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      • KCI등재

        남자고등학생의 衣服行動과 性役割態度間의 相關硏究

        姜蕙遠,趙吉洙,李株炫 한국의류학회 1986 한국의류학회지 Vol.10 No.3

        The objectives of this study were to investigate the three aspects of clothing behavior of high school boys and the relationships between those of clothing behavior and sex role attitude. For clothing behavior, two types of Clothing Conformity Scales were developed for this study, and two other aspects were assessed with Won, Choi, and Kahng's questionnaires dealing with Unisex Clothing Behavior and The Interest in Fashionable Styles of Clothing. Sex role attitude was measured by Choi's questionnairs which was selected from OsmondMartins's Sex Role Attitude Scale, and from Smith, Ferree and Miller's Feminism Scale. The questionnaires were administered to a sample of 243 high school boys in Seoul. The statistical analyses used for this study included relative frequency, Pearson's correlation, stepwise multiple regression, ANOVA, and t-test. The results obtained from this research were: 1) The liberal attitude of high school boys toward sex role was, in part, negatively correlated to the clothing conformity. 2) There were no significant relationships between sex role attitude and unisex clothing behavior, and between sex role attitude and the interest in fashionable styles of clothing. 3) The unisex clothing behavior of the students was positively correlated to their interest in fashionable styles of clothing.

      • KCI등재

        職場男性의 衣服行動과 知覺向性 및 職業滿足度와의 相關硏究 : 精神勞動者(White-collar) 中心으로

        朴銀珠,姜蕙遠,趙吉洙 한국의류학회 1985 한국의류학회지 Vol.9 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between four aspects of clothing behavior and perceptual orientation, and between those and job satisfaction of whitecollar men. Those aspects of clothing behavior included: clothing conformity, clothing satisfaction, status symbol and occupation symbol. Perceptual orientation was measured with Choi's Perceptual Orientation Scale and job satisfaction, with some items of Miller's The Attitude Toward Any Occupation Scale. Clothing comformity and clothing satisfaction were measured with Kahng's, Jung's, Koh's and Lee's questionaire. Status symbol was measured with Koh's and Lee's questionaire, and occupation symbol items were prepared for this study. The questionaire in this study were administered to 323 white-collar workers in Seoul. The statistical methods utilized Pearson's product moment correlation, one-way ANOVA test, Duncan's multiple range test and multiple regression analysis. The results obtained from this study were: 1. Perceptual orientation was positively correlated to clothing satisfaction, and negatively correlated to status symbol. 2. Job satisfaction was positively correlated to clothing satisfaction and clothing comformity. 3. Clothing conformity, clothing satisfaction and job satisfaction showed significant differences according to occupation.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        의복의 색과 신체 노출이 정숙성인상에 미치는 영향

        강혜원,고애란 한국의류학회 1992 한국의류학회지 Vol.16 No.3

        The purposes of this study were to investigate 1) the effect of body exposure and color of a woman's suit on the perception of modesty, and 2) the effect of perceiver's sex and age on impression formed by the function of clothing variables. The instrument of this study consisted of a response scale and stimuli. Thirteen items of 7-point semantic differential scales were developed to measure the perceiver's impression on wearer's modesty. Stimuli were color pictures of a model wearing one of 8 types of suit constructed by a 2 x 2 x 2 factorial design. The manipulation of each level of the clothing variables were: color of the suit by black and red, leg exposure by varying skirt lengths to a Chanel-line and mini skirt, and neck exposure by shirt collar blouse and scarf. Two models, representing typical female college students living in Seoul, were selected to eliminate model effect. The sample include 384 subjects, consisting of 4 groups of male and female college students and middle aged men and women. Eight experimental groups were randomly assigned to one of eight stimuli based on between-subject design. One half of each group responded to model 1 and the other half to model 2 of same stimulus. Responses to the semantic differential scales were factor analyzed (pc model. Varimax rotation) to identify factors constructing impression of modesty. Two factors emerged regardless of subgroups: Elegance and Extroversion factor. The first factor was found to be dominant, accounting for 60 percent of the total variance. The other accounted for just 11 percent. Multidimensional ANOVA (5-way, 3-way) was conducted to test the effect of the clothing variables against two factors identified from the factor analysis. Leg exposure was the most powerful variable affecting the impression of Elegance and Extroversion factor for all perceiver subgroups. Neck exposure had primary effect on the impression of Elegance, whereas it partially influenced that of Extroversion. Color of suit had only partial effect on the impression of Extroversion. Hypothesis I was partially supported from the findings above. The effect of perceiver's age and sex on impression by the function of clothing variables was tested by comparing the result between four subgroups. In forming an impression of the wearer's modesty, male college students were least affected by the manipulation of clothing variables, while middle aged males were affected most. In the female groups, there was no age difference and they fell between the male groups in the degree to which they were affected. Hypothesis II was supported only by age difference in two male groups, and by sex difference in two student groups.

      • KCI등재

        織物에 沈着된 Calcium의 除去에 관한 연구

        姜蕙遠,金聲連,韓惠媛 한국의류학회 1983 한국의류학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of laundry variables and additives on the removal of deposited calcium on the cotton fabric. Samples of calcium deposited fabric was made by treating fabric with CaCl_2 and Na_2CO_3 solution subsequently. The experimental variables were: 1) NaOH concentration (0. 0001%, 0.0005%, 0.001%, 0.005%, 0.01%) 2) Alkaline builders(sodium carbonate, sodium metasilicate) 3) Sequestering agents(STPP and EDTA concentration: 0.02%, 0.04%, 0.06%, 0.08%, 0.1%, 0.15%, 0.2% ) 4) Temperatures (25±1℃, 40±1℃, 60±1℃) 5) Edge-abrasion to the removal of deposited calcium on the cotton fabric. The fabric was washed for 15 minutes in a washing machine(Model: Gold Star WP-3007) or Launder-0- meter (40∼45 r.p.m., Toyo Rika Instrument Inc.) and rinsed 3 times per every rinsing time. The amount of calcium deposits on the fabrics was determined by EDTA-back titration methods and edge-abrasion was evaluted by ASTM D 3886 method. The results of this study were as follows: 1) pH of surfactant solution(NaOH concentration) did not influence on the removal of deposited calcium on the cotton fabric. 2) Added alkaline builders did not influence on the removal of deposited calcium on the cotton fabric. 3) It was shown that STPP and EDTA were effective to remove deposited calcium. The removal of deposited calcium on the cotton fabric was proportionally increased with increasing concentration of STPP and EDTA. At high concentration, however, the rate was rather decreased with increasing concentration. 4) The temperature of washing solution did not influence on the removal of dedosited calcium on the cotton fabric. 5) As the removal of deposited calcium on the cotton fabric was increased, the rate of edge-abrasion of the fabric was gradually increased.

      • 대학생의 개성과 유행을 중심으로 한 의상행위와 성격 특성과의 관계

        강혜원 연세대학교 대학원 1974 延世論叢 Vol.11 No.1

        The purposes of this study were: (1) to investigate the relation of five aspects of clothing behavior to introversion-extraversion, social security, and rigidity, and (2) to ascertain whether differences existed between males and females on clothing behaviors. Personality characteristics were assessed by a measure of Jung's psychological types, Lapitsky's social security measure, and Morrow's rigidity meaure. Existing clothing interest measures were slightly modified to assess conformity-individuality, fashion, and appearance of clothing. A measure of attitudes toward the latest male and female fashion styles of clothing was developed. The sample consisted of 609 male and 406 female stduents in Yonsei University in Seoul, Korea. The data, collected by means of self-administered questionnaire, were analyzed by correlation and Z-tests. The results indicated that: 1) Introversion-extraversion was related to conformity-individuality and fashion in clothing for both sexes, and appearance and the latest male fashion style of clothing for males only. 2) Social security was related to conformity-individuality in clothing for both sexes, and the latest female fashion style of clothing for males only. 3) Rigidity was related to appearance and fashion in clothing for both sexes as well as conformity-individuality, fashion, and the latest male and female fashion styles of clothing for males only. Females scored significantly higher than males on interests in individuality, fashion, and appearance of clothing, whereas males scored significantly higher than females on attitudes toward the latest male and female fashion styles of clothing.

      • KCI등재

        관찰자의 의복태도가 의복착용자의 인상에 미치는 영향

        강혜원,남미우 한국의류학회 1996 한국의류학회지 Vol.20 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of perceiver's clothing attitude on male impressions created by the clothing cues and contexts. In addition, the effect of perceiver's evaluations of clothing appropriateness on male impressions. The subjects consisted of 256 male undergraduate students and 256 middle aged men. The experimental materials developed for this study were a set of stimuli and response scales. The stimuli were 8 color photographs of drawings of a male figure in clothing which were minipulated in two levels, each of three clothing cues including type, style and color. The experimental design was full factorial design of 2(context× clothing type×clothing style×clothing color). Each of the 16 sub-samples includes 16 subjects from the two perceiver group. Questionnaires used to measure perceivers responses to the stimuli were 7-point semantic differential scales composed of 37 bipolar adjectives representing personal traits. Four aspects of clothing attitude(fashion interest, status symbols consiousness, clothing conformity, practicality & comfort)were used to classify subjects into groups of 20 five-point likert type questionnaires adapted from the previous research. Clothing appropriateness were developed 5 point likert scales for evaluation of a stimulus person in each context. The data was processed by factor analysis, ANOVA, multiple classification analysis, Duncan's multiple range test, cluster analysis, MANOVA and pearson's product moment correlations. The major findings drawn from this study were as follows: 1. Perceiver's clothing attitude influenced impression formed by the social contexts and clothing cuses. In three groups classified by their clothing attitude, the status symbol-oriented group was most affected by the social contexts and clothing cues. 2. Perceiver's evaluation of clothing appropriateness was related with impressions by a stimulus person. In summary the effect of contexts and clothing cues on impression formation varied according to perceiver's clothing attitude and clothing appropriateness.

      • KCI등재

        상황,의복단서 및 관찰자의 연령이 남자 의복착용자의 인상에 미치는 영향

        강혜원,남미우 한국의류학회 1994 한국의류학회지 Vol.18 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to identify 1) the effect of two contexts (job interview, informal outing) and clothing cues (type, style, color) on male impresssions 2) the effect of perceiver's age on male impressions created by the clothing cues and contexts. The subjects consisted of 256 male undergraduate students and 256 middle-aged men. The experimental materials developed for this study were a set of stimuli and response scales. The stimuli were 8 color photographs of drawings of a male figure in clothing which were manipulated in two levels, each of three clothing cues including type, style and color. The experimental design was full factorial design of 2⁴(context²× clothing type²× clothing style²× clothing color²). Each of the 16 sub-samples includes 16 subjects from the two perceiver group. Questionnaires used to measure perceivers responses to the stimuli were 7-point semantic differential scales composed of 37 bipolar adjectives representing personal traits. The data was processed by factor analysis, ANOVA, multiple classification analysis, Duncan's multiple range test. The major findings drawn from this study were as follows: 1. Three factors emerged to account for the dimensional structure of the impressions of the male figure in clothing in two social situations. These factors involved evaluation, activity and uniqueness. 2. The contexts, clothing types and clothing styles had significant effects on evaluation, activity and uniqueness. The clothing styles had a considerable effect on both evaluation and uniqueness while the clothing types affected activity. The clothing color had least effect on the impression and had only moderate effect on evaluation. 3. Perceiver's age influenced impressions formed by the social contexts and clothing cues. Male college students were least affected by contexts and clothing cues, while middle-aged men were affected most. In summary, clothing worn by a stimulus person together with social contexts, affected the impression given by him, from which dispositional inferences were made and the effect of contexts and clothing cues on impression formation varied according to perceivers age.

      • KCI등재

        데님(Denim) 衣服을 中心으로 한 女大生의 衣服行動에 관한 硏究

        姜惠遠,鄭三好 한국의류학회 1977 한국의류학회지 Vol.1 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the relation of attitudes and usage of denim clothing to masculinity femininity, attitudes toward women's role, and four aspects of clothing interests. Masculinity-femininity was assessed by The Fe Scale of the California Psychological Inventory. Attitudes toward women's role was measured by selected items from The Inventory of Feminine Values and The Sex Ideology Scale. Measures of attitudes toward denim clothing consisted of: 1) attitudes regarding practicality and youth symbol, 2) possession, and 3) frequency of wearing denim clothing. Four aspects of clothing interests in general were assessed by statements dealing with choice of design, conformity-individuality, fashion and practicality in clothing. The sample consisted of 388 students in Sookmyung Women's University in Seoul, Korea. The data, collected by means of a self-administered questionnaire, were analyzed by correlation. The results indicate that: 1) Masculinity-femininity was related to youth symbol attitudes, possession, and frequency of wearing denim clothing. 2) Attitudes toward women's role was related to practicality attitudes, and frequency of wearing denim clothing. 3) Practicality attitudes toward denim clothing was related to conformity-individuality, and practicality in clothing. 4) Youth symbol attitudes toward denim clothing was related to fashion in clothing. 5) Possession of denim clothing was related to fashion and the choice of design in clothing. 6) Frequency of wearing denim clothing was related to the choice of design, and conformity-indi-viduality in clothing.

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