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      • KCI등재

        An Investigation of Field-based Experiences for Pre-service Music Teachers in Massachusetts:Implications for Policies and Strategies Governing Field-based Experiences for Music Teacher Candidates in the Republic of Korea

        Kang,JooHyun 한국음악교육학회 2018 음악교육연구 Vol.47 No.2

        본 연구는 한국의 예비음악교사의 교육실습체계 향상을 위한 방안을 탐구하기 위해 메사츄세츠주 음악예비교사들의 현장교육실습 관련 규정과 경험을 조사했다. 메사츄세츠주의 예비교사 현장실습은 예비음악교사가 2개의 다른 학군을 선택해야 하여 최소 300시간의 현장실습을 이수하도록 규정되어 있다. 메사츄세츠주의 티토 대학교 (TitoUniversity)는 500시간에 가까운 시간을 현장실습 이수요건으로 지정했으며,예비음악교사들은 현장실습을 통해 그동안 배운 내용을 실제로 적용해 봄과 동시에 부족한 부분이 무엇인지도 점검할 수 있었다고 한다. 연구를 통해 한국의 교육실습 개선을 위해 실습과 관련된 규정에 여러 방면의 추가 지침이 꼭 필요함을 알 수 있었다. In order to explore implications for improvement in Korean field-based experiences for pre-service music teachers, this study investigated policies governing these experiences in music teacher training and their implementation in Massachusetts. Content analysis revealed that music teacher candidates in that state must choose two different grade levels and work at least 300 hours in the field. Tito University in Massachusetts required close to 500 hours of works, far surpassing the state’s minimum. Interviews revealed that pre-service music teachers were able to apply to practice what they had learned through coursework. Still, they wanted additional field-based experiences. This investigation revealed that the Korean regulations for field-based experiences during teacher training need further guidelines.

      • PDR-type ABC transporter mediates cellular uptake of the phytohormone abscisic acid

        Kang, Joohyun,Hwang, Jae-Ung,Lee, Miyoung,Kim, Yu-Young,Assmann, Sarah M.,Martinoia, Enrico,Lee, Youngsook Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2010 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF Vol.107 No.5

        <P>Abscisic acid (ABA) is a ubiquitous phytohormone involved in many developmental processes and stress responses of plants. ABA moves within the plant, and intracellular receptors for ABA have been recently identified; however, no ABA transporter has been described to date. Here, we report the identification of the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter Arabidopsis thaliana Pleiotropic drug resistance transporter PDR12 (AtPDR12)/ABCG40 as a plasma membrane ABA uptake transporter. Uptake of ABA into yeast and BY2 cells expressing AtABCG40 was increased, whereas ABA uptake into protoplasts of <I>atabcg40</I> plants was decreased compared with control cells. In response to exogenous ABA, the up-regulation of ABA responsive genes was strongly delayed in <I>atabcg40</I> plants, indicating that ABCG40 is necessary for timely responses to ABA. Stomata of loss-of-function <I>atabcg40</I> mutants closed more slowly in response to ABA, resulting in reduced drought tolerance. Our results integrate ABA-dependent signaling and transport processes and open another avenue for the engineering of drought-tolerant plants.</P>

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Quantitative microbial risk assessment of Vibrio parahaemolyticus foodborne illness of sea squirt (Halocynthia roretzi) in South Korea

        Kang, Joohyun,Lee, Yewon,Choi, Yukyung,Kim, Sejeong,Ha, Jimyeong,Oh, Hyemin,Kim, Yujin,Seo, Yeongeun,Park, Eunyoung,Rhee, Min Suk,Lee, Heeyoung,Yoon, Yohan The Korean Society of Fisheries and Aquatic Scienc 2021 Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Vol.24 No.2

        The annual consumption of fishery products, particularly sea squirt (Halocynthia roretzi), per person has steadily increased in South Korea. However, the quantitative risk of Vibrio parahaemolyticus following intake of sea squirt has not been analyzed. This study focuses on quantitative predictions of the probability of consuming sea squirt and getting of V. parahaemolyticus foodborne illness. The prevalence of V. parahaemolyticus in sea squirt was evaluated, and the time spent by sea squirt in transportation vehicles, market displays, and home refrigerators, in addition to the temperature of each of these, were recorded. The data were fitted to the @RISK program to obtain a probability distribution. Predictive models were developed to determine the fate of V. parahaemolyticus under distribution conditions. A simulation model was prepared based on experimental data, and a dose-response model for V. parahaemolyticus was prepared using data from literature to estimate infection risk. V. parahaemolyticus contamination was detected in 6 of 35 (17.1%) sea squirt samples. The daily consumption quantity of sea squirt was 62.14 g per person, and the consumption frequency was 0.28%. The average probability of V. parahaemolyticus foodborne illness following sea squirt consumption per person per day was 4.03 × 10<sup>-9</sup>. The objective of this study was to evaluate the risk of foodborne illness caused by Vibrio parahaemolyticus following sea squirt consumption in South Korea.

      • KCI등재

        시민의 자유와 국가안보: 9.11 테러 이후 미국시민들의 정치적 관용에 대한 연구

        Kang, Joohyun 신아시아연구소 2007 신아세아 Vol.14 No.1

        시민의 자유와 국가안보: 911 테러 이후 미국시민들의정치적 관용에 대한 연구

      • Cytokinin Transporters: GO and STOP in Signaling

        Kang, Joohyun,Lee, Youngsook,Sakakibara, Hitoshi,Martinoia, Enrico Elsevier 2017 Trends in plant science Vol.22 No.6

        <P>Cytokinins are phytohormones essential for cytokinesis and many other physiological and developmental processes <I>in planta</I>. Long-distance transport and intercellular transport have been postulated. For these processes, the existence of cytokinin transporters has been suggested. Recently, a transporter loading the xylem (AtABCG14) and another for cellular import (AtPUP14) have been discovered. AtABCG14 participates in the xylem loading process of cytokinins and contributes to the positive regulation of shoot growth. The cellular importer AtPUP14 is required to suppress cytokinin signaling. A role of a transporter as stop signal is a new paradigm for a hormone transporter.</P> <P><B>Trends</B></P> <P>Recently, two types of cytokinins transporters have been identified and shown to play key roles in plant development and many important physiology processes.</P> <P>ABCG14 contributes to the ‘GO’ signal regulating shoot growth by delivering cytokinins via the xylem. By contrast, the cytokinin uptake transporter PUP14 is in charge of ‘stopping’ the signal at the top of intracellular cytokinin signaling, by removing the ligand that activates the receptors.</P>

      • Characterizing a rice mutant showing early senescence phenotype.

        Kang-Ie Lee,Backki Kim,Yoye Yu,Jaebok Cho,Joohyun Lee,Hee-Jong Koh 한국육종학회 2012 한국육종학회 심포지엄 Vol.2012 No.07

        In plant, senescence is associated with various aspects of the final stage of leaf development, nutrient relocation from leaves to reproducing seeds and stress resistance, and yield which is the most important trait in crops. Thus, the increase of knowledge on the regulatory processes of plant senescence will allow us to manipulate senescence for agronomic benefit in the future. of genetic studies have been conducted with mutants, where most of studies were focused on the delayed senescence mutants which are associated with positive factors on senescence by treating EMS to Koshikari, we induced a mutant showing early senescence phenotype, which possibly enable us to identify a negative factor of senescence. The appearance of the mutant is identical before booting stage and then the mutant showed senescence phenotype rignt before booting stage whereas Koshikari have health green leaves. The clumn length of the mutant is 98cm and the panicle length is 23cm as same as those of Koshikari. The chlorophyl contents of the mutant leaves, measured by SPAD, decreased during senescence. The soluble protein contents in the mutant leaves also decreased but no differences in the constitution reolved 1D-SDS-PAGE was detected. However, an additional shotgun proteomic approach to detect the differences of the protein constitutions during the senescence in the mutant leaves will be conducted.

      • KCI등재후보

        2018 지방선거 중앙선거관리위원회 홍보활동 및 영향력 평가

        강주현(Joohyun Kang) 경북대학교 사회과학기초자료연구소 2018 연구방법논총 Vol.3 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 6.13 지방선거 선관위의 홍보활동과 홍보활동의 영향력을 평가 하는데 있다. 선관위 홍보활동은 동네민주주의 실현을 위한 국민 소통을 목표로 정치관심과 선거효능감을 증대하고 정치참여를 유도하는데 중점을 두었다. 이를 위해 선관위는 한국선거방송, 지방선거 특별홈페이지, SNS와 같은 다양한 매체를 활용하여 선거정보 접근을 유권자에게 다각화하는 노력을 기울였고 강연, 연수, 콘테스트 등을 적극 활용했다. 선관위 홍보활동에 대한 유권자의 평가는 50% 이상의 유권자가 선관위 홍보활동을 접해본 것으로 나타났으며, 선관위 홍보활동 접촉경로 중 가장 높은 비중은 포스터와 현수막 같은 전통적인 홍보 방식이었다. 홍보활동의 영향력을 알아보기 위해 선관위 홍보활동과 유권자의 인식과 태도와의 상관관계를 분석해 본 결과 선관위 홍보활동과 정치관심, 정치지식, 선거효능감, 투표참여는 매우 높은 상관관계가 존재했다. 특히 선관위 홍보가 단순한 상관관계를 넘어서 유권자의 정치관심, 정치지식, 선거효능감을 향상시킨다는 점이 주목할 만하다. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the PR activities of National Election Commission(NEC) in the 7th local election. The PR activities of NEC in the local election focus on communications for voters to increase their political interest and efficacy. NEC utilizes not only various media including Korea Election Broadcast and SNS, but also talk concerts and lectures to broaden the information channels about the local election. More than 50 percents of voters evaluate that they have heard of the PR activities of NEC. The most effective media of PR in the local election are posters and banners. The paper examines the impact of PR activities of NEC on the perception and attitude of voters. Empirical analysis shows that there is a strong correlation between the PR activities of NEC and political interest, knowledge, efficacy, and turnout. In particular, interesting finding is that the PR activities of NEC increase political interest, knowledge, and efficacy of voters.

      • KCI등재

        4.13 총선에서 나타난 영남 지역주의 균열에 대한 분석

        강주현 ( Kang Joohyun ) 단국대학교 분쟁해결연구소 2016 분쟁해결연구 Vol.14 No.3

        20대 총선의 핵심은 오랫동안 한국정치 지형을 압도해 온 지역주의 균열이다. 본 논문은 영남지역주의가 이번 총선을 통해 어떻게 변화했으며 변화의 원인이 무엇인가를 살펴보고, 영남 내 지역에 따른 투표 경향이 다르게 나타나는지를 분석하였다. 영남 지역은 19대 총선에서 대부분 지역에서 새누리당 후보가 당선될 정도로 지역주의가 공고한 지역이었지만 이번 총선을 통해 대구, 부산, 울산과 같은 주요 도시는 물론 영남 전체에서 다수의 야당후보가 당선됨으로서 영남 지역주의의 강한 균열이 발생했다. 영남 지역 유권자들은 그들의 투표에 영향을 준 이슈로 박근혜 대통령의 국정운영 평가, 여야 공천 파동, 후보자의 지역개발 공약을 뽑았으며, 대구와 부산 지역은 현 정권에 대한 실망으로 인해 투표 불참이 가장 높았다. 영남 유권자들의 투표행태가 지역에 따라 차이가 존재하는지를 분석해 본 결과 TK과 PK의 차이가 확연히 존재했다. TK 유권자들은 정당 호감도, 주요 정당에 대한 공천평가, 박근혜 대통령의 업무 수행, 복지/사회 분야의 공공 지출 그리고 유권자의 세대와 학력이 투표 결정에 영향을 미친 반면PK 유권자들의 경우 정당 호감도와 주요 정치인의 호감도를 제외한 다른 요인은 그들의 투표 결정에 영향력이 없는 것으로 나타났다. The purpose of this research is to analyze whether Youngnam regionalism has changed in the 20<sup>th</sup> General election and if so, what causes it. In additions, the paper analyzes the different voting pattern within Youngnam. Youngnam has been known as a severe regionalistic ground until recent general elections. However, in the 20<sup>th</sup> general election, there is a cleavage of Youngnam regionalism in particular cities like Daegu considered as a symbol of conservatism and the political hometown of President Park. Many candidates from opposing parties were elected in Ulsan, Busan, and other cities and counties. The turnout rate of Daegu and Busan was the lowest. In general, the voting in Youngnam voter is influenced by the evaluation of current President, the scandals of candidate selection processes in major parties, and the manifesto which is related to city or local development. However, there is a difference between Taegu-Kyungbuk(TK) and Pusan-Kyungnam(PK) in terms of voting behaviors. While the voting of TK is affected by feelings toward Parties, President`s job approval, the evaluation of candidate selection processes in the parties and the expenditures of social services and welfare, the determinant of voting in PK is feelings towards Parties and politicians like Chulsu Ahn and Musung Kim.

      • KCI등재후보

        여성 유권자의 정치 정향과 이슈 평가 : 2018년 지방선거를 중심으로

        강주현(Joohyun Kang) 한국정치사회연구소 2020 한국과 국제사회 Vol.4 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 2018년 지방선거에서 나타난 우리나라 여성 유권자의 정치 정향과 이슈 평가를 남성 유권자와 비교 분석하는 데 있다. 정치정향에 관한 분석 결과 과거와는 달리 우리나라 여성 유권자의 정치 효능감은 남성 유권자와 차이가 존재하지 않았으며 여성 유권자는 이념적으로 보수적 성향을 나타내지 않았다. 그러나 우리나라 여성 유권자의 정치 관심과 정치 지식은 남성 유권자보다 낮은 것으로 나타나 전통적 성차 현상을 보였다. 지방선거 당시 쟁점이 된 정치, 경제, 여성, 교육이슈를 분석한 결과 다른 이슈와는 달리 여성 이슈인 미투 운동에서만 우리나라 여성 유권자는 남성 유권자와 차별된 태도를 보였다. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the gender gap in political orientations and issue evaluations. To examine main hypotheses, the survey data of the 7th local election in South Korea has analyzed by descriptive statistics and ordered logit regression. The results of political orientations are somewhat mixed. While the gender gap in political efficacy and ideology has disappeared, the traditional gender gap in political interest and knowledge still exists. Another finding is that there is only gender gap in the evaluation of gender-related issue like Me Too movement.

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