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        Identification of the Best Societal Measurement of Healthy Aging

        Jean-Pierre Michel 대한노인병학회 2019 Annals of geriatric medicine and research Vol.23 No.2

        Almost six decades after the first proposals to define and evaluate the quality of individual aging, the first indexes for assessing the aging process at the societal level have ap-peared. Moreover, in five years, three different scores for measuring societal aging have been developed and tested in different areas. The Global AgeWatch Index focused on 96 countries from around the world, while the Active Ageing index is limited to the European Union countries and the Ageing Society Index targets Organization for Economic Co-oper-ation and Development countries. This paper analyzed and compared the results of these three indexes. The rankings vary little at the bottom end of the scale, with the same coun-tries consistently ranked among the lowest scores (for example, Poland ranked last among the European countries in the three indexes). The same is true at the top of the rankings, with Sweden, the Netherlands, and Ireland consistently among the high-scoring countries. However, the three indices tend to differently rank the countries in the middle. The United States, for example, is ranked ninth in the Global Age Watch 2015 and third in the Age-ing Societal Index 2018. In cases in which the results are not consistent, it is difficult for politicians and policymakers to adequately identify needs and orient the policy to promote active and healthy aging. There is clearly a compelling need for wide-scale debate to reach a consensus on a comprehensive score or index at the societal level.

      • KCI등재

        Lactose Sensitivity and Lactose Malabsorption: The 2 Faces of Lactose Intolerance

        ( Michel Bouchoucha ),( Marinos Fysekidis ),( Pierre Rompteaux ),( Jean-jacques Raynaud ),( Jean-marc Sabate ),( Robert Benamouzig ) 대한소화기기능성질환·운동학회(구 대한소화관운동학회) 2021 Journal of Neurogastroenterology and Motility (JNM Vol.27 No.2

        Background/Aims Self-reported lactose intolerance (LI) is frequent in patients with functional bowel disorders (FBD) that could be interpreted as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The present study aims to characterize the responses of patients with FBD, without small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), and LI, in terms of lactose malabsorption (LM) and lactose sensitivity (LS) according to psychological and clinical features. Methods One hundred and fifty-eight consecutive FBD outpatients with LI, and no SIBO, were classified according to the Rome III questionnaire and filled Beck Depression Inventory, and State and Trait Anxiety questionnaires. They underwent a lactose tolerance test in which glycemia during 60 minutes and digestive symptoms for 3 hours were recorded. Results Abnormal lactose tolerance tests were found in 110 patients (70%), 44 (28%) with LM, 96 (61%) with LS, and 30 (19%) having both LM and LS. LM patients had a higher frequency of functional diarrhea (P = 0.040) and a lower frequency of dysphagia (P = 0.031). LS patients had a higher depression score (P = 0.007), higher frequency of globus (P = 0.042), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) (P = 0.027) and mixed IBS (P = 0.049), and lower frequency of abdominal pain (P = 0.040). LS was significantly associated with a higher depression score (P = 0.002), and a higher frequency of globus (P = 0.046). Conclusions Thirty percent of LI patients have normal lactose absorption and normal LS. In the other 70% of patients, LI could be associated with LM and/or LS. (J Neurogastroenterol Motil 2021;27:257-264)

      • KCI등재

        Is It Possible to Delay or Prevent Age-Related Cognitive Decline?

        Jean-Pierre Michel 대한가정의학회 2016 Korean Journal of Family Medicine Vol.37 No.5

        Already in the 90s, Khachaturian stated that postponing dementia onset by five years would decrease the preva-lence of the late onset dementia by 50%. After two decades of lack of success in dementia drug discovery and devel-opment, and knowing that worldwide, currently 36 million patients have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, a number that will double by 2030 and triple by 2050, the World Health Organization and the Alzheimer’s Disease International declared that prevention of cognitive decline was a ‘public health priority.’ Numerous longitudinal studies and meta-analyses were conducted to analyze the risk and protective factors for dementia. Among the 93 identified risk factors, seven major modifiable ones should be considered: low education, sedentary lifestyle, midlife obesity, midlife smoking, hypertension, diabetes, and midlife depression. Three other important modifi-able risk factors should also be added to this list: midlife hypercholesterolemia, late life atrial fibrillation, and chronic kidney disease. After their identification, numerous authors attempted to establish dementia risk scores; however, the proposed values were not convincing. Identifying the possible interventions, able to either postpone or delay dementia has been an important challenge. Observational studies focused on a single life-style interven-tion increased the global optimism concerning these possibilities. However, a recent extensive literature review of the randomized control trials (RCTs) conducted before 2014 yielded negative results. The first results of RCTs of multimodal interventions (Finnish Geriatric Intervention Study to Prevent Cognitive Impairment and Disability, Multidomain Alzheimer Prevention Study, and Prediva) brought more optimism. Lastly, interventions targeting compounds of beta amyloid started in 2012 and no results have yet been published.



        Gauthier, Jean-Claude,Ballot, Bernard,Lebrun, Jean-Philippe,Lecomte, Michel,Hittner, Dominique,Carre, Frank Korean Nuclear Society 2007 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.39 No.1

        Energy supply is increasingly showing up as a major issue for electricity supply, transportation, settlement, and process heat industrial supply including hydrogen production. Nuclear power is part of the solution. For electricity supply, as exemplified in Finland and France, the EPR brings an immediate answer; HTR could bring another solution in some specific cases. For other supply, mostly heat, the HTR brings a solution inaccessible to conventional nuclear power plants for very high or even high temperature. As fossil fuels costs increase and efforts to avoid generation of Greenhouse gases are implemented, a market for nuclear generated process heat will be developed. Following active developments in the 80's, HTR have been put on the back burner up to 5 years ago. Light water reactors are widely dominating the nuclear production field today. However, interest in the HTR technology was renewed in the past few years. Several commercial projects are actively promoted, most of them aiming at electricity production. ANTARES is today AREVA's response to the cogeneration market. It distinguishes itself from other concepts with its indirect cycle design powering a combined cycle power plant. Several reasons support this design choice, one of the most important of which is the design flexibility to adapt readily to combined heat and power applications. From the start, AREVA made the choice of such flexibility with the belief that the HTR market is not so much in competition with LWR in the sole electricity market but in the specific added value market of cogeneration and process heat. In view of the volatility of the costs of fossil fuels, AREVA's choice brings to the large industrial heat applications the fuel cost predictability of nuclear fuel with the efficiency of a high temperature heat source tree of Greenhouse gases emissions. The ANTARES module produces 600 MWth which can be split into the required process heat, the remaining power drives an adapted prorated electric plant. Depending on the process heat temperature and power needs, up to 80% of the nuclear heat is converted into useful power. An important feature of the design is the standardization of the heat source, as independent as possible of the process heat application. This should expedite licensing. The essential conditions for success include: ${\bullet}$ Timely adapted licensing process and regulations, codes and standards for such application and design ${\bullet}$ An industry oriented R&D program to meet the technological challenges making the best use of the international collaboration. Gen IV could be the vector ${\bullet}$ Identification of an end user(or a consortium of) willing to fund a FOAK

      • KCI등재후보

        A Study of Reliable Bio-Telemetry, Efficient Powering and Electromagnetic Exposure in Implantable Neural Systems

        Yuce and Jean-Michel Redouté,Ahmed I. AL-Kalbani,Mehmet R. Yuce 대한의용생체공학회 2013 Biomedical Engineering Letters (BMEL) Vol.3 No.1

        Purpose This paper explores the bio-telemetry, powering and electromagnetic exposure design concerns in implanted neural systems. Methods A class-E transmitter transfers PWM-ASK (Pulse-Width Modulated Amplitude-Shift Keying) modulated data signals to the brain implants at an optimal speed, while efficiently delivering sufficient power so as to keep the exposure of tissue to electromagnetic fields within tolerable limits. Results A case study design illustrates that using a PWMASK modulated class-E transmitter, switching at a 5 MHz carrier frequency and requiring a voltage supply of 5 V, the maximal achievable data rate is equal to 168 kbps. Furthermore,two possible transmitter coil designs are proposed: simulations show that the minimal specific absorption rate (SAR) value when comparing these coils to power brain implants is equal to 1.72 W/kg for a transmitted power of 1 W per coil. Conclusions This paper illustrates how the fundamental limits on the achievable PWM-ASK data transmission rate,as well as achievable bit error rate (BER) versus signal to noise ratio (SNR), can be improved using a Class-E transmitter design. Additionally, it has been shown which coil setups can be used so as deliver sufficient power to implants while keeping the exposure of tissue to electromagnetic fields at a minimum.

      • KCI등재

        Sensations Reported During Urodynamic Bladder Filling in Spinal Cord Injury Patients Give Additional Important Information

        Jean-Jacques Wyndaele,Michel Wyndaele,Peter F.W.M. Rosier 대한배뇨장애요실금학회 2022 International Neurourology Journal Vol.26 No.S1

        Purpose: This study investigated the sensations reported during filling cystometry in patients with spinal cord lesions (SCLs) of different levels and completeness. Methods: In this retrospective cohort study, information was gathered on patients’ age and sex, cause of SCL, American Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale (AIS), and lower urinary tract-related sensations in daily life. Filling cystometry (videourodynamics) was performed following the International Continence Society Good Urodynamic Practice Guidelines. In addition to bladder filling sensations (first sensation of bladder filling, first desire to void, strong desire to void), other sensations, such as detrusor overactivity related sensation and pain, were noted. Results: In total, 170 patients were included (age, 45±17 years; 114 males and 56 females, 92 with complete and 78 with incomplete SCL). The test was done 6±4 years post-SCL. Sensation was reported by 57% of all patients. Half of the patients with complete SCL (46 of 92) had sensation, while 36% of those with incomplete SCL (28 of 78) reported no sensation. Bladder awareness was not predictable by the AIS. The filling sensations reported were equivalent to those given in the terminology of ICS. Pain was seldom present (6%, 10 of 170), and detrusor overactivity contraction was felt by 45 of 78 (58%). Very few patients used sensory information for bladder management at home. Conclusions: After SCL, most patients retained the ability to be aware of the lower urinary tract, and were assessable and gradable during urodynamic testing. The filling sensations were not different from those described in healthy individuals, but the number and sequence of the sensations were altered in a minority of patients. Pain and a sensation of unstable contractions gave additional important information. As different sensations relate to different spinal afferent pathways, the sensory evaluation during cystometry provided additional important information on the spinal cord’s condition.

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