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        The Study of the Effect of Transportation on Issuerelevant Thoughts in Narrative Persuasion

        Kitae Kim(Kitae Kim),Jisoo Park(Jisoo Park) 글로벌지식융합학회 2023 지식융합연구 Vol.6 No.1

        기존의 설득 내러티브(persuasive narratives) 연구에서는 독자의 내러티브의 몰입(transportation)이 내러티브에서 논하는 이슈에 관한 생각과 비판적 사고를 방해한다는 ‘몰입과 이슈 관련 사고의 양립불가능 원칙(the principle of incompatibility of transportation and issue-relevant thought)’을 제시하였다. 그러나 이전 연구에서는 설득적 의도가 명확하지 않은 내러티브를 사용한 경우가 많았다. 본 연구는 개인의 인지적 반응을 수집하기 위해 활용되는 ‘사고 목록 작성(thought-listing)’ 방법을 원용하여, 109명의 대학생에게 기존의 연구와는 달리 좀 더 노골적이고 명확한 설득의도를 가진 메시지로 위 원칙을 테스트해보았다. 본 연구결과는 위 원칙에 반대되는 결과를 보여주었는데, 내러티브에 몰입한 정도는 이슈에 대한 생각의 긍·부정 여부는 상관없이 이슈에 관한 생각 정도와 부적 상관관계를 가지지 않았으며 심리적 반발심(PR)이나 논리적 반박(CA)과 같은 설득에의 저항도 이슈에 관한 생각정도와 유의미한 관계를 나타나지 않았다. 즉, 본 연구결과는 설득 목적 내러티브의 이슈에 관한 생각과 비판적 사고는 내러티브에 대한 몰입보다 내러티브의 설득의도가 이야기 속에 얼마나 명확하게 제시되는 지에 더 큰 영향을 받을 수 있다는 점을 시사한다. The previous research of persuasive narrative messages has suggested that transportation into narratives prohibits issue-relevant thinking and critical thoughts on the issue, which is known as “the principle of incompatible of transportation and issue-relevant thought”. However, the previous research did not use narrative appeals with explicit persuasive intent and strong argument. Furthermore, the issues in the narratives were often not personally relevant. Hence, employing thought-listing techniques, this study tested the principle with persuasive narrative messages that had more explicit persuasive intention and more relevant issue to the participants. The findings of this study contradicts the principle: the extent to which the participants were transported into the story was not negatively associated with the number of issue-relevant thoughts, regardless of the valence of the thoughts. Consequently, this study suggests whether people are willing to think about the issue of persuasive narrative messages may be more related to the how explicitly the persuasive intent in narratives is presented in the narratives rather than transportation into the narratives.

      • A Study on the Operation of Education Using Library Using Flip Learning Techniques: Focusing on ubiquitous E-learning that reflects gaming elements

        KiTae KIM(KiTae KIM),HoSung WOO(HoSung WOO) 한국4차산업학회 2022 4차산업연구 Vol.2 No.2

        Purpose - The purpose is to present an efficient library-use education model in the form of flip learning, reflecting traditional teaching methods and gamification elements even in such non-face-to-face and face-to-face situations after COVID-19. Research design, data, and methodology - Research on library use education, research on ubiquitous environment and gamification instructional design, flip the learning, and gamification elements are classified, compared, and analyzed to present educational models for library education, COVID-19 Pandemic situation, and subsequent library use education. Result - We propose an e-learning content development strategy for flipped learning-based library education. First, benchmark and use the existing educational contents. Second, a user-friendly interface is configured so that learners can flexibly organize their learning contents. Third, it allows learners to experience it directly or indirectly in a virtual space. Conclusion - If the e-learning environment can be standardized to the level of schools or educational institutions, a good educational model that can be used not only in library user education but also in other fields will be possible.

      • KCI등재

        An Extension of Information Manipulation Theory to Explain Cultural Similarities and Differences in Deception between South Korea and the U.S.

        Kitae Kim,Shin-Il Moon,Hyeonjeong Hwang 한국소통학회 2020 한국소통학보 Vol.19 No.4

        본 연구는 정보조작이론(Information Manipulation Theory: IMT)을 적용 및 확 장하여, 거짓말에 있어 한국과 미국 간의 문화적 차이점과 유사점을 살펴보았다. 특히 ‘눈치’라는 한국의 문화 특수적인 개념이 특정 언술의 ‘허위성(deceptiveness)’판단에 있어 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 체계적으로 탐구하였다. 2 (문화: 한국과 미국) × 2 (위 반의 현저성: 노골적 ·은밀한) × 5 (위반의 유형: 진실, 질적 위반, 양적 위반, 화제전 환, 회피)의 요인설계 실험디자인을 통해 각 변수의 주효과와 상호작용효과를 검증하였 다. 위반의 현저성과 위반의 유형은 집단 내 요인들(within subject factor)로 총 455 명의 실험참여자(199명의 한국인과 256명의 미국인)들은 주어진 10개 메시지들의 허위 성을 평가하였다. 선행 IMT 연구결과들과 일관되게 한국, 미국 실험참여자들 모두 ‘질 적 위반’을 다른 유형의 위반 메시지들보다 더‘거짓된’것으로 평가하였다. 그러나 미국 참여자들과는 달리 한국 참여자들은 눈치 메시지를 노골적인 위반 메시지보다 덜 허위 적인 메시지로 판단하였다. 그리고 문화적 차이와 위반의 현저성 변수 간의 이변수 상 호작용 효과는‘위반의 유형’변수에 의해 조절되는 것으로 나타났다. 구체적으로 한국인 들은‘양적 위반’과 ‘화제전환’의 경우 눈치 메시지(현저한 위반)를 미국인들보다 훨씬 덜 허위적인 메시지로 평가하였다. Using Information Manipulation Theory (IMT), the current study examines the cultural similarities and differences in deception between Koreans and Americans. In addition, this research investigates how moderating factors and the culture-specific variable (i..e., nunch’i) affect the deceptiveness rating. An experiment examined both main and interaction effects for culture, condition, and violation type; a 2 (country: Korea and the U.S.) × 2 (condition: covert violation and nunch’i) × 5 (violation type: baseline, quality, quantity, relevance, and manner violation messages) mixed model analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted. A total of 455 subjects including 199 Americans and 256 Koreans participated in the experiment. Consistent with the IMT literature, the results indicated that both Korean and Americans evaluated quality violation messages as more deceptive than any other type of violation messages. Besides, this study found that while Koreans evaluated nunch’i messages as less deceptive than covert violation, Americans did not. Finally, it was found that Koreans viewed nunch’i messages (i.e., overt violation messages) for quantity and manner violation as significantly less deceptive than Americans.

      • KCI등재

        Expression of Heat Shock Proteins by Heat Stress in Soybean

        ( Kitae Song ),( Won Cheol Yim ),( Byung-moo Lee ) 한국육종학회 2017 Plant Breeding and Biotechnology Vol.5 No.4

        Heat stress is one of the factors disturb productivity and growth of plants. Many genes including heat shock protein (HSP), heat shock transcription factors (HSF) and chaperones, were identified and characterized in many plants to play role in increased tolerance to abiotic stress. To reveal responsive gene to heat stress, we performed RNA-seq using two Korean soybean varieties under heat stress and normal conditions. The transcripts were analyzed, and we obtained 2,458 genes including 46 co-up regulation and 55 co-down regulated genes in both soybean varieties. We also revealed HSPs, HSFs and chaperones in the differentially expressed genes using BLAST and Pfam analyzation and verified expression changes under heat stress. Finally, we find 68 genes involved in HSP, HSF, chaperones in heat responsive genes associated increasing heat tolerance. As a result, relatively small HSP families were up regulated and continuously expressed in long period heat stress. On the other hand, large molecule HSPs, HSFs and chaperonin did not response to long heat stress. The expression profiling and characterization provide invaluable information to understand heat tolerance of soybean.

      • KCI등재

        Nonlinear Thomson Scattering for Attosecond X-ray Pulse Generation

        Kitae Lee,Seong Hee Park,Young Uk Jeong 한국물리학회 2006 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.48 No.4

        Coherent nonlinear Thomson scattering using a relativistic electron beam has been obtained and can be used to generate attosecond X-ray pulses. When the laser intensity becomes relativistic (>1018 W/cm2), an electron conducts relativistic oscillatory motion, causing radiation with a harmonic spectrum. Under a plane-wave approximation, an analytic formula to describe the coherent spectrum generated from an electron beam has been developed. This formula leads to a condition, under which the radiations scattered from different electrons in an electron beam might coherently add. We find that with an electron beam of a few tens of nanometers in length, an X-ray pulse with a pulse length of a few tens of attoseconds can be generated. Including the finite focal size of the laser pulse, we have estimated that a few tens of terawatts will be required to demonstrate coherent nonlinear Thomson scattering.

      • KCI등재

        CT Lymphangiography with Contrast Medium Injection into the Perianal Subcutaneous Region in a Dog with Chylothorax

        Kitae Kim,Sangkyung Choen,Jaewoo Hwang,Moonjung Jang,Junghee Yoon,Mincheol Choi 한국임상수의학회 2018 한국임상수의학회지 Vol.35 No.6

        A 7-year-old intact female Shih-Tzu with chylothorax was presented. Percutaneous popliteal computedtomographic lymphangiography was performed to evaluate the thoracic duct and seek any potential cause of chylothorax. Despite two attempts, visualization of the thoracic duct failed and perianal subcutaneous computed tomographiclymphangiography with injection of iodinated, nonionic water-soluble contrast medium (0.6 ml/kg) was performed. Asingle branch of intact thoracic duct and dilated and tortuous lymphatics were detected. It was diagnosed as idiopathicchylothorax. Perianal subcutaneous lymphangiography is considered a less-invasive, easy and reliable method tovisualize lymphatics in patients with chylothorax.

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