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      • Clark L.Hull의 演譯的 行動接近과 習慣族位階 形成에 關한 硏究

        李重昔 청주교육대학교 1974 論文集 Vol.10 No.-

        Clark L. Hull occupies a distinguished position in the contemporary Psychological theory. Noone else, perhaps with the exception of kurt Lewin, was so keenly devoted to the problems of scientiffic methodology. Few psychologists have had such a mastery of mathematics and formal logic as Hull had. Hull applied the language of mathematics to psychological theory in a manner used by no other psychologists. Whatever exists, Hull believed, exists in a certain quantity; whatever relationships have to be discovered by science, they have to be presented by mathematical equations. Hull discerned four research methods by science, they have to be presented by mathematical equation. Hull discerned four research methods, which deserves our educators' utomost concerns, leading to the discovery of scientific truth. ① The first method is simple, unplanned observation. ② The second is systematic, planned observation. ③ The third is the experimental testing of some specific and mutually nonrelated hypotheses. ④ The hypotheses come from Clark L. Hull occupies a distinguished position in the contemporary Psychological theory. Noone else, perhaps with the exception of kurt Lewin, was so keenly devoted to the problems of scientific methodology. Few psychologists have had such a mastery of mathematics and formal logic as Hull had. Hull applied the language of mathematics to psychological theory in a manner used by no other psychologists. Whatever exists, Hull believed, exists in a certain quantity; whatever relationships have to be discovered by science, they have to be presented by mathematical equations. Hull discerned four research methods by science, they have to be presented by mathematical equation. Hull discerned four research methods, which deserves our educators' utmost concerns, leading to the discovery of scientific truth. ① The first method is simple, unplanned observation. ② The second is systematic, planned observation. ③ The third is the experimental testing of some specific and mutually nonrelated hypotheses. ④ The hypotheses come from intuition or observation and are scrutinized by a carefully planned experimentation. Hull believed that the most fruitful one was the fourth method. Detailed for our reference, the hypothetice-deductive method is a three-step method of research that applies a rigorous deduction from a priori set principles. A system of definitions has to be introduced. Then a series of highly conceptualized postulates (tentatively stated laws) is proposed. From these definitions and postulates a series of detailed theorems is rigorously deduced. The totality of definitions, postulates, and theorems form a systematic and integrated theory. The advantage offered by a deductive method was apparent to Hull. As modern science gains its ground throughout all of spheres the life, mathematical and formal logical statements have unlimited generality. If psychology, in accordance with the behavioristic view, intends to become an objective science patterned after other natural science, the deductive-mathematical method seems to be the most appropriate one. Hull, kept his promise of transcendent truth(perceptible evidence). He was influenced by the moderate wing of logical positivism (David Hume's view on induction and causation and importance of logical analysis0 and by conventionalism (French mathematician and philosopher H. Poincar'e suggested that any system of postulates can be proposed, but it should be modified according to the results of empirical testing). During the period 1929-1953, research in the field of learning was heavily dominated by a long series of theoretical and experimental studies that in their wholeness involve the best example of the afore mentioned hypothetico-deductive system-making in psychology to appear during the first half of the century. Over a quater of a century, Hull developed several theories which varied in scope and addressed themselves to several different forms of learning. All his life Hull was modifying his learning theory in an effort to keep it in accord with the experimental evidence. He was stating hypothetical postulates and putting them to an experimental procedures, which were to prove or to disprove or to adjust his hypotheses in accordance with the observational evidence. As soon as the quantitative data obtained in experimentation became available, he transformed his postulated into quantitative statements. These statements quantified his theory construction. Of course, on this point Hull is open to criticism (not giving the particulars of such contention). His system is a behaviorism, and as such falls into the family of theories which also includes those of Watson, Guthrie. and Skinner. He formulated an objective quantitative theory of Neo-Behaviorism which is designated ds Deductive Behaviorism. Hull's theory is an S-R theory and consists of a chain of intervening variables bridging a logical gap from stimulus to response. To sum up, it will be convenient to consider the theory as consisting of five major clusters of variables, in order: habit formation, generalization and stimulus compounding, motivation(later Hull motivation theory will be argued), inhibition., and response evocation. Like Watson, Hull stressed conditioning as the basic learning process. His theoretical model was a Newtonian mechanism. He developed an intricate system of definitions, postulates, and theorems to bridge the gap from simple conditioning to more complex forms of learning. For example, in presenting his theory of learning, Hull stated, "Whenever a reaction(R) takes place in temporal contiguity with an afferent receptor impulse(S)resulting from the impact upon a receptor of a stimulus energy(S), and this conjunctions followed closely by the diminution in a need (and the associated diminution in the drive, D, and in the drive receptor discharge, ??), there will result and increment △(S→R), in the tendency for that stimulus on subsequent occasions to evoke that reaction within Hullian reinforcement, the stimulus and the response are not simultaneous; the stimulus precedes the response. Furthermore, learning does not take place with a single trial; it is stamped in through a process of repeated need or drive stimulus reduction. Thus, he thought of learning in terms of receptor-effector connections and of reinforcement in terms of need or drive stimulus reduction. He thought that learning occurs through biological adaptation of and organism to its environment in a way to promote survival. According to Hull, behavior involves an interaction between stimuli in the environment and the response which the organism makes to these stimuli through the medium of the nervous system in accordance with molar or macrocosmic or coarse grained behavioristic approach. (The molar approach deals with the organism as a whole, the molecular with the detailed, fine and exact elements of action of the nervous system. Molar is opposed to molecular; the latter would presumably deal with the action of the ultimate nerve cell, the protoplasmic molecules making up the neuron or the atoms constituting the molecule, or even the electrons, protons, neutrons, etc., constituting the atom). This interaction, which constitutes learning, involves fundamentally the biological adaptation of the organism to its environment. Influenced by Darwin's theory of survival, Hull maintained that it was necessary to think of the organism in a setting of organic evolution in which certain optimal conditions were essential for survival. Biological adaptation facilitiates survival. When, however, the conditions necessary for survival are less than optimal, a state of need arises within the individual. The function of behavior is to satisfy needs. A state of need operates upon an event or state designated as drive which is a state of lack-food privation, water privation, therm deviation from the optimum, tissue injury, the action of sex hormones in the organism that arouses activity and demands satisfaction or reducing, which serves the promotion of optimal conditions for survival. Under the pressure of needs and drives the organism undertakes adaptive actions. Thus drive is the motivating factor which stimulates to activity and impell the individual to make a response. Since drives bring out responses, they constitute the dynamics of behavior and thus are the bases for all behavior. The resulting action is goal-directed, the goal being the reduction of the drive, and the pattern of actions responses which lead to reduction of need become predominant or reinforced apparently, this is exactly what Thorndike had in mind with "stamping in" in the law effect. (Hull adopted Thorndike's law of effect, whereas Watson rejected it). This reduction of drive must occur in order that learning takes place. The central principle in Hull's theory is reinforcement, which refers to "any set of conditions which when appropriately employed, favors learning". It has the effect of reducing need; that is, it involves the strengthening of the process of interaction between stimuli and responses. Reinforcement is the key principle in learning since " learning takes place only when the action that is performed is reinforce or rewarded." whether or not a response will be repeated depends upon whether or not it has been rewarded. A stimulus which leads to a need-reducing action may become associated with another, originally neutral, stimulus. This is conditioning as described by Pavlov. Put in another words, Hull believes that no conditioning will take place unless there is need reduction. Reinforcement is need reducing, and conditioning takes place only when there is reinforcement. In Hull's frame of reference, "the conditioned reaction is a special case of law of effect." In Hull's theory a distinction has been made between primary and secondary reinforcement. Primary reinforcement refers to the reduction of the basic needs of the organism. Secondary reinforcement refers to stimuli originally neutral but which closely and consistently associated with the reduction of a primary need or satisfaction of a drive tends to acquire reinforcing properties in its own right. Hull also considered that reinforcement constitutes the primary condition for habit formation, acquisition, and development which is the central factor in learning. Through such higher-order conditioning many things and actions come to have value and can serve as reinforcers. Higher-order conditioning is conditioning based up on previous conditioning (originally neutral stimuli become closely associated with primary reinforcing stimuli and thereby become effective in reducing need and neutral stimuli acquire the power of acting as reinforcing agents.) Hull employed the term habit strength to refer to "how firmly a particular stimulus-response relationship has been established." Habit is the result of the occurrence of stimulus, response, and reinforcement in close temporal conjunction. Reinforcement brings about an increase in habit strength, and learning occurs when habit grows. Habit strength is determined by the frequency with which a certain response has been rewarded or followed by a reward. In summary, one feels that probably Hull's contribution to psychological theory was much greater than Hull's own theory could be. Psychologists may accept or reject this or that part of Hull's theory or even reject it entirely. Yet there is a deep feeling of respect and admiration for the house that Hull built. His theory is entrenched with numerous and ingenious experimeds conducted in most rigorous manner by himself and his brilliant friends, followers, and disciples, among them J.S. Brown, J. Dollard, C. I. Hovland, G. E. Kimble, N. E. Miller, H. O. Mowrer, K. W. spence, H. G. Yamaguchi (to mention only a few), and some of them assumed themselves a leading position in the contemporary theory of learning. Hull's way of reasoning is impeccable, his explanations are lucid, and his constant double-check of theory against empirical evidence invites emuluation, some questions still remain open, among them the question of the generality of his statements and of the general validity of his quantifcations and the most general problem of whether psychology should be studied in the manner in which Hull studied it.

      • Internet Of Things As A Solution Enabler In Health Sector

        Yatin Jog,Apurva Sharma,Kalyani Mhatre,Anand Abhishek 보안공학연구지원센터 2015 International Journal of Bio-Science and Bio-Techn Vol.7 No.2

        India is a country where vast medical needs are not met. Internet of Things (IoT) has created a new horizon in health care sector which specifically aims at connecting the world via smart objects. IoT enabled devices are used in various industries such as Envi-ronmental Monitoring, Building and Home Automation, Medical and Healthcare Systems, Infrastructure Management, Transport Systems, Energy Management, Industrial Applica-tions, etc. Healthcare industry is one of the biggest industries that provides health care products and incorporates the delivery of services to patients. These services are supported by electronic processs called as E-health. Using IoT devices remote health monitoring and notification can be done easily as well as quickly in case of emergency. Smart TV as a platform for E-Health Services can also be called as “Health-TV” which is one of the technology that provides IoT based e-Health Solutions to the patients. ICT in-dustry mainly focuses on the easy access of remote health services such as medication reminder, health monitoring and health coaching at home. It also helps in independent living style for the patient like senior citizen, managing and accessing health services in a specific condition from home via Health TV. “Smart infusion pumps” is another technol-ogy which is used for treating patients more carefully and accurately. It collects data and then aggregates in a database which contains the records of the administration in the central server. They are basically network devices which connect hospitals and clinics through wireless local area network.”Smart-o-meter” is a Web-based patient-centered decision support system for BP control using an iterative, user-centered design process so that it meets standards of feasibility and acceptability for patient navigators and partici-pants. The outcome or suggestion of this intensive research:  The government should implement the health care technological solutions, as pri-vate organizations can’t reach maximum masses of India.  A shift from traditional methods to the conventional methods of health care prac-tices in India is required so as to build a better environment for the people to live in.  As many Indians are still hesitant of relying on internet based technology, espe-cially IoT (fact from our survey over respondent in city PUNE, INDIA), a proper aware-ness session and demo session should be conducted in leading hospitals and institutes.

      • Business Approach for IoT based Health Solutions in India with respect to Osterwalder Framework

        Yatin Jog,Apurva Sharma,Kalyani Mhatre,AnandAbhishek 보안공학연구지원센터 2015 International Journal of Bio-Science and Bio-Techn Vol.7 No.6

        Internet of Things is an emerging trend that will take existing health care sector to a new dimension. IOT based e-health products like Smart Infusion Pumps, Smart Monitoring, & Health TV will provide the edge over the existing traditional methods used in healthcare sector. The e–Health solutions provided through IoT devices are more accurate and accountable in context of IoT landscape, which provides various challenges along with exciting opportunities in the industry. Healthcare sector is not about just affordability, access & quality but also about financial & social aspects. Therefore, different Business Models have been developed by different enterprises for Transforming Health systems so as to create real time use and impact for the users especially patients, their families & communities where they belongs the centre of care. The main purpose behind every business model is to generate money in terms of profit. It is nothing but an organized structure where a company knows about its key partners, customers, resources, channels & revenue as well as cost structure. This in turns gives a picture about what an enterprise is, what are its strategies, its competitors etc. Better model showcase the enterprise their possibilities, competencies & responsiveness with the customers as well as clients.

      • Surface tailored PS/TiO<sub>2</sub> composite nanofiber membrane for copper removal from water

        Wanjale, S.,Birajdar, M.,Jog, J.,Neppalli, R.,Causin, V.,Karger-Kocsis, J.,Lee, J.,Panzade, P. Academic Press 2016 JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE - Vol.469 No.-

        Polystyrene (PS)/TiO<SUB>2</SUB> composite nanofiber membranes have been fabricated by electrospinning process for Cu<SUP>2+</SUP> ions removal from water. The surface properties of the polystyrene nanofibers were modulated by introducing TiO<SUB>2</SUB> nanoparticles. The contact angle of the PS nanofiber membrane was found to be decreased with increasing concentration of TiO<SUB>2</SUB>, depicted enhanced hydrophilicity. These membranes were highly effective in adsorbing Cu<SUP>2+</SUP> ions from water. The adsorption capacity of these membranes was found to be 522mg/g, which is significantly higher than the results reported by other researchers. This was attributed to enhanced hydrophilicity of the PS/TiO<SUB>2</SUB> composite nanofiber membranes and effective adsorption property of TiO<SUB>2</SUB> nanoparticles.

      • Use of Mobile Communication for Enhancing HealthCare Services in Rural India

        Sunil Patil,Yatin Jog,Pushpendra Thenuan,Prajakta Kanegaonkar 보안공학연구지원센터 2016 International Journal of Bio-Science and Bio-Techn Vol.8 No.5

        Mobile communication services have expanded beyond simple voice communication in the past couple of decades into other areas such as commerce, banking, education, and healthcare just to name a few. Due to adoption of wireless communication in these services, people are connected anytime, anyplace, any device, and anywhere. It is also observed that an Average Revenue per User (ARPU) has been dropping for the past few years as voice communication has been commoditized. Telecom operators are providing number of value added services (VAS) to users in the urban and rural sector of India to enhance revenue. Healthcare service is one such area which provides maximum revenue enhancement potential for the operators. Penetration of smartphones, availability of connectivity, and availability of relevant apps are some of the key drivers and enablers for services. The teledensity in the urban sector is over 154% while it is about 51% in the rural sector(TRAI, 2016). This study was undertaken for understanding the present status of the healthcare services in the rural areas and how mobile communication could be used to improve or provide additional services to enhance health in rural population. The healthcare services sector was chosen for the study as 70% of the population of the country is in the rural areas where quality of healthcare services is poor. Improved healthcare services in these areas will have direct impact on productivity and efficiency of people working in farms hence the contribution to the Gross National Product (GDP) of the country. The survey was conducted in three villages surrounding the urban city of Pune. The data is analyzed to study the interdependence of various factors related to present healthcare service system. Recommendations are provided to telecom operators based on the outcome of data analysis.

      • KCI등재

        Expanding the Clinical Spectrum of RFC1 Gene Mutations

        Dinkar Kulshreshtha,Mandar Jog 대한파킨슨병및이상운동질환학회 2022 Journal Of Movement Disorders Vol.15 No.2

        Biallelic intronic repeat expansion in the replication factor complex unit 1 (RFC1) gene has recently been described as a cause of late onset ataxia with degeneration of the cerebellum, sensory pathways and the vestibular apparatus. This condition is termed cerebellar ataxia, neuropathy, and vestibular areflexia syndrome (CANVAS). Since the identification of this novel gene mutation, the phenotypic spectrum of RFC1 mutations continues to expand and includes not only CANVAS but also slowly progressive cerebellar ataxia, ataxia with chronic cough (ACC), isolated sensory neuropathy and multisystemic diseases. We present a patient with a genetically confirmed intronic repeat expansion in the RFC1 gene with a symptom complex not described previously.

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