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        KEMPER, F. The Korean Astronomical Society 2015 天文學論叢 Vol.30 No.2

        Within the context of the hugely successful SAGE-LMC and SAGE-SMC surveys, Spitzer photometry observations of the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds have revealed millions of infrared point sources in each galaxy. The brightest infrared sources are generally dust producing and mass-losing evolved stars, and several tens of thousands of such stars have been classified. After photometrically classifying these objects, the dust production by several kinds of evolved stars - such as Asymptotic Giant Branch stars and Red Supergiants - can be determined. SAGE-Spec is the spectroscopic follow-up to the SAGE-LMC survey, and it has obtained Spitzer-IRS $5-40{\mu}m$ spectroscopy of about 200 sources in the LMC. Combined with archival data from other programs, observations at a total of ~1000 pointings have been obtained in the LMC, while ~250 IRS pointings were observed in the SMC. Of these, a few hundred pointings represent dust producing and mass-losing evolved stars, covering a range in colors, luminosities, and thus mass-loss rates. Red Supergiants and O-rich and C-rich AGB stars - the main dust producers - are well represented in the spectroscopic sample. This paper will summarize what we know about the mineralogy of dust producing evolved stars, and discuss their relative importance in the total dust budget.

      • KCI등재후보

        데이터와 이-메일의 압수적격성

        Martin Kemper,김성룡 法務部 商事法務課 2006 선진상사법률연구 Vol.- No.33

        경찰·검찰의 수사관들이 수십·수백 대의 컴퓨터와 노트북을 들고 나오는 사진·동영상과 함께 피의자의 가택과 사무실 등에 대해 전격적인 압수·수색을 단행하였다는 기사는 이제 일상의 일이 되었다. 특히 다수가 관계되어있거나 거액의 금전적인 문제가 대상이 되는 사안에서 이러한 전자데이터저리장치의 수색·압수는 이제 폐기할 수 없는 강제처분의 하나로 기능하고 있다. 아래의 글은 특히 조세범과 경제사범에 있어서 빈번히 등장하는 이러한 데이터와 이메일의 압수가 허용될 수 있는지, 현행법상 허용된다면 그 범위는 어디까지이며, 구체적으로 어떠한 집행순서를 생각해 볼 수 있는지 등을 독일현행법을 기준으로 다룬 최근의 독일 논문의 완역이다. 개괄적이나마 아래의 글을 통해 생각해볼 수 있는 문제들로는, 데이터는 압수의 대상인 물건일 수 있는지, 데이터가 저장된 매체가 압수물의 대상인지, 데이터 내지 이메일에 대한 수색과 압수는 어떻게 구별된 것인지, 데이터저장장치를 회수해가는 압수처분은 어떠한 사전요건을 충족시켜야 하는지, 압수가 가능한 데이터의 범위는 어디까지인지, 압수된 데이터의 환부는 가능한 것인지, 이메일(의 계정)에 대한 수색과 압수는 어떠한 기준에 의해 이루어져야 하는지, 수신인이 읽은 이메일파 읽지 않은 이메일은 압수처분에 있어서 어떠한 차이점을 가지는지 등이다.

      • KCI등재

        An Algorithm to Obtain Boat Engine RPM from Passive Sonar Signals Based on DEMON Processing and Wavelets Packets Transform

        Guillermo Kemper,David Ponce,Joel Telles,Christian del Carpio 대한전기학회 2019 Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology Vol.14 No.6

        The detection of the engine rotational speed in revolutions per minute (RPM) is of great importance to estimate the speed of boats. This value can be obtained from the fundamental frequency component of acquired sonar signals. However, detection can often be seriously afected by noise and distortion introduced by the underwater environment. Several methods have been proposed for fundamental component detection, but they do not specifcally take advantage of the passive sonar signal characteristics to improve the performance of the process. In this context, the proposed algorithm uses DEMON processing applied to wavelets packets subbands to exploit the characterization of the sonar signal in the time and frequency domains. The algorithm involves signal segmentation, wavelet packet decomposition, subband envelope cross-correlation and fundamental component detection from the power spectrum. The method was applied in passive sonar signals acquired in navigation and also obtained by simulation. The performance of the proposed algorithm was evaluated with signals of diferent SNR values that were also corrupted by a simulated multipath underwater channel. The signals were evaluated by both the experienced sonar operators and the proposed algorithm. The results obtained were very satisfactory for RPM detection and are detailed at the end of this document.

      • Composing for Musical Robots

        Steven Kemper(스티븐 켐퍼) 한국전자음악협회 2014 에밀레 Vol.12 No.-

        음악 로봇에 대한 학계의 문헌들은 로봇의 잠재적인 음악성보다는 로봇기계로서의 디자인과 기술 역량에 주로 초점이 맞추어져 있다. 이엠엠아이(표현하는 기계적 악기)EMMI(Expressive Machines Musical Instruments)의 공동설립자로서 로봇을 개발하고 이를 위한 음악을 만든 저자의 경험을 기술하면서, 사람이 연주한 음악이나 스피커로 들려주는 컴퓨터 음악과 구별되는 로봇 음악의 특성을 고려한 미학적 접근을 통해 로봇의 음악적 성격을 탐색한다. 이 맥락에서 18세기 자동연주시스템Musical Automata으로 거슬러 올라가 기계로 다루는 음악Mechanical music의 뿐 아니라 표현성에 대한 개념까지 역사적으로 살펴본다. 더불어 이엠엠아이 음악 로봇이 연주하는 저자의 자작 작품을 분석한다. 이 글은 사람에게 연주불가능한 음악, “망가진 기계”의 미학, 현대적 관념의 미래주의를 평가하는 로봇의 사용 예를 포함한다. Scholarly literature on musical robotics has primarily focused on the design and technical capabilities of robotic instruments rather than their musical potential. Drawing upon my own experience building and composing for robotic instruments as a co-founder of Expressive Machines Musical Instruments (EMMI), this paper presents an exploration of robotic musicality, an aesthetic approach that considers the characteristics of robotic music that differ from both human-performed music and loudspeaker-based computer music. Within this context, I investigate the history of mechanical music as well as notions of expressivity that date back to eighteenth century musical automata. I also present an analysis of my own compositions for Expressive Machines Musical Instruments’ (EMMI’s) musical robots. This includes examples of music that is unplayable by humans, the “broken machine” aesthetic, and the use of robots to critique contemporary notions of futurism.

      • A Detection Method of Ectocervical Cell Nuclei for Pap test Images, Based on Adaptive Thresholds and Local Derivatives

        Julio Oscanoa,Marcelo Mena,Guillermo Kemper 보안공학연구지원센터 2015 International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Vol.10 No.2

        Cervical cancer is one of the main causes of death by disease worldwide. In Peru, it holds the first place in frequency and represents 8% of deaths caused by sickness. To detect the disease in the early stages, one of the most used screening tests is the cervix Papanicolaou test. Currently, digital images are increasingly being used to improve Pap test efficiency. This work develops an algorithm based on adaptive thresholds, which will be used in Pap smear assisted quality control software. The first stage of the method is a pre-processing step, in which noise and background removal is done. Next, a block is segmented for each one of the points selected as not background, and a local threshold per block is calculated to search for cell nuclei. If a nucleus is detected, an artifact rejection follows, where only cell nuclei and inflammatory cells are left for the doctors to interpret. The method was validated with a set of 55 images containing 2317 cells. The algorithm successfully recognized 92.3% of the total nuclei in all images collected.


        Obesity-Linked Phosphorylation of SIRT1 by Casein Kinase 2 Inhibits Its Nuclear Localization and Promotes Fatty Liver

        Choi, Sung E.,Kwon, Sanghoon,Seok, Sunmi,Xiao, Zhen,Lee, Kwan-Woo,Kang, Yup,Li, Xiaoling,Shinoda, Kosaku,Kajimura, Shingo,Kemper, Byron,Kemper, Jongsook Kim American Society for Microbiology 2017 Molecular and cellular biology Vol.37 No.15

        <P>Sirtuin1 (SIRT1) deacetylase delays and improves many obesity-related diseases, including nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and diabetes, and has received great attention as a drug target. SIRT1 function is aberrantly low in obesity, so understanding the underlying mechanisms is important for drug development. Here, we show that obesity-linked phosphorylation of SIRT1 inhibits its function and promotes pathological symptoms of NAFLD. In proteomic analysis, Ser-164 was identified as a major serine phosphorylation site in SIRT1 in obese, but not lean, mice, and this phosphorylation was catalyzed by casein kinase 2 (CK2), the levels of which were dramatically elevated in obesity. Mechanistically, phosphorylation of SIRT1 at Ser-164 substantially inhibited its nuclear localization and modestly affected its deacetylase activity. Adenovirus-mediated liver-specific expression of SIRT1 or a phosphor-defective S164A-SIRT1 mutant promoted fatty acid oxidation and ameliorated liver steatosis and glucose intolerance in diet-induced obese mice, but these beneficial effects were not observed in mice expressing a phosphor-mimic S164D-SIRT1 mutant. Remarkably, phosphorylated S164-SIRT1 and CK2 levels were also highly elevated in liver samples of NAFLD patients and correlated with disease severity. Thus, inhibition of phosphorylation of SIRT1 by CK2 may serve as a new therapeutic approach for treatment of NAFLD and other obesity-related diseases.</P>

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