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      • KCI등재

        대구 및 경북지역 일부 유치원생들의 최근 요충감염상

        류장근(Jang-Keun Ryu),노병의(Pyong-Ui Roh),김용문(Yong-Moon Kim) 대한의생명과학회 1996 Biomedical Science Letters Vol.2 No.1

        대구 및 경북지역 일부 유치원생들의 최근 요충감염 상태를 조사하기 위하여 도시지역으로는 대구광역시 수성구 지역 14개 유치원과 농촌지역으로는 경북 경산시의 면단위 소재지 11개 유치원에서 4, 5, 6, 7세 어린이 1,087명(남:611, 여:476)을 대상으로 Graham씨의 Scotch tape법으로 1회 항문주위도말검사를 실시하였다. 도시지역 유치원생들의 요충감염율은 검사자 643명중 양성자가 62명으로 9.6%였고, 농촌지역은 444명중 양성자가 45명으로 10.1%였다. 연령별 검사성적에서는 7세에서 도시지역에서는 128명중 7명이 양성자로 나타나 5.5%의 양성률을 보였고, 농촌지역에서는 87명중 21명이 양성자로 나타나 24.1%의 양성률을 보여 농촌지역 유치원생들이 도시지역 유치원생들 보다 요충감염율이 훨씬 높게 나타났다(P<0.01). 도시지역 연령별 전체 요충감염 상태는 4세 6.3%, 5세 8.4%, 6세 19.3%로 연령이 높아질수록 증가하는 경향을 보였으나 7세에서는 5.5%로 낮게 나타났다(P<0.01). 농촌지역 연령별 전체 요충감염 상태는 4세가 2.3%, 5세가 7.0%, 6세가 9.8%, 7세가 24.1%로 연령이 높아질수록 감염율이 높았다(P<0.01). Recent patterns of Enterobius vermicularis infection in some kindergarten children was performed in Taegu and Kyongbuk Area from June 1, 1995 through August 30, 1995. A total of 1,087 children (male 611 and female 476) were examined by Graham's scotch tape method. Of 643 urban children, 62(9.6%) were infected by E. vermicularis, and of 444 rural children, 45(10.1%) were infected. Of 354 male children in urban area 40(11.3%) were E. vermicularis positive and of 257 male children in rural area, 28(10.9%) were E. vermicularis positive. Of 128 children in the age of 7 years old in urban area, 7(5.5%) were E. vermicularis positive but of 87 children in the same age group in ural area, 21(24.1%) were E. vermicularis positive (P<0.01). Of 354 male children in urban area, 40(11.3%) were E. vermicularis positive and of 289 female children in the same area 22(7.6%) were infected by E. vermicularis. The E. vermicularis infection rates in the children in the age group of 4, 5, and 6 were 6.3%, 8.4% and 19.3% respectively, and the rate for 7 year old children was 5.5% (P<0.01). In rural area, 28(10.9%) of 257 male children had E. vermicularis and 17(9.1%) of 187 female children had E. vermicularis. The E. vermicularis infection rates in the age groups of 4, 5, 6 and 7 were 2.3%, 7.0% 9.8% and 24.1% respectively and the difference in rates were statistically significant (P<0.01).

      • KCI등재

        인체기생 열두조충류의 형태비교 및 진단적 소견

        류장근(Jang-Keun Ryu),양용상(Yong-Sang Yang),강성구(Sung-Gu Kang),백승한(Seung-Whan Baek),임신영(Shin-Young Rim) 대한의생명과학회 1998 Biomedical Science Letters Vol.4 No.1

        최근 우리 나라는 열두조충과 (Diphyllobothridae)에 속하는 조충류의 인체 감염예가 빈번하게 보고되고 있다. 이는 본 조충류의 감염매체인 어류를 날 것으로 생식할 기회가 많으며, 또한 본 조충류의 제1중간숙주인 물벼룩이 음료수를 통한 인체 감염이 완인일 것으로 추정되고 있다. 조충류의 진단은 충체에 있어 두절과 편절의 형태학적 특정을 감별하여 種의 분류와 진단을 하는 것이 기본적 순서가 될 것이나, 1차적으로 가능한 진단은 환자의 증상 참작과 분변으로부터 충란을 발견 감별하게 된다. 특히 광절열두조충류의 충란에 의한 種鍵別은 환자로부터 편절이나 충체의 확실한 감별을 위한 사전 정보를 가늠하는 뜻에서도 중요성이 있다. 이에 저자들은 환자의 치료와 함께 수집된 Diphyllobothrium latum, D. latum parvum 그리고 Spirometra erinacei의 편절과 충란을 재료로 형태 및 진단적 결과를 분석한 바 그 성적은 다음과 같다. 1. 환자의 분변에서 수집된 충란 50개씩을 각각 선택하여 형태와 크기에 대한 계측을 실시하였다. D. latum의 충란은 난개가 있고 난원형 또는 타원형의 모양으로 관찰되었으며 D. latum parvum은 D. latum에 비하여 더 난원형이면서 작게 관찰되었다. S. erinacei의 충란은 폭이 비대칭적이며 걸쭉한 모양으로 관찰되었다. 2. D. latum, D. latum parvum 그리고 S. erinacei의 충란의 크기에서 충란의 평균 길이와 폭은 각각 61.4×41.7 ㎛, 55.9×41.4 ㎛ 그리고 66.7×36.4 ㎛이었다. 3. 각 조충의 편절을 고정한 다음, 첫째 포매하고 microtome으로 절편을 만들어 hematoxylin-eosin 염색을 실시하였고, 둘째 고정과 함께 sernicon's aceto-carmine 염색표본을 작성하여 현미경 관찰을 한 결과 D. latum과 D. latum parvum은 생식선이 편절의 중앙선상에 위치하고 개구된 자궁구가 관찰되었다. 그리고 편절의 양측에 난황이 follicle로 관찰되었으며 전형적인 rosette모양을 형성하고 있었다. 그러나 D. parvum은 D. latum에 비하여 아주 작은 크기로 관찰되었다. S. erinacei의 편절은 자궁이 나선형으로 5~7회 이상으로 말려서 관찰되었고 음경낭안에서 저정낭이 이어져 연결되고 있었다. 이로써 본 연구에서는 편절의 형태특징과 함께 충란 크기에 대한 계측과 분석을 하고자 하였으며, 광학현미경에 의한 계측치로 세 종류의 조충 감별에 유의한 참고치를 제기하는 바이다. Recently there have been frequent reports on human infection caused by the Diphyllobothridae in Korea. The adequate opportunities for Koreans to eat raw fish, the primary infection medium of cestodes and the human infection through drinking water by cyclops, the first intermediate host are believed to be main reasons for the infection. The first task of this study was to classify and diagnose the species by differentiating morphological characteristic between scolex and proglottids of cestodes. However, the initially available diagnosis was done with the patient's symptoms and the eggs obtained from his stool. It is important to differentiate the species by the eggs of Diphyllobothrium latum especially in that it can help get advance information for a more reliable analysis in the near future. The morphological and diagnostic results from proglottids and eggs of Diphyllobothrium latum, Diphyllobothrium latum parvum and Spirometra erinacei are as follows; In each kind of cestodes from the patient's stool, the shape and size of 50 eggs were measured. Eggs of Diphyllobothrium latum had an operculum and were ovoidal or ellipsoid to elliptical in shape. Eggs of Diphyllobothrium latum parvum were more ovoidal in shape and smaller in size than Diphyllobothrium latum. And eggs of Spirometra erinacei were asymmetrical in width and long and slender in shape. The average lengths and widths of Diphyllobothrium latum, Diphyllobothrium latum parvum and Spirometra erinacei were 61.4 × 41.7 ㎛, 55.9 × 41.4 ㎛ and 66.7 × 36.4 ㎛, respectively. After the segments of each cestode were fixed, embedding and hematoxylin-eosin dyeing on a microtome-made specimen were done. The micrographs of the semicon's aceto-carmine dyed specimen showed that Diphyllobothrium latum and Diphyllobothrium latum parvum had a centrally-located genital gland and an opened uterine pore. The yolks were observed on both sides of proglottids and had a typical rosette pattern. Yet, Diphyllobothrium latum parvum was shown smaller than Diphyllobothrium latum in the micrograph. Proglottids of Spirometra erinacei displayed that the uterus was rolled spirally more than five to seven times, and connected successively to the seminal vesicle in the cirrus sac. Shown above, this study was performed to measure the size of eggs and analyze the morphological characteristics of proglottids and provided the measurements of three types of cestodes obtained by a light microscope.

      • KCI등재

        Echinostoma hortense를 실험 감염시킨 흰쥐 장상피에서 림프구 (IEL) 증감에 관한 연구

        류장근(Jang-Keun Ryu),노병의(Pyong-Ui Rob),이지숙(Ji-Sook Lee),양용석(Yong-Suk Ryang) 대한의생명과학회 1999 Biomedical Science Letters Vol.5 No.1

        저자들은 호르텐스극구흡충을 실험적으로 흰쥐 (Sprague Dawley)에 감염시켰을 때 장상피내 림프구 (intraepithelial lymphocytes: IEL)의 증감여부를 관찰하였다. 즉, 피낭유충을 경구 감염시킨 다음 1주일부터 8주일까지 격주별로 소장점막에서 lEL의 수치, 융모/선와의 비 (villus/crypt ratio) 등을 현미경적으로 관찰하였다. 감염 흰쥐는 격주별로 희생시켰으며 소장의 십이지장과 공장부위의 조직을 획득하여 조직절편을 제작하였고, Hematoxylin-eosin 및 Giemsa 염색을 실시한 후 IEL 수, 위치의 변동을 현미경적으로 관찰하였다. 융모 위축과 선와 증식, V/C ratio의 감소를 특징으로 하는 장병변은 감염 1주일 경과한 소장에서 가장 심하였으며 이 병변은 8주일까지 계속되고 있었다. IEL은 감염 1주일에 급속하게 감소하였다가 서서히 증가하다가 8주일 때에는 다소 감소하는 결과를 보였다. 대조군에서 IEL은 대부분 장상피층의 기저부에 위치하였으나, 감염 초기에는 많은 IEL이 장상피세포의 핵주변부와 상층부에 분포하는 것이 특이하였다. 이와 같이 호르텐스극구흡충 감염시 나타나는 IEL 수 및 위치의 변동은 장병변의 진행과정과 관련이 있음을 알 수 있었다. The relationship between the intestinal histopathology and number and position of intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) was observed chronologically in the small intestine of rats experimentally infected with Echinostoma hortense. Sprague-Dawley rats were orally infected with 200 metacercariae obtained from Misgurnus anguillicaudatus. The rats each were sacrificed on the week 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 post-infection (PI) and samples of the intestine in the part of duodenum and jejunum were taken. The samples were stained with Hematoxylin-eosin and Giemsa. The intestinal histopathology was the severest after the week 1 PI and characterized by villous atrophy, crypt hyperplasia and decrease of villus/crypt(v/c) ratio, which continued until the week 8 PI. The number of IEL dramatically decreased during the week 1 PI, but increased gradually thereafter with a slight decrease on the week 8 PI. In control rats, the great majority of the IEL were located at the basal region of the epithelium. During the early stage of infection, however, we found a considerable proportion of IEL to moved to the intermediate or apical regions of the epithelium. From the above results, it is sugested that the change of IEL number and position during the course of E. hortense infection should be closely related to the progression and recovery of the intestinal histopathology.

      • 주한 중국 유학생들의 음주행태와 스트레스와의 관련성

        왕페이 ( Fei Wang ),류장근 ( Jang Keun Ryu ),이한구 ( Han Koo Lee ) 한국보건복지융합학회 2010 노인의료복지연구 Vol.1 No.2

        Drinking is one of the college life but it can cause the health, class and social trouble. The college student has not been matured enough for dealing with the heavy drinking, so it is really crucial that they cintrol themselves. Especially the Chinese foreign student have recognized the difficulty to adopt in South Korea and also it is to all the foreign students. Therefore, I researched to two hundred eleven foreign students in Daegu district, I Collect the information until may,7 2007. I analyze the data by myself. The social distinctive quality, the drinking expectation, the drinking experience, the stress and the efficacy was asked. 1) the drinking expectation The foreign student``s drinking expectation is high as 3.69 and it is relative to the sex, the age, the religious life and the school participation. The barrier value is high as 3.23 and it was depend on the age, the budget, the religious life, the satisfaction of college life and the school participation. The beneficial value is as low as 2.44, and it was different by the sex, the age, the scholastic year and the school participation. The drinking expectation is generally caused by the religious life and the school participation. 2) The stress The foreign student stress value is as low as 2.67. This factor is caused by the age, the degree, the budget, the residence, the religious life and the department participant. If the religious life value and the college life satisfaction is high, they must be socializable person. 3) Among the drinking factor value, the susceptibility(-0.3``]7), the difficulty(-0.356), the beneficial(0.313), self-into-action(0.376). Theses factors are relatively high as above 0.3. The self-into-action factor``s relation is high as 0.2. The action trouble problem factor is -0.346. These means that it has quite high relative relation with it. Between the drinking expectation ~md action problem factor is the beneficial is the only high factor(0.232). Therefore the most drinking problem``s factor foreign student in Korea are the religion life and the department participation. For reduce the drinking side effect, we have to educate the foreign student, especially they join the religion activity and the department activities

      • KCI등재

        간흡충: 충체 및 대사성 항원의 특성분석

        양용석(Yong-Suk Ryang),류장근(Jang-Keun Ryu),주난영(Nan-Young Ju),송강원(Kang-Won Song) 대한의생명과학회 1996 Biomedical Science Letters Vol.2 No.2

        저자들은 마우스를 실험모델로 하여 간흡충의 항원을 투여 했을 때 비장조직에 대한 CD3, CD4 및 CD8 모노클로날 항체의 반응 여부를 알아보고자 하였다. 즉, 간흡충에 대한 세포면역학적인 특성을 규명고자 하였으며 특히 비장 조직에 대한 phenotype을 관찰한 결과 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 간흡충의 조항원을 면역증강제와 함께 복강 투여한 다음 일정 기간 후에 비장조직을 Avidin-biotin complex 면역조직염색을 실시한 결과 CD3에서 강한 양성 반응을 나타냈고 CD4와 CD8에서는 약한 반응을 나타냈다. 조직부위를 보면 피막, 혈관, 임파관, 백수부위와 림프구 및 대식세포의 세포막에서 양성반응을 보였다. The authors inquired into what reactions comprise the response of mice(as a model) CD3, CD4 and CD8 monoclonal antibodies in spleen tissue when injected intraperitoneally by antigens of Clonorchis sinensis. The author is objective was focused on investigating the property of cellular immunity for liver fluke. In particular, the results of having examined the phenotype of the tissue of spleen were revealed as follows: a certain length of time after having been intraperitoneally injected with antigens of Clonorchis sinensis and Freund's adjuvant, the tissue of spleen was embedded and immunohistochemically stained by the avidin-biotin complex method. A strong reaction in response to CD3, while a feeble reaction resulted from CD4 and CD8. The tissue region showed a positive reaction to all antibodies, especially from capsules, vascular areas, white pulps and membrane of blood cells.

      • 노인요양시설 요양보호사의 서비스 질에 영향을 미치는 요인

        이광재 ( Kwang Jae Lee ),류장근 ( Jang Keun Ryu ),김희곤 ( Hee Gon Kim ) 한국보건복지융합학회 2011 노인의료복지연구 Vol.3 No.1

        A survey was conducted in Daegu province from Jun 21st to Jul 20th in 2010 targeting care helpers working for nursing home. Total of 416 respondents answered £he questionnaires and here is the result of analyzed data. 1) Job security based on the general characteristics showed high as her/his age is higher, the level of education is lower, her/his service period as a care helper is longer and if (s)he is regular full-time employee. 2) Job stress based on the general characteristics ranked low as (his)her level of education is lower and if (he)she is married. 3) The level of belief to the job based on the general characteristics showed high as his/her age is higher, the level of education is lower, and if (s)he is married and (s)he is Christian. 4) The sense of the calling based on the general characteristics ranked high as her/his age is higher, the level of education is lower, and if (s)he is married and (s)he is Christian. 5) Dedication to the job based on the general characteristics ranked high as her/his age is higher, the level of education is lower, her/his service period as a care helper is longer, and if (s)he is married. 6) The service quality based on the general characteristics ranked high if (s)he is married. 7) The most influential factor to the service quality was the level of belief to the job.

      • KCI등재

        Detection of Serum IgG and IgM Antibody in Rats Experimentally Infected with Echinostoma hortense

        Ji-Sook Lee(이지숙),Yong-Suk Ryang(양용석),Kyu-Jae Lee(이규재),Jang-Keun Ryu(류장근) 대한의생명과학회 1999 Biomedical Science Letters Vol.5 No.2

        본 연구는 흰쥐에 호르텐스극구흡충 피낭유충을 흰쥐에게 실험적으로 감염시켜 감염기간에 따른 항체 생산 유무를 규명하였다. 감염 흰쥐의 혈청을 기간별로 채취하여 IgG 및 IgM 항체가를 ELISA법으로 측정하였으며, 또한 이의 진단적 이용가치를 평가하고 이들에 대한 상관성을 검토한 결과는 다음과 같다. 즉, 기간별 특이 IgG 항체가는 0.13±0.014 (mean±S.D.)에서 0.4803±0.073까지의 분포를 보였으며 감염 제 28일에 최고치 (0.4803±0.073)를 보였다 (p<0.05). 호르텐스극구흡충에 감염된 백서를 통해 매주 얻은 특이 IgM 항체가는 0.16±0.034 (mean±S.D.)에서 0.4093±0.084까지의 분포를 보였으며 감염 제 7일에 증가하여 감염 제 14일에 최고치 (0.4093±0.084)를 보였다 (p<0.05). 이상의 결과를 종합할 때 호르텐스극구흡충 감염시 흰쥐 혈청의 IgM은 감염 초기에 급속한 증가를 보였으나 IgG는 감염 이후 계속 증가하는 경향을 보였다. The changes of antibody titer were observed in rats which were experimentally infected with Echinostoma hortense metacercaria. Serum levels of IgG and IgM were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The mean absorbance values obtained for specific-IgG were from 0.130±0.014 (mean±S.D.) to 0.480±0.073. The peak appeared in the 4th week after infection, then declined slowly during the 5th and 6th week, although mild elevation apperared in the 8th week. The mean absorbance values of specific-IgM were detected from 0.160±0.034 to 0.409±0.084. The peak value (0.409±0.084) was on the 14th day after infection, then declined on the 8th week. Results showed that the assay could be used for detection of E. hortense infection in experimentally infected rats or laboratory experiments where evidence of infection is required.

      • KCI등재

        안결막에 감염된 동양안충 (Thelazia callipaeda)의 형태학적 소견

        양용강(Yong-Kang Yang),조윤경(Yoon-Kyung Cho),안영겸(Yung-Kyum Ahn),류장근(Jang-Keun Ryu),이지숙(Ji-Suk Lee) 대한의생명과학회 1997 Biomedical Science Letters Vol.3 No.1

        저자들은 1996년 7월에 강원도 춘천지역에서 농사업을 하는 60세 남자의 좌측 안결막에서 총 10마리의 유백색 선충을 적출하였다. 적출된 충체를 형태학적으로 관찰한 결과 Thelazia callipaeda Railliet et Henry, 1910으로 동정하였으며, 그 성적은 다음과 같다. 관찰된 유백색의 충체는 암놈 7마리, 숫놈 3마리였으며 충체의 크기는 암놈 11.91~12.77 × 0.25~0.26 ㎜, 숫놈 8.83~9.32 × 0.24-0.25 ㎜ 였다. 암놈과 숫놈의 구강 깊이는 각각 0.023~0.026, 0.022~0.023 ㎜이고, 충체 전단에서 식도-장 접합부까지의 길이는 각각 0.58~0.60, 0.56~0.58 ㎜이었다. 표피소극의 배열은 전단부위에서 ㎜당 260~290열이고 중앙부위에서 ㎜당 203~207열 정도의 갯수가 관찰되었다. 그리고 암놈의 자궁내에는 coil상의 성숙된 유충이 관찰되었고 숫놈의 배설강구 전방의 유두수는 8쌍이었다. 이상과 같이 암수 충체에 대한 형태특징을 분석한 결과 Thelazia callipaeda로 동정되었다. The authors presented the human Thelaziasis case in Korea, with the review of the literatures. The patient was 60-year-old farmer who had lived in Chunchoun since birth. He complained lacrimation and foreign body sensation of the left eye. Total 10 worms, appeared to be slender milky-white nematodes, were extracted from the left upper conjuctival sac by authors. Micrograph morphological features are as follows: Three male worms are 8.83~9.32 ㎜ in length, 0.24~0.25 ㎜ in width, 259~263 cuticular striations per mm, and showing cloaca with spicules. seven female worms are 11.91~12.77 ㎜ in length, 0.25~0.26 ㎜ in width, 259~289 cuticular striations per mm, and vulva opening locating anterior to esophago-intestinal junction. From the above findings, these nematodes were confirmed as Thelazia callipaeda Railliet and Henry, 1910.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Ultrastructural Antigenic Localization in the Tissues of Echinostoma hortense Observed by Immunogold Labeling Method

        Yoon-Kyung Jo(조윤경),Yong-Suk Ryang(양용석),Kyu-Je Lee(이규재),Insik Kim(김인식),Jang-Keun Ryu(류장근),Mi-Sook Song(송미숙) 대한의생명과학회 1999 Biomedical Science Letters Vol.5 No.2

        호르텐스극구흡충을 흰쥐에게 경구 감염시키고 4주 후에 성충을 획득하여 고정, 포매 및 절편하여 조직항원 분포 부위를 관찰하였다. 호르텐스극구흡충의 항체는 호르텐스극구흡충 피낭유충을 흰쥐에게 경구 감염시키고 4주 후에 채혈한 혈청과 호르텐스극구흡충 조항원을 면역증강제와 함께 흰쥐에게 근육 주사하여 채혈한 혈청을 이용하였으며, 이 혈청을 반응시켜서 호르텐스극구흡충 조직 내의 항원성 분포를 규명하였다. 한편, 면역황금표식법에 의한 미세조직의 항원성 반응 여부는 조직에 표지된 황금입자로 판정하였다. 그 결과 충체 조직에서 황금입자와 강하게 반응하는 미세조직은 표피층의 표지합포체, 난황세포의 구성물질, 유연조직의 분비과립 그리고 배설낭의 구성물질 등에서 반응이 강하게 나타났다. 이상의 결과를 볼 때 호르텐스극구흡충의 항원은 생식세포와 소화분비 및 소화관계통에서 분비 유래되는 것으로 분석되었다. This study involved applying rat sera (control, infected and immunized) to adult worm tissue in order to measure the antigenic response. A serum was obtained from rats infected with E. hortense metacercaria for 4 weeks. Another immunized serum was taken from rats given a muscle injection with crude adult worm antigen. The detection of antigenic response in E. hortense tissue was made by immunogold labeling method and measured through gold particles impregnated in the tissue. The antigenic sites, those with the highest density of gold particles, were the tegmental syncytium, vitelline cells, seminal receptacle and cecum.

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