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김봉규,정재훈,Kim, Bong-Gyu,Jeong, Jae-Hun 한국천문학회 1992 天文學論叢 Vol.7 No.1
We determined the efficiencies of the aperture. beam and forward spillover and scattering of 13.7 m radio telescope at Daeduk Radio Astronomy Observatory through the observations of the planets and Moon. The main panels adjustments were carried out on September 1991 and the improvements in the efficiencies were checked by comparing the observations made before and after the panel adjustments. The efficiencies were turned out to be 0.35, 0,47 and 0.83 at 115.27 GHz for the aperture, beam and forward scattering and spillover. respectively. These marked nearly a factor of two upgrade of the efficiencies previously measured.
전자 제어식 가솔린 엔진의 벽류 생성 요인에 관한 연구
김봉규,이기형,이창식,Kim, Bong-Gyu,Lee, Ki-Hyung,Lee, Chang-Sik 대한기계학회 1998 大韓機械學會論文集B Vol.22 No.11
Mixture formation is one of the significant factors to improve combustion performance of an spark ignition engine. This is affected by spray and atomization characteristics of injector. In the case of EGI system, air-fuel mixing period is so short that a lot of fuel-film and liquid-fuel flow into cylinder. Since this fuel-film is not burnt perfectly in cylinder, it is exhausted in the form of HC emission. In this paper, three measurement techniques were utilized to measure spray characteristics and the amount of fuel-film in the cylinder. At first, PMAS was used to measure the spray characteristics such as size distributions, SMD, and spray angle. Secondly the amount and distribution of fuel-film which flow into through intake valve could be measured quantitatively using the fuel-film measuring device. And lastly, by optical fiber type spark plug used to detect the diffusion flame, the amount of unburned HC was measured. As the result of these experiments, the information of optimal spray characteristics and injection condition to minimize fuel-film could be built up.