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      • Feasibility Study on Short Period Power Fluctuation Compensation Using Heat Pump Air Conditioning System

        Kawachi, Shunsuke,Hagiwara, Hiroto,Baba, Jumpei,Furukawa, Kei,Shimoda, Eisuke,Numata, Shigeo The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers 2012 The Journal of International Council on Electrical Vol.2 No.2

        In order to compensate power fluctuations caused by loads and renewable energy sources, the concept of controllable load has been proposed. In this paper, the use of heat pump air conditioning system as a controllable load is focused. To analyze the feasibility of using the heat pump for power fluctuation compensation, basic characteristics of heat pump concerning its power consumption and processed heat are measured by experiments and reported in this paper. The COP characteristics show that the efficiency of the heat pump is not affected so much by power consumption as long as it is operated above a certain level of power consumption. The Bode diagram of sinusoidal reference signal test shows that the heat pump can compensate power fluctuation which is in a certain region in the frequency domain without giving a large effect on processed heat.

      • Experimental Verification of Tie Line Power Flow Control of Microgrid by Use of Heat Pump Air Conditioning System and Energy Storage System

        Kawachi, Shunsuke,Baba, Jumpei,Furukawa, Kei,Shimoda, Eisuke The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers 2013 The Journal of International Council on Electrical Vol.3 No.1

        In order to compensate power fluctuations caused by loads and renewable energy sources, the concept of controllable load has been proposed. In this paper, the use of heat pump air conditioning system (HPAC) as a controllable load is focused. To verify the advantage produced by control of HPAC's power consumption as a controllable load, experiments are conducted using model microgrid system with real machines. The results of the experiments showed that the control of HPAC's power consumption can contribute to power fluctuation compensation control in the microgrid. The energy capacity of energy storage system that is necessary to suppress the power fluctuation was analyzed and it has been clarified that the necessary energy capacity can be reduced by control of HPAC.

      • A mutant strain Arabidopsis thaliana that lacks vacuolar membrane zinc transporter MTP1 revealed the latent tolerance to excessive zinc.

        Kawachi, Miki,Kobae, Yoshihiro,Mori, Haruki,Tomioka, Rie,Lee, Youngsook,Maeshima, Masayoshi Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists 2009 Plant & cell physiology Vol.50 No.6

        <P>A mutant line of Arabidopsis thaliana that lacks a vacuolar membrane Zn(2+)/H(+) antiporter MTP1 is sensitive to zinc. We examined the physiological changes in this loss-of-function mutant under high-Zn conditions to gain an understanding of the mechanism of adaptation to Zn stress. When grown in excessive Zn and observed using energy-dispersive X-ray analysis, wild-type roots were found to accumulate Zn in vacuolar-like organelles but mutant roots did not. The Zn content of mutant roots, determined by chemical analysis, was one-third that of wild-type roots grown in high-Zn medium. Severe inhibition of root growth was observed in mtp1-1 seedlings in 500 muM ZnSO(4). Suppression of cell division and elongation by excessive Zn was reversible and the cells resumed growth in normal medium. In mutant roots, a marked formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) appeared in the meristematic zone, where the MTP1 gene was highly expressed. Zn treatment enhanced the expression of several genes involved in Zn tolerance: namely, the plasma membrane Zn(2+)-export ATPase, HMA4, and plasma and vacuolar membrane proton pumps. CuZn-superoxide dismutases, involved in the detoxification of ROS, were also induced. The expression of plasma membrane Zn-uptake transporter, ZIP1, was suppressed. The up- or down-regulation of these genes might confer the resistance to Zn toxicity. These results indicate an essential role of MTP1 in detoxification of excessive Zn and provide novel information on the latent adaptation mechanism to Zn stress, which is hidden by MTP1.</P>


        Cell Lineage, Self-Renewal, and Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition during Secondary Neurulation

        Kawachi, Teruaki,Tadokoro, Ryosuke,Takahashi, Yoshiko The Korean Neurosurgical Society 2021 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.64 No.3

        Secondary neurulation (SN) is a critical process to form the neural tube in the posterior region of the body including the tail. SN is distinct from the anteriorly occurring primary neurulation (PN); whereas the PN proceeds by folding an epithelial neural plate, SN precursors arise from a specified epiblast by epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT), and undergo self-renewal in the tail bud. They finally differentiate into the neural tube through mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition (MET). We here overview recent progresses in the studies of SN with a particular focus on the regulation of cell lineage, self-renewal, and EMT/MET. Cellular mechanisms underlying SN help to understand the functional diversity of the tail in vertebrates.

      • Equilibrium Leadership in Tax Competition for Endogenous Capital Supply

        Keisuke Kawachi,Hikaru Ogawa,Taiki Susa 한국재정학회(구 한국재정·공공경제학회) 2019 한국재정학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2019 No.4

        In this paper, we reconsider the leadership of tax competition, focusing on a situation where total amount of capital competed by countries is endogenously determined. For the purpose, we model a timing game under asymmetric tax competition, in which the capital competed among two countries is supplied not only by the residents of the two countries, but also by exogenous investors, depending on the rate of return to capital in the integrated market and how accessible it is for investors outside of the countries. As a result, it is found that, when the capital market becomes more accessible for exogenous investors, sequential-move equilibria are more likely to be realized, in which one country leads and the other follows. Contrarily, only simultaneous-move equilibrium emerges, when the openness of the market is sufficiently small.

      • KCI등재

        일본 ‘書道’의 참 의미

        카와치 토시지(Kawachi Tosigi) 한국서예학회 2006 서예학연구 Vol.8 No.-

        대동문화대학교수인 후루야씨는 일본 ‘서도’에 대해 다음과 같이 정의하였다. ① 정의 - 글자를 쓰는 방법을 배우는 일. 붓으로 글자를 바르고 정교하게 쓰는 법. 入木道. ② 등장 - 헤이안 시대 말기의 延曆寺의 황엔이 편집한 『扶桑略記』, 이후 에도 시대까지 없음. ③ 기원 - ‘붓 쥐는 법’(『源氏物語』), ‘입목의 도’(『夜鶴庭訓抄』) ④ 변천 - ‘書’, ‘筆’, ‘입목’ + 중세 이후의 ‘도’의 관념 ⑤ 현재 - ‘서도’ ≧ ‘서’, ‘서도’ ≠ ‘서’ 일본의 ‘서도’라는 말의 원류는 중국의 ‘서도’이다. ‘린치(臨池)’나 ‘쥬보쿠(入木)’라는 말이 이입․수용되어, 헤이안 말기 이후에 그들이 ‘서도’라는 명칭을 대신하여 보편적으로 사용되었다. 에도 시대에 이르러서야 ‘서도’라는 말이 ‘쥬보쿠도(入木道)’나 ‘히도(筆道)’와 같이 통용되었다. 현대 일본의 서도는 후루야씨가 말한 것처럼 “‘서도’와 ‘書’는 다르다”고 말하지 않을 수 없다. 또 코마츠씨가 말한 것처럼 “‘型’을 지키고, ‘형’에 따르는 것에서 ‘도’가 생겨나는 것”이지만 오늘날에는 ‘스승이 제자에게 전하는’ 풍습, 즉 ‘樣式’의 ‘서’가 융성하고 있다. 일본의 ‘도’는 일반적으로 정신적인 것이라 여기지만, 본래는 사상적이고 이념적인 것이다. 추상적인 개념임에는 틀림이 없지만, 사상적인 기반을 잃고 단순히 정신적인 것이라고 말하는 것은 오해이다. ‘서’가 ‘예술적이다,’ ‘조형적이다,’ ‘시각적이다’고 말해도 동양고유의 문화와는 딱 맞아떨어지지 않는 공연한 말일 뿐이다. 21세기를 맞이하여 일본의 ‘서도’는, 새롭게 전개한다기보다는 차분히 역사를 돌아보고, ‘서’ 본래의 ‘도’와 문화로서의 ‘도’를 모색하지 않으면 안 된다. Huruya, a professor of the Daito Bunka University, defines Japanese 'shodo'(calligraphy in Japan) in the four ways below. 1. definition - learning how to write characters a method to write right and elaborate characters 'jubokdo' 2. appearance - Husoraki compiled by Huang Yen of the Yenrakiji since the end of the Heian period, no appearance until the Edo period 3. origin - a way to grasp a brush(Enjumonogateri, 'do' of 'jubok' Yazruteyikinsho 4. changes - the concepts of 'do' of 'sho,' 'hi,' and 'jubok,' and it of the Middle Ages afterwards 5. present - 'shodo' ≥ 'sho,' 'shodo' ≠ 'sho' The origin of Japanese 'shodo' is Chinese'shoho.' The word 'linchi' or 'juboku' was imported and accepted, and it, instead of'shodo,'universally used since the end of the Heian period. By the Edo period the word 'shodo' seems to be popularly used together with 'juboku,' or 'hido.' As Huruya argued, in the modern Japanese calligraphy it is said that 'shodo' does not equal 'sho.' Although 'do,'as Komaz mentioned, came from keeping and following a 'type,' the stylistic writing, which are the customs a teacher transfers to a disciple, is now popular. Japanese 'do' is considered as a mental thing, but it originally has its thought and ideology. It must be an abstract concept, but it is a misunderstanding to define it just a spiritual thing without the foundation of thought. The saying that 'sho' is artistic, shapeable , and visual does not fit with a unique Eastern culture. In the twentieth century we need to look back the history of Japanese 'shodo' and to grope 'do' of the original 'shodo' and 'do' as a culture rather than to develop Japanese 'shodo' in the new way.

      • KCI등재


        河內 良弘 한국알타이학회 2003 알타이학보 Vol.0 No.13

        The Jurchen script required a great deal of effort and time to learn and since learning it brought no practical benefit, it was hardly used at all among the Jurchen. The Jurchen people only use Jurchen script in sending memorials accompanying tribute to the Ming dynasty, seeing its use as formality which was unavoidable. Extant examples include the "Letter Sent on Arrival a t the Jurchen Lodge" (女眞館來文) After the Hsu¨an-te (1426-1436) 宣德 period, however, no record is to be found of edicts in Jurchen script being sent to the Jurchen, for it seems the Ming state settled on a change of policy towards the Jurchen to accord with the actual situation that Jurchen script was not intelligible to them. Ming China and Korean Kingdom sent edicts and diplomatic letters to the Jurchen written in Chinese, without a translation into Jurchen script, and it may be supposed that on delivery at site, they were interpreted and read aloud in the Jurchen vernacular. There is no reliable evidence that there were items noted in Jurchen script in documents so from the Jurchen to Korean Kingdom except only one script. There is evidence that documents in Mongolian script and in Chinese script were sent, but there are examples of clumsy composition in the documents written in Chinese. The documents sent from Korean Kingdom to the Jurchen are in Mongolian script or written Chinese or, rarely, in Jurchen script, but it appears that apart from those in Mongolian script, they could not be understood. During the fourteenth and the seventeenth century, setting aside the question of Jurchen script the Jurchen people had not mastered written Korean or Chinese, but many of them knew the Mongolian writing system. The decision in 1444 to discontinue the despatch of edicts in Jurchen script to Hsuan-ch'eng 玄城 and the other forty garrisons and to use Mongolian script in edicts thereafter was probably because it was narrated that among the Jurchen of this period, the Chinese and Jurchen script had become practically useless and the Mongolian language and script were widely understood.

      • Proposal of Recurrence Formula Model Expressing Frequency Shift by Reactive-Power-Injection Frequency Shift Islanding Detection Method

        Keimoto, Hirofumi,Kawachi, Shunsuke,Baba, Jumpei 대한전기학회 2013 The Journal of International Council on Electrical Vol.3 No.1

        When many power conditioning systems (PCS) of distributed generation are connected to the distribution line, the problem of islanding operation may arise. A grid-connected PCS should detect islanding operation for personnel and equipment safety. However, the islanding detection function might interfere with each other. To cope with this problem, the reactive-power-injection frequency shift islanding detection method (RPIFS-IDM) was developed. Japanese grid-interconnection code claims that RPIFS has enough capability for the detection with less interference. However, the suppression of interference between PCSs using this method has not been explained theoretically. In this paper, the frequency shift by RPIFS is modelled by a recurrence formula, using the amount of active and reactive power imbalance between loads and PCSs as parameters. This model enables to predict the frequency shift of the islanding system. Therefore, it gives the basis of discussions on the interference under the situation where PCSs employing RPIFS are connected intensively.

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