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        개미산 또는 개미산과 훠름알데하이드를 처리한 목초 싸일레지가 Jersey 미경산우의 제1위내 미생물 단백질 합성과 단백질 분해율에 미치는 영향

        이남형,루크,암스트롱 ( Nam Hyung Lee,J . A . Rooke,D . G . Armstrong ) 한국축산학회 1985 한국축산학회지 Vol.27 No.8

        The aim of the experiment was to assess the effect of applying formic acid at ensilage or formic acid/formaldehyde to the standing crop of herbage before ensiling upon the subsequent digestion of the silages by Jersey heifers. Unwilted grass silages were made from perennial rye; rass ensiled at a DM of 220㎏^(-1) with application of 2.22 liters ton of formic acid and wilted grass silages was made by spray to the standing crop of herbage with 90 liters ㏊^(-1) of a solution containing 50 liter formalin, 500㎖ of 10% Tween 20, and 2.5 liter water giving an application rate of 61g formaldehyde ㎏^(-1) herbage crude protein. The silages were fed to cattle equipped with rumen cannulae and duodenal re-entrant cannulae. Results from fermentation in the rumen and from the digestion of organic matter showed major differences between silages. The efficiency of rumen microbial nitrogen synthesis was also affected by additive treatment. Microbial N synthesized per ㎏ organic matter apparently digested in the rumen was 20g for the formic acid silage and 17.68 for the formic acid/formaldehyde silage. Degradability of feed N in the rumen was similar for two silages.

      • Identifiability and Privacy in Pluripotent Stem Cell Research

        Isasi, R.,Andrews, Peter W.,Baltz, Jay M.,Bredenoord, Annelien L.,Burton, P.,Chiu, I.M.,Hull, S.,Jung, J.W.,Kurtz, A.,Lomax, G.,Ludwig, T.,McDonald, M.,Morris, C.,Ng, H.,Rooke, H.,Sharma, A.,Stacey, G Cell Press 2014 Cell stem cell Vol.14 No.4

        Data sharing is an essential element of research; however, recent scientific and social developments have challenged conventional methods for protecting privacy. Here we provide guidance for determining data sharing thresholds for human pluripotent stem cell research aimed at a wide range of stakeholders, including research consortia, biorepositories, policy-makers, and funders.

      • KCI등재

        신라(新羅)의 「금환(金丸)」과 「월전(月顚)」과 일본(日本) 아악(雅樂)

        서정록 ( Jung-rook Seo ) 한림대학교 일본학연구소 2017 翰林日本學 Vol.0 No.30

        본 연구는 최치원의 시 「향악잡영오수」중 「금환(金丸)」과 「월전(月顚)」을 분석하여 고대한국 춤 보다 더 이해해 보고자 하였다. 본 연구는 우선 공묘기를 묘사한 금환이 태평성대를 기원하는 춤이었음을 밝히었다. 또 본 연구를 통해 최치원이 이 공연을 경주나 울산 부근에서 관람하였음도 알 수 있다. 그리고 금환은 일본의 『신서고악도』에 시라기가쿠(즉 신라악)이라고 소개한 「타마토리(弄玉)」와 유사함도 알 수 있다. 이를 통해 `향악`이라는 개념이 고려시대부터가 아닌 신라시대에 이미 존재함을 추정해 볼 수 있다. 한편 「월전」의 경우 본 연구를 통해 이 춤이 고대 음주 문화와 밀접한 관련이 있음을 알 수 있다. 그리고 본 연구는 일본의 「코토쿠라쿠(胡德樂)」 「월전」이 매우 유사한 작품임도 밝히었다. 특히 두 춤의 비교를 통해 그 동안 의문시 되었던 「코토쿠라쿠」의 가면에 코가 삐뚤어지는 이유가 바로 음주와 관련이 있으며, 이 가면의 모습을 통해 지금까지 정확하게 의미가 파악하기 어려웠던 `月顚`이라는 의미가 코를 관련되었을 가능성도 살펴보았다. 본 연구는 고대 한국의 춤은 일본의 춤의 기원에 중요한 역할을 하였고, 또 한국 춤 이해에 있어 일본 궁중춤의 연구가 좀 더 촉진되어야 할 필요성을 보여준다. This study is a research to understand the ancient Korean dances through the analysis of Five poems regarding various Korean performances(鄕樂雜詠五首Hyangak chapyong osu) particularly, `Kumhwan` (金丸) and `Wolchon` (月顚). With the study, we may find Kumhwan is a juggling dance to wish to make peace. We could also discover that the poet watched this performance in Ulsan area or Kyongju. In addition, Tamatori (弄玉) in an old Japanese painting could be related to Silla Kumhwan. On the other hand, Wolchon could be connected to the Wine-drinking Game in the Ancient East Asia. It is interesting that The Japanese court dance Kotokuraku (胡德樂) is quite similar to Wolchon. Through the comparison between Wolchon and Kotokuraku, we could explain why the mask of Kotokuraku has a wrenched nose. Korean idiomatic phrase has a similar expression to the Kotokuraku mask: “as crooked as the nose (코가 삐뚤어질 만큼)”. It corresponds well with the theme of Kotokuraku. Through the comparison, we could also guess that the meaning of the unique title Wolchon may depict the nose of the mask. In this sense, we can assume that the mood of this dance could be funny and comical.

      • KCI등재

        한국과 일본의 궁중 춤 전통과 그 전승의 이해: 시용(時用)의 의미

        서정록 ( Jung-rook Seo ) 한림대학교 일본학연구소 2016 翰林日本學 Vol.0 No.28

        본 연구는 한국과 일본의 궁중춤의 전승에 대한 상이한 태도에 관해 심도있게 조사하고 그 차이점의 이유을 추정해 보고자 했다. 한국의 경우, 왕조의 교체 시, 이전 왕조를 철저하게 배격하기 보다는 계승자임을 자처하곤 하였는데, 이러한 태도는 중국의 왕조 교체시 나타나는 현상과 매우 다르다. 이러한 이유로 한국의 왕조들은 이전 왕조의 전통 중 자신의 새로운 통치 철학에 부합할 경우 이를 전승하였는데, 이때 춤을 포함한 이전 왕조의 전통을 그대로 답습하는 것이 아닌 시대의 요구에 맞게 이전 왕조의 전통들을 수정 혹은 재창작하였다. 반면 일본의 경우 만세일계의 믿음속에 왕조의 교체 경험의 부재로 궁중의 춤의 전승에 있어 보존에 초점을 맞추어 있음을 알 수 있다. 양국의 시대에 따른 궁중 춤의 공연 레퍼토리의 변화와 또 여러 악서에서 보이는 전문 용어 등에서 좀 더 구체적으로 이러한 차이점을 찾아 볼 수 있다. 우선 일본의 궁중 춤 공연 러퍼토리의 변화를 살펴보면, 그 전승에 있어 일본 궁중악이 성립된 헤이안 시대 이후 새로 추가된 작품이나 창작품의 거의 없음을 알 수 있다. 반면에 한국의 경우 시대에 따라 이전 시대의 작품들 중 일부가 전승되는 것과 함께 새로운 작품들이 창작되거나 재안무 되는 등 다양한 변화가 있다. 게다가 한국의 경우 상당수의 춤 관련 문헌들에 보이는 ‘시용(時用)’이라는 용어는 한국의 궁중춤은 시대와 공연상황에 맞추어 변화가 가능하였고, 그 전승에 있어서도 유연하였음을 보여주는 예라할 수 있다. 결론적으로 양국의 궁중 춤에 보이는 춤 레퍼토리의 변화에서의 차이점과 궁중악 관련 용어들의 비교를 통해 일본과 한국의 궁중악에 있어 전통을 대하는 태도가 달랐음을 추정해 볼 수 있다. This study has delved into the different attitudes toward court dance transmission in Korea and Japan and tried to explain the reasons for them. To justify reformation, Korean rulers have often used the idea of the Five Virtues Cycle, specifically, the idea of generating. The application of this idea has created the notion that predecessors were considered producers, supporters and creators of the subsequent dynasties. The court dance transmission has been strongly influenced by this same idea. On the other hand, although the Japanese emperor was a nominal ruler, the Japanese believe they have had no experience of overthrowing any dynasty for more than 1000 years. This belief would have been decisive in influencing the conservative and passive attitude toward transmission in the Japanese court. The different attitudes are found in various ways, such as in the aims involved in the writing of performance theory books, terminology, and changes in the repertoires according to the period. While most old Japanese books of dance were written to preserve and transmit traditions and techniques, most Korean books like Akhak kwebom were written to serve purposes of innovation and re-creation. The main motivation to write Kyokunshyo was to preserve gagaku performances. It may manifest the conservative tendency. In contrast, in Korean court dance the term siyong, ‘using by surrounding circumstances’, is commonly found. When we analyse changes in dance repertoires through the ages, we find a number of newly created and innovative pieces in the Korean court, reflecting the demands of the times, but it is hard to find new dance pieces in Japan after the Heian period. It suggests that attitudes toward court dance transmission in Korean and Japanese court dance are different.

      • KCI등재

        Integrating Alternative Data (Also Known as ESG Data) in Investment Decision Making

        Soh Young In,Dane Rook,Ashby Monk 연세대학교 동서문제연구원 2019 Global economic review Vol.48 No.3

        What is environmental, social, and governance (ESG) data and how do we evaluate its quality and effectiveness? This form of evaluation is important, as it is a precondition for investors trying to integrate ESG in investment decisions. Previous literature describes intrinsic properties of ESG data (e.g. multifaceted-ness and context dependence) and highlights a trade-off between the validity and reliability of ESG data, which is often tied to the lack of theoretical foundations and scarcity of high-quality ESG data. Encouragingly, new data technologies have improved the accessibility, availability, and transparency of ESG data, but an agreed theoretical framework to evaluate ESG data quality is still lacking. This paper seeks to fill that theoretical gap by proposing a ‘user- oriented’ approach to evaluate ESG data. In this framework, we consider ESG data to be a ‘continuous concept with limitless boundaries’ and characterise it in terms of its width and depth. The bearing of width and depth on ESG data quality is ultimately a function of the investment decisions in which such data is used: the approach we endorse is therefore user-centric. This study then shows how ESG data, when it is of high quality, maps onto the investment decision-making processes.


        Ionic field effect transistors with sub-10 nm multiple nanopores.

        Nam, Sung-Wook,Rooks, Michael J,Kim, Ki-Bum,Rossnagel, Stephen M American Chemical Society 2009 NANO LETTERS Vol.9 No.5

        <P>We report a new method to fabricate electrode-embedded multiple nanopore structures with sub-10 nm diameter, which is designed for electrofluidic applications such as ionic field effect transistors. Our method involves patterning pore structures on membranes using e-beam lithography and shrinking the pore diameter by a self-limiting atomic layer deposition process. We demonstrate that 70-80 nm diameter pores can be shrunk down to sub-10 nm diameter and that the ionic transport of KCl electrolyte can be efficiently manipulated by the embedded electrode within the membrane.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Vanillin: a review on the therapeutic prospects of a popular flavouring molecule

        Arya Sagar S.,Rookes James E.,Cahill David M.,Lenka Sangram K. 경희대학교 융합한의과학연구소 2021 Oriental Pharmacy and Experimental Medicine Vol.21 No.3

        Vanilla is the world’s most popular flavour extracted from the pods of Vanilla planifolia orchid. It is a mixture of ~ 200 compounds but its characteristic flavour and fragrance primarily come from vanillin. While the importance of its wide usage in flavour and fragrance is well established, there have been limited investigations to evaluate its bioactive potential. However, a few studies have reported a promising array of bioactivities that could be exploited for multiple therapeutic applications. Recently, bioactive properties of vanillin, such as neuroprotection, anticarcinogenic, and antioxidant are gaining attention. Besides this, vanillin and its synthetic analogues are found to regulate gene expression and exhibit biological activities. Therefore, here we summarize the potential bioactivates of vanillin and its derivative with an aim to change the perspective from being a popular flavour to a new age therapeutics molecule.

      • Photonic network laser.

        Noh, Heeso,Yang, Jin-Kyu,Liew, Seng Fatt,Rooks, Michael J,Solomon, Glenn S,Cao, Hui Optical Society of America 2011 Optics letters Vol.36 No.18

        <P>We demonstrated lasing in two-dimensional trivalent network structures with short-range order. Despite the lack of translational and rotational symmetries, such structures possess a large isotropic photonic bandgap. Different from those of a photonic crystal, the band-edge modes are spatially localized and have high quality factor.</P>

      • KCI등재


        Morrison, Heather L.,Ma, Zhibo,Clem, James L.,An, Deokkeun,Connor, Thomas,Schechtman-Rook, Andrew,Casagrande, Luca,Rockosi, Constance,Yanny, Brian,Harding, Paul,Beers, Timothy C.,Johnson, Jennifer A. American Astronomical Society 2016 The Astronomical journal Vol.151 No.1

        <P>We present griz observations for the clusters M92, M13 and NGC 6791 and gr photometry for M71, Be 29 and NGC 7789. In addition we present new membership identifications for all these clusters, which have been observed spectroscopically as calibrators for the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS)/SEGUE survey; this paper focuses in particular on the red giant branch stars in the clusters. In a number of cases, these giants were too bright to be observed in the normal SDSS survey operations, and we describe the procedure used to obtain spectra for these stars. For M71, we also present a new variable reddening map and a new fiducial for the gr giant branch. For NGC 7789, we derived a transformation from T-eff to g-r for giants of near solar abundance, using IRFM T-eff measures of stars with good ugriz. and 2MASS photometry and SEGUE spectra. The result of our analysis is a robust list of known cluster members with correctly dereddened and (if needed) transformed gr photometry for crucial calibration efforts for SDSS and SEGUE.</P>

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