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      • Entrepreneurial Inclination and Factors Affecting Entrepreneurial Intention Among Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (BSA) Students at the University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB)

        Kenneth L. Medina(Kenneth L. Medina ),Jeanette Angeline B. Madamba(Jeanette Angeline B. Madamba ),James Roldan S. Reyes(James Roldan S. Reyes ),Agnes T. Banzon(Agnes T. Banzon ),Arlene C. Gutierrez(Ar 아시아무역학회 2022 Journal of Asia Trade and Business Vol.9 No.1

        Purpose - Most studies on entrepreneurial intention were focused on developed countries. In developing and agriculture-based economies like the Philippines, there is limited entrepreneurial intention studies conducted among university students, who are potential entrepreneurs in the country. This study intends to bridge this gap by providing insights about the entrepreneurial inclination and entrepreneurial intention of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (BSA) students at the University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB). Design/Methodology/Approach - Ajzen’s (1991) Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) was utilized to explore factors affecting the entrepreneurial intention of the BSA students. A total of 108 students were surveyed using an online questionnaire, and data analysis tools included Cronbach’s alpha, frequency analysis, chi-square, and binary logistic regression. Data analysis focused on each batch of students. Findings - The study found that Batch 2012 and below showed a greater number of students with high personal attitude, perceived behavioral control, and entrepreneurial intention. On the other hand, Batch 2015 students exhibited the lowest entrepreneurial intention. Generally, the respondents had high entrepreneurial intention; however, low perceived behavioral control or self-efficacy was also recorded. In terms of entrepreneurial inclination, all batches showed high inclination, except for Batch 2015, where the majority of the students did not have an entrepreneurial role model and had not taken an entrepreneurship course or subject. An equation model was constructed for Batch 2015 students, wherein personal attitude and subjective norm were found to be significant with intention. Research Implications - The study findings imply the need for certain colleges in UPLB to undertake strategies tailor-fit for addressing gaps in entrepreneurial inclination and intention for every batch.

      • Consumer Preferences for Residential Real Estate Properties among Interested Buyers in Laguna Province, Philippines, before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic

        Alyssa A. Relova(Alyssa A. Relova ),Jeanette Angeline B. Madamba(Jeanette Angeline B. Madamba ),Dinah Pura T. Depositario(Dinah Pura T. Depositario ),James Roldan S. Reyes(James Roldan S. Reyes ) 아시아무역학회 2023 Journal of Asia Trade and Business Vol.10 No.1

        Purpose – This study assessed the consumer preferences for residential real estate properties among interested buyers in Laguna, Philippines, before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Design/Methodology/Approach – Interested property buyers in Laguna were randomly selected and characterized based on their socio-demographic and economic characteristics, and their COVID-19 experiences were described. Consumer preferences for different aspects of housing units were examined descriptively and using McNemar’s test, changes in preferred attributes of residential units before and during the pandemic were compared. Findings – Single-detached economic housing with three bedrooms was the most preferred type of unit of interested buyers. It was found that the higher the monthly income of respondents, the higher the property value they preferred to purchase. Los Baños is the preferred municipality to live in because of its proximity to the metropolitan capital. The preferred mechanism of ownership is either rent-to-own or via a loan. Those earning a monthly income of PhP 131,484 (USD 2,708.77) to PhP 219,140 (USD 4,514.63) preferred to purchase residential property in cash. As for attributes, proximity to highways, proximity to community services, proximity to houses of family and friends, presence of swimming pool, presence of sense of community, secured and guarded community, quiet surroundings, presence of panoramic views, and pet-friendly home and community are statistically significantly different. Research Implications – Residential real estate developers should respond to various differences in consumer preferences. To continue satisfying prospective buyer demand and successfully close sales, it is vital to consider these consumer preference changes relative to residential projects.

      • Factors Affecting Entrepreneurial Intention and Behavior among the Indigenous Farming Community in Mountain Province, Philippines

        Hanna A,Canillo,Jeanette Angeline B,Madamba,James Roldan S,Reyes,Normito R,Zapata,Jr,Agnes T,Banzon 한국무역연구원 2020 The International Academy of Global Business and T Vol.16 No.1

        Purpose – With the shift of the Philippine economy towards an agribusiness-driven sector from mere production-oriented farming, indigenous people have been encouraged to engage in entrepreneurship as it is seen as a means to improve their socio-economic status and their community. This study attempted to fill the gap in indigenous entrepreneurship research as it delved on the factors influencing entrepreneurial intention and behavior in an indigenous rice farming community in the northern Philippines. Design/Methodology/Approach – This study assessed the factors affecting the entrepreneurial intention and behavior among indigenous rice farmers in Bun-ayan, Sabangan, Mountain Province, Philippines by analyzing the entrepreneurial indicators and predictors through correlation and multiple regression analysis of responses from 74 indigenous rice farmers. Findings – Among all the entrepreneurship predictors in this research, age, educational attainment, years in farming, occupation of the farmer’s father and mother, entrepreneurial inclination, entrepreneurial role model, entrepreneurial education, personal attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control were significantly related to entrepreneurial intention. Among the significant variables extracted from the correlation analysis, the following factors affecting entrepreneurial intention and behavior are age, father’s occupation and entrepreneurial inclination. Furthermore, it was found that socio-demographic factors and entrepreneurial inclination determine the intention of indigenous rice farmers to engage in entrepreneurial activities. The Theory of Planned Behavior indicators become insignificant when other predictors are incorporated with it. Research Implications – Though there is evidence of a high level of entrepreneurial intention among the indigenous farming community, challenges pertinent to culture preservation vis-a-vis the indigenous farming community’s capacity to translate such intention into entrepreneurial behavior need to be addressed.

      • Factors Influencing Farmers’ Decisions in Farm Machineries Usage: The Case of Vegetable Farmers in Quezon Province, Philippines

        Fritz Jerald V. Principe,Jeanette Angeline B. Madamba,James Roldan S. Reyes,Loida E. Mojica,Mar B. Cruz 아시아무역학회 2020 Journal of Asia Trade and Business Vol.7 No.2

        Purpose – The study assessed the influence of some variables relevant to vegetable farmers’ decisions in farm machinery usage. The decision of farmers in using farm machineries is determined by a number of social, technical, environmental and economic factors. Design/Methodology/Approach – The binary logit model was employed to determine the relationship of the predetermined factors on farmers’ use of a single-specific farm machine. Furthermore, the study utilized negative binomial regression to assess the factors influencing the decisions of farmers in using various farm machineries in their farming operations. Findings – Results showed that majority of the farmers still follow traditional farming methods using very limited farm technologies. Farmers face the challenge of optimizing their land use, and this includes their decision whether or not to use farm machineries in their farming operations in order to boost production. Various factors are considered, more than just the cost of technology. Thus, a combination of household-specific, economic, technology, institutional and moderating factors influences the technology adoption decisions of vegetable farmers. Moreover, it was revealed that formal education, household size, household income, cash availability, farm size, access to extension workers, attendance in seminars, trainings and workshops, and on-farm demo participation are all positively related to the probability of farmers’ usage of identified farming machines. Conversely, farming experience, cost of technology, technology triability, credit access, and farm distance to market are all found to be negatively related to the probability of farmers’ usage of farm machineries. Research Implications – Various recommendations were offered to address challenges encountered by farmers in terms of farm machinery usage including changing the farmers’ mindset from a traditional perspective to a market-oriented one via the R.E.S.E.T. model.

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