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      • KCI등재

        Are Poverty and Illiteracy to Blame for Forests Degradation? A Case Study of Mbeya Range Forest Reserve. Mbeya-Tanzania

        Issakwisa Bernard Ngondya,Rashid Ismael Hag Ibrahim,Gab-Chul Choo 강원대학교 산림과학연구소 2011 Journal of Forest Science Vol.27 No.2

        In this study, a total of 350 households contained 700 individuals in Iganzo village were surveyed to study their literate and poverty levels and their impacts to conservation of the Mbeya Range Forest Reserve. The study included 350 women and 350 men. The majority of respondents were between the ages of 31-40 years old (53%), while the rest were between 41-50 years old (25%) and 21-30 years old (22%). The total income per day per household was calculated and averaged to 4,570 Tanzanian shillings that is equal to about 3 U.S. dollars. The average number of members per household was seven. It was reported that, there is a tremendous decrease in biodiversity composition of the reserve mainly due to poverty (80%) and ignorance (76%) of the people on the importance of the reserve. Other causes for this decrease were reported to be grazing of livestock in the reserve (23%), poor farming systems (68%), which resulted in soil erosion, encroachment (64%) through expansion of farms towards the reserve boundary and charcoal burning (34%). Respondents from Mbeya Urban Water Supply Authority and District Forest Office mentioned lack of funds (49%) and lack of experts (56%) as challenges that face the conservation of the reserve. It was revealed that 25% of respondents had never gone to school, 53% had primary level of education as their highest level of education, 20% had secondary education and 2% had first degree. The null hypothesis that poverty and illiteracy have a positive correlation to forest degradation was accepted based on these findings at a probability of p >0.85. Thus, it was concluded that poverty and illiteracy among Iganzo village residents are the main causes for the degradation of biodiversity in Mbeya Range Forest Reserve.

      • KCI등재

        Phylogeny of the selected members of family Cornaceae as inferred from PCR-RFLP analysis of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) and internal transcribed spacer (ITS)

        Issakwisa Bernard Ngondya,추갑철,RASHID ISMAEL HAG IBRAHIM 한국산림과학회 2013 Forest Science And Technology Vol.9 No.1

        PCR-RFLP (polymerase chain reaction–restriction fragment length polymorphism) analysis of cpDNA and PCR-RFLP of rDNA were performed to assess the phylogenetic relationship in seven species of the family Cornaceae. Four pairs of primers, trnD/trnT, trnH/trnK, psaA/trnS and rbcL/ORF106, and one restriction enzyme (HinfI) were used for RFLP-PCR of cpDNA, and two primer pairs ITS5/ITS2 and ITS3/ITS4 with one restriction enzyme (HhaI) were used for ITS1 and ITS2 regions of rDNA, successively. Restriction products produced by trnH/trnK-HinfI and psaA/trnS-HinfI for cpDNA and ITS5/ITS2-HhaI and ITS3/ITS4-HhaI for rDNA, generated very informative bands from all of the seven species studied. A total of 147 scores were recorded and used in PHYLIP (phylogeny inference package) to generate a combined phylogenetic tree. The family was divided into two clades: the Aucuba clade and the cornaceous clade. The cornaceous clade further divided into two subclades: the previously suggested blue- or white-fruited dogwoods (C. walteri and C. macrophylla) and the Cornelian cherries (C. officinalis), and the big-bracted dogwoods (C. kousa and C. florida). The opposite-leaved blue- or white-fruited dogwoods were found to be close sisters to the alternate-leaved blue- or white-fruited dogwoods and all sisters to the Cornelian cherries. C. kousa and C. florida were found to be close sisters under big-bracted dogwoods. Based on the topology portrayed by the phylogenetic tree obtained, it is possible to conclude that big-bracted dogwoods are the most primitive member followed by the intermediates – the cornelian cherries, and the blue- or white-fruited dogwoods are the most advanced members, while the Aucuba clade is the most primitive in the family.

      • KCI등재

        Life on Leaves: Which Type of Domatia in Cornus Species is Most Preferred by Foliar Mites?

        Issakwisa Bernard Ngondya,김봉규,Rashid Ismael Hag Ibrahim 경상대학교 농업생명과학연구원 2011 농업생명과학연구 Vol.45 No.3

        In this study three types of domatia; Tuft (T), Pocket-Tuft (PT) and Pocket (P) were observed on some species of the genus Cornus. Cornus officinalis Sieb & Zuee and C. florida Linnaeus possess T type, C. controversa Hemsl and C. walteri Wangerin possess PT type while C. alba Linnaeus possess P type. A total of 120 leaves were investigated for foliar mite’s population. T type domatia was the habitat of 329 mites (48.89%), followed by PT type where 198 mites (29.41%) were found, and the least favored was the P type domatia that accommodated 146 mites (21.70%) out of 673 mites in total. The mean number of mites per domatia was 8(±0.22), 4(±0.95) and 3(±0.70) for T, PT and P type, respectively. The alternative hypothesis that foliar mites prefer T type domatia as a habitat than PT and P type domatia was accepted based on these findings at a probability of P>0.05. Thus, it was concluded that foliar mites prefer T type domatia than the other two types. This could be due to the nature and efficiency of T type domatia in ensuring mites protection from predators and unfriendly environmental conditions. Therefore, the presence of denser tufts lowers the risks of predation and unfriendly environmental conditions and results in a higher number of mites.

      • KCI등재

        Are Poverty and Illiteracy to Blame for Forests Degradation? A Case Study of Mbeya Range Forest Reserve. Mbeya-Tanzania

        Ngondya, Issakwisa Bernard,Ibrahim, Rashid Ismael Hag,Choo, Gab-Chul Institute of Forest Science 2011 Journal of Forest Science Vol.27 No.2

        In this study, a total of 350 households contained 700 individuals in Iganzo village were surveyed to study their literate and poverty levels and their impacts to conservation of the Mbeya Range Forest Reserve. The study included 350 women and 350 men. The majority of respondents were between the ages of 31-40 years old (53%), while the rest were between 41-50 years old (25%) and 21-30 years old (22%). The total income per day per household was calculated and averaged to 4,570 Tanzanian shillings that is equal to about 3 U.S. dollars. The average number of members per household was seven. It was reported that, there is a tremendous decrease in biodiversity composition of the reserve mainly due to poverty (80%) and ignorance (76%) of the people on the importance of the reserve. Other causes for this decrease were reported to be grazing of livestock in the reserve (23%), poor farming systems (68%), which resulted in soil erosion, encroachment (64%) through expansion of farms towards the reserve boundary and charcoal burning (34%). Respondents from Mbeya Urban Water Supply Authority and District Forest Office mentioned lack of funds (49%) and lack of experts (56%) as challenges that face the conservation of the reserve. It was revealed that 25% of respondents had never gone to school, 53% had primary level of education as their highest level of education, 20% had secondary education and 2% had first degree. The null hypothesis that poverty and illiteracy have a positive correlation to forest degradation was accepted based on these findings at a probability of p>0.85. Thus, it was concluded that poverty and illiteracy among Iganzo village residents are the main causes for the degradation of biodiversity in Mbeya Range Forest Reserve.

      • KCI등재

        Life on Leaves: Which Type of Domatia in Cornus Species is Most Preferred by Foliar Mites?

        Issakwisa Bernard Ngondya,Bong-Gyu Kim,Rashid Ismael Hag Ibrahim 경상대학교 농업생명과학연구원 2011 농업생명과학연구 Vol.45 No.3

        In this study three types of domatia; Tuft (T), Pocket-Tuft (PT) and Pocket (P) were observed on some species of the genus Cornus. Cornus officinalis Sieb & Zuee and C. florida Linnaeus possess T type, C. controversa Hemsl and C. walteri Wangerin possess PT type while C. alba Linnaeus possess P type. A total of 120 leaves were investigated for foliar mite’s population. T type domatia was the habitat of 329 mites (48.89%), followed by PT type where 198 mites (29.41%) were found, and the least favored was the P type domatia that accommodated 146 mites (21.70%) out of 673 mites in total. The mean number of mites per domatia was 8(±0.22), 4(±0.95) and 3(±0.70) for T, PT and P type, respectively. The alternative hypothesis that foliar mites prefer T type domatia as a habitat than PT and P type domatia was accepted based on these findings at a probability of P<0.05. Thus, it was concluded that foliar mites prefer T type domatia than the other two types. This could be due to the nature and efficiency of T type domatia in ensuring mites protection from predators and unfriendly environmental conditions. Therefore, the presence of denser tufts lowers the risks of predation and unfriendly environmental conditions and results in a higher number of mites.

      • KCI등재

        Taxonomic Importance of Leaf Domatia of the Five Species of the Genus Cornus in Korea

        Bong-Gyu Kim,Issakwisa Bernard Ngondya 경상대학교 농업생명과학연구원 2010 농업생명과학연구 Vol.44 No.6

        Three types of leaf domatia; Pocket (P), Tufts (T) and Tufts-Pocket (TP) were observed in the five species of Cornus namely; Cornus kousa, C. controversa, C. officinalis, C. walteri and C. alba. In C. walteri no tufts were observed, the domatia was just a well developed pocket one. In C. officinalis and C. kousa, tufts domatia of brownish color were observed but C. officinalis developed denser tufts than those observed in C. kousa. Unlike in C. kousa where the domatia covered about only ½ of the axil, in the C. officinalis tufts covered almost ¾ of the axil. In both species the tufts domatia were located in the inner side of the leaf axil. In C. controversa and C. alba whitish colored tufts were observed covering Pockets and hence the Tuft‐Pocket domatia. In C. controversa the tufts were more than in C. alba but in both species the tufts were short and were located in the inner sides of the axil. Thus, based on these physiological features it was concluded that C. officinalis and C. kousa are sister species likewise C. controversa and C. alba while C. walteri belong to another lineage. The advancement of domatia (absence of tufts) in C. walteri suggests that they are the most advanced while C. officinalis and C. kousa the most primitive due to their possession of highly developed tufts and C. controversa and C. alba the intermediates.

      • KCI등재

        Taxonomic Importance of Leaf Domatia of the Five Species of the Genus Cornus in Korea

        김봉규,Issakwisa Bernard Ngondya 경상대학교 농업생명과학연구원 2010 농업생명과학연구 Vol.44 No.6

        Three types of leaf domatia; Pocket (P), Tufts (T) and Tufts-Pocket (TP) were observed in the five species of Cornus namely; Cornus kousa, C. controversa, C. officinalis, C. walteri and C. alba. In C. walteri no tufts were observed, the domatia was just a well developed pocket one. In C. officinalis and C. kousa, tufts domatia of brownish color were observed but C. officinalis developed denser tufts than those observed in C. kousa. Unlike in C. kousa where the domatia covered about only ½ of the axil, in the C. officinalis tufts covered almost ¾ of the axil. In both species the tufts domatia were located in the inner side of the leaf axil. In C. controversa and C. alba whitish colored tufts were observed covering the Pockets and hence the Tuft‐Pocket domatia. In C. controversa the tufts were more than in C. alba but in both species the tufts were short and were located in the inner sides of the axil. Thus, based on these physiological features it was concluded that C. officinalis and C. kousa are sister species likewise C. controversa and C. alba while C. walteri belong to another lineage. The advancement of domatia (absence of tufts) in C. walteri suggests that they are the most advanced while C. officinalis and C. kousa the most primitive due to their possession of highly developed tufts and C. controversa and C. alba the intermediates.

      • KCI등재

        Genetic diversity in six natural populations of Taxus cuspidata from Baekdu trail and Jeju Island in South Korea analyzed by RAPD-DNA markers

        추갑철,안종빈,박정근,Issakwisa Bernard Ngondya,RASHID ISMAEL HAG IBRAHIM,신승호 한국산림과학회 2012 Forest Science And Technology Vol.8 No.4

        RAPD markers were used to analyze the genetic diversity among six populations of Taxus cuspidata collected from natural forests along the Baekdu trail in South Korea. Six of 10-mer primers were selected based on primary screening from group OPA01–OPA20 as single primers for PCR amplification. The primers OPA11 and OPA16 gave the fewest and the highest number of bands, respectively. A total of 93 bands were scored and 44(47.31%) were polymorphic with polymorphism level ranging from 42.86% to 52.94% depending on the individual’s origin and a mean of 48.11%. Shannon’s information indices ranged from 0.368 (Deog yu Mt) to 1.342 (Jiri Mt), while the genetic diversity ranged from 70.141 (Deog yu Mt) to 0.328 (Jiri Mt and So baek Mt). Nei’s genetic distance (D) varied from 0.182 (Ga chil Mt/Deog yu Mt) to 1.099 (Ga chil Mt/Tae baek Mt and So baek Mt/Tae baek Mt), which suggested a high level of genetic differentiation among pairs of populations. A dendogram revealed that the six populations were separated into two clusters. One cluster included two of the northern populations (So baek Mt and Ga chil Mt), one of the southern population (Deog yu Mt), and the other cluster included two of the southern populations (Jiri Mt and Halla Mt) and one from northern areas of South Korea (Tae baek Mt).

      • KCI등재

        한려해상국립공원 동부지역(지심도, 내도, 윤돌도, 송도, 갈도)의 관속식물상

        박삼봉,안현철,조현서,추갑철,신현수,안종빈,박정근,Issakwisa Bernard Ngondya,김한진 경상대학교 농업생명과학연구원 2012 농업생명과학연구 Vol.46 No.5

        This study was conducted to investigate the distribution of vascular plants in five islands of Jisimdo, Naedo, Yoondoldo, Songdo and Galdo in East Hallyeohaesang National Park. The Islands were surveyed from 2010 to 2011. The flora was classified to as: Jisimdo, 246 taxa; 85 families, 195 genus, 219 species, 3 subspecies, 24 varieties and 2 forma. Naedo, 143 taxa; 72 families, 127 genus, 131 species, 12 varieties. Yoondoldo, 84 taxa; 56 families, 73 genus, 219 species, 1 subspecies, 10 varieties. Songdo, 70 taxa; 33 families, 63 genus, 64 species, 6 varieties and Galdo, 93 taxa; 47 families, 84 genus, 84 species, 1 subspecies, 7 varieties, and 1 forma. Thus, a total of 380 taxa; 105 families, 272 genus, 334 species, 3 subspecies, 39 varieties and 4 forma were observed. A total of 8 and 6 taxa were found to be rare plants in surveyed areas and endemic to Korea, respectively. Distribution of floristic special plants in the surveyed area was divided into five classes (class Ⅰ- Ⅴ), 42 taxa; were in class Ⅰ, 1 taxa; was in class Ⅱ, 25 taxa; were in class Ⅲ, 4 taxa; were in class Ⅳ and 4 taxa; were in class Ⅴ. Total floristic special plants were 76 taxa. 한려해상국립공원 동부지역에 속해 있는 5개의 섬(지심도, 내도, 윤돌도, 송도, 갈도)에 대한 식물상을2010년부터 2011년까지 조사하였다. 본 연구 대상지역에 분포하는 관속식물의 출현은 지심도는 85과 195속 219종 24변종 2품종 3아종 246분류군, 내도는 72과 127속 131종 12변종 143분류군, 윤돌도는 56과73속 73종 10변종 1아종 84분류군, 송도는 33과 63속 64종 6변종 70분류군, 갈도는 47과 84속 84종 7변종 1품종 1아종 93분류군으로 모두 105과 272속 334종 39변종 4품종 3아종으로 총 380분류군이 출현하였다. 산림청 지정 희귀식물은 7종이 출현하였으며, 특산식물은 6종이 출현하였고, 식물구계학적 특정식물종은 Ⅰ등급에는 42종류, Ⅱ등급에는 1종, Ⅲ등급에는 25종류, Ⅳ등급에는 4종류, Ⅴ등급에는 4종류로 총 76종류가 출현하였다.

      • KCI등재

        한려해상국립공원 지심도의 식생구조

        안현철,김정운,추갑철,신현수,박삼봉,안종빈,박정근,Issakwisa Bernard Ngondya 경상대학교 농업생명과학연구원 2012 농업생명과학연구 Vol.46 No.3

        지심도는 한려해상국립공원내 거제ㆍ해금강지구에 속하며 경남 거제시 일운면 옥림리에 위치하고 있다. 본 조사는 지심도 탐방로를 따라 식생구조를 파악하기 위하여 26개 조사구(단위면적100㎡)를 설치하여 조사를 실시하였다. 대부분의 지역에서 동백나무가 우점하고 있었으며 일부지역에서 곰솔과 머귀나무가 우점하고 있었다. 수종간의 상관관계에서는 조록나무와 광나무; 왕작살나무와 사스레피나무; 육박나무와 생달나무; 육박나무과 센달나무 등의 종간에는 높은 정의 상관이, 육박나무과 곰솔; 머귀나무와 구실잣밤나무 등의 수종들 간에는 정의상관이 인정되었고, 수종들 간에는 부의 상관이 나타나지 않았다. 조사지의 종 다양도는 0.519~1.022로 국립공원 내 다른 지역에 비해 다소 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 지심도의 탄약고 주변에 환경부에서 지정한 희귀 및 멸종위기야생식물Ⅱ급인 애기등이 10개체가 출현하였는데, 이들에 대한 지속적인 모니터링을 통해 훼손대책을 강구할 필요가 있었다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the structure of the vegetation on the trail of Hallyeo Marine & Coastal National Park. Twenty six 10×10m plots were established along the Jisimdo trail. The vascular plants were surveyed from March 2011 to October 2011. Camellia japonica was a major woody species in the study area, while Pinus thunbergii and Zanthoxylum ailanthoides were co-dominant tree species. There were positive correlations between Distylium racemosum and Ligustrum japonicum var. japonicum; Callicarpa japonica var. luxurians and Eurya japonical; Actinodaphne lancifolia and Cinnamomum japonicum; A. lancifolia and Machilus japonica. Positive correlations were found between A. lancifolia and P. thunbergii; Z. ailanthoides and C. japonicum. Species diversity (H′) was ranged from 0.51907 to 1.0217, and was relatively low compared to those of same national parks. 10 populations of Milletia japonica which are rare and endemic species, were recorded from the list of rare and endemic species of the Ministry of Environment near by ammo dumps, this study recommend the long term habitat monitoring of the species.

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