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      • 氣 發生器에 대한 기초적인 연구 : SY 201을 중심으로

        김경철,이용태 동의대학교 한의학연구소 1999 동의한의연구 Vol.3 No.-

        In order to study of the oriental medical engineering, the Qigong infrasound treatment apparatus is analysed. The result is followed; 1. SY-201 type Qigong infrasound treatment apparatus is composed oscillator, amp, transducer. 2. The Qi production process is analyzed that EM wave changed wave of superlow frequency and penetrated the human body deeply.

      • 生體 氣의 波動 刺戟과 受容에 대한 硏究

        김경철,이용태 동의대학교 한의학연구소 2000 동의한의연구 Vol.4 No.-

        파동의 자극에 따른 수용의 문제를 감각기를 중심으로 살펴본 바, 1. 생체 氣의 파동 경계에 따른 자극과 감각기의 수용은 감각기관과 이에 상응하는 波動의 연계로 관찰된다. 2. 파동에 실린 정보는 나름대로의 구별되는 패턴이 있으며, 여러 형태의 파동들이 서로 정보를 전달하는 것은 共??을 통해서 이루어진다. 3. 波動論에는 파동의 패턴을 타고 발현하는 측면과 패턴 그 자체를 말하는 兩面으로 설명된다. 4. 波動의 合이 살아 움직이는 생체를 만들고 우주를 형성하는 것은 여러 가지 파동 패턴들이 모여 구성 요소들 이상의 상승작용을 함으로써, 새로운 場이 생겨남을 의미한다. 패턴이란 일종의 정보라고 할 수 있으며, 정보는 비물질적인 것으로 물질적 근원자의 배열과 조합이라고 할 수 있을 것이다. 모든 존재는 파동인 것이며, 아울러 생체 氣에 대한 파동 중심의 氣一元論의 과학적인 연구 방법론이 마련된다고 생각된다. The problems of reception attendent on the stimulation of wave is observed centering around the sensory organ. The results is as follows: 1. The wave-stimulation of the bio-KI and the reception of the sensory-organ is observed the connection of the sensory-organ and it's corresponding wave. 2. The informations recorded in the wave are distinguished patternly. And the several shaping waves transmit the informations each other through the resonnance. 3. The wave theory is explained the LEE(理) as the wave-pattern and the KI(氣) as revelation of the patterned-wave in the LEE-KI theory(理氣論), moreover the SHIN(神) as the information of the wave-pattern and the Kl as the energy of the wave and the JEUNG(精) as the material of the wave in the JEUNG-KI_SHIN theory(精氣神論). In this point, the study on the wave-resonance of bio-Kl is thought that it is significantly in the study method for oriental medicine. 4. The sum of the wave makes the moving body and forms the universe. It means that the several wave patterns gather and form new field. The pattern is a kind of the information and the information is not materially. The information of wave-pattern is the arrangement and the combination of the material source.

      • KCI등재

        Ti-Ni-Cu 형상기억합금의 형상회복력

        김유영,남태현,허경철 대한금속재료학회(대한금속학회) 1995 대한금속·재료학회지 Vol.33 No.10

        Shape recovery force of Ti-50.2Ni and Ti-(50-X)Ni-XCu(at%)(X=5-20) shape memory alloys was measured by means of constant temperature tensile tests. Shape recovery force is almost independent of deformation temperature when deformation was made at temperatures below martensitic transformation start temperarure, Ms. However, it decreases significantly with rising deformation temperature when deformation was made at temperatures above Ms. In Ti-50.2Ni and Ti-45Ni-5Cu alloys whose transformation behaviour is B2(cubic)-B19'(monoclinic), shape recovery force increases with increasing prestrain from 2% to 4%, while keeps almost constant in Ti-Ni-Cu alloys whose Cu-content is above 10at% in which transformation occurs from B2 to B19(orthorhombic). The maximum shape recovery force decreases with increasing Cu-content.

      • KCI등재

        무지개송어의 생리학적 성전환과 자성발생 2배체 유도

        Cheul Ho Lee(이철호),Dae-Jung Kim(김대중),Chang Hwa Jeong(정창화),Gyeong Cheol Choi(최경철),Chae Sung Lee(이채성),Dong Soo Kim(김동수) 한국생명과학회 2010 생명과학회지 Vol.20 No.11

        본 연구는 무지개송어 양식 산업의 생산성 향상을 위해 전 암컷 무지개송어 대량생산을 위한 일환으로 성호르몬에 의한 생리학적 성전환과 자성발생 2배체어를 유도하였다. 생리학적으로 성전환된 수컷을 만들기 위하여 부화 후 첫 먹이를 먹는 시기에 웅성호르몬인 17 alpha-methyltestosterone (MT) 5 ㎎을 사료에 흡착시켜 사육수온 13℃에서 적산수온 800℃까지 처리한 결과 96.7%의 수컷 유도율을 보였다. 또한 정상 수컷 정액을 이용하여 수정 10분 후 28oC에서 20분간 고온 처리하여 61.7%의 자성발생 2배체가 유도되었다. This study was conducted to increase the efficiency of farming practice in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, by sex reversal and chromosome-set manipulation techniques. To obtain phenotypic males, hormonal sex reversal was carried out using an exogenous hormone treatment method. 5 ㎎ of 17 alpha-methyltestosterone per kg diet was supplied for 82 days after first feeding at 10℃ and 13℃. More than 93% of the male population was produced by this method and growth of hormone-treated fish at 13℃ was faster than that of untreated bi-sexual groups. Induced diploid gynogenesis was carried out using artificial insemination of UV-irradiated sperm into haploid eggs. Based on the appearance of the rate of haploid syndrome and survival of embryo, a UV ray dose of at least 3,600 erg/㎠ was required to inactivate rainbow trout sperm genetically. Haploid embryos were restored to diploid by blocking the extrusion of the second polar body using heat shock treatment at 28℃ for 20 min, 10 min post insemination. Gynogenetic diploid sex ratios were confirmed after maturation of the fish erythrocyte measurements and chromosome counts.

      • 內徑에 나타난 局所 部位 望診에 대한 硏究

        김경철,이용태 동의대학교 한의학연구소 2000 동의한의연구 Vol.4 No.-

        內經에 나타난 局部 望診에 대한 내용을 연구한 바, 人體 左右의 差異·治病의 理致·人體의 陰陽·人體의 ??成 등은 自然과 인체의 ???? 理致로 설명된다. 五臟六腑의 機能 및 異常 狀態는 外部 形象에 영향을 끼치므로 診斷 지표로 활용할 수 있다. 經脈은 氣의 循環路로서 內部 臟器의 상태를 外部로 表出하므로, 經脈이 지니는 部位의 皮膚나 筋의 상태를 관찰함으로써 病證을 미루어 알 수 있다. 形象과 色의 관계에서 色은 얼굴에서 특히 눈과 코에서 잘 드러남을 알 수 있다. 部位別로 身體의 各都分을 觀察함으로써 臟腑·四肢·關節·顔面 등이 모두 聯係되어 있음을 알 수 있다. The contents on the local region's inspection in "NAE-GYUNG" are studied. The results are as follows: 1. The nature and the human are corresponded. The natural law has effect on the difference of the right and left on the human body, the prince of the therapy, the compostion of the human body. 2. The external phenomena of the human body are affected the normal functions and the pathological conditions of the five Jang organs ? six Bu orfans. If it is observed closely, it can be used the diagnosis. 3. If the conditions of the skins and the muscles in the region of merdians are obserbed, the symptoms of diseased can be recognized. 4. The human-body's colors are observed closely on the face, the nose and the eyes. These reflect the conditions of the internal organs. 5. Therefore the human-body's physiology and pathology can be recognized by the the inspection of the local body-form in "NAE-GYUNG"

      • KCI등재

        무지개송어의 자성발생2배체 성전환 수컷을 이용한 전 암컷 생산

        Cheul Ho Lee(이철호),Dae-Jung Kim(김대중),Chang Hwa Jeong(정창화),Gyeong Cheol Choi(최경철),Chae Sung Lee(이채성),Dong Soo Kim(김동수) 한국생명과학회 2010 생명과학회지 Vol.20 No.12

        본 연구는 무지개송어 양식 산업의 생산성 향상을 위한 일환으로 염색체공학 기법을 이용하여 전 암컷 무지개 송어의 대량생산을 유도 하였다. 자성발생 2배체를 유도한 후 17 alpha-methyltestosteron으로 성전환을 성공적으로 유도하였다. 성전환된 수컷에서는 일반 암컷 모양을 띤 생식소가 형성 되었으나, 수정관의 발달은 보이지 않는 전형적인 성전환 개체의 특징을 나타내었다. 성전환된 자성발생 2배체 가짜수컷을 이용하여 정상 암컷과 단순교배로 발안율 55.7%, 부화율 52.9%의 전 암컷 집단 97,850 마리를 얻을 수 있었고, 4개월 사육 후 치어기(6~7 ㎝) 때의 생식소 확인 결과 100% 암컷임이 확인되었다. This study was conducted to increase the efficiency of farming practice in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, by sex reversal and chromosome-set manipulation techniques. Induction of sex-reversed gynogenetic diploid rainbow trout males and mass production of all-female rainbow trout by genetic sex reversal was performed. Phenotypic males in the gynogenetic diploid group were induced successfully by dietary administration of 5 ㎎ of 17 alpha-methyltestosterone per kg diet for 82 days. All females were produced by crossing between normal female and sex-reversed gynogenetic diploid male rainbow trout.

      • KCI등재

        Acute mediastinitis secondary to delayed vascular injury by a central venous catheter and total parenteral nutrition

        Byeon, Gyeong-Jo,Kim, Eun-Jung,Yoon, Ji-Young,Yoon, Seok-Hyun,Woo, Mi-Na,Kim, Cheul-Hong The Korean Dental Society of Anesthsiology 2015 Journal of Dental Anesthesia and Pain Medicine Vol.15 No.1

        Vascular injury caused by a central venous catheter (CVC) has been reported to be a rare complication, especially delayed vascular injury due to CVC has a few cases and it can be fatal because of delayed recognition and more serious complications. A 59-year-old woman with no available medical history was admitted for treatment of ovarian cancer. For the surgery, a triple-lumen CVC was placed through the left subclavian vein. Parenteral nutrition through the CVC was used for postoperative nutritional management in the first postoperative day. On the sixth postoperative day (POD), the patient suddenly complained of dyspnea. The CT revealed bilateral pleural effusion and irregular soft tissue density and air bubble in anterior mediastinum suggesting migration of the distal portion of the CVC into the anterior mediastium. In the intensive care unit (ICU) bilateral thoracentesis and percutaneous drainage were performed. She was discharged from the ICU in 3 days later and transferred to the general ward. This case emphasizes the possibility of the delayed vascular injury related to CVC and some strategies for prevention of vascular injury.

      • KCI등재

        수면 박탈이 혈동태에 끼치는 영향

        김경철,Kim Gyeong-Cheul 대한예방한의학회 1999 대한예방한의학회지 Vol.3 No.1

        The effects of Wang-ttum, Magnetic Water, Magnetic field and Sibjeondaebotang on hemodynamics in sleep deprivation were studied. The results as follows; 1. In case of Wang-ttum operated group, significant changes were observed at 12 p.m., 2 a.m., 4 a.m. in maximum blood pressure for the first and second overnight stay and at 2 a.m. for the third and, respectively, average blood pressure at 12 p.m., 2 a.m. for the 1st and 2nd overnight stay, minimum blood pressure at 10 p.m.. 12 p.m.. 2 a.m. for the 1st overnight stay and at 10 p.m., 12 p.m. for the 2nd and at 12 p.m. for the 3rd, pulse rate at 12 p.m., 2 a.m., 4 a.m., 6 a.m., for 1st and 2nd and at 2 a.m., 4 a.m. for the 3rd and 4th, TP-KS at 12 p.m., 2 a.m., 4 a.m., 6 a.m. for the 1st and 2nd and at 2 a.m., 4 a.m., 6 a.m. for the 3rd, PRP at 10 p.m., 12 p.m., 2 a.m., 4 a.m., 6 a.m. for the 1st and 2nd and at 12 p.m., 2 a.m., 4 a.m. for the 3rd and at 2 a.m., 4 a.m. for the 4th, TPR at 10 p.m., 12 p.m., 2 a.m., 4 a.m., 6 a.m. from 1st to 4th overnight stay. 2. In case of taking magnetic water group, significant changes were observed at 2 a.m., 4 a.m. in pulse rate for the 1st overnight stay and, respectively, PRP at 2 a.m. for the 1st, TRP at 10 p.m., 12 p.m., 2 a.m., 4 a.m., 6 a.m. for the 1st and 4th. 3. In case of attaching magnet group, TPR was significantly observed at 10 p.m. for the 1st overnight stay. 4. In case of medicating Sibjeondaebotang group, significant changes were observed at 10 p.m., 12 p.m., 2 a.m., 4 a.m., 6 a.m. in maximum blood pressure for the 1st and 2nd overnight stay and at 12 p.m., 2 a.m., 4 a.m., 6 a.m. for the 3rd and at 2 a.m., 4 a.m., 6 a.m. for the 4th and, respectively, average blood pressure at 10 p.m., 12 p.m. for the 1st and 2nd and at 10 p.m. for the 3rd and 4th, minimum blood pressure at 10 p.m., 12 p.m. from 1st to 4th, pulse rate at 2 a.m., 4 a.m., 6 a.m. from 1st to 3rd and at 2 a.m., 4 a.m. for the 4th, TP-KS at 10 p.m., 12 p.m., 2 a.m., 4a.m., 6 a.m. for the 1st and at 10 p.m., 2 a.m., 4 a.m., 6 a.m. for the 2nd and at 2 a.m., 4 a.m., 6 a.m. for the 3rd and at 6 a.m. for the 4th, PRP at 12 p.m., 2 a.m., 4 a.m., 6 a.m. for the 1st and at 10 p.m., 12 p.m., 2 a.m., 4 a.m., 6 a.m. for the 2nd and 3rd and at 12 p.m., 2 a.m., 4 a.m., 6 a.m. for the 4th, TPR at 10 p.m., 12 p.m., 2 a.m., 4 a.m., 6 a.m. from 1st to 4th. As mentioned obove, the effects of Wangttum and Sibjeondaebotang on hemodynamics in sleep deprivation were observed both the impulse of SIM-YANG and mutual function of QI-HYOL. The effects of Magnetic water and Magnetic field were observed the side of mutual function of QI-HYOL.

      • KCI등재

        생체(生體) 기(氣)의 파동(波動) 공명적(共鳴的)인 연구(硏究) 현황(現況)

        김경철,홍미숙,Kim Gyeong-Cheul,Hong Mi-Suk 대한예방한의학회 2000 대한예방한의학회지 Vol.4 No.1

        The present condition of study on the wave-resonance for the bio-KI is observed. The results are as follows: 1. Tn the wave-resonant stand point, the tendency of studying on KI is showed in the several field all over the world. 2. Because it is originated radionics, the wave-resonant tools of MRA insistenting minute-magnetism-resonance-apparatus need the more severe data in the side of electric circuit. 3. The wave resonance apparatus according to the frequency occurance transmits low-frequency's vibration ratio to the electric stimulating aspect. 4. The wave-water is considered on the application of wave-resonance transcription on the water, and needs the comprehension of torsion-field level.

      • Immunostimulatory Polysaccharide Fractionated from Liquid Culture by Phellinus linteus Mycelium

        Hyun Young Shin,Hoon Kim,Hyun-Gyeong Kim,Eun-Jin Jeong,Jung-Cheul Shin,Sang-Young Choi,Hyung Joo Suh,Sung-Kwon Moon,Kwang-Won Yu 한국식품영양과학회 2021 한국식품영양과학회 학술대회발표집 Vol.2021 No.10

        To evaluate the industrial applicability of liquid ferment by Phellinus linteus mycelium to postbiotics for intestinal immunostimulation, liquid ferment fractionated into hot-water extract (PL-HW & PM-HW) and crude polysaccharide (PL-CP & PM-CP) from whole culture (PL) or mycelium (PM), and exopolysaccharide (EPS) from culture supernatant. Innate immunostimulating activity using RAW 264.7 cell line showed that EPS induced the most effective production of macrophage activating cytokine and nitric oxide. EPS stimulated the production of Th1-activated cytokines such as TNF-α and IFN-γ in splenocytes, which also suggested an effect on cell-mediated adaptive immune activation. General chemical analysis showed that the immunostimulatory EPS was composed high ratio of neutral sugar, and a small amount of uronic acid, protein, and polyphenols. Component sugar analysis indicated that EPS was composed high proportion of glucose, and small amounts of mannose, galactose, and glucuronic acid. Thus, it was confirmed that glucan-type exopolysaccharide fractionated from culture supernatant of P. linteus mycelium can promote both innate and adaptive immune cell stimulation.

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