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        감자를 첨가한 기능성 크림수프의 품질 특성

        한경필,한재숙,소기신행,김동석,박미란,이갑랑 한국조리과학회 2005 한국식품조리과학회지 Vol.21 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the quality characteristics of potato added functional cream soup. The highest crude protein (p<.01) and crude lipid (p<.001) were for the potato soup with added potato peel (S₃). The highest pH of 5.95 was for the potato soup with added potato peel (S₄). The highest lightness of 69.46(1, value) was for the potato soup with added potato peel (S₃) (p<.01). The redneess(a value) and yellowness(b value) were increased by the adding of potato peel to the potato soup(p<.01). Viscosity was increased by potato content, and was the highest for the potato soup (S₂) (p<.001). The glycoalkaloid content of the potato soup with added potato peel was 175 mg and 2.20 mg, for Si and S4 respectively. In sensory evaluation. the highest sensory scores for flavor and taste (p<.05) of mean 3.55 and 3.45, respectively, were obtained from the potato soup with added potato peel (S₄). The highest overall acceptability of mean 3.00 was for the potato soup with added potato peel (S₃) (p<.01).

      • KCI등재

        감자껍질을 첨가한 기능성 쿠키의 품질 특성

        한재숙,김정애,한경필,김동석,소기신행,이갑랑 한국조리과학회 2004 한국식품조리과학회지 Vol.20 No.6

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the quality characteristics of functional cookies made with potato peels (cortex layer) containing high amounts of glycoalkaloid. Cookies were processed by mixing ratios of 10, 15 and 20% potato peel relatively to flour. The spread ratio of the cookies was increased with increasing potato peel addition. Texture measurement for the cookies on substituting 10% of flour for potato peel showed a decreased hardness, but the cohesiveness and springiness were increased compared to the control and other ratios. The glycoalkaloid contents of the cookies on substituting 10, 15 and 20% of the flour forpotato peel were 6.27, 9.40 and 12.54mg, respectively, which according to the USAD guidelines are safe amounts for the human body, and also enough for making functional cookies. In the sensory evaluations, the cookies with 10% of the flour substituted for potato peel had the highest scores in flavor, taste, appearance and texture.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        마늘의 Callus 배양과 Alliin 생성에 관한 연구

        이갑랑(Kap-Rang Lee),김준희(Jun-Hee Kim),박동철(Dong-Cheol Park) 한국식품영양과학회 1991 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.20 No.1

        This is study was conducted to find out the effect of various plant hormones on the growth of garlic callus and to determine the effects of sulfur and nitrogen on the formation of alliin. The following results were obtained. The callus was grown effectively on the basal Linsmainer and Skoog medium supplemented with 10^(-6)M of kinetin and 2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. When alliin produced by callus were extracted and identified by PPC, allin appeared to have Rf value 0.21 in PPC which was exactly same as standard and it gave a deep red colar by Grot's reagent. The highest amount of alliin which is produced in callus culture was 270㎎ per 100g of dry weight in the basal Linsmaier and Skoog medium supplemented with 100% of NO^(-3) as a nitrogen source.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Brevibacterium flavum의 Auxotrophic Mutants에 의한 L - Threonine 生成에 관한 硏究

        이갑랑(Kap-Rang Lee),박동철(Dong-Cheol Park) 한국식품영양과학회 1987 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.16 No.4

        本 實驗은 細菌에 의한 L-threonine의 효율적인 生成을 검토할 目的으로 Brevibacterium flavum ATCC 14067을 사용하여 L-threonine 生成能이 우수한 菌株를 選拔하기 위해 변이원인 N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (NTG)로 처리하여 突然變異株를 誘導한 後, 다시 methionine 영양요구주, lysine 영양요구주, isoleucine 영양요구주, methionine 및 isoleucine 영양요구주를 選拔하였다. 또한 選拔된 영양요구성 변이주들 중에서 L-threonine 生成能이 原菌에 比해 3~4倍 정도 우수한 B-13菌株(met-)를 選拔하여 L-threonine 生成力, 培地 組成 및 培養에 따른 몇가지 要因들에 대하여 실험한 결과 다음과 같은 結果를 얻었다.<br/> 1. L-threonine 생성량은 원균주가 1.4㎎/㎖에 비해 methionine 영양요구성 변이주인 B-13은 4.86㎎/㎖로서 약 3.5倍의 높은 생성량을 나타내었다.<br/> 2. B-13에 의한 L-threonine 生成에 적당한 培地組成은 glucose 10%, ammonium sulfate 2%, potassium phosphate monobasic 0.2%, magnesium sulfate 0.05%, biotin 200㎍/ℓ, thiamine 300㎍/ℓ이였으며 nicotinic acid 0.05%첨가시 더욱 증가 되었다.<br/> 3. B-13에 있어서 유기영양원에 대한 효과는 yeast extract와 peptone이 양호하였으며 영양요구물질인 metionine은 100㎍/㎖가 적당하였으며 aspartic acid와 homoserine 첨가시 L-threonine 생성이 증가되였으며 lysine 첨가시에는 감소하는 경향이 나타났다.<br/> 4. B-13에 의한 L-threonine 생성에 가장 적절한 pH는 7.0~8.0이였으며 培養日數는 4日이 적당하였다. This study was attempted to increase the production of L-Threonine by Brevibacterium flavum ATCC 14067. To select the strain which produce the highest threonine, mutants were induced by N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine treatment. The composition of media and cultural condition for its overproduction of threonine were also studied. In a threonine producer, strain B-13(Met-) was the strain producing the highest amount of threonine among methionine, lysine and isoleucine auxotrophs.<br/> The following results were obtained.<br/> 1. The wild strain and B-13(Met-) produced threonine 1. 4㎎/㎖ and 4.86㎎/㎖ respectively.<br/> 2. The optimum composition of medium for producing threonine by Brevibacterium flavum B-13 was glucose 10%, ammonium sulfate 4%, potassium phosphate monobasic 0.2%. magnesium sulfate 0.05%. biotin 200㎍/l, thiamine 300㎍/l,. Addition of nicotinic acid also led to increase L-threonine production.<br/> 3. In addition of organic nutrients to the fermentation medium. peptone were effective and addition of methionine 100㎍/㎖ produced the highest amount of L-Threonine. Aspartic acid and homo serine were also effective when these amino acid were added to the fermentation medium.<br/> 4. Cultural conditon on threonine production by B-16 were investigated. The optimum pH was 7.0-8.0. The highest amount of threnine was produced after 4 days of cultural period.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        고추 品種에 따른 capsaicinoids 함량

        이갑랑(Kap-Rang Lee) 한국식품영양과학회 1977 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.6 No.1

        고추의 total capsaicinoid 함량을 몇 가지의 品種別, 産地別로 분석하고, 또한 이들 시료에 대해 capsaicinoid 同族體別로 分析한 결과 total capsaicinoid 함량은 品種에 따라 현저한 차이가 있었다.<br/> total capsaicinoid 함량에 대한 capsaicin의 비율은 中國産 고추(66~73%)가 日本産(49~57%) 및 한국산 고추(38%)보다 훨씬 높은 비율을 보였다. 그러나 dihydrocapsaicin의 비율은 한국산 고추(46~48%)가 中國産(22~27%) 및 日本産 고추(27~37%) 보다 높은 비율을 나타내었다. The total capsaicinoids content of red pepper were determined according to the varieties and places of production. These samples were also analyzed on the analogues and homologues of capsaicinoids of the pepper.<br/> The following results showed that the capsaicinoids content was highly different between varieties of the pepper, and the ratio of capsaicin to total capsaicinoids was higher in product of China(66~73%) than that of Japan(49~57%) and Korea(38%). However, product of Korea(46~48%) showed higher ratio of dihydrocapsaicin than that of Japan (27~37%) and China (22~27%).

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        먹물버섯 에탄올추출물이 Benzo(a)pyrene 투여에 의한 마우스의 간 손상에 미치는 영향

        이병훈(Byeung-Hun Lee),김현정(Hyun-Jeong Kim),장종선(Jong-Sun Chang),배준태(Jun-Tae Bae),박선희(Sun-Hee Park),이승언(Sung-On Lee),김옥미(Ok-Mi Kim),이별나(Byul-Ra Lee),최봉순(Bong-Soon Choi),이갑랑(Kap-Rang Lee) 한국식품영양과학회 1999 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.28 No.6

        간 독성물질인 benzo(a)pyrene을 투여한 마우스에서 먹물버섯 에탄올 추출물의 간 손상 억제에 미치는 영향을 살펴본 결과, 마우스에 B(a)P 투여로 증가된 혈청 aminotransferase의 활성, 간 조직의 과산화지질 함량과 cytochrome P-450의 활성은 먹물버섯 에탄올 추출물 투여에 의해 유의적으로 감소하였다. 반면에 B(a)P의 투여에 의해 활성이 감소된 glutathions S-transferase와 glutathione 함량은 먹물버섯 에탄올 추출물 투여에 의해 다시 증가되었다. 또한 superoxide dismutase, catalase 그리고 glutathione peroxidase의 활성은 B(a)P의 투여시 그 활성이 각각 유의적으로 증가하였다가, 먹물버섯 에탄올 추출물 투여로 인하여 감소하는 경향을 나타내었다. 이상의 결과에서 먹물버섯 에탄올 추출물은 B(a)P 투여로 감소된 glutathione 함량과 glutathione S-transferase의 증가와 함께 B(a)P 투여로 증가된 지질과산화물 생성의 감소와 여러 항산화적 방어계의 작용을 가진 효소 활성에 영향을 주어 지질과산화 및 간 손상 억제 효과를 가지는 것으로 사료된다. This study was carried out to investigate the inhibiton effects of Coprinus comatus ethanol extract of edible mushroom on liver damage in benzo(a)pyrene (B(a)P)-treated mice. The activities of serum aminotransferase, cytochrome P-450 and hepatic content of lipid peroxide after B(a)P-treatment were increased than those of control, but those levels were significantly decreased by the treatment of Coprinus comatus ethanol extract. Whereas, the hepatic glutathione content and glutathione S-transferase activity were decreased by B(a)P-treatment than those of control, but those were increased by the treatment of Coprinus comatus ethanol extract. Also the activities of superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase after B(a)P-treatment were markedly increased than those of control, but those levels were decreased by the treatment of Coprinus comatus ethanol extract. These results suggest that Coprinus comatus ethanol extract have a protective effect on liver damage by benzo(a)pyrene through the mechanisms of decreasing lipid peroxide and activities of free radical generating enzymes.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • Cloning, Expression and Sequencing of the tpp Gene Encoding Thiamine Phosphate Pyrophsphorylase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae in E. coli

        Kim, Ok-Mi,Nam, Hong-Gil,Lee, Eun-Kyung,Lee, Kap-Duk,Maruta, Issey,Lee, Kap-Rang 생화학분자생물학회 1993 한국생화학회지 Vol.26 No.5

        The tpp gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae encoding thiamine phosphate pyrophos-phorylase, one of the enzymes involved in thiamine biosynthesis, was cloned by complementation with an Escherichia coli thiB mutant. The recombinant plasmid pHG123 was found to contain a 2.8 kb insert fragment. Southern blot analysis showed that the 2.8 kb insert fragment of pHG123 originated from S. cerevisiae. The 2.8 kb insert fragment containing tpp gene was sequenced and only one open reading frame of 654 bp which encodes 218 amino acids was found. The upstream sequences of the coding region contain a potential ShineDalgarno sequence, TATA sequence and CAAT sequence. The downstream sequences have a polyadenylation signal which is common to most eukaryotic genes.

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