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      • 水産物 都賣流通 市場의 改善方案에 관한 硏究

        金淸烈 東亞大學校 大學院 1998 大學院論文集 Vol.23 No.-

        Along with the recently rapid progress in industrialization and urbanization of the national economy, a great change has arisen inthe structures of prodution and consumption of high protein Marine Products. Therefore, as the distribution of Marine Products involves generally the business activities and services related to the flow by which produced marine Products is transferred to the customers, the price of marine products is fixed through the process of its distribution. This process of pricing is a variable in wholesale distribution, and causes some problems in the three areas of fixing the price, management of the wholesale market and information on distribution. Thus I researched these problems wiht conclusions as follows; 1.The process of pricing is a necessary component in the economy of distribution, but a problem hinders fixing the fair market price because it has a unnecessary margin through five or six stages of the distribution route. 2.Judging from the management of the wholesale market and information on distribution, the wholesale market is small-scale and its facilities are outworn, and moreover its working capital is deficient. In this respect not only improving the management of the market but also promoting the efficiency of the distribution business can be easily ignored. And as information on distribution, an important variable in the economy of distribution, has been managed by the various organizations, it is not helpful for the real participants in distribution. 3.in order to increase fishermen's income, stabilize customer price and ensure the distributor's proper profit, the aim of the policy to solve the above problems should be to put their stress on changing the market so that the value added from distribution may be equally divided by fair trade in each stage of distribution in which shortening the process of distribution and reducing the social expenses result.

      • KCI등재
      • Social Changes of Digital Economy

        Cheong Yeoul Kim 한국로고스경영학회 2007 한국로고스경영학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.2007 No.7월

        Digital means a way of treating data on digit-to-digit basis. It ensures certainty and preciseness. Digital technology is to convert analogue signals into text ones. Connection between the technology and an international information network like the Internet is accelerating information telecommunication development which is characterized by unlimited memorization and light-speed communication. The development is leading computers to be a true multi-media and further opening an era of new economy and social order, that is. the era of digital economy. Digital economy means an economy. in which the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services depend mainly on digitalized and networked information and knowledge. In the economy, electronic commerce, which is based on the information telecommunication industry and the Internet, plays a critical role. In the era of digital economy, not only economy itself, but also all aspects of society cannot help being rapidly changed.

      • KCI등재

        Current State and Rational Management of the Distribution Warehouses of Enterprises in Asia and Europe

        Kim Cheong Yeoul 아시아유럽미래학회 2012 유라시아연구 Vol.9 No.2

        재화(Goods)의 생산(production)은 소비(consumption)를 목적으로 한다. 「국부론」(An inquirt into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations 1776)의 저자 Adam Smith가 동 저서에서 “소비는 최종단계이고 모든 생산의 목적이다.” (Consmption is the sole end and purpose of all production) 라고 했듯이, 특수한 경우를 제외하고는 다소의 차이는 있겠지만 재화의 공간적 이동(Spacial Movement)과 시간적 이동(Time movement)으로 이루어지며 공간적 이동은 운반과 운송(Transport)으 로 나타나고 시간적 이동은 보관(Storage)의 형태로 나타난다. 시간적 이동은 재화의 현상을 지속하고 보전을 목적으로 하지만 재화의 종류별로 화학적 변화를 목적으로 하기로 한다. 재화의 존재를 유지하는 방법을 나무상자, 유리, 종이 주머니 등을 사용할 수 있고 물자의 생활의 향상과 발전에 있어서 재화량 의 증가를 반감시키는 도난, 수해, 수난 또는 변질을 방지하기 위한 주거설비나 공장물 소위 창고 (warehouse)가 출현 한 것이다. 창고 즉 물적유통을 일컬어서 P.F.Drucker교수는 “경제학에 있어서의 아프리카대륙” 또는 기업이 취 하여야 할 “제3의 이윤원”이라 할 정도로 이에 대한 표현을 각종의 미사여구로 찬사를 아끼지 않았다, 그도 그럴 것이 현대에 있어서 이 분야의 중요성은 날이 갈수록 더해가고 있는 실정이며 이에 대한 관심 의 표명자가 눈에 띄게 늘어나고 있다. 이는 오늘날의 기업이 원재료의 절감은 가격경쟁을 지양하고 품질경쟁으로의 국가경쟁력을 압도하려는 기업의 전략에 차질이 생기게 하며 노무비의 절감은 종업원의 사기저하, 노사분규의 조장 우려, 생산 성 저하 등으로 이어질 가능성이 있으며 관리비의 절감은 오늘날 기업의 대명제인 목표관리(MBO) 실 현을 원만히 수행하기 위해서는 상위자가 일방적으로 예산과 비용의 억제는 종용할 수가 없으며 기업이 그 구성원들로부터 거래하는 것은 어디까지나 관리에 대한 결과이지 원인과 과정을 통제(management by control)할 수 없는 입장이다. 여기서는 유일하게 으로 포착할 수 있는 부분이 소위 이윤원로써 포착 할 수 있는 물류분야로써 수송, 하역, 보관, 포장, 유통가공, 정보 등의 제 분과가 있는데 특히 본고에서 는 경영학의 고도로 남아있는 보관 즉 창고업에 대해서 필을 들었다. 이 분야는 체계적인 학문적 이론이 전무하고 연구의도가 없으며 실무에서도 주먹구구식으로 경영을 해오고 있는 것이 실상이어서 이에 대 한 필요성도 느끼지 않을 만큼 답보상태에 있다. 앞으로 이에 대한 연구가 활발히 진행되어야 겠다는 생 각 하에서 그의 활성화 방안의 일환으로 물류창고를 중심으로 고찰했다. 물류창고의 정의(definition of warehouse)는 아직 확정된 것은 아니지만 일반적으로 물품을 저장 또는 보관하는 장소를 의미한다. 그런 의미에서 4개의 창고를 예를 들어서 정의를 내릴 수 있으니 자가창고, 영업창고, 공유(公有)창고, 임대창고를 들 수 있다. 이 분류와 이들 창고에 대한 것을 차례로 조사하겠지 만 일반적 정의는 창고에 속하는 기업에 한해서 규정된 것이고 일정 불변한 것은 아니다. 자가창고는 물자(Materials, parts, products, merchandise)를 손모, 품질저하, 멸실 하지않고 안전하게 저장, 보관, 재고관리, 수요공급을 조절하고 생산활동, 판매활동, 소비활동을 도와주는 건물, 공작물, 토 지, 지중(地中), 수면, 수중, 공중을 말한다. 영업창고는 물품의 멸실, 또는 손상을 방지하기 위한 공작물, 또는 물품의 멸실 또는 손상을 방지하기 위한 토지 또는 수면이기도 하고 물품보관에 제공되는 것을 말한다. 공유(公有)창고는 관공서 또는 그것에 준하는 공공기업체가 물자를 공익을 목적으로 저장, 보관하는 건조물, 공작물, 토지, 지중(地中), 수면, 수중, 공중으로 일컬을 수 있다. 임대창고는 영업창고업자이외의 기업체나 개인 소유의 건조물, 공작물을 임대료를 받고 다음 기업체 나 개인에게 물자를 저장, 보관할 목적으로 제공되는 건조물이나 공작물을 말하며 기업 물류분야에서는 물류거점시설인 물류센터인 창고가 차지하는 비중이 날로 증대되고 있다. 물류서비스에 대한 평가가 단 순 수송에 따른 공간적 이동에 의한 부가가치를 창출하는데 비해 공급의 시간적 조절, 수요패턴에 대한 대응력증진, 공급관리 등을 통한 공급의 질적 향상 등에 따른 기대효과가 커지고 있다. 국내의 경제활동 은 물론이고 국제적으로도 이미 하나의 시대적 추세로, 또 필연적 현상으로 대두돼 있는 상황이다. 그럼 에도 불구하고 국내에서의 물류창고산업에 대한 인식은 매우 저조한 수준이다. 우리나라의 총 물류비는 2004년도 기준 GDP의 11.9%인데 비하여, 미국은 8.4%, 일본은 8.3%이다. 기업 물류비는 2005년도 기준 매출액의 9.7%인데 미국은 7.5%, 일본은 4.8%로 물류비 증가가 우리나라의 기업과 국가경쟁력의 저해 요인이 되고 있다. 따라서 본고에서는 보관물류의 중요한 한 요소인 항만창고를 중심으로 창고경영의 필 요성과 목적, 창고의 종류 그리고 보관물류의 합리적 경영에 관한 실무적 논점을 제시하는데 그 목적이 있다. The goal of goods production lies in consumption. In his writing, 「An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations」(1776), Adam Smith said Consumption is the sole end and purpose of all production. Except some special occasions, goods are usually supposed to undergo both spatial and temporal movement. The former movement has the form of transport and the latter, the form of storage. Temporal movement aims to maintain the status quo of goods, but sometimes seeks to do chemical changes in goods according to their types. To keep goods as they are, wooden boxes, glass and paper bags may be used. Warehouses are facilities in residence or buildings in factory that were created to prevent theft, flood disaster, deterioration and any other cases that can inhibit increase in the volume of goods as materials contributing to life enhancement and development. Professor P. F. Drucker called warehousing, that is, business for physical distribution as the African continental in economics and the third source of profits that enterprises have to take. With other fine praises, additionally, he stressed the value of warehousing. Today, the importance of warehousing is becoming more and more and an increaing number of people are paying much attention to that field. Enterprises's reduction in material cost may be an obstacle to their business strategy that aims to overwhelm international competitors through product quality competition rather than price competition. Reduction in labor cost may demoralize employees, provoke labor-management disputes and lower productivity. Reduction in management expenses is not easy because the smooth realization of management by objectives(MBO) as the grand cause of enterprises requests high-position officials of enterprises not to suppress business budgets and costs, or management expenses. What enterprises transact with their members is the outcome of management, not management by control, or more accurately, management by the control of its cause and process. Only managerial area that enterprises can take the source of profits is physical distribution which can be classified into fields like transport, unloading, packing, distribution and processing, and information. The field on which this study focuses is storage, that is, warehousing that is still untouched by the studies of business administration. That field has been neither theoretically organized, nor attempted to be researched. And it is fact that warehouses have been and are still managed and operated unsystematically. To make it worse, there's little or no recognition about the need to operate and manage warehouses in systematic or organized manners. This study discusses warehousing, especially focusing on warehouses for physical distribution, as a part of efforts to promote researches on warehousing Though not certainly defined, warehouse generally means a place where physical things are stored or kept. It includes private, business, public, leased warehouses and so on. The general definition of warehouse is just made from the view of enterprises that have or use the facility, so it is not permanent. First, the private warehouse is used to keep private materials, parts, products and merchandises from loss, degradation and damage, helping inventory management, supply-demand control, production, selling and consumption. The private warehouse may be located in a building, structure, land, underground, water surface, underwater or the air. Second, the business warehouse is used to store things from other enterprises and keep them safe, unbroken and undamaged. It may be located in a structure, land or water surface. Third, the public warehouse is a place where public offices or public businesses store or keep materials for the purpose of public interest. It may be located in a building, structure, land, underground, water surface, underwater or the air. Fourth, the leased warehouse is a building or structure that is leased by an enterprise or person for rent to another enterprise or person who wants to store or keep materials. Warehouse is becoming more and more important in the logistic industry. It is now being considered as a key facility of logistics or the center of logistics. So far, whether added values can be created through the transportation or physical movement of goods has been only measure to evaluate logistic services. However, warehouses are allowing us to have lots of expectations such as adequate timing in delivery, high responsiveness to changing logistic needs, appropriateness in delivery management and quality improvement of delivery. In relation to not only domestic, but also global economic activities, today, it's now a main trend to take advantage of warehouses effectively and efficiently. In this nation, nevertheless, there's still little or no recognition about the importance of so-called the logistic warehousing business. The purpose of this study is to discuss the necessity and goals of running port warehouses as a key element of warehousing logistics, types of those warehouses and practical issues related to the rational management of warehousing logistics.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on Particulars of Marine Products for PD in Korea : centering to marin products PD at Busan Port in Korea

        Kim Cheong-Yeoul 한국로고스경영학회 2010 로고스경영연구 Vol.8 No.3

        In general, marine products are dispersively and seasonally produced on small quantity basis and dispersively consumed on small quantity basis. They are also likely to be rotten. For these reasons, marine products have very complicated, various distribution channels in accordance with their kind. Marine products are classified mainly into those from coastal and inshore waters and those from ocean waters. The former are reclassified largely into fresh, dried and shell fishes. Coastal and inshore marine products are distributed mainly through ordinary and route sales. In the former case, those marine products are sold by auction at Suhyup’s(National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives) consignment shops in their production place and then distributed through wholesale markets of consumption place. In the latter case, while, coastal and inshore marine products are distributed through Suhyup’s inland joint markets. Channels of marine product distribution can be summarized as below. 1) Fresh fishes are mostly distributed from their producers to consignment sale shops at their production place(broking wholesalers), deliverers(consignment sale markets and broking wholesalers, in most cases), wholesale markets at their consumption places(broking wholesalers, commission sale businesses), interim wholesalers, retailers and to consumers. While, some fresh fishes are distributed from their producers to professional collectors(deliverers), wholesale markets at their production places(similar to legal joint markets), retailers and to consumers. 2) Dried fishes are distributed through consignment sale markets at their production place. Or otherwise, they are distributed through professional collectors to broking wholesalers or consignment sale businesses at wholesale markets at their consumption places. 3) Shellfishes have been in most cases caught on small quantity basis by a number of poorly equipped fishermen and delivered by professional collectors to wholesale markets. Some have been jointly caught, delivered by the circle of fishermen to consignment sale markets at their production place and then distributed to wholesale and joint markets for consumption. 4) Live fishes are distributed through consignment sale markets at their production place, professional collectors or through consignment sale businesses at their production place. 5) Marine products from ocean waters are completely different with those from coastal and inshore waters. Most of them are distributed in frozen stale. Frozen fishes are classified mainly into those from coastal and inshore waters and from ocean waters. Like fresh fishes, frozen fishes from coastal and inshore waters are mostly landed to consignment sale markets at their production place and then delivered to wholesale markets at places where they are to be consumed. While, those from ocean waters are supplied through general distributors to their consumption places, without being sold under consignment at their production place.


        Kim cheong-Yeoul 한국로고스경영학회 2006 한국로고스경영학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.- No.-

        Digital economy is referred to as economy in which main economic activities including the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services are digitalized and which is dependent on networked information and knowledge as new production factors. In contrast to economy based on conventional production factors like land, labor and capital, digital economy is called a new economy. In a narrow sense, digital economy can be regarded as Internet economy in which electronic commerce based on the industry of information telecommunication technology and the Internet plays a critical role.

      • A Study on Channels of Marine Product Distribution in Korea

        Kim Cheong - Yeoul 한국로고스경영학회 2005 한국로고스경영학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.- No.-

        In general, marine products are dispersively and seasonally produced on small quantity basis and dispersively consumed on small quantity basis. They are also likely to be rotten. For these reasons, marine products have very complicated, various distribution channels in accordance with their kind. Marine products are classified mainly into those from coastal and inshore waters and those from ocean waters. The former are reclassified largely into fresh, dried and shell fishes. Coastal and inshore marine products are distributed mainly through ordinary and route sales. In the former case, those marine products are sold by auction at Suhyup’s(National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives) consignment shops in their production place and then distributed through wholesale markets of consumption place. In the latter case, while, coastal and inshore marine products are distributed through Suhyup’s inland joint markets. Channels of marine product distribution can be summarized as below. 1) Fresh fishes are mostly distributed from their producers to consignment sale shops at their production place(broking wholesalers), deliverers(consignment sale markets and broking wholesalers, in most cases), wholesale markets at their consumption places(broking wholesalers, commission sale businesses), interim wholesalers, retailers and to consumers. While, some fresh fishes are distributed from their producers to professional collectors(deliverers), wholesale markets at their production places(similar to legal joint markets), retailers and to consumers. 2) Dried fishes are distributed through consignment sale markets at their production place. Or otherwise, they are distributed through professional collectors to broking wholesalers or consignment sale businesses at wholesale markets at their consumption places. 3) Shellfishes have been in most cases caught on small quantity basis by a number of poorly equipped fishermen and delivered by professional collectors to wholesale markets. Some have been jointly caught, delivered by the circle of fishermen to consignment sale markets at their production place and then distributed to wholesale and joint markets for consumption. 4) Live fishes are distributed through consignment sale markets at their production place, professional collectors or through consignment sale businesses at their production place. 5) Marine products from ocean waters are completely different with those from coastal and inshore waters. Most of them are distributed in frozen stale. Frozen fishes are classified mainly into those from coastal and inshore waters and from ocean waters. Like fresh fishes, frozen fishes from coastal and inshore waters are mostly landed to consignment sale markets at their production place and then delivered to wholesale markets at places where they are to be consumed. While, those from ocean waters are supplied through general distributors to their consumption places, without being sold under consignment at their production place.

      • KCI등재

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