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      • An Introduction to the Office of Naval Research and its Activities in Manufacturing and Shipbuilding

        Koenig, Philip C. The Society of Naval Architects of Korea 2001 大韓造船學會誌 Vol.38 No.3

        The Office of Naval Research (ONR) coordinates, executes, and promotes the science and technology programs of the United States Navy and Marine Corps through universities, govemment laboratories, and nonprofit and for-profit organizations. ONR is active in basic research, applied research, and advanced technology development in a broad range of scientific and technical disciplines. This paper provides an introduction to ONR and to the shipbuilding-related efforts in its Industrial and Corporate Programs Department and International Field Office. ONR's shipbuilding activities focus on improving technology and manufacturing processes while reducing fleet costs. Approaches to the management of technology and innovation in naval shipbuilding are discussed, and opportunities and mechanisms for international collaboration in technical areas of interest to the international shipbuilding community are highlighted.

      • 선진국 조선업의 경쟁력은 산업 라이프사이클에 의해 결정되는가\ulcorner

        Koenig, Philip C.,Narita, Hitoshi 대한조선학회 2001 大韓造船學會誌 Vol.38 No.4

        산업은 흔히 생명체처럼 일종의 라이프사이클을 따르는 것으로 여겨지고 있다. 이들은 태어나서, 젊고 활력 넘치는 성장기를 거쳐, 투자기, 발전기의 과정으로 나아가며 일정한 지점에 이르게 되면 성숙과 힘을 성취한다 이 지점에 서 기술개발속도는 떨어지며, 발전 중이거나 새로이 산업화한 경제 속에서 다음 세대가 탄생한다. 이 새로운 세대가 낮은 코스트를 기반으로 힘을 성취해가게 됨에 따라, 초창기의 생산 기반에 자리잡은 구세대의 활력과 경쟁력은 점차 약화된다. 그리하면 구세대는 결실을 맺고 지루한 종반전(end-game)인 쇠 퇴기에 접어든다. 이러한 탄생, 쇠퇴 그리고 훨씬 낮은 코스트를 기반으로 하는 경제로의 이 전이라는 라이프사이클은 일부 중공업에서는 쉽게 관찰되지만. 그밖의 다른 산업분야에서는 명확하지 않다. 조선업의 경우는 어떠한가. 선진 조선국의 조선 업이 성숙기에서 그 경쟁력 유지가 가능할 것인가, 아니면 이들 산업이 일련 의 보다 낮은 코스트 지대로 옮겨가는 것이 필연적인가. 이 글에서 필자들은 전술한 라이프사이클이라는 분석틀을 사용하여 이 같은 물음과 관련된 몇 가지 문제를 살펴보고자 한다

      • KCI등재

        Comparison of dimensional accuracy between direct-printed and thermoformed aligners

        Nickolas Koenig,Jin-Young Choi,Julie McCray,Andrew Hayes,Patricia Schneider,Ki Beom Kim 대한치과교정학회 2022 대한치과교정학회지 Vol.52 No.4

        Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate and compare the dimensional accuracy between thermoformed and direct-printed aligners. Methods: Three types of aligners were manufactured from the same reference standard tessellation language (STL) file: thermoformed aligners were manufactured using Zendura FLXTM (n = 12) and Essix ACETM (n = 12), and direct-printed aligners were printed using Tera HarzTM TC-85DAP 3D Printer UV Resin (n = 12). The teeth were not manipulated with any tooth-moving software in this study. The samples were sprayed with an opaque scanning spray, scanned, imported to Geomagic® Control XTM metrology software, and superimposed on the reference STL file by using the best-fit alignment algorithm. Distances between the aligner meshes and the reference STL file were measured at nine anatomical landmarks. Results: Mean absolute discrepancies in the Zendura FLXTM aligners ranged from 0.076 ± 0.057 mm to 0.260 ± 0.089 mm and those in the Essix ACETM aligners ranged from 0.188 ± 0.271 mm to 0.457 ± 0.350 mm, while in the direct-printed aligners, they ranged from 0.079 ± 0.054 mm to 0.224 ± 0.041 mm. Root mean square values, representing the overall trueness, ranged from 0.209 ± 0.094 mm for Essix ACETM, 0.188 ± 0.074 mm for Zendura FLXTM, and 0.140 ± 0.020 mm for the direct-printed aligners. Conclusions: This study showed greater trueness and precision of direct-printed aligners than thermoformed aligners.


        ( Albert Koenig ),( Heng Li ) 한국폐기물자원순환학회 2002 APLAS Vol.2002 No.1

        Environmentally sustainable development requires a comprehensive understanding of the interactions between humans and the environment. Material flow analysis of the anthroposphere has been proposed in recent years as an important technique to assess the impact of human activities on the environment. In this study, copper was selected as an indicator of material flows through modem, industrialized society, using the Hong Kong SAR as an example. Based on existing data from various statistics, reports, and research findings, important copper fluxes in Hong Kong were quantitatively analyzed according to the different processes of external inputs/outputs, internal consumption, recycling, waste generation and disposal. Copper fluxes in different regimes of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere were also investigated and the interactions/linkages between the different regimes were estimated. Finally, a general copper balance diagram was established to reveal the spatial and temporal flow patterns of copper materials in Hong Kong. It was found that the largest annual input of copper (in the form of pure metal or alloys) into the system originates from human activities, accounting for more than 99.5% of the total copper input of 111 kt in 1999. More than 68% of the total copper input are recovered and recycled, with the major part of recycling taking place outside Hong Kong in Mainland China. Emissions of copper to the atmosphere, hydrosphere or lithosphere account for less than 1% of the total copper input, with most copper being discharged via sewage to ambient waters. About 32% of the copper materials are retained in Hong Kong, of which 20% are for infrastructure expansion and maintenance, while 11% eventually end up as waste in landfills. With the implementation of more high-level sewage treatment, most of the copper in sewage will be retained in the sludge and eventually end up in landfills, too. This means that landfills act as final sinks for about one third of the copper remaining in Hong Kong, and are thus being transformed into important future storage sites of copper, or, if improperly managed, into the biggest future sources of copper pollution.

      • KCI등재

        A new prototype melt-electrospinning device for the production of biobased thermoplastic sub-microfibers and nanofibers

        Kylie Koenig,Konrad Beukenberg,Fabian Langensiepen,Gunnar Seide 한국생체재료학회 2019 생체재료학회지 Vol.23 No.2

        Sub-microfibers and nanofibers have a high surface-to-volume ratio, which makes them suitable for diverse applications including environmental remediation and filtration, energy production and storage, electronic and optical sensors, tissue engineering, and drug delivery. However, the use of such materials is limited by the low throughput of established manufacturing technologies. This short report provides an overview of current production methods for sub-microfibers and nanofibers and then introduces a new melt-electrospinning prototype based on a spinneret with 600 nozzles, thereby providing an important step towards larger-scale production. The prototype features an innovative collector that achieves the optimal spreading of the fiber due to its uneven surface, as well as a polymer inlet that ensures even polymer distribution to all nozzles. We prepared a first generation of biobased fibers with diameters ranging from 1.000 to 7.000 μm using polylactic acid and 6% (w/w) sodium stearate, but finer fibers could be produced in the future by optimizing the prototype and the composition of the raw materials. Melt electrospinning using the new prototype is a promising method for the production of high-quality sub-microfibers and nanofibers.

      • 유해물질의 저감원으로서의 매립지의 역할 : 예, 구리 성분(홍콩)

        ( Albert Koenig ),( Heng Li ) 한국폐기물자원순환학회 2002 APLAS Vol.2002 No.2

        환경적으로 지속가능한 개발이란, 인간과 환경의 폭넓은 상호 이해를 필요로 한다. Anthroposphere의 물질수지 분석을 통해, 환경에 미치는 인간활동의 영향을 평가하기 위해 최근 중요한 기술이 제안되어져 왔다. 본 연구에서는, 홍콩의 SAR을 샘플로 이용하여, 산업화된 현대사회에서 중요한 지표로서 구리 성분을 선택하였다. 다양한 통계, 보고서, 자료수집을 통한 현존 자료에 근거하여, 홍콩에서의 주요한 구리 발생량을 외부 유입/유출, 내부소비, 재활용, 폐기물 발생과 처분 등의 다양한 공정에 따라 정량적으로 분석하였다. 대기권, 수권, 지권의 여러 영역에서의 구리 발생량이 조사되었고, 각 영역간의 상호작용/연계작용을 평가하였다. 결론적으로, 일반적인 구리의 물질 수지 도표는 홍콩의 구리성분에 대한 공간적, 시간적 흐름 패턴을 평가하기 위해 조사되었다. 인간활동으로부터 기인하는 system 내로 연간 유입되는 구리(순수 금속 또는 합금의 형태)는, 구리의 유입총량 111kt(1999년 기준)의 99.5%이상에 달한다. 총유입량의 68%이상이 회수되고 재활용되는데, 홍콩외부 중국 본토에서 재활용의 주된 비중을 차지한다. 대기, 수질, 지표로의 구리 방출량은, 구리 총유입량의 1%이하에 해당되는데 이는 하폐수의 형태로 지표수로 방류되는 과정에 기인한다. 32%의 구리가 홍콩에 잔류하게 되는데, 20%는 사회기본시설의 확대 및 유지로, 11%는 폐기물로서 매립지에 처분된다. 고도의 하수처리기술을 통해, 하수내의 대부분의 구리는 슬러지의 구성성분이 되고 이것은 매립지로 처분되어진다. 이는 매립지가 홍콩내에 잔류하는 3분의1에 해당하는 구리를 저감시키는 역할을 한다는 것을 알 수 있다. 이로써 매립지는 장래에 구리성분을 보유하는 저장소의 기능을 하는 것과 동시에, 부적절하게 관리된다면, 구리오염의 가장 큰 오염원이 된다는 것을 의미한다. Environmentally sustainable development requires a comprehensive understanding of the interactions between humans and the environment. Material flow analysis of the anthroposphere has been proposed in recent years as an important technique to assess the impact of human activities on the environment. In this study, copper was selected as an indicator of material flows through modem, industrialized society, using the Hong Kong SAR as an example. Based on existing data from various statistics, reports, and research findings, important copper fluxes in Hong Kong were quantitatively analyzed according to the different processes of external inputs/outputs, internal consumption, recycling, waste generation and disposal. Copper fluxes in different regimes of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere were also investigated and the interactions/linkages between the different regimes were estimated. Finally, a general copper balance diagram was established to reveal the spatial and temporal flow patterns of copper materials in Hong Kong. It was found that the largest annual input of copper (in the form of pure metal or alloys) into the system originates from human activities, accounting for more than 99.5% of the total copper input of 111 kt in 1999. More than 68% of the total copper input are recovered and recycled, with the major part of recycling taking place outside Hong Kong in Mainland China. Emissions of copper to the atmosphere, hydrosphere or lithosphere account for less than 1% of the total copper input, with most copper being discharged via sewage to ambient waters. About 32% of the copper materials are retained in Hong Kong, of which 20% are for infrastructure expansion and maintenance, while 11% eventually end up as waste in landfills. With the implementation of more high-level sewage treatment, most of the copper in sewage will be retained in the sludge and eventually end up in landfills, too. This means that landfills act as final sinks for about one third of the copper remaining in Hong Kong, and are thus being transformed into important future storage sites of copper, or, if improperly managed, into the biggest future sources of copper pollution.

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