture in our previous study (Park et al., 1999). The present study was carried out to examine how plant terpenes, as natural substrates, would cause an expression of a PCB degradative gene in soil that was amended with terpenes. The population of Ralstonia eutropha H850 was maintained at least around 108 (CFU/g fresh soil) in the soil amended with carvone or limonene in the presence of succinate as a growth substrate at 50 th day. The gene expression was monitored by RT-PCR using total RNA directly extracted from each soil and bphC gene primers. The bphC gene expression of the seeded strain H850 was observed in the soil amended with biphenyl (4 days) but not with succinate, carvone and limonene. These results indicate that terpenes widely distributed in nature could be a potential inducing substrate for effective PCB biodegration in the soil but their bioavailability and specific induction behavior should be taken into account before PCB bioremediation implementation.


        Broken global explorations : The lived experience of Korean women working in the entertainment and sex industries in Sydney

        Kyungja JUNG,Haeyoung JANG,Bronwen DALTON 이화여자대학교 아시아여성학센터 2016 Asian Journal of Women's Studies(AJWS) Vol.22 No.3

        There has been limited discursive space for Korean women in the sex and entertainment industries, particularly for those working overseas in countries including Australia, to narrate their experience. Bringing out the voices of these women to the forefront, this paper offers a nuanced understanding of their migration trajectories and working and living conditions. Neither the abolitionist nor the decriminalization approach fully understands how women in these industries fare. The former neglects the agency of women who voluntarily choose this work, while the latter tends to silence the women trafficked into the industry. These views fail to encompass women’s complicated lived experience, often falling outside this binary. The 22 women interviewed here described their involvement in the industry as a short-lived and auxiliary part of their global exploration. Although they voluntarily chose such work, and despite its legal status, they still suffer from the stigma associated with it, while their working conditions are often deceptive, abusive and exploitative. The paper suggests that we need to transcend the dichotomy between the “free” and the “trafficked” assumed by both global and national policies regarding the sex trade, in order to develop policies and programs to support and protect these migrant women better. 성산업과엔터테인먼트업종에종사하는한국여성들,특히호주와같이 외국에서 일하는 이주여성들의 경험을 말할 수 있는 담론의 장은 제한되어 왔다. 이 글은 호주에서 일하는 여성들의 목소리를 연구의 전면에 드러냄으로써 이 여성들의 이주 경로와 노동 조건 그리고 삶의 여건들에 대한 균형잡힌 이해를 제공하고자 한다. 성매매 폐지주의자의 입장도 성매매 탈범죄화 입장도 이 업종에 종사하는 여성들의 삶에 대한 충분한 이해를 반영하지 못한다. 전자의 입장은 이 일을 자발적으로 택한 여성들의 주체성을 무시하고 후자는 인신매매를 통해 이 업종에 종사하는 여성들의 경험을 침묵시킨다. 이러한 이분적인 접근은 이 여성들이 살아내고 있는 현실의 복잡한 경험들을 담아내지 못한다. 이 연구에 참여한 22 명의 여성들은 모두 자발적으로 이 일을 선택했고, 해외성매매를 글로벌 시대에 더 낳은 삶을 추구하기 위한 위한 짧게 지속된, 보조적인 전략으로 묘사한다. 하지만 스스로 이 일을 선택했고 호주에서 성매매는 합법적임에도 불구하고 면접에 응한 여성들은 여전히 그들이 하고 있는 일 대한 스티그마로 고통스러워한다. 노동 환경 또한 기대와 달리 사기, 학대, 착취가 일어나기도 한다. 이 글은 이 업종에 종사하는 여성들을 더 효과적으로 보호하고 지원하기 위해서는 국내외 성산업관련 정책이나 프로그램에서 상정하는 자발적인 성매매와 인신매매의 이분법을 넘어서야함을 제안한다.

      • KCI등재

        Inhibition of Angiogenesis by Propolis

        송윤선,박은희,KyungJaJung,진창배 대한약학회 2002 Archives of Pharmacal Research Vol.25 No.4

        (Received May 9, 2002) Propolis, obtained from honeybee hives, has been used in Oriental folk medicine as an antiinflammatory, anti-carcinogenic, and immunomodulatory agent. There is considerable evidence suggesting that angiogenesis and chronic inflammation are codependent. Blockage of angiogenesis results in an anti-inflammatory effect. Ethanol (EEP) and ether extracts of propolis (REP), and caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE), an active component of propolis, were examined for their anti-angiogenic activities using the chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane (CAM), and the calf pulmonary arterial endothelial (CPAE) cell proliferation, assays. The presence of EEP, REP and CAPE inhibited angiogenesis in the CAM assay and the proliferation of CPAE cells. The results suggest that anti-angiogenic activities of EEP, REP and CAPE are also responsible for their anti-inflammatory effect.

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