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      • Konkrete Poesie und expressionistische. Kunst. (Post)Modernistische Aspekte zur Medienverflechtung

        Koh, Wee-Kong 弘益大學校 人文科學硏究所 2005 人文科學 Vol.13 No.-

        구체시와 표현주의 예술은 서로다른 시대의 예술장르이면서도 비교연구의 가치를 지닌다. 이는 양자가 매체융합의 표현양식 실현으로 모더니즘과 포스트모더니즘 예술형성에 지대한 영향력을 행사하였기 때문이다. 그러나 상세히 관찰해보면 양자사이에는 예술이념, 재료사용, 미학적 효능 등의 면에서 상당한 거리가 있다. 이는 무엇보다 구체성과 추상성이라는 대표개념에서 나타난다. 유사한 시기에 생성되어 발전된 두 양식수법은 „대상성으로부터의 이탈" 이라는 시학원리에서 공통되나 그 구체적 실현방법은 같지않다. 후자가 매체사용의 추상화를 통해 주관적 내면심층의 환상이나 어떤 다른 감추어진 대상성을 표현하려 한다면, 전자는 언어기호의 질료화로 스스로의 대상세계를 창출한다. 따라서 양자에서 추출되는 텍스트의미성은 동일하지않다. Kandinsky의 대표적 추상화 „구성 7(Komposition VII)" 과 Gomringer의 텍스트 „침묵(Schweigen)"을 대비해보자. 기하학적, 구성적 수법을 활용한 전자에서는 대상적 지시성이 완전히 배제되지않는다. 그 표현세계는 생성과 종말의 차원에서 „우주창조의 은유"로 해석된다. 이러한 굴절된 형상조음은 후자의 기호시각화에서는 찾아보기 어렵다. 동일단어의 반복배열과 그로인한 서정시의 도식화는 청각적 침묵의 이미지를 „도상화" 시킴으로써 새로운 지각작용에 호소한다. 여기에서의 침묵은 상징적 의미가 아니라 다원적 기능을 발휘한다. 이러한 현상은 오늘날의 다매체예술에서 발견된다. 구체시와 표현주의 넓게보아 현대예술의 모더니티를 생성, 발전시킨 두 축이다. 양자는 추상화와 구체화라는 양식혁신을 통해 „재현"과 „모방"이라는 종전의 표현법칙으로는 도달할 수 없는 새로운 표현가능성을 개진하였다. 특히 서로다른 개별매체의 통합과 교체를 통해 생산과 수용의 유희공간을 넓히고 독자와 관찰자의 지각행위를 포괄하는 매체미학의 지평을 열어주었다. 이로인해 현대예술은 „언어갱신"이라는 세기적 목표를 구현하며 신매체의 등장으로 인한 예술의 매체화작업에 대처할 통로를 마련하게된다. 개별장르 해체로 인한 이러한 예술의 보편화작업은 그러나 아방가르드와 포스트모더니즘의 전유물이 아니라 르네상스, 바로크, 그리고 낭만주의 시대에 개화한 바 있다. 나아가 모든 예술을 하나로 보는 예술생성의 원천에 닿아있다. 혼합장르나 매체교체 현상은 인류의 장구한 예술, 특히 작품발달사를 관류해온 기본적 „표현의지" 이다. 이런 점에서 상호매체성미학은 전통과 현대의 아우름에서 합당하게 파악 될 수 있다.

      • KCI등재후보

        요대의 발해유민 연구

        김위현(KIM Wee-hoyun) 고구려발해학회 2007 고구려발해연구 Vol.29 No.-

        I am trying to point out the contents and errors of Some scholars of the peoples Republic of china from araund of 2000. First of all, I want to indicate the thesis framing. First, even though it was supposed to use the historical materials widely, they didn't use other Ones except their own materials. Even they sometimes did not use their own Ones either. Second, the results of predecessors should be exalted nevertheless what country they were belonged to. However they often ignored even their own ancestors' research results. Even though it is hard to collect various data, they shouldn't have given up easily. Third, considering illogical contents as the logics is absolutely discord. What are the troubles then? 1. The point of view for Dongran (東丹)'s characteristic. Whether it was country or administrative region. Dongran named theirselves as One administrative region and they also had own economical and political systems. If Dongran was One of the administrative regions, it would not be allowed to do above things. Furthermore, they are looking me negotiation with Late Tang as a diplomacy, but it is error from ignoring the existence of Late Palhae. 2. Existence of Late Palhae? It already had been proved by Japanese Watasei(和田淸) in 1916. Furthermore, Japanese Hino Kaijabro(日野開三郞)(in 1941), Korean Lee Yong-Bum(1981), Kim Wee-Hoyun(l981), and Han Gyu-Chul(l995) had reinforced it. 3. Is culture of Palhae from only T ang culture(唐文化) and contact with Han people(漢人)? Of course there are some cultures that are from contact of Tang cultures and Han people. However the root things are from Koguryo. Most residents of Palhae were from Koguryo, therefore it is really illogical that Palhae residents threw away their own cultures, the cultures of Koguryo, and accepted Tang's cultre. 4. Are Palhae and Jurchen the same race(同族)? Jurchen is the name of whole sundry races that lived around Manmong liver(滿蒙). Palhae displaced person(渤海遺民) were also called as Jurchen after Chitan Middle age. Also Wan-yen Bu(完顔部) that built chin(金) is the remaining of Silla(新羅). Therefore, Palhae and Jurchen are not the same races. 5. They presented population of Palhae as about 7~800,000. However Shin Hyung-Sik in Republic of Korea saw that it was 1,300,000, and Jang Jong-Gook in The Democratic peoples Republic of Korea calculated it 5,000,000~6,000,000. The differences are too big. They need even more accurate data providing. 6. We are disagree to the opinion that after ruins of Palhae, the Palhae people had been joined to One of 8 races of Hanjok Then, they should prove how they got new name after 700 years. Palhae people took the big role in founding Chin(金) and Chin's politics. Not only that, the existence also remains in Yan(元) country. We want to know why they had been not united during Chin(Jurchen), Yuan(Mongol), and Ching(Man-Chu) age, but the had been to only Hanjok. As you see there are so many problems that makes hard to agree. If we and they researched and investigated the exact same data that from exactly same literature, the results must be same. If not, it is considered as non-scientific and not object research. Current Chinese scholars' assertion that past four countries' history is China's history because current China territory is covering those four past countries territory is absolutely not acceptable.



        WEE SUN-OK,LEE MYUNG GYOON The Korean Astronomical Society 1996 Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society Vol.29 No.2

        We present a study of the metallicity of the old open cluster NGC 1245 , based on the Washington CCD photometry obtained using the 0.6 m telescope at the Sobaeksan Observatory, Korea. NGC 1245 has been known to be a unique cluster among the known open clusters in the sense that the previous metallicity estimates for this cluster are much larger $(by\;\sigma)$ than the value expected from the radial metallicity gradient of the old open clusters in Our galaxy. We have estimated the metallicity of the cluster red giants using the four color-color diagrams, obtaining a value for the mean metallicity of $[Fe/H] = -0.04\pm0.05$ dex. The total error including the error of the metallicity calibration, 0.15 dex, is 0.16 dex. The metallicity estimate of NGC 1245 we have obtained in this study is smaller than previous estimates, and is consistent with the radial metallicity gradient of the old open clusters, showing that the mean metallicity of NGC 1245 is not abnormally high. The reddening, distance, and age of the cluster have also been derived using the isochrones based on the convective overshooting models: the reddening $E(B-V) = 0.28\pm0.03$; the distance $d = 2.5\pm0.2 kpc$ (the corresponding galactocentric distance is RGC = 10.7 kpc, and the distance from the galactic plane is z = -0.4 kpc); and the age $t = 1.1\pm0.1 Gyrs$.


        Optimum Conditions for the Biological Production of Lactic Acid by a Newly Isolated Lactic Acid Bacterium, Lactobacillus sp. RKY2

        Wee Young-Jung,Kim Jin-Nam,Yun Jong-Sun,Ryu Hwa-Won The Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengine 2005 Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering Vol.10 No.1

        Lactic acid is a green chemical that can be used as a raw material for biodegradable polymer. To produce lactic acid through microbial fermentation, we previously screened a novel lactic acid bacterium. In this work, we optimized lactic acid fermentation using a newly isolated and homofermentative lactic acid bacterium. The optimum medium components were found to be glucose, yeast extract, $(NH_4)_{2}HPO_4,\;and\;MnSO_4$. The optimum pH and temperature for a batch culture of Lactobacillus sp. RKY2 was found to be 6.0 and $36^{\circ}C$, respectively. Under the optimized culture conditions, the maximum lactic acid concentration (153.9 g/L) was obtained from 200 g/L of glucose and 15 g/L of yeast extract, and maximum lactic acid productivity ($6.21\;gL^{-1}h^{-1}$) was obtained from 100 g/L of glucose and 20 g/L of yeast extract. In all cases, the lactic acid yields were found to be above 0.91 g/g. This article provides the optimized conditions for a batch culture of Lactobacillus sp. RKY2, which resulted in highest productivity of lactic acid.

      • KCI등재후보

        Prediction of hub genes of Alzheimer's disease using a protein interaction network and functional enrichment analysis

        Wee, Jia Jin,Kumar, Suresh Korea Genome Organization 2020 Genomics & informatics Vol.18 No.4

        Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a chronic, progressive brain disorder that slowly destroys affected individuals' memory and reasoning faculties, and consequently, their ability to perform the simplest tasks. This study investigated the hub genes of AD. Proteins interact with other proteins and non-protein molecules, and these interactions play an important role in understanding protein function. Computational methods are useful for understanding biological problems, in particular, network analyses of protein-protein interactions. Through a protein network analysis, we identified the following top 10 hub genes associated with AD: PTGER3, C3AR1, NPY, ADCY2, CXCL12, CCR5, MTNR1A, CNR2, GRM2, and CXCL8. Through gene enrichment, it was identified that most gene functions could be classified as integral to the plasma membrane, G-protein coupled receptor activity, and cell communication under gene ontology, as well as involvement in signal transduction pathways. Based on the convergent functional genomics ranking, the prioritized genes were NPY, CXCL12, CCR5, and CNR2.


        Epigenetic alteration of the donor cells does not recapitulate the reprogramming of DNA methylation in cloned embryos.

        Wee, Gabbine,Shim, Jung-Jae,Koo, Deog-Bon,Chae, Jung-Il,Lee, Kyung-Kwang,Han, Yong-Mahn Journals of Reproduction and Fertility 2007 Reproduction Vol.134 No.6

        <P>Epigenetic reprogramming is a prerequisite process during mammalian development that is aberrant in cloned embryos. However, mechanisms that evolve abnormal epigenetic reprogramming during preimplantation development are unclear. To trace the molecular event of an epigenetic mark such as DNA methylation, bovine fibroblasts were epigeneticallyaltered by treatment with trichostatin A (TSA) and then individually transferred into enucleated bovine oocytes. In the TSA-treated cells, expression levels of histone deacetylases and DNA methyltransferases were reduced, but the expression level of histone acetyltransferases such as Tip60 and histone acetyltransferase 1 (HAT1) did not change compared with normal cells. DNA methylation levels of non-treated (normal) and TSA-treated cells were 64.0 and 48.9% in the satellite I sequence (P < 0.05) respectively, and 71.6 and 61.9% in the alpha-satellite sequence respectively. DNA methylation levels of nuclear transfer (NT) and TSA-NT blastocysts in the satellite I sequence were 67.2 and 42.2% (P < 0.05) respectively, which was approximately similar to those of normal and TSA-treated cells. In the alpha-satellite sequence, NT and TSA-NT embryos were substantially demethylated at the blastocyst stage as IVF-derived embryos were demethylated. The in vitro developmental rate (46.6%) of TSA-NT embryos that were individually transferred with TSA-treated cells was higher than that (31.7%) of NT embryos with non-treated cells (P < 0.05). Our findings suggest that the chromatin of a donor cell is unyielding to the reprogramming of DNA methylation during preimplantation development, and that alteration of the epigenetic state of donor cells may improve in vitro developmental competence of cloned embryos.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Isolation and Characterization of a Novel Lactic Acid Bacterium for the Production of Lactic Acid

        Wee, Young-Jung,Yun, Jong-Sun,Park, Don-Hee,Ryu, Hwa-Won The Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengine 2004 Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering Vol.9 No.4

        We isolated a novel lactic acid bacterium from a Korean traditional fermented food, soybean paste. The newly isolated strain, dubbed RKY2, grew well on glucose, sucrose, galactose, and fructose, but it could not utilize xylose, starch, or glycerol. When the partially amplified 16S rDNA sequence (772 bp) of the strain RKY2 was compared with 10 reference strains, it was found to be most similar to Lactobacillus pentosus JCM $1588^T$, with 99.74% similarity. There-fore, the strain RKY2 was renamed Lactobacillus sp. RKY2, which has been deposited in the Korean Collection for Type Cultures as KCTC 10353BP. Lactobacillus sp. RKY2 was found to be a homofermentative lactic acid bacterium, because its end-product from glucose metabolism was found to be mainly lactic acid. It could produce more than 90 g/L of lactic acid from MRS medium supplemented with 100 g/L of glucose, with 5.2 g $L^-1$ $h^-1$ of productivity and 0.95 g/g of lactic acid yield.

      • Anthropometrical Studies on the Korean Beauty Contestants

        Wee, Sung Shin,Ham, Kee Sun,Jho, Yong Jin CATHOLIC MEDICAL CENTER 1981 Bulletin of the Clinical Research Institute Vol.9 No.1

        Anthropometry makes it possible to analyze body proportions and identify body build and growth patterns. The plastic surgeons who mostly deal with the trauma and deformity of face, need to have a good knowledge of the accurate anatomical and biometrically acceptable proportion of face. So, the data earned by measuring the face and physique of so called Korean beauties who have participated in the beauty contest of Korea, are important to the plastic surgeons. The author have measured and studied the physique of the 125 beauty contestants selected from all the districts from 1979 to 1981, and presented the mean, standard deviation by the tables (Here the measurements were performed by Martin's method). Followings are the conclusions drawn by the data Table 1, 2, 3 and 4. 1 The physiognomic facial height is divided in equal thirds by horizontal lines through glabella and subnasale. 2. The physiognomic facial height is one ninth of stature, four ninth of upper limb length, five ninth of anterior superior iliac spine height. 3. The forehead breadth is almost same as bizygomatic breadth. 4. Orbital cleft length, inner canthal breadth, nasal breadth are one fourth of bizygomatic breadth. 5. Nasal height is one fourth of physiognomic facial height and the nose is leptorrhine type. 6. The physiognomic ear length is one third of physiognomic facial height and is twice of physiognomic ear breadth. 7. The philtrum is one third of bichelion breadth, and upper lip height is four fifth of lower lip height. 8. The upper limb length is four ninth of stature and anterior superior iliac spine height is five ninth of stature. The biacromial breadth is one fifth of stature.

      • A Case Study of Drama Education for Kindergarten Children in the United States: Drama Specialists' Beliefs and Practices

        Wee, Su-Jeong Korean Association of Child Studies 2011 Child studies in Asia-Pacific context Vol.1 No.1

        This case study examines two drama specialists' perspectives on the purpose of drama education and how their visions and beliefs are reflected in their drama practices during a sixweek kindergarten drama program. Two experienced drama specialists who have worked at public elementary schools located in the Midwestern United States were the main participants of this case study. Using a qualitative case study method, in-depth observations and semistructured interviews were carried out. Findings show that the drama specialists believed the purpose of drama education to be the building of self-confidence, creativity, awareness of the arts and respect for others. Both congruent and inconsistent relations between their beliefs and their teaching practices were observed. Based on these findings, an understanding of how specialists' beliefs and practices contribute to a broader understanding of drama education is further discussed.

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